Cicada Moving

Chapter 1118: Come and see me

Chapter 1118: Come and meet me

 Two days have passed since the case analysis meeting.

 Gu Qi and Song Minghao turned over the Bai Mansion but found no clues related to potassium cyanide.

No wonder, this thing is colorless and odorless. Even if the murderer sprinkles it directly on the ground, if it is blown by the wind, there will be no trace.

 Investigations on members of the military preparatory team also yielded no results.

Several people present that day had circumstantial evidence. More than one person testified that they were at a certain distance from Tong Siyuan when picking up the meal. Tests of the items he carried with him showed no cyanide reaction.

 Gu Qi and Song Minghao were so anxious that they wanted to drag them directly into the interrogation room. However, they could not delay the preparations for the peace talks, so they had to continue patiently.

With no hope inside, the two set their sights outside the mansion. Potassium cyanide is a strictly controlled product and cannot be purchased through normal channels. It can only be obtained from hospitals, research institutions and the black market.

If you can connect these places with someone in the mansion, the case will be solved. After all, potassium cyanide is not needed in daily life, and whoever has it will be the murderer.

However, external investigators conducted a round of investigation and arrested many people. They finally determined that the relevant agencies in the mountain city and its nearby cities had not lost potassium cyanide and had no black market transaction records.

The murderer handled his hands very cleanly, which once again proved that the other party had received professional training and that Tong Siyuan's death was no ordinary murder.

 The only good news is that since the chefs and ingredients were changed, there have been no more cases of poisoning. Now the Central Unification agents are eating more enthusiastically.

 The investigation work has reached a dead end.

 Gu Qi and Song Minghao sent the investigation records to Zuo Zhong's desk, lowered their heads and prepared to accept the punishment. They were still at a loss to deal with a case for the first time, and they were very nervous.

 “Haha, okay, why are you keeping your head down? Victory and defeat are common matters for soldiers, so there is no need to blame yourself.”

Zuo Zhong took the file without opening it, nor did he get angry. Instead, he smiled and comforted him a few words, then got up and took the two of them for a walk in the yard, asking about the specific situation.

 After becoming the deputy director, he had a great experience of what it means to be knowledgeable and knowledgeable. If he had time to read reports, he might as well listen to them directly.

 Gu Qi explained the situation in detail, and at the same time expressed his willingness to take all responsibilities. As a subordinate, sometimes he has to take the blame for his superior.

"Okay, let's not say these words. We are a life-saving team. We do not engage in the feudal and yamen inquisition system, and we also allow people to make mistakes."

Facing the kindness of his old partner, Zuo Zhong waved his hand. At his position, whether a single case is solved or not has no influence on him.

It would be great if the case of Tong Siyuan's murder could be solved, but it doesn't matter if it can't be solved. If someone could remove him from his position just because of the death of a small section chief, then Xu Enzeng would have been liquidated to ashes long ago.

 Furthermore, it is a good thing to make a little mistake at the right time. If a person is perfect, the superiors will be uneasy.

 “Thank you, Vice-President, Lao Song and I”

 Next, an excited Gu Qi made a promise to Zuo Zhong, saying that he would find a breakthrough in the case in the shortest possible time and maintain the military's record of breaking every case.

Just as he was talking, Mark, the Deputy Director of Intelligence of the Central Unification Bureau, limped over. This guy greeted the three of them with a smile on his face and whispered something.

“Deputy Director Zuo, can you have Tong Siyuan’s body transported out? The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the smell of the body is too strong.”

 The office area of ​​Bai Gongguan is very small. There is no professional morgue or autopsy room, and there is no refrigeration method.

The doctor who was transferred from Renxin Hospital casually found a small room next to Zhongtong's dormitory to use for dissection and storage of corpses.

 As for the reason, there is no need to ask.

Instead of putting the body next to his old enemy, why not put it next to his own people? The doctor is not that stupid, and he will not miss the opportunity to give Zhongtong eye drops.

The average temperature in the mountain city in April can reach more than 20 degrees Celsius, and corpses decompose very quickly. In just two days, Tong Siyuan's corpse became fatter and emitted a disgusting temperature.

 This is why the Zhongtong dormitory has a strong foot odor. Xu Enzeng and others have become accustomed to the stench, and they can no longer stand it when exposed to other people. They did not expect that foot odor can have such benefits.

 “This, this case is of great importance, please keep insisting.”

Zuo Zhong laughed after hearing this and politely rejected Mark's request. Anyway, the military command dormitory was not close to the anatomy room, so he couldn't smell it.

 “You surnamed Zuo! You are despicable!”

Xu Enzeng, who was hiding in the corner and eavesdropping, jumped out immediately. He had two paper **** blocked in his nostrils and was waving his short, thick arms, which looked a bit ridiculous.

While waving his arms, he shouted: "If a plague breaks out in Bai Mansion, you will be fully responsible. If you are sensible, get rid of the body as soon as possible."

 The gas and liquid produced after biological decay not only contains a large amount of toxic substances, but also carries an extremely large number of pathogenic bacteria, such as Gram, Bacillus denticola and other extremely lethal bacteria.

At the same time, flies and other organisms attracted when the corpse decayed would also carry a large number of pathogenic bacteria and spread around. Leaving Tong Siyuan's corpse in the Bai Gongguan for a long time did pose a risk of plague.

 Gu Qi leaned close to Zuo Chong's ear and suggested that they should forget it. If a plague really happened, they would also be unlucky. It was better to just give it up.

Zuo Zhong sneered, walked up to Xu Enzeng, whose face was red, stretched out his finger and poked the other person's chest hard, and said every word.

“Stop talking nonsense, remember, I am the highest person in charge here, you just have to keep it confidential, the rest is not your responsibility.”

"You!" Xu Enzeng was so humiliated that his eyes were red with anger. He clenched his fists involuntarily and was about to fight with the opponent, but he heard Zuo Zhong say again.

"Tomorrow I will have the body transported to Renxin Hospital, but not because of your surname Xu. It is to comprehensively examine the cause of Tong Siyuan's death. Do you understand? If you understand, get out!"

 After cleaning up Xu Enzeng, Zuo Zhong looked at Mark who was nodding and bowing, made a gesture calmly, then turned around and left.

  Hearing that there would be no need to smell the stench tomorrow, all the members of the Central Military Commission present were relieved. As for Xu Enzeng's mood, no one cared.

  What's wrong with being a chief who eats delicious food and drinks spicy food every day, and occasionally gets angry?

Not to mention the rebellious thoughts in the mind of the Zhongtong agent, Mark was very excited at the moment. After suppressing his excitement and persuading his immediate superior to go back, he sneakily came to the door of Zuo Zhong’s dormitory and knocked on it.

 “Dong dong.”


A simple word "jin" made Mark feel like he was in a fairy's voice. He quickly looked around, ducked into the room, closed the door, and bowed deeply.

“Director Zuo, I’m here. I don’t know what your orders are. I’ll definitely serve you.”

Under the dim light, Zuo Zhong stood behind his desk, holding a brush in his hand and writing something on rice paper. He ignored Mark's greetings and just replied lightly.

“Deputy Director Ma, you are from the Central Unification Committee, so it might be inappropriate for you to come to me and say something like this.”

MD, if it weren’t for your gestures, why would I have come? Now I don’t admit it, bah.

Mark cursed secretly when he heard this, and the expression on his face became more respectful. He knew that this was his last chance to stand up, so he sold Xu Enzeng without hesitation.

“Director Zuo, you don’t know something. Xu has always looked down on menial positions. He originally agreed to the position of director, but finally gave it to the dissident Meng Ting.

Also during the last operation in the island city, Ma had no merit but hard work. As a result, when it came time to reward him based on his merits, he didn’t even get a commendation. He was humble and refused to accept his position!

In the middle of the middle, the military is a part of the party and the country. The humble job is to do things for you for the party. The villain is willing to work hard to do the work of dogs and horses. "

 There is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason.

  The fat in his mouth flew away. Seeing his opponent being promoted, it was normal for Mark to feel resentful. This is human nature, the pure human nature.

"Oh? There is such a thing. Lao Xu went too far."

Zuo Zhong raised his head slightly, put the brush back into the pen holder, glanced at Mark who bowed at 90 degrees from the corner of his eye, and commented calmly.

Mark was anxious. He understood that what he just said did not satisfy the other party. Thinking of his bleak future, he gritted his teeth and knelt down.

“Although I am only the deputy director of the Intelligence Department in my humble position, I also know a lot of dirty things about Xu Enzeng, such as using power for personal gain and smuggling contraband. I am willing to come forward and report him.

 I just hope that you can transfer Ma to the military command afterwards. From now on, the villain will be your dog. I will bite whoever you ask me to bite. If I break my promise, I will leave my humble position to your disposal. "

 No nonsense, he directly revealed his trump card. This was not an impulse, but an inevitable choice after careful consideration.

Compared with Xu Enzeng, Zuo Zhong is more capable, harder to follow, has greater rank and credit, and will definitely occupy a place at the top in the future.

Mark thought very clearly that since the other party had given out the signal that he wanted to take him for his own use, he could not let go of this rare opportunity and must seize it.

 “Get up.”

 Finally, Zuo Zhong gave a clear response. People in official circles are very particular about speaking, especially the higher the rank, the more vague the speech.

Letting the other person stand up actually means being willing to accept it. You can’t directly say that you agree to accept someone as a dog.

After Mark stood up tremblingly, Zuo Zhong took a handkerchief and wiped his hands, pointed to the rice paper on the table, and asked a question slowly.

 “Get to know these words and understand them well. The only one who can help you now is yourself.”

Marco took a closer look and saw the four characters "Come and see me" written neatly on the top of the paper. He instantly understood the meaning. This was to ask him to submit a petition.

Isn't it just to openly oppose Xu Enzeng? If he hesitated for even a second, he would feel sorry for the grievances he had suffered before and immediately responded happily.

 After getting the answer he wanted, Zuo Zhong immediately became amiable and chatted gently before sending the other person out.

Mark walked away with a smile on his face, but he was so immersed in joy that he didn't realize that someone was hiding in the dark and saw all this scene, and showed an ecstatic expression.

The Golden Crow is sinking in the west, and night is gradually falling.

Except for the guards on duty, the rest of them lay on the bed and slowly fell asleep after eating. The Bai Mansion became extremely quiet, with only the footsteps of patrols echoing in the yard.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in the darkness. The opponent skillfully dodged the guards and moved somewhere quietly.

In a room far away, Zuo Zhong behind the window gently lowered the curtains, slightly raising the corners of his mouth, with an unconcealable smile on his face.

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