Cicada Moving

Chapter 1111: Screening

Chapter 1111 Screening

Outside the auditorium of the Shancheng State Government, a photographer stood behind a large-format camera for a long time, pouting, and then emerged from under the curtain that blocked the sun. He raised his hands and made a gesture to someone in front of the camera and many senior government officials. The gesture of gathering was full of flattery.

“Sirs, please come closer to the Chairman.”

This person is also a master of flattery. Listen to this little word, "get closer", which can be both spatial and political. No wonder people in public affairs are full of talents and they speak well.

 Someone in a good mood stood there with a smile. The ministers and generals next to him moved their steps and turned sideways to get as close to the person as possible so that they could be in a more central position in the photo.

Don't underestimate this distance. It represents a person's status in the government. The party and state officials are pushing each other and refusing to give in. The most energetic one among them is Xu Enzeng. This guy has a shining medal on his chest. The Jade Picking Medal was crowded among the crowd.

 Comparatively, Zhu Liuxian, who was also awarded the honorary medal, behaved much calmly. After all, he is someone's important think tank, and this is not the first time that he has taken a group photo.

As for Meng Ting, he could only stand obediently at the edge, lowering his head to avoid the camera. It seemed that he did not want to leave a video record of himself, but this matter was not up to him.

It has always been the rule of the government to take photos to commemorate important events. He did not mention his official position, and as an underground party traitor, he did not even have the right to refuse.

A few minutes later, the cameraman pressed the switch in his hand, and a line of smoke slowly rose. The awarding ceremony was successfully concluded. Someone who was busy with business was the first to leave. The principals were all gone. The officers suddenly dispersed, three in a group and five in a group. The guy walked to the parking lot.

Until the crowd dispersed, Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong quickly walked out of the side door and got into a car with a civilian license plate, and left the auditorium in a hurry. The master and apprentice sat in the back of the car to communicate about today's events.

“Shen Zhi, be wary of Meng Ting, the central commander. If it weren’t for him this time, Xu Enzeng would definitely lose face in front of the commissioners.”

Old Dai rubbed his fingers, recalling Meng Ting's performance in his mind, and said lightly that being able to make him, who was in charge of the largest intelligence system in the Republic of China, say the word "vigilance" was enough to prove that Meng Ting was extraordinary.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. Indeed, apart from him and Teacher Biandian, only Meng Ting among the people present was avoiding being photographed in the face. From this point alone, we can see how cautious this person was.

Although Xing Hanliang provided his simulated portrait to the Japanese, the simulated portrait is a portrait after all, and it is inevitable that there will be distortions. As an intelligence officer, it is best not to leave any identifiable photos of his face.

As he was thinking, he heard Dai Chunfeng continue: "The personnel involved in the planning of the peace talks must be selected as soon as possible, and then gather in secret to study and formulate the contents of the treaty. According to the principal's order, you will be responsible for the overall and security work. I have already assigned the office location." Find it, Li Wei will hand over to you.

The confidentiality and supervision during the operation will be left to Zhongtong. Listening to people in the corner is their specialty. Don't worry, we and Zhongtong will each take charge of it. The person named Xu does not dare to interfere with you. If this **** dares to cause trouble, You can report to the committee without saving face for him, and there is no need to worry about Er Chen. "

 Very good, the scapegoat is in place.

Zuo Zhong responded respectfully, and then changed the topic. The master and apprentice chatted and laughed and returned to Luojiawan to hold another bureau meeting to commend the useful ministers who had instigated this rebellion.

A few days later, the military commanders who gradually emerged from the celebratory atmosphere returned to their usual silence. Miserable screams and wails continued to be heard from the interrogation room, but it was unknown how many real spies were inside.

Zuo Zhong could do nothing about this. The military commander had his own operating rules. Even if he was the deputy director, he could not care about everything. At most, he could ask the agents to release people after eliminating suspicion, so as to save some money for detention centers and prisons.

 “Vice seat.”

In the morning, Gu Qi and Song Minghao walked into Zuo Zhong’s office with a document. After asking, they put the document on the table, and Gu Qi began to report as the representative.

“The people you asked us to select have already compiled a preliminary list. This is their file. There are 64 people in total. They are all business backbones selected from various departments of the government, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Military Commission, the Ministry of Finance, etc.

 According to your request, these people all have the experience of studying in Japan, and their attitudes towards the war are also very ambiguous. Some of them made wavering remarks after the war started, and even agreed with Ji Ni’s remarks about saving the country in a curve, which is a very dangerous stance. "

After speaking, he carefully looked at Zuo Zhong. No one is a fool. Shangfeng suddenly wanted to summon people who were friendly to Japan. The purpose was very obvious. His last statement was very dangerous. In fact, he was testing Zuo Zhong's attitude.

 After fighting the Japanese to the death for so many years, there were so many stars on the wall of the Memorial to the Unsung Heroes, countless people were displaced and their families were destroyed, but now they had to shake hands with the Japanese and make peace. To be honest, he couldn't accept it.

 Any conscientious person in the Republic of China cannot accept this.

Song Minghao on the side swallowed nervously, wishing he could put his head in his crotch, and secretly cursed Lao Gu for being troublesome. They can do whatever the superiors tell them to do. With a salary of dozens of yuan a month, there is no need to be too serious. . "hehe."

Zuo Zhong opened the document in his hand and chuckled softly: "Old Gu, even a piece of toilet paper has its uses. It doesn't matter if the position is dangerous. As long as you have the right direction and the right direction, the ship will not yaw. Are you right?

Okay, let’s not gossip anymore. Check out the daily words and deeds of these people. Dissidents are especially good at disguising. Your review cannot be superficial. You must check the root cause. If the underground party sneaks into the list, the consequences will be very serious. serious. "

The reminder is enough. If Gu Qi were not an old partner from the Secret Service, he would not be able to explain some of his words clearly. Now, to say that these people are not firm in their stance is the biggest lack of firmness.

After being awakened, Gu Qi broke into cold sweat on his forehead and yawed. This kind of thing can be big or small. If it goes online, it means that he is inconsistent with the Chairman's thoughts and is dissatisfied with the leader, let alone in a key intelligence agency. This is a serious mistake that is unacceptable in any organization.

In fear, he hurriedly explained: "Deputy Chairman, I just made a mistake. Don't worry. Lao Song and I have thoroughly reviewed the list of people with historical experience and people from other places. All of them have been transferred from outside. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, brother We will be watching, and any disturbance will not escape our eyes. "

"Yes, deputy chairperson, Lao Gu and I also led a team to conduct an investigation on their relatives. There will definitely be no mistakes." Song Minghao interjected with a very confident tone. If he were not completely sure, this old man Youtiao would not say such things.


Zuo Zhong pondered for a few seconds, then raised his head: "Forget it, continue to monitor. The committee is very anxious and there is no time. Let's do this. Old Song, go find a nightclub and invite those people through secret channels tomorrow night." Prom.

As for you, Lao Gu, contact Ge Laohui and ask them to bring all the red card singers and dancers in Shancheng to the dance venue tomorrow night. Let’s set up the stage and see how these people react. The details will be revealed when I arrive at the venue tomorrow. Let’s talk in detail, okay, let’s go. "

The confused Gu Qi and Song Minghao left with doubts on their faces. They didn't understand the connection between the screening and the dance, but orders were orders. They immediately followed Zuo Zhong's instructions to prepare for the dance and contact the elder brothers.

So on the next day, the regular visitors to Huazong in the mountain city were surprised to find that all the pretty girls were gone and they had no place to play. This made some people complain. I heard that a certain deputy director named Xu was particularly angry.

But this had nothing to do with Zuo Chong. Night had just fallen, and he appeared at an internal dance held in the name of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a fake beard and glasses on.

After briefly checking the situation at the scene, he knocked on the door and walked into a room near the dance floor, and asked Gucci, who was looking out through the surveillance hole.

“How about it, everyone is here, right?”

 “We’re all here, deputy seat.”

“Very good, pay close attention to the movements of all targets to see who is wandering around and not in contact with dancers or singers. The surveillance operation will continue until tomorrow morning.”

Hearing this, Gu Qi thought he understood, and replied with a smile: "Deputy Master, do you want to use beauty to test your target? This can indeed quickly pick out those with strong will, I admire you."

But Zuo Zhong's reaction was a bit unexpected. He folded his arms and looked at the feasting and feasting outside in silence for a long time. Then he turned to look at Gucci and shook his head slightly.

"Wrong, these people can't be used. I think you can guess what I want to do when I select people. What I want is people who are greedy for wine, **** and wealth, because only such people are easy to control. Remember, this mission Confidentiality is the first priority.

Compared with my character, I am more afraid of someone being dissatisfied or having a so-called sense of justice and revealing their work content to the outside world. Old Gu, you have to be flexible when thinking about problems. Sometimes villains are more useful than gentlemen. I don’t need to tell you what to do next. Come on. "

 “No, no need, I understand.”

Gu Qi, whose outlook on life was strongly impacted, nodded numbly. A villain is more useful than a gentleman. This sentence kept repeating in his mind, which made it difficult for him. Even as a secret agent in the depths of darkness, the universal values ​​​​that he had always recognized were proven to be wrong. Yes, it's still a bit hard to accept.

Zuo Zhong patted the opponent's shoulder, turned around and left without saying anything. No matter how much others say about this kind of thing, it's useless. You have to figure it out on your own. There is a saying that the world is like chess. As a chess player, you must abandon the general view of good and evil. , only look at the pros and cons, not right or wrong.

After leaving the dance, he returned to the headquarters office and took out a building floor plan that Li Wei gave him. The top of the drawing was marked with the words "Xiangshan Apartment". This was the office location Dai Chunfeng had found for this operation, and it was also the place where the military command center was about to be launched. New detention center.

The name Xiangshan Apartment may sound a bit unfamiliar, but if you name its other name, people in later generations will definitely be very familiar with it, and even everyone will know it, and that is Bai Gongguan.

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