Cicada Moving

Chapter 1115: scream

Chapter 1115 Scream

It was two days after Zuo Zhong received the news from Minister Song. In order to keep it secret, Dai Chunfeng personally acted as a messenger and entered the heavily guarded Bai Mansion alone.

When he heard that Minister Song was going to meet the Japanese with only a few entourages, Zuo Zhong covered his face helplessly. This man is really willful.

Not to mention their own safety, even the confidentiality of the peace talks is not something that can be handled by the entourage. Then why would the military commander hold a special training class?

As for the Japanese guarantee, can it be taken seriously? It is better to believe in the sow climbing the tree than to believe in the other party.

To paraphrase Hydra Wang Aofu, he dared to bet with his head that the Japanese must have recorded or photographed the negotiation process.

Japs don’t know what shame is. Even if they are discovered, at worst, they will find someone to show off their craftsmanship, or even kowtow a few times.

Dai Chunfeng also had a wry smile on his face. Normally, such an important matter as the negotiation should be accompanied by professional counter-espionage personnel dispatched by the military command, but Minister Song was unwilling. Who dared to take care of this matter? Who would let him be the uncle of the country?

Zuo Zhong knew Lao Dai's difficulties. After thinking quickly, he gave his "suggestion" and asked Wu Chunyang from the first department to go to the port city. The other party had two tasks for this trip.

 1. Protect Minister Song. If negotiations break down or an unexpected situation occurs, Minister Song’s life must be ensured. Minister Song is the largest seller of the military-union version of the yen.

  Second, carry out counterattacks against Japan, search for and destroy possible audio recordings and photographic evidence, so as to prevent the national government from being blackmailed by the Japanese.

Most importantly, Zuo Zhong proposed that Minister Song should stop meeting with the Japanese before Wu Chunyang arrived to minimize the possibility of being eavesdropped and secretly photographed.

Dai Chunfeng did not object when he heard this. He still knew clearly about Wu Chunyang, the director of the first division.

 The old subordinates from the Ji Gouxiang period are proficient in intelligence operations, have delicate thoughts, and act prudently. Competitions in such complex situations are exactly what the other side is good at.

Of course, it would be better if Zuo Zhong could go to Hong Kong City, but the work at Bai Gongguan was also very important, so he had to settle for the next best thing and send Wu Chunyang to lead the team.

After the discussion, Lao Dai, who was confident, left immediately. The air tickets from the mountain city to the port city were very tight. Even if the military commander came forward, it would take a lot of effort, so he had to prepare quickly.

Zuo Zhong watched Teacher Xiangqian leave and turned to the first floor of the small building to check. Dai Chunfeng brought not only the message from Minister Song, but also the written materials of the first negotiation.

This information is very valuable to the preparatory group. Through analysis and combined with various aspects of Japan's domestic intelligence, the preparatory group can accurately judge Japan's bottom line and formulate relevant treaties in a planned way.

By the time he arrived outside each group's office, it was already bustling inside. Someone was reading the Japanese dialogue records in the materials softly, in order to better understand the Japanese context.

 There are many modal particles in Japanese, which represent different meanings, such as questions, transitions, etc. The precise meaning cannot be understood just by looking at the written records.

Some people also found the resumes and published articles of the Japanese representatives and read them carefully to understand the other party's political ideas and ideological preferences, which are closely related to the outcome of the negotiation.

Zuo Zhong took a quick look around and found nothing. On the surface, he pretended to be satisfied and loudly warned Gu Qi and Song Minghao.

“Lao Gu, Lao Song, the supply of materials must be sufficient. Ask them what they still lack. They all came back from studying abroad, and their living habits are different from ours.

Have people bring some foreign wine, cigars, and steaks, and buy the best ones. Anyway, the committee has allocated a lot of funds. It makes no sense to return them to the Ministry of Finance if they are not used up. "

 “Okay, I understand.”

 Gu Qi smiled and nodded. There were only a few people in the preparatory team. When the good things arrived at Bai Gongguan, it was the military commanders who reaped the most benefits, so he naturally agreed happily.

Hearing Deputy Director Zuo’s concern, the members of the preparatory team in the room worked even harder, and once again lamented that words are terrible, and that such a good person could be said to be so cruel. There is no way to do this.

“By the way, where is the person named Xu?”

As he walked, Zuo Zhong thought of Xu Enzeng, who had not appeared for two days, and turned around to ask curiously.

 “It’s very honest to bask in the sun in the garden.”

Song Minghao stepped forward and replied furtively, and then reported the movements of Meng Ting and Mark: "That Meng Ting stayed in the dormitory all day long, holding a foreign book and reading fascinatedly. I took advantage of him to go to the toilet. I flipped through it secretly, but there was no problem.

The most active one was Mark. This guy was wandering around the yard with the Zhongtong people. He tried to enter the office several times, but was stopped by the brothers. Deputy, what do you think this guy wants to do? Does he want to inquire about peace talks? news. "

Song Minghao was more interested in the Central Military Commission than possible leaks. Back then, he was on the other side's electric chair. He almost made a mistake and became a traitor to the military commander. He had to avenge this.

Zuo Zhong knew this very well and immediately shook his head: "Forget it, Mark can move if he wants to. As long as he doesn't enter the office, then don't worry about it. A **** can run anywhere.

But Xu Enzeng needs to be watched closely. He is very scheming and slick. He might cause trouble. You two continue working, and I'll go talk to Meng Ting. "

After reminding the two of them, he kept walking towards the Zhongtong dormitory. When he came to the door and looked inside, he found that Meng Ting was lying on the bed reading a book just like Song Minghao said.

“Director Meng, you’ve got half a day to spare, haha.”

Zuo Zhong said hello with a smile on his face and strode into the room. However, the strong smell of feet from the messy bed of the Zhongtong agents almost knocked him out. How does Xu Enzeng manage his subordinates? Didn't this guy smell it himself? The good dormitory is almost turning into a pigsty. It is really a bunch of stupid pigs.

Turning to Meng Ting, after hearing this, he quickly stood up and threw down his book. As he walked, he stretched out his hand to Zuozhong with a slightly surprised expression. Otherwise, everything was normal and he didn't seem to be affected by the smell at all.

what is this?

 The legendary abalone shop for a long time without smelling it?

 “Hello, Deputy Director Zuo.”

Meng Ting stretched out his hands, bent down slightly, and said hello respectfully. His posture was very low, and he didn't show off at all as a director.

This is a smart man. Although there is only one level difference between the director of the Central Command and the deputy director of the military command, the gold content of his power is very different. He is so flexible and flexible, no wonder he can gain trust again as a traitor.

Hold the other party's hand tightly, Zuo Zhong took two breaths through his mouth and said with a smile: "Director Meng, you're welcome, I wanted to have a good chat with you as early as when we were in Jinling.

It's a pity that you disappeared after we said goodbye in Jiujiawu, and you and I never had the chance to meet again. I'm very happy that you can repent in time this time. Come on, let's go out and talk. "

He couldn't stay in this room anymore. If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would contract some weird disease. The feet of the Zhongtong agents were too lethal!

Meng Ting also sensed something was wrong and led the way out of the room. The first thing Zuo Zhong did when he left the house was to take a deep breath. It was too dangerous! Just enough time not to faint.

Smelling the fresh air, he and Meng Ting chatted while walking: "Well, Director Meng, I have nothing else to do with you this time. I have read your confession. It said that you went to work in the northwest after Jiujiawei.

 Could you tell me about the situation on the side of the dissidents? As you know, neither your central commander nor the eyes and ears of our military commander can penetrate into the northwest. It is a mystery to us. "

Telling the reason for today's conversation, Zuo Zhong glanced at Meng Ting from the corner of his eye. Due to the outstanding performance of the Border District Social Department, he really didn't understand the situation in Qibei.

When Meng Ting heard this, his expression was as usual, and he immediately introduced the politics, military, and economy of the northwest. However, the content he said was very ordinary and the intelligence value was not high.

Zuo Zhong was unhappy, frowned and warned: "Director Meng, if you don't want to betray your old master, you can just tell him directly. There is no need to perfuse Zuo with the news of these big-name goods.

Otherwise, why would I need to ask you for questions? I can just look for a few border area newspapers. What I want to know is the factional situation of the dissidents and the operational procedures of the intelligence business units. "

“Deputy Director Zuo, you have really wronged me.”

Meng Ting smiled bitterly and defended himself: "The underground party's confidentiality regulations are very strict, with different levels and different authority. This is all I know.

  The emphasis there is on mobilizing the masses, and no one dares to ask around. The Zhongtong investigators are often targeted by the Ministry of Social Affairs as soon as they enter the border area because of their excessive curiosity. "

"What about the military commander?" Zuo Zhong was reluctant and continued to ask: "My people are very professional and have complete background information. I don't believe they would act so amateurish. Why did they fall into the hands of the Ministry of Social Affairs?"

Speaking of this matter, Meng Ting also found it difficult to understand. The military commander was indeed more difficult to deal with than the central commander. The lurkers had received professional training and were generally difficult to expose.

But the strange thing is that every once in a while, the head of the Ministry of Social Affairs will issue a list containing information on the military commander's lurking personnel in the northwest. Some of them are right and some are wrong.

 He told the matter truthfully and came up with an inference.

It is very likely that there is a high-level traitor of the underground party hidden within the military command. This person has access to the highest-level intelligence, but it is only access, so the accuracy is not high.

Of course, the possibility that the erroneous information is a deception cannot be ruled out.

Finally, Meng Ting said that it is actually very simple to find this person, just use false information with different contents to identify him.

For example, create multiple fake lists of potential personnel and leak them from different channels. Each list has a landmark person. As long as this person is caught, you can follow the clues.

Zuo Zhong kept nodding on the surface, but he was speechless in his heart. Damn it if he could find it. He was the one who sent the list. He couldn't catch himself.

After pretending to praise Meng Ting a few times, he sent the man back and then got into his dormitory. He stayed there until dark, and the smell of lunch gradually came from the kitchen at dusk.

As the chef started eating, there was a commotion in the yard. The peace talks preparatory staff and the off-duty central and military commanders' spies appeared downstairs carrying rice bowls and started queuing up, with smiles on their faces.

According to Zuo Chong's order, a lot of high-end ingredients were brought in, and even foreign wine was shipped from the Burma Highway. Everyone was eager to have a toothpaste.

As for why countless manpower and material resources were spent on the strategic highway that was planned to transport scarce supplies for the war, precious transportation capacity was used to transport wine. Everyone has selectively forgotten it.

No matter how hard it is, it’s hard for the officials. The Republic of China has its own national conditions. Moreover, no matter how difficult the government is, it still doesn’t lack this kind of food.

 A few minutes later, the hungry agents and preparers walked to the small building or dormitory carrying sumptuous meals. There was no canteen in Bai Mansion, so they had to find a place by themselves to eat.

Not to mention the taste of high-end ingredients, the skills of the military cooks were also good, and soon there was only the sound of wolfing in the yard.

While everyone was feasting, they did not forget to pat Zuo Zhong's horse, and flattering words such as "Deputy Director Zuo Ping is so approachable" were constantly heard.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a scream suddenly erupted from an office in the small building. The military commanders present reacted quickly. They dropped their rice bowls and drew their guns and rushed to the scene of the incident, while the Central Military Commission agents continued to work with their heads down.

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