Cicada Moving

Chapter 1116: emergencies

Chapter 1116 Sudden Cases

 “What’s going on? Stand still!”

Hearing the noise outside, Zuo Zhong walked out of the house with a sullen face and shouted at the chaotic crowd. Everyone present stopped and stood up straight.

At this time, Gu Qi hurriedly ran out of the small building and came to his side. He lowered his voice and reported: "Deputy Chairman, something happened to the military preparation team. The team leader Tong Siyuan died in the office. It is suspected of being poisoned. I have sealed off the scene."


Zuo Zhong's eyes widened. What the hell, something happened before he even took action. He immediately walked quickly to the scene of the incident. On the way, he saw the Central Unification agents carrying lunch boxes. He suddenly became furious and snatched one of them's hand. The lunch box was thrown aside.

 “Eat! Just eat! What’s the use of the party-state supporting you!”


With a roar, the lunch box hit the ground with a harsh sound, and the others threw away the lunch boxes in their hands for fear of setting themselves on fire and fear of poison in the food.

 “Control the chefs, seal all meals, and keep samples for inspection.”

 Throwing down the two orders, Zuo Zhong walked into the office of the military preparation team with his feet, and saw Song Minghao, the Zhongtong trio, several pale-faced team members, and a corpse in a strange posture.

 The body was lying prone as a whole, with the head, neck and back slightly twisted. There seemed to be blood overflowing from the mouth and nose, staining a large area of ​​the floor red.

Half a meter away from the body, there was an overturned lunch box and a broken glass. The foreign wine in the glass was scattered everywhere, making the scene a mess.

“Old Song, did you arrive at the scene afterwards?” Zuo Zhong asked a question first.

“Yes, Deputy, Lao Gu and I came over when we heard the noise. When we came, Deputy Director Xu and others were already at the scene.” Song Minghao briefly introduced the situation.

Xu Enzeng became anxious and hurriedly explained: "Don't talk nonsense. Mark, Meng Ting and I also heard the sound and came to see what happened. The dead person has nothing to do with us."

 “Okay, I didn’t say you killed someone.”

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes, squatted down and felt the pulse of the fallen person through his handkerchief, then took off the pen from his breast pocket, and gently moved the opponent's chin to reveal his face.

The deceased was indeed Tong Siyuan, the leader of the military preparation team. Now he was in trouble. Looking at the ferocious-looking corpse, he said to Song Minghao without raising his head.

“Let the doctor come over to conduct an examination. After confirming death, do an autopsy, and then let someone inspect the scene and take pictures. What is going on? Tell me one by one.”

Zuo Zhong turned to look at several members of the military preparation team who were also witnesses. His eyes were extremely sharp and pierced people's hearts. Several people on the opposite side rushed to talk about the situation at that time.

“Reporting to Deputy Director Zuo, the team leader came back to the office with us just after finishing his meal. After just a few bites, the team leader covered his chest and fell to the ground.”

"Yes, this matter has nothing to do with us. Team Leader Tong is related to the garrison commander, Chief Liu. How dare we kill him."

“Deputy Director Zuo, you must be aware of everything. We are all counting on Team Leader Tong to help him in the future. It’s too late to flatter him, so how can he kill someone?”

Members of the military preparation team cried out their grievances, wishing they could kneel on the ground to show their innocence. Tong Siyuan's heels were deep, and no one wanted to have anything to do with the other person's death. It would be fatal.

 “Okay, shut up.”

Zuo Zhong, who was dizzy from the noise, shouted angrily, and the scene immediately became silent. Even the trio of Zhongtong people stopped talking in low voices, but Xu Enzeng and Mark's eyes were full of gloating, as if they were going to be killed in the next second. Be happy out loud.

 In the past, it was the central commander who had problems and was embarrassed in front of Shangfeng. This time it was finally the military commander's turn.

Xu Enzeng made up his mind not to get involved in this matter, and could just wait and see the other party's jokes. If someone died in the Bai Mansion, Zuo Zhong, who was in charge of the security work, could not absolve himself of the blame.

Meng Ting, on the other hand, had a calm expression and stood observing the scene from a distance. A traitor has such a high professional quality, which can be seen from Shuiping, an intelligence officer of the underground party.

Zuo Zhong glanced at Xu Enzeng and the others coldly, stood up and crossed his arms and began to think about a question, what was the murderer's motive for killing Tong Siyuan.

  Murder is nothing more than emotional disputes, seeking money or life, hatred and revenge, superstition or impulsive killing.

However, based on the conditions of the scene and the corpse, it can be preliminarily determined that the murder was caused by poisoning. This excludes the possibility of the murderer impulsively killing, at least it is not very likely.

The characteristic of a crime of passion is that the crime occurs suddenly and the offender usually has no premeditation or plan. He usually takes action at the moment when he loses control of his emotions. The urge to kill will gradually decrease as time goes by.

 It takes a certain amount of time to prepare poison and find the opportunity. Under normal circumstances, impulsive killings using poison as a means of killing are rare.

More importantly, according to eyewitness testimony, Tong Siyuan has not had any grudges with anyone recently and his work is going smoothly. This does not meet the prerequisites for impulsive killing.

 —That is, this behavior requires some strong emotional drive, such as anger, jealousy, fear or depression, etc.

What about emotional disputes, seeking wealth and killing, hatred and revenge, and superstitious killing?

The possibility is equally unlikely. The murderer would have to be stupid to do this in the heavily guarded Bai Mansion. If he just wanted to kill Tong Siyuan, the other party could do it outside.

 Ruling out all possibilities, there is only one possibility left. The murderer killed people for peace talks.

With the motive determined, it is not difficult to guess the background of the murderer. There are only three stakeholders in the Sino-Japanese peace talks: the Japanese, the government, and the underground party. The Japanese are eager to negotiate peace with Yamashiro as soon as possible to reduce economic and military pressure. It is best to surrender without fighting and not to destroy it.

It is even more impossible for the national government. The militant faction in the government and the military are not that capable of reaching out to Bai Gongguan. Zuo Zhong still has confidence in this.

 The answer can only be the underground party!

What's the use of killing a preparation team leader? Tong Siyuan only knows the contents of the military-related contract, and the contract text hasn't been released yet. It's too reckless to act so eagerly, and it's not like the northwest style.

Or is it that the murderer took the risk of being exposed just to delay the negotiations, or to report the peace talks to the outside world?

If this is the case, problems will arise. On the surface, Bai Gongguan cannot leave even a hair. How can the other party pass on the information and notify outsiders to respond?

Zuo Chong thought for a long time to no avail, silently watching the doctors and investigators who arrived one after another to examine the body and the scene. The shutter kept sounding, and everything in the house was recorded on film. This was to preserve evidence for investigation.

  Experience shows that some items may appear to have nothing to do with the case on the surface, but as the investigation deepens and new clues are discovered, they will play a crucial role in solving the case.

Moreover, in the trial of normal cases, these photos are also important evidence presented in court. Of course, military commanders do not need to go to court to solve cases, they only need to load the gun.

 At the same time, the doctor worked around the body with a stethoscope and flashlight for a long time. First, he determined that the deceased had no vital signs and could officially declare death.

This is not unnecessary. The absence of the pulse does not mean that the person is dead. There is a phenomenon called suspended animation. There have been real cases in the past where the pulse or even the breath disappeared, but the person came back to life.

 After recording the time of death, the doctor performed a simple autopsy and finally concluded that the deceased should have died of cyanide poisoning. The specific details can only be determined after autopsy and poison testing.

In fact, he didn’t need to say it. Gu Qi and others present also guessed the cause of Tong Siyuan’s death. One of the characteristics of cyanide poisoning is opisthotonus, which means the body is reflexed and twisted.

However, under normal circumstances, the death process from cyanide will not be so fast, unless the murderer used more than 100 mg of poison, which caused Tong Siyuan's sudden death, or lightning death.

 The reason why it is called lightning death is that this kind of death is as fast as lightning. The prodromal stage, dyspnea period, convulsion stage and paralysis stage of cyanide poisoning have no time to appear, and the poisoned person loses his life.

 After doing this, the doctor temporarily stepped aside and handed over the scene to the surveyors, who started the second step of the investigation process.

A military agent wearing gloves and linen protective clothing took a sample of the meal with tweezers, and inhaled a few milliliters of foreign wine through a test tube. Then the person put the sample and the foreign wine into a test tube containing a green solution and shook it gently. .

Xu Enzeng stood on tiptoes and watched the other party's movements. As a master's degree from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in the United States, he knew that he was detecting cyanide. The principle is that cyanide will undergo a cyanide reaction in an iron salt solution to generate blue ferrocyanide. .

Tens of seconds later, under everyone’s gaze, the green solution in the food test tube slowly turned blue. Mark in the crowd opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen a ghost, and shouted loudly.

 “It’s blue! It’s blue! It’s so amazing”

Everyone looked at him with disgust. Everyone present had received complete higher education. Even if they didn't know about the cyanide reaction, they knew that this was a normal chemical phenomenon and there was no need to make a fuss about it.

 Xu Enzeng, who felt embarrassed, glared at his subordinates, then rolled his eyes, couldn't hold back the smile on his lips anymore, and kept grinning.

The ingredients were delivered by Zuo Zhong, the meals were cooked by Juntong's chef, and Juntong was responsible for security. This time he wanted to see how Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong explained to the Chairman.

Zuo Zhong didn't want to compete with this guy. He stared at the increasingly darker test tube in silence for a moment, then looked at his watch and gave orders to everyone.

“An autopsy will be performed immediately. The military preparation team will continue to work, but you are not allowed to leave this room. Someone will bring you food. If you need to go to the toilet, use the toilet in the room.

 Lao Gu, go tease Tong Siyuan's files and tell the archives office that I want all the information on this person from his birth to the present. Remember, it's all, and it won't be enough by a day.

 Lao Song, I will leave the interrogation of the chef and the investigation of the poisoning case to you. I will report to the bureau. We will gather in the conference room in three hours to hold a case analysis meeting.

 Deputy Director Xu, you must also attend the meeting. The Central Committee is responsible for confidentiality. It is necessary to understand and participate in the investigation of the case. Do not think that you can stay out of it. "

 After saying that, without waiting for Xu Enzeng to object, he walked out quickly without giving the other party a chance to shirk the blame.

 “Huh? This has nothing to do with our Zhongtong.”

Xu Enzeng raised his right hand and watched Zuo Zhong disappear from sight. He cursed helplessly and left the scene angrily.

Zuo Zhong came to the phone room located in the southwest corner of Bai Mansion. After taking notes and signing, he picked up the phone, connected the line to the military command headquarters, and spoke to Dai Chunfeng.

Dai Chunfeng learned that a death case occurred in the peace talks preparatory team. On the one hand, he asked Zuo Zhong to investigate the case quickly, and on the other hand, he reported to someone and asked for instructions on how to deal with it.

The peace talks are of great importance and must not cause any problems. It doesn't matter if someone dies, but the news cannot be leaked. Otherwise, it will be bad luck for him and Zuo Zhong, as well as for ordinary agents.

 Time flew by, and three hours passed quickly.

Zuo Zhong walked into the conference room with heavy steps, then went to the top and stood in front of a blue sky and white sun flag, and read out someone's decision to the trio of Gu Qi, Song Minghao and Zhongtong.

 “Commissioned order!”

Everyone present quickly stood at attention and puffed up their chests. Xu Enzeng was particularly excited. He felt that his chance for revenge had come, but reality gave him a heavy blow.

“Until the murderer is found, all the central commanders and military commanders in the mansion are under my command. Anyone who disobeys the order will be dealt with according to military law!”

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Zuo Zhong directly took over the Bai Gongguan. This is normal. Compared with Xu Enzeng, who has suffered repeated defeats, someone trusts the Ningbo fellow who has never let him down.

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