Cicada Moving

Chapter 1113: If you have a problem, hold it in!

  Chapter 1113 If you have a problem, hold it in!

“Old Xu, why are you bringing people to our military commander’s detention center? Could it be that you want to come in and taste what it’s like to be imprisoned?”

As soon as Zuo Zhong saw Xu Enzeng, he ridiculed him. Although the Central Commander and the Military Commander were asked to join forces, it was not Zuo Zhong's style to just follow the orders obediently.

 The conflict between the military and the central government is very deep, and someone knows this very well, so as long as he does not go too far or makes a big fuss, someone will not punish him for it.

The other party is even willing to see the infighting between the two intelligence agencies, so that the person in charge can sit more firmly. Creating and exploiting conflicts is an old-fashioned but very practical power.

When Xu Enzeng heard Zuo Zhong's words, he stopped stroking the medal. Ever since he received the Jade Medal, this guy couldn't wait to wear it even in the shower. He just wanted to show off in front of his old enemy today but was interrupted.

After gritting his teeth for a moment, he stiffened his neck and argued: "Young man named Zuo, I came here under the order of the chairman of the committee. Stop talking nonsense and open the door quickly. My people and I want to go in."

Mark and Meng Ting stood on Xu Enzeng's left and right, a bit like the two generals. There were more than ten Central Unification agents standing in the distance. Seeing that their deputy director was stopped, everyone moved to move forward.

The military agent watching the door clicked and pulled the bolt of his submachine gun. Mark and the others stopped decisively and patted the horse for the sake of patting the horse. It was easy to understand. It was not necessary to risk one's life for a few dozen yuan of military pay.

Zuo Zhong laughed out loud. Faced with such a sincere opponent, he also lost the intention to continue to embarrass himself. He waved lazily and motioned to the guards to let the Central Unification agents in.

Xu Enzeng angrily walked into the Bai Mansion with his hands on his hips, followed by other members of the Central Unification Committee. When they passed each other, Meng Ting, who had kept a low profile throughout the whole process, glanced sideways at Zuo Zhong, and their eyes happened to meet.


Zuo Zhong smiled inwardly and turned back to the Bai Mansion. The heavy steel door was slowly closed, and the entire Xiangshan Apartment was completely sealed. In theory, no one who entered could leave until the task was completed.

“Who is that? Where are we staying? Find me a single room quickly. I need to take a rest first.”

As soon as he entered, Xu Enzeng pointed at a little spy and shouted. His two sneaky eyes scanned the buildings in the courtyard. His face was full of exhaustion. It seemed that he had communicated with the sisters-in-law a lot last night.

“Oh, isn’t this Deputy Director Xu? Hello, please come with me.”

Hearing the sound, Gu Qi came over, stopped the aggressive Xu Enzeng with a smile, and then took the Zhongtong group and others outside a flat house with a look of regret on his face.

“I’m really sorry, the conditions in Bai Gongguan are poor and there are only a few houses, so I have to live with Deputy Director Xu and all the Zhongtong brothers.

Don't worry, the bedding in the room is all new. It's cold in the mountains. I also specially prepared a blanket for you, Deputy Director Xu. This is what you should do in a humble position, so you're welcome. "

With that said, Gu Qi opened a shabby door and turned back to look at Xu Enzeng expectantly, as if he was really waiting for the other party's thanks.

At this time, several mice playing on the cot were frightened by the sound, and squeaked and jumped out in front of everyone. The Zhongtong agents present were stunned and had the urge to turn around and leave.

Xu Enzeng turned pale with anger. He raised his trembling right hand and pointed at Gu Qi. In an unbelievable tone, he asked a soul question.

“You are just going to let me live in a place like this. My dogs live better than here. Gucci, don’t play tricks on me and change my room quickly.”

 This is the truth. Xu Enzeng's official residence in Shancheng is in the style of a Western-style villa. It faces north and faces south. It is two stories high, has a fireplace and a swimming pool. It has a building area of ​​two to three hundred meters. The interior decoration is extremely luxurious and cost tens of thousands of dollars.

It was naturally difficult for him to accept the sudden change from this kind of living environment to a dormitory with multiple people infested with rats, but Gucci was not used to it and immediately showed a look of embarrassment.

“Deputy Director Xu, where can I find a single dormitory for you? To be honest, I managed to free up this one, and our military commander also has the same living environment.

   Otherwise, you can live in a small building on the second floor, which used to be a prison cell, but there are extra rooms. Anyway, we who live in isolation are not superstitious, you are right. "

"you you you"

Xu Enzeng choked uncomfortably at Gu Qi's words. What should he do? He should agree to live in a prison cell. It would be too bad luck. If he didn't agree, he would not be a life-threatening person.

He finally saw that there was no good person in the army, they were all sharp-tongued bastards. Angrily, he walked towards the door, ready to go out and complain to his eldest cousin, but he didn't want to be stopped by someone.

Meng Ting had been silent just now, but now he stepped out to stop Xu Enzeng's impulsive move, and reminded him in a low voice that if he left now, he would fall into the military commander's trick.

Although he didn't know what mission they were carrying out this time, if the news leaked after they left, who would be responsible for this responsibility? Of course it would be Zhongtong's. Even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to clear his head. Xu Enzeng hissed. Really, his eyes towards Gu Qi gradually became unkind, and he cursed secretly for being a cunning bastard. But he finally decided to bow his head. At worst, he would ask his men to clean the room thoroughly, out of sight and out of mind.

However, losing is not losing the battle. He looked at Zuo Zhong who was checking the defensive measures and asked without giving up: "What about Zuo Zhong? Does the person named Zuo also live here?"

I am afraid of comparison in everything. If Zuo Zhong's accommodation conditions are the same as his, Xu Enzeng feels that he is not ashamed. He is also the deputy director. If Zuo Zhong can live there, he can naturally live there.

Seeing that Xu Enzeng was not fooled, Gu Qi secretly cried out that it was a pity, and then shook his head happily: "Of course not. Our deputy director Zuo is in charge of the overall situation this time. We have many affairs and need a good rest. The brothers voluntarily vacated a room so as not to disturb the deputy director's rest. .

If Deputy Director Xu's subordinates are willing, they can also find an open space to set up tents and give up their houses. Okay, if you have nothing to do, I will leave first. After everyone has packed up, go to the conference room. The work will officially start tomorrow. Deputy You have something to announce. "

Leaving behind the unresponsive Central Unification agents, Gu Qi disappeared around the corner in the blink of an eye, and the scene suddenly turned cold. The temperature in the mountain town in April was still cold, and no one wanted to live in a tent with drafts everywhere, even Mark.

Xu Enzeng knew this very well. After waiting for a few seconds and seeing no one come forward, he had no choice but to walk into the dormitory with a dark face. The others breathed a sigh of relief and rushed into the room to start cleaning.

While sweeping the floor, Meng Ting guessed at the purpose of the trip and what the mission was. It needed to be carried out by the Central Command and the Army. The situation on the front line was currently stable and there were no large-scale military operations.

Not only him, but Mark was also secretly wondering what the superiors wanted them to do at the military detention center and whether he had a chance to perform.

It didn’t take long for the dusty room to be cleaned up. The Central Unification agents had no time to rest, so they were led by Xu Enzeng to a flat room with a conference room sign.

At this time, in addition to Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi, Song Minghao, and Gui Youguang, the 26 peace talk preparatory staff were also in the room. Everyone looked at Xu Enzeng and his men who had just walked in.

“Deputy Director Xu, please take a seat. Let’s seize the time and distribute the work.”

Zuo Zhong didn't tease him anymore, ah, no matter how difficult it was for Xu Enzeng, he directly asked this guy to sit down and started talking about business.

He first introduced the specific content of the mission to the members of the Central Military Commission who did not understand the situation. When he spoke, he did not forget to observe the reactions of these people. However, the agents behaved normally and had no other emotions except surprise.

This is normal. Anyone with conscience will take the initiative to join the Central Unification and the secret service headquarters of the predecessor of the Central Unification. This can be seen from the high-level officials of the Central Unification who rebelled and surrendered to the enemy. No wonder someone agreed that the Central Unification would be responsible for the confidentiality work. After all, Xu Enzeng’s His subordinates are either underground gangsters or traitors.

 “Everyone knows the content of this mission, right?”

After introducing the situation, Zuo Zhong asked, and after everyone nodded, he spoke again: "Very good, let me allocate their respective tasks. Lao Gu, you and Lao Song are responsible for the logistics and support of the peace talks preparatory team.

 You will notify the headquarters to provide the files and information they need. Note that there is only one outside telephone in the mansion, which is manned 24 hours a day. Your calls with the outside world will be recorded and recorded.

 In addition, the daily handover of documents and materials, and the removal of garbage must be carried out in the presence of both you and the Central Unification personnel. After confirming that there is no entrapment, both parties sign and sign, so that no one shirks responsibility if something goes wrong. "

 Speaking of shirking responsibility, he stared directly at a certain fat man who was fidgeting. The meaning was simple, I am talking about you.

Faced with these weird words, Xu Enzeng was so angry, but he had to admit that Zuo had made good arrangements. In this closed environment, there were few leakage channels, and he kept an eye on internal and external contacts. Basically there will be no problems.

Zuo Zhong, who was in the main seat, turned his head to avoid being disgusted by that fat face, and continued: "In short, without my order, not a single hair can be let out. Gui Youguang, this is your responsibility. I don’t look to anyone else for my problems, but to you!”

 “Yes, deputy seat!”

Gui Youguang stood up suddenly, and the sound of the reply shook the roof tiles. A person preparing for the peace talks next to him was startled, but he did not dare to show his dissatisfaction, so he could only lick his ears helplessly.

 “Well, sit down.”

Zuo Zhong raised his hand and waved it, once again clarifying the tasks of his men. Then he turned his attention to the Central Government in the corner and yawned casually.

“As for you, you are not allowed to enter the preparatory team’s office, just find a place to stay, don’t wander around, and don’t ask about the peace talks.

 Finally, let me say one more thing. Work will officially start tomorrow morning. Everyone, please hurry up. The patience of the committee is limited. Okay, let's adjourn the meeting. "

 After saying that, he ignored Xu Enzeng who was hesitant to speak, stood up and walked out without giving the other party any face. This is the territory of the military commander. If you have any problems, hold it back!

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