Cicada Moving

Chapter 1110: After the island city

Chapter 1110 After the Island City

 “Okay! Okay!”

Half a month after Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng disclosed the secret meeting between Japan and the puppets, Zuo Zhong was holding a newspaper in an enemy-occupied area in his office. He was applauding the report while reading it. He then pointed to the photos in the newspaper with Gu Qi and Song Minghao in front of him and smiled. said.

“Look, Ji has lost face in front of the whole world. It’s a pity that this **** was not killed.”

 “It’s all the deputy chairperson who planned the strategy and commanded it well.”

Looking at the photo of Mr. Ji with his head wrapped in a bandage, and solemnly presiding over the "Returning the Capital" ceremony, Gucci flattered him in every possible way, not forgetting to give a thumbs up on his hand.

Song Minghao also showed admiration at the right time and nodded unwillingly: "Thanks to your clever plan this time, you instigated the rebellion of Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng, and made Ji Ni's conspiracy known to the world. Otherwise, the government would be in big trouble."

After speaking, he said with a smile on his face: "Deputy Sir, I heard that the commissioner will award you and the bureau chief tomorrow? Do you want to humble yourself and go to a restaurant to book a table? Brothers want to celebrate for you.

By the way, Bai Wen moved again a few days ago. There were more than ten trucks transporting property, including countless gold and silver treasures, antique calligraphy and paintings, and the scene was spectacular. "

Song Minghao was very thoughtful when it came to courting Ma P. He kept these two sentences in mind and put them into practice.

"Oh, let's forget about celebrating. The current situation is very sensitive, so we should keep a low profile. Besides, it was Zhongtong and Meng Ting who injured Ji. What does it have to do with me? Please don't pour ecstasy soup on me. ”

Zuo Zhong thought of Lao Bai's treasures, and waved his hands regretfully while being greedy, stopping the other party's grand plan, and glanced at the two lines of headlines in the newspaper.

 "The island city was in danger and survived, Mr. Ji returned to Jinling with injuries"

 "Commander Nishio Juzo of the Republic of China dispatched troops went to the hospital to visit Chief Hase"

The Central Commander or Meng Ting did a very good job this time. They used two overt action teams to attract the attention of the Japanese and puppets, and secretly sent a highly confidential team to launch mortars and leaflets from the sea on fishing boats. , gave Ji a hard lesson.

What's even better is that Meng Ting asked the Central Unification's lurking personnel in the island city to release fireworks in the city. The sound and light of the fireworks successfully covered up the traces of mortar launches. All the Central Unification agents involved in the bombardment safely evacuated, leaving only The Japanese caught an empty fishing boat.

At the same time, a B10 bomber of the Air Force used the burning International Club as a navigation point and carried out a second bombing of the scene, killing many Japanese and puppet personnel. Even Ryosuke Hase was almost killed, which was considered a big blow. The water washed away the Dragon King Temple.

Although these two attacks did not kill any important personnel of the puppet government, they effectively suppressed the arrogance of the traitors. Especially those leaflets were a stroke of genius. In someone's words, they were aimed at Ji Ji one after another. The "moral artillery bombs" used by Ni and others are similar to the military bombing of the Japanese mainland after the war between China and Japan.

In addition to the secret agreement between Japan and puppets announced by Gao and Tao, the whole country is now condemning Mr. Ji and his party members. Mr. Xilin, the leader of the country, made a radio speech to the world, calling the puppet government a rebellious government and asking all countries not to recognize it. .

Shancheng also issued a wanted order for the main members of Ji's group, a total of 105 people. Seeing this situation, the traitors in North China and Mongolia decisively acted as cowards. The merger plan finally reached was in name only, and the puppet government's important Sexuality is greatly reduced.

The Japanese lost their bargaining chips with Yamashiro and someone, so they had to extend an olive branch again, and without the lion's mouth opening, the "Peace" conditions proposed were much more reliable, at least they no longer required the government to surrender completely.

 Zuo Zhong didn't know whether this result was good or bad, but he couldn't be afraid of hearing the cries of crickets and stop planting crops. The island city meeting and the Japanese-Puppet secret agreement must be destroyed, so that these traitors will join forces to cause endless troubles.

Someone was overjoyed to have achieved his goal of occupying a dominant position in the peace talks with Japan, and immediately decided to award medals to the military commanders and central commanders who had made contributions in this operation.

 The list of honors awarded includes Dai Chunfeng, Zuo Zhong, Zhu Liuxian, Xu Enzeng and Meng Ting.

Among them, master and apprentice Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong received the Medal of the Blue Sky and White Sun, which was awarded to them for their "proper planning to achieve complete victory." This is the second medal of this kind received by Zuo Zhong. He went to the Merit Forest to further his studies. The great days are becoming more and more promising.

Zhu Liuxian, Xu Enzeng and Meng Ting received the Jade Medal, which was modified from the Jade Medal that only heads of state can wear. The difference is that Zhu Liuxian and Xu Enzeng received the first class, while Meng Ting received the third class. After all, he is a member of the underground party, so it is not a good thing to praise him too highly.

When Zuo Zhong thought about standing on the same podium as Xu Enzeng, he felt as if he had eaten a dead fly. No matter what his surname was, he was worthy of being awarded the medal with him. If Meng Ting hadn't turned the tide, Xu Enzeng would have gone. It's an execution ground, not an auditorium.

After secretly complaining a few words, he put down the newspaper and got down to business: "Old Gu, Old Song, the commissioner asked us to select a group of talents who are friendly to Japan, familiar with Japan's diplomatic strategies and proficient in various specialties. This job requires Do it quickly and do it carefully. Those who meet the requirements must be reviewed one by one. The articles they have published, what they have said, the people they have come into contact with, and even the ideological attitudes of their families must not be mixed into radicals who agree with the joint anti-Japanese war. ┴Advocate, do you understand?”

The first time the Japanese offered an olive branch, someone ordered the military commander to recruit party-state elites who met the above requirements. These people would be secretly gathered to be responsible for formulating the content of the contract and to serve as the national government's think tank for peace talks with Japan.

 Lao Dai once told Zuo Zhong about this matter (verse 1093). When the puppet government was unreliable and the Japanese began to flirt with Yamashiro again, the relevant preparations officially entered the implementation stage.

As far as the national government is concerned, other things can be put on hold for the time being. Finding a group of available and reliable staff has become the most urgent thing at the moment, otherwise it will be easy to follow the footsteps of Mr. Ji.

First of all, peace talks are not a child's play. They involve the bargaining of many political, military, cultural, economic and other interests. The participation of professionals is indispensable. Just relying on the officials in the national government will help several people to be sold out by the Japanese. money.

This is just like the strategic deception plan against Red Russia and Japan. At that time, the military commander hired many staff officers who were familiar with the situation of the two countries. Without the participation and contribution of these talents, they would not have been able to successfully provoke and expand the war between the two countries. .

 Leave professional matters to professionals, this sentence is never wrong.

It is easier to understand if it is reliable. Now all walks of life in the Republic of China are united to deal with the Japanese aggression. Once the news of the secret negotiations between the government and the Japanese is leaked, it will be no less than a blockbuster bomb exploding, and the consequences will be worse than someone Ji openly surrendering to the enemy. serious.

Therefore, we must be very careful in selecting personnel. As the top intelligence agency of the government, this burden naturally falls on the head of the military commander. If others are to do it, someone will not be at ease.

Of course, Zuo Zhong did not explain the twists and turns to Gu Qi and Song Minghao. The peace talks with Japan were the top secret of the government, and the other party only needed to carry out his orders.

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

Counter-espionage and review are the responsibility of the Second Division. Gu Qi and Song Minghao left voluntarily after receiving the order. As for why they did this, they knew that this was not their place to ask. Those who are curious will not survive long in the army.

 After the two left, Zuo Zhong put the matter aside and began to think about another thing - whether to let Xing Hanliang enter the Changgu Agency.

Zhongtong attacked the island city conference venue. Compared with Ji, who almost had his imagination blown, Xing Hanliang was lucky. He only fell a few times. After returning to Jinling safely, he immediately reported the trip to the headquarters, especially Chang Gu. Ryousuke's invitation to him.

This is said to be a good thing. Through this, the military commander can get more information about the Japanese intelligence system. Changgu's level is too high and he is too far away from the grassroots agents. The intelligence returned has certain limitations. After Xing Hanliang enters, he can improve the military commander's information. Intelligence sources.

The disadvantages are also obvious. The Japanese are not good men and women. They know that if a person from the Republic of China wants to enter a high-level intelligence agency, he will be subject to the most stringent scrutiny. This means that everything about Xing Hanliang will be carefully observed by the Japanese under a magnifying glass.

For example, his past experiences, his network, his thoughts and speeches, once Xing Hanliang shows flaws, the Japanese will be like a shark that smells blood, pounce on him and bite him hard, and even Hase Ryosuke will not be able to interfere. , rules are rules, no one can make exceptions.

 After thinking for a long time, Zuo Zhong felt that it was better to leave this question to Xing Hanliang to answer. We are all adults, and it is up to him to decide how to go in the future, and no one else can do it for him.

High risks usually come with high returns. If Xing Hanliang succeeds in infiltrating the Changgu Agency and succeeds in the future, he will not only be able to make meritorious deeds, but also find a way out for his uncle. Otherwise, as the first senior official to follow Ji, the other party will undoubtedly die. .

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong took out a personnel file from the drawer. What was written on the file bag was Du Ziteng. It contained all the information about Du Ziteng from his birth to the present. It had been summarized and verified by multiple departments and intelligence stations. , the content is very detailed.

The file has been in his hands for some time, and he has read it carefully before. The reason for doing this is because long before the military commander launched a rebellion against Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng, Xing Hanliang proposed to develop Du Ziteng to serve the government.

After hesitating for a moment, Zuo Zhong locked the information in the safe. Du Ziteng did have certain intelligence value, but the position of Deputy Minister of the Interior was not too important. Instead of risking sending someone to contact him, it was better to let nature take its course and see how the other party performed. Say it again.

He will not affect his work for the sake of his personal feelings, let alone put his subordinates in danger for the sake of his friends. He is selfless, which is easier said than done. I just hope that Xing Hanliang can understand himself. In this position, there are some things that are beyond his control. By one's own.

After handling the work at hand, he walked out of the office calmly. Tomorrow is the "big day" for Teacher Xianyang. He, his proud disciple, has to make an appearance, and he must be prepared in advance for the flattery, otherwise he will have to pay for it. Nothing can beat the heat.

 (End of this chapter)

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