Cicada Moving

Chapter 1117: case analysis meeting

Chapter 1117 Case Analysis Meeting

After Zuo Zhong announced the order, he immediately called Gu Qi's name and asked him to report Tong Siyuan's information.

 “Lao Gu, please introduce the situation of the deceased.”

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

Gu Qi took out a finger-thick document, put on his glasses and lowered his head to read: "Tong Siyuan, male, born in 1903, from Anji, Gan Province, graduated from the Infantry Department of the Changcheng Branch of the Central Army Military Academy, and entered the military in the 16th year of the Republic of China. Serves in the Committee's International Relations Section.

He has served successively as deputy section chief and section chief of the East Asia Section of the International Relations Section, deputy section chief, and section chief. During this period, he went to the Japanese Army University for further studies. He is a well-known Japan expert in the Military Commission. He is very familiar with the Japanese army's doctrine and combat methods, and is a member of the military preparation team. The one with the most seniority.

The deceased got married in the 21st year of the Republic of China. The spouse information is attached. After the marriage, the two had two daughters and one son. The family relationship was harmonious. According to emergency investigation, his colleagues and neighbors near his residence in Shancheng had never heard of or seen the two. There have been conflicts.

The brothers outside also checked the other person's interpersonal relationships and daily performance, and found that although this person was distantly related to Commander Liu of the Garrison Headquarters, he was modest and low-key, never blushing with anyone, and was well-known within the agency. Good old man.

The only thing worthy of criticism about Tong Siyuan is that he is pro-Japanese. He has publicly endorsed surrender speeches many times. Without this, his future would have been unlimited. Even so, the top brass of the Military Commission decided to promote him at the appropriate time. "

After introducing the situation, Gu Qi took out several more identical documents, stood up, handed them to Zuo Zhong and others, and introduced them verbally.

“Here are Tong Siyuan’s files and preliminary investigation records. Due to time constraints, the results may not be comprehensive. The follow-up investigation is still in progress. Please take a look first.”

Meng Ting took the document and nodded to express his gratitude to Gu Qi. He opened the cover in his hand and looked down, and found that just as Zuo Zhong ordered, the military commander listed the deceased's experience from childhood to adulthood in detail.

What is even more shocking is that each item is followed by preliminary verification results. You must know that it was only three hours before Zuo Zhong issued the order, and the intelligence gathering ability of the military commander is frightening.

 Xu Enzeng and Mark were also dumbfounded. They were just bad, not stupid. They knew the difficulty very well. Because of their understanding, they knew how big the gap between Zhongtong and the other side was.

 No wonder Dai Chunfeng often told people that there was nothing in the government that he did not know about. After many adaptations and upgrades, the military command had become a terrifying intelligence machine.

Zuo Zhong, who was accustomed to this, had no time to pay attention to the mood of the Zhongtong trio. He quickly flipped through Tong Siyuan's information. It was similar to what Gu Qi reported. The deceased was suspected of being a traitor, but his background was not suspicious.

How could a rising star of the Military Commission, who had deep connections but was courteous to others, end up dying an untimely death if he had not believed in some curve to save the country? He could only be said to have deserved it.

Zuo Zhong dropped the document and looked at Song Minghao, motioning to the old man to talk about the interrogation of the chef and the investigation results of the poisoning case. If these two points are not investigated clearly, who will dare to eat in the future.

Song Minghao stood up after receiving the order and reported in a deep voice: "Through the analysis of clues on the scene, there are two possibilities for the presence of poison in the deceased's food, either external poisoning or internal poisoning."

This sentence sounds a bit literary nonsense. Zuo Zhong remembered watching a criminal investigation documentary. The investigator in it said that the murderer was either an outsider or a local, which aroused ridicule in the comment area.

If he is not a foreigner or a local, could the murderer be an alien?

These people simply don’t understand that confirming the background of the murderer is the first prerequisite for clear investigation ideas. Solving a crime is not a TV series. The prerequisite for a flash of inspiration is solid preliminary research and judgment.

  Including the three members of the Zhongtong team, everyone present was considered an experienced intelligence officer. After hearing Song Minghao’s words, they did not express their opinions and continued to listen carefully to the other party’s report.

Seeing this, Song Minghao felt convinced and spoke again: "The forensic autopsy report has also come out, confirming that Tong Siyuan did die from potassium cyanide poisoning, and the dose of poisoning was very large. It was enough to kill a cow, not to mention a person. .

 According to our investigation, there is nothing suspicious about the chef. He is an old man in the bureau. He has been responsible for meals in highly confidential operations many times and has never had any problems. His recent financial situation is also normal, so there is no reason to take risks.

We also searched the kitchen and the other party's residence, and found no dangerous items. The inspectors tested the other people's meals and even unused ingredients one by one, and no cyanide or other common poisons were detected.

Therefore, we can temporarily rule out the suspicion of the chef and the possibility of external poisoning. However, to be on the safe side, I have asked the headquarters to add a new chef and send a batch of new ingredients that have been tested to ensure the safety of the meal.

I think Tong Siyuan's meal must have been poisoned after he took it. This is a standard internal poisoning incident. The murderer is hidden in Bai Mansion, hidden among us. This person must be found as soon as possible. . "

 Putting poison after eating?

Next to him, Gu Qi touched his bare forehead. This was a bit difficult to do. The distance from the meal pick-up area to the military preparation team office was not far, but the situation at that time was very chaotic.

Fearing that they would not be able to eat, Zhongtong's gang of rice cooks swarmed around the food collection point. The queue for food collection was extremely crowded. If the murderer poisoned the people at this time, it would be difficult to find out.

Potassium cyanide is colorless and odorless. It only smells like almonds when dissolved in water. The murderer only needs to pass by Tong Siyuan to poison him without anyone noticing.

At this time, Zuo Zhong raised his fingers and tapped on the table, preparing to make some adjustments to the internal security work. God knows whether the murderer will target him, the top person in charge.

The opponent is poisoning this time, and maybe he will be shot next time. In a place as small as Bai Mansion, even a novice can shoot at close range with perfect accuracy. He never wants to "exploit his imagination".

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong, who had a flash of light on his back, called out Gui Youguang's name: "Youguang, please make arrangements later. Except for the guards who were on duty outside when the incident occurred, there were no guards to collect food. From today on, the Central Command, Military commanders are on duty in pairs. One person carries a gun and the other carries ammunition. The guns and ammunition are not allowed to be combined except in emergencies. As for the weapons of non-duty personnel, they will be confiscated in the weapons room. No one is allowed to carry weapons without my order. , Lao Xu, do you have any objection? "

As he spoke, he looked at Xu Enzeng fiercely, as if if you don't agree, I will complain to someone. It is about your own life, and no one dares to be careless.

Xu Enzeng knew what Zuo Zhong meant by doing this. He thought about it and nodded slightly. He didn't want to be on guard all the time and get shot unexpectedly. Who the **** can bear this!

“Okay, since Deputy Director Xu has no objection, let’s get it done quickly.”

You know what’s going on, Zuo Zhong said to himself, put his gun on the table, and took the lead in executing the order just now.

Seeing him do this, everyone obediently handed over their guns. It is worth noting that Xu Enzeng took out a gold-plated Browning with exquisite craftsmanship, which looked not cheap.

Such an exaggerated appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even Mark and Meng Ting were full of curiosity. They had followed Xu Enzeng for so long, but they had never seen the other party draw a gun.

Zuo Zhong secretly winked at Gui Youguang. Such a good thing would be useless in Xu's hands. It would be better to add another item to his treasure room. As the saying goes, treasures are treasures, and virtue is the best. Those who live there.

He is talking about someone's virtue, ah, virtue is well-known by everyone. If you don't believe it, you can ask those Japanese spies, and I guarantee that no one will object.

Gui Youguang immediately understood what he meant, and he put the gold-plated Browning away carelessly, preparing to set a fire in the weapons room on the day the operation ended. It would be normal to lose a few weapons by then.

Daguang, who correctly grasped the principle of burning dragons and warehouses, wandered out. The virtuous man Zuo Zhong secretly rubbed his hands, and then coughed slightly, attracting everyone's attention.

“Well, now that it is confirmed that it is internal poisoning, the relevant prevention work cannot be ignored. From now on, you have to line up in batches to serve food. Especially Lao Xu, you must take good care of your people.

Situation like today must not happen again. People see it and think that the government can't even provide food. You are not afraid of embarrassment, I am still afraid. "

As usual, Zuo Zhong mocked Xu Enzeng and returned to the case itself: "Because the scene was quite chaotic at that time, it is difficult to find all the people who have had access to Tong Siyuan's meals. Let's start with the military preparation team.

 Gu Qi, Lao Song, you are responsible for this matter, but don't delay their normal work. The negotiation work ahead is the big deal. Minister Song has worked hard for the peace talks, and our military commander cannot hold him back.

Also, the murderer's poisoning of Tong Siyuan was most likely related to the peace talks, but Tong was just a small person and had very little information, so why did the other party do it? Let's discuss it. I'll listen. "

 The people in the conference room frowned when they heard this. Yes, what did the murderer want to do?

If it’s for intelligence for peace talks, what the other side should do is continue to lurk, look for opportunities to steal more intelligence and pass it on to the outside world, instead of killing people.

Dead people will only make them more vigilant and make it more difficult for the murderer to steal intelligence. It is harmful rather than beneficial to intelligence operations.

In the silence, Meng Ting, who was across the conference table, hesitated for a moment, looked at Xu Enzeng and Mark who were thinking hard, and said with some uncertainty.

“Did the murderer think that killing Tong Siyuan would delay the negotiation process between the government and the Japanese? After all, peace talks are a good thing for us, but not for some people.

For example, in Northwest China, they have been promoting a joint anti-Japanese war, and they certainly don’t want to see the government compromise. It’s not surprising that they would kill for this, but I can’t think of any other possibility. "

“Yes, yes, Xu thinks so too, these hateful reactionaries!” ①

Before he finished speaking, Xu Enzeng immediately echoed his words, as if he had thought up these words, and he really didn't even want to lose face just to grab credit.

I have to admit that when it comes to taking credit for blame and pretending to be crazy, no one is more professional than this guy.

Not only that, he also acted a lot. When he spoke, he did not forget to slap the table and show an expression of indignation.

It's a pity that this is not the Supreme National Defense Conference. Xu Enzeng's performance is just ogling a blind man - a waste of effort.

 Gu Qi and Song Minghao nodded in agreement after listening to Meng Ting's words. The military preparatory team is an important part of the preparations for the peace talks. The killing of the team leader Tong Siyuan did have some negative impact on the peace talks.

Seeing that no one had any other opinions, Zuo Zhong closed the document, slowly stood up from his seat, and ended the meeting with a speech.

“Then let’s do this for now, Lao Gu, Lao Song, hurry up to investigate the murderer, take precautions, and search the mansion from the inside out to see if there are any clues about potassium cyanide.

 What Director Meng said just now is also very good, but I would like to add that the murderer took the risk of killing Tong Siyuan in order to delay the peace talks. He probably did not plan to get out alive. You should pay attention. "

 Looking at everyone meaningfully, Zuo Zhong walked out of the conference room without looking back. Through today's analysis, a guess in his heart was confirmed. The murderer's purpose was probably...

  (I know everyone is anxious, but please don’t be impatient. This is not intentionally broken, this is normal to create suspense, really!!)

This word is not only used by us. Historically, it has been used in Party documents, newspapers, and in someone’s speech.

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