Cicada Moving

Chapter 1112: Bai Gongguan

Chapter 1112 Bai Mansion

 Gele Mountain.

An important mountain range in the west of the mountain city, the highest peak is 693 meters above sea level. It is mainly a karst landform with active limestone geology. There are many virgin forests on the mountain with lush vegetation and the terrain is considered dangerous.

One day in April 1940, Zuo Zhong, accompanied by Gu Qi, Song Minghao and Gui Youguang, drove to the foot of Gele Mountain. Looking at the lush trees and a stone path, he squinted his eyes slightly. .

He is not unfamiliar with this place. Xing Hanliang and others were trained here before and tried to lurk in the northwest secretly. Unexpectedly, this mission was related to Geleshan again.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong looked at the looming buildings on the mountainside, and then looked at Song Minghao aside: "Old Song, please introduce the situation of Bai Mansion."

Although Bai Gongguan is very famous in later generations, who knows how to memorize a certain encyclopedia? Therefore, if he wants to understand the mission location, he must first listen to the report of his subordinates. This kind of thing is right to ask a veteran, who makes the other party famous in the military command? Bao is asking.

 “Okay, deputy seat.”

Song Minghao replied, leading everyone towards the stone steps, and slowly introduced: "The Bai Mansion was built in a valley halfway up the mountain. It was originally built by Bai Ju, the commander of the 11th Division of the Guo Army in the 20th year of the Republic of China. The holiday villa, because Bai Ju thought he was a descendant of Bai Juyi, named it Xiangshan Villa after Bai Juyi.

Please see, everyone, the road we are taking now is the only road from the mountain to the mansion. It was built at the same time as the mansion, with a total length of more than 200 meters. It should be noted that the mountains and forests around the stone steps are relatively sparse and the terrain is not undulating. If there is If the enemy wants to attack the mansion, they can climb the rock to get close, so it is best to arrange sentry posts in the forest. "

“Well, that’s right, Lao Gu, contact the garrison headquarters and ask them to send a company over to establish a perimeter defense line around it.”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong interrupted Song Minghao's introduction and whispered to Gu Qi that no matter how useless the soldiers in the garrison headquarters were, they would be better than being undefended. After saying this, he nodded to Song Minghao to continue.

By now, the group of people had reached the halfway point of the stone steps. The yellow-brown walls of the Bai Mansion came into view, and the four characters "Xiangshan Villa" at the door were clearly visible. Song Minghao spoke again as he walked.

"After the government moved westward, Xiangshan Villa was taken over by the city defense and military police as a secret prison for the custody of prisoners. Last year, the bureau passed by and discovered that the location was hidden, so they acquired it from the military and planned to renovate it into a detention center directly under the bureau headquarters. "

While they were talking, everyone came outside the villa. Several military agents at the door saw the arrival of the deputy director and several division chiefs and captains. They quickly opened the main door to reveal a two-story brick and wood building with several flat houses next to it. There are corridors connecting each other.

Song Minghao stood at the threshold, pointed to the courtyard and introduced the purpose of each place in detail: "Deputy seat, the first and second floors of the small building are the cells where prisoners are planned to be held. There are more than ten cells on each floor, and all the doors, The windows are all solid iron doors.

The underground storage room on the first floor was converted into a solitary room for serious criminals and prisoners who violated prison regulations. It is about one meter wide and less than three meters long. It has no windows. The Pingfang area is the office and living area for the guards. The interrogation room is in the original air raid shelter. .

There is also a garden behind the yard, covering an area of ​​several hundred meters. There is a road to the top of the mountain. There is a small side door on the left side of the wall, which is used for the entry and exit of supplies. If necessary, these two passages can be temporarily closed, leaving only main entrance.

The entire building is equipped with independent power and telephone lines, which can directly contact various important agencies in the city. In order to ensure the communication security of the detention center, according to the instructions of the Bureau, the Telecommunications Office has stationed two radio stations and operators in advance. "

After listening to the introduction, Zuo Zhong took the lead and walked in. He immediately saw the slogans on the wall: "Be loyal when you advance, make up for your mistakes when you retreat", and "Rectify your friendship without seeking benefits, and understand the way without counting the merits." This must be Lao Dai's slogan. The other party likes to do these fancy tricks.

After walking around the yard and buildings twice, he found that the place had been basically repaired and renovated. Various living facilities were complete, the doors and windows were strong and durable, and even the wells had been cleaned. It could be said that as long as there was enough food, the people inside would be able to survive for a long time. No need to go out.

From this point of view, it is indeed very appropriate to use Bai Gongguan to house the preparatory personnel for the peace talks with Japan. After cutting off internal and external communication, no one can deliver news to the outside world. Cooperating with the external garrison headquarters troops and Central Unification agents can ensure that the operation is foolproof. .

After thinking for a while, Zuo Zhong called Gu Qi, Song Minghao, and Gui Youguang to his side: "Lao Gu, Lao Song, you two will cooperate with me next to complete the tasks assigned by me. From the 64 people selected People will be gathering here tonight.

When you pick someone up, you have to pay attention to the way you work. It needs to be hidden, but you can't make a fuss. I don't care how you do it. I need to remind you that this matter must be done without telling your parents or your wife or children. Moreover, it is a long-term job. .

Gui Youguang, you are solely responsible for the internal security work. All the original staff will be transferred, and a group of old brothers will be transferred from the headquarters. Without my personal order, no one, including the security personnel, is allowed to go out as long as they come in.

One more thing, the Central Unification Committee will also send people over to supervise. You don’t have to worry about those rubbish. As long as they don’t make mistakes in their work, no one needs to give face. If the other party dares to cause trouble, then give me a hard beating. I'll take care of it. "

"Yes!" Gu Qi, Song Minghao, and Gui Youguang replied in unison, but secretly groaned in their hearts. If this matter was leaked, they would probably be scolded by public opinion, just like Ji. Among the traitors, big and small, some even had their ancestral graves dug up. It was said that they were done by brothers from the same clan.

Thinking of the consequences of leaking secrets, the three of them shuddered involuntarily and determined that no one should know the information about Bai Mansion no matter what. There was no need for Zuo Zhong to emphasize the confidentiality discipline.

Three hours later, the preparatory personnel located in various parts of the mountain city who met the requirements received urgent business trip documents from different agencies at the same time. Along with the orders came a number of vicious "entourages". They had no time to say goodbye to their homes, and they were masked. The eyes are taken away from the city.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after multiple rounds of screening, a total of 26 members of the peace talks preparatory team stood in the courtyard of Bai Mansion. With an order, the hoods on these people's heads were taken off, and Zuo Zhong and several people with serious faces appear before their eyes.

As the deputy director of the military command, Zuo Zhong still has a certain reputation in the mountain city. Not to mention his demeanor, at least he can stop his children from crying at night.

However, few people have seen his appearance, let alone the three of Gucci, so the preparers who were brought there talked in low voices, guessing the other party's identity and the reason why they were brought.

 “Quiet! Listen to your commander’s instructions.”

Gui Youguang shouted loudly, and with the bald head and sinister face that looked like he was not a good person, everyone wisely chose to keep their mouths shut, and some military personnel even raised their heads and necks.

Zuo Zhong glanced around the 26 people with his sharp eyes, and then took a step forward: "You are all the pillars of your respective departments. Now there is a highly confidential task in Shangfeng that requires you. Before announcing the specific task, there are No one is quitting.

I can guarantee that there is no danger in this mission. Your office is in this courtyard. You don’t have to go to the front line to fight with the Japanese with bayonets. After the mission is completed, you will all receive rewards from the highest level, including money and positions. "

He deliberately did not mention honor. After all, making peace in private is not an honorable thing. But for these party-state elites who are addicted to enjoyment and beauty, money and official positions alone are enough for them to make a choice. Therefore, the 26 people have no choice. quit.

"very good."

After confirming again and again that no one had withdrawn, Zuo Zhong smiled slightly: "Let me introduce myself first. I am Zuo Zhong, deputy director of the Military Command Bureau. You should have heard my name. I have called you all here just for one thing - Peace talks.

Since the Lugou Bridge Incident, China and Japan have been fighting fiercely for more than two years. The Republic of China has lost its entire coast, millions of soldiers have been killed and wounded, and the country is in a state of weakness. The Chairman of the Generalissimo was worried about this and decided to conduct secret negotiations with the Japanese.

 You will become the preparatory members of the peace talks, responsible for drafting and revising the content of the contract, assisting the negotiators at the front, and analyzing the conditions proposed by the Japanese side. In the future, it is likely that you will decide whether China and Japan will go to war or make peace. "

After applauding someone's peacemaking behavior, Zuo Zhong paid close attention to everyone's reactions. Not surprisingly, the people present were either surprised or beaming, but they did not show anger.

The screening work of the Second Division was very good. These people were indeed pessimistic about the war and believed that it was impossible for the Republic of China to defeat the Japanese. They wholeheartedly agreed with the fallacy of saving the country through curveballs.

It is with these people that the government's war mobilization and morale are so low. Don't underestimate these people. Although their positions in various agencies are not high, they are the core personnel responsible for business work, which seriously affects the government. operating efficiency.

The smile in Zuo Zhong's eyes got even bigger. He raised his hand and pressed it downwards, causing this group of happy potential traitors to stop celebrating, and then began to allocate accommodation and office locations to the personnel.

The cell on the second floor that was originally used to detain people was described by him as a very safe and well-conditioned double dormitory. There is nothing wrong with that. Once the iron door and iron window are closed, no one can get in, and of course, no one can get out. .

The Bai Mansion is not large in area, and it is the only two-story building that can accommodate a large number of people. The office is naturally located on the first floor, and is divided into multiple groups such as military, diplomacy, managers, politics, and international law. Group uses one room.

 The basement and interrogation room below the first floor are also busy. One is used to store the drafts produced every day, and the other is used to store the final version of the peace negotiation text. There is a dedicated person responsible for guarding it.

 Finally, he established a discipline for everyone. Different groups, or even the same group, were not allowed to discuss their respective work unless it was a joint work content, so as to minimize the possibility of leaking secrets.

  After doing this, Zuo Zhong ignored the guests who were stunned when they saw the "very safe and in good condition" dormitory. He came to the door of Bai Mansion and snorted coldly at Xu Enzeng, Meng Ting and Mark who came in a hurry.

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