Cicada Moving

Chapter 1119: trap

Chapter 1119 Trap

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on the earth, the military commanders who were not on duty in the Bai Mansion voluntarily gathered together and began to run around the courtyard wall. Loud passwords rang out.

 “One two, one two, one two.”

On the other side, snoring was everywhere in the Zhongtong dormitory, and everyone was fast asleep, even though the air was filled with the pungent smell of feet and corpses.

The owner of one of the beds was awakened by the noise outside. He angrily put the quilt over his head and turned over in bed.

But it was of no use at all. The password continued to ring in his ears like a magic sound. He was so angry that he opened his door and shouted out the window.

“You disturb people’s dreams, you **** named Zuo will die badly!”

The Central Unification agents suddenly woke up and were about to spit out the fragrance. When they took a closer look, they found that it was their deputy director who was yelling curses, so they had to look at each other and shut their mouths.

  Coming to Bai Mansion to perform a mission is really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Not only do you have to be suppressed by military commanders, but you also smell the smell of corpses. Now you can't even sleep well.

But what can be done? Xu Enzeng can't fight Zuo Zhong. They, the subordinates, can only behave with their tails between their legs.

Besides, Xu Enzeng felt a little out of breath after cursing, so he plucked out the paper ball in his nostrils. Unexpectedly, the strong stench rushed into his nostrils instantly, making him choke and roll his eyes several times.

This made him even more angry, and he screamed and cursed again. From Dai Chunfeng to Zuo Zhong, even Zheng Tingbing and Zhang Yifu, who had not appeared in hundreds of chapters, were greeted by him.

The sleepy-eyed agents dared not speak out, so they reluctantly dressed and got out of bed one by one, including Meng Ting, who looked helpless.

Unexpectedly, someone with courage jumped out at this moment. Mark was lying on the bed, looking askance at the furious Xu Enzeng, and said in a neutral tone.

“Deputy Director Xu, if you don’t sleep, we will sleep. If you really dislike Director Zuo, why don’t you say these things to your face.”

 The dormitory instantly became quiet. Everyone looked at each other in disbelief. Some even shook their heads, wondering if they were dreaming.

Ever since Mark took office, this person has been Xu Enzeng’s number one loser. Pingshi wished he could follow the deputy director 24 hours a day and pat him on his back. What happened today.

 Don’t talk about them, the other party involved, Xu Enzeng, felt that he had heard wrongly. He blinked and asked Mark with some doubts.

"what are you saying?"

“I said, if you really dislike Director Zuo, why don’t you say these things to your face!”

Mark thought of Zuo Zhong's promise last night, straightened up little by little, stared at Xu Enzeng, and spoke loudly.


The scene suddenly became chaotic. The agents were shocked and scolded Mark one after another. Some of them were even gearing up, waiting for Xu Enzeng's order to give Mark a taste of his fists.

Only Meng Ting looked at both sides of the incident with doubt, secretly guessing what was going on and why Mark, who was Xu Enzeng's number one loyal dog the day before, had changed his face today.

"Be quiet."

 The expressionless Xu Enzeng raised his hand and said something to stop the fight that was about to break out. Then he walked barefoot in front of Mark and asked with narrowed eyes.

“Deputy Director Ma, I’ll give you another chance. As long as you admit that what you just said was sleep talk, the matter will end here. Do you hear me?”

He didn't want to start a quarrel in the military command, especially under Zuo Zhong's nose. It would be embarrassing for him. He wanted to deal with Mark, and there would be plenty of opportunities when he went out.

But faced with Xu Enzeng's "good intentions", Mark had no intention of bowing his head. Instead, he got out of bed and stood on the ground, using his height advantage to speak condescendingly.

“Deputy Director Xu, Ma is not talking in his sleep. When I meet a commander like you, I don’t know how many evil things I have done in my previous life.

Compared with Deputy Director Zuo, you are not good at business and your character is not good either. When you get credit, you take credit, and when you get blame, you let your subordinates take the blame.

 You said what’s the point of living for you? It’s better to resign early and go home and live a good life with your sister-in-law, so as not to delay the important affairs of the party and the country. "


  The Central Command agents present took a deep breath, Mark was so courageous!

Although some things are true, if you say them without slapping someone in the face, it is going too far.

 Deputy Director Xu is a respectable person no matter what. If you make him unable to step down like this, you will be the unlucky one in the end.

 “Hahaha, okay, okay!”

Xu Enzeng, who was slapped in the face over there, laughed out of breath, his back molars clenched loudly, and his chest heaved violently. He was obviously very angry.

However, he didn't say any harsh words. After sneering twice, he returned to the bed and started to dress. After all, he had been the director and deputy director for many years, which the city government still had.

Others looked at the "crazy" Mark with pity and gave up their plan to teach him a lesson.

This man won't live long. Do you really think Deputy Director Xu doesn't dare to kill anyone?

In this weird atmosphere, everyone from Zhongtong walked out of the dormitory silently, got food, ate, and started a new day's work.

 Morning time.

Tong Siyuan's body was sent out of the Bai Mansion. Tong Siyuan, who was so emaciated during his lifetime, began to look like a giant, and the two of them almost couldn't lift it.

When passing the gate, Xu Enqiang suppressed his nausea, covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, casually looked at the body and the stretcher, and then let him go.

The original morgue has also been disinfected, and the smell has finally dissipated a lot.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Not only the central commander was afraid of the plague that could break out at any time, but the military commander was also afraid.

The ambulance carrying the corpse drove all the way to Renxin Hospital with its siren on.

Beside the transfer platform of the hospital morgue, Ling Sanping had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw the car coming back, he immediately went to greet it.

Preparations for the peace talks are top secret, and no care should be taken in all aspects. Tong Siyuan's death is related to it, so the handover of the body cannot be careless.

“Dean Ling, the deputy director requires you to conduct a second autopsy on the body in person to determine the cause of death and issue a death certificate.”

The special agent accompanying the car conveyed Zuo Zhong's order with a very respectful attitude.

"Okay, I understand. By the way, where did the body come from and how is it preserved?"

Ling Sanping looked at the report of the first autopsy and asked softly. This was his duty and there was no problem in asking.

The agent hesitated for a moment, but after thinking that the other party was the medical director of the entire military command and a senior agent from the Ji Goose Lane period, he replied honestly.

“The conditions at Xiangshan Apartment are poor. The body was simply embalmed with formalin, and it has already started to decay.”

Hearing this, Ling Sanping frowned, but didn't say much. The doctor sent to perform the task was also from Renxin Hospital, so he had to save some face for his subordinates.

He waved to the staff to push the body away, signed the handover formalities, followed the cart into the morgue, put on protective clothing and prepared for the autopsy.

“Record, body is male, age”

In front of the autopsy table, Ling Sanping held a scalpel in his hand and informed the assistant on the side of the corpse about the condition.

At this moment, the door to the anatomy room was pushed open, and Wu Jingzhong, the deputy director of the department, strode in, followed by several young spies with serious expressions. Faced with the sudden arrival of Agent Gou, Ling Sanping held the scalpel tightly and moved his right foot slightly under his white coat, preparing for a desperate fight.

“Doctor Ling, please forgive me for coming here uninvited.”

Wu Jingzhong said hello with a smile and motioned for everyone in the anatomy room to go out. When only two people were left in the room, he lowered his voice and said.

 “According to the order of the Vice-President Jun, there is a task that requires your cooperation.”

after one day

The aftermath of Tong Siyuan's death has not yet settled. The members of the preparatory team were suspicious and had no intention of working at all, and their efficiency was greatly reduced.

Zuo Zhong had no choice about this. He couldn't force the other party to work with a gun, so he simply ignored it and let these people vent their anger.

 A colleague was poisoned to death for no apparent reason. This would scare everyone. It is normal to have emotions.

Darkness has fallen again.

Meng Ting walked out of the Zhongtong dormitory, looked up at the moonlit night sky, and shook his head helplessly.

Mark has been like a crazy dog ​​in the past two days, provoking Xu Enzeng many times. If the weapons had not been confiscated, the two sides would have drawn their guns at each other. It is better to stay in this dormitory less.

For this reason, he took the initiative to take the job of night duty. It used to be a hard job, but now it is just the opposite. If he were not the director of the department, he would not be able to get such a good job.

Mark is not mentally healthy now, who knows if the other party will kill everyone while they are sleeping.

Going to the weapons room to get a gun, and checking the Central Command post, Meng Ting slowly walked to the telephone room in the southwest corner of the yard, where there were also people from the Central Command.

When he walked more than ten meters to the phone room, his ears suddenly twitched. The next second, he drew his gun and hid behind a tree, pointed it in a certain direction, and issued a warning in a cold tone.

 “Who! Come out!”

“Don’t get excited, Director Meng, it’s me.”

A voice sounded, and Zuo Zhong slowly walked out of the night with Gu Qi and Song Minghao, with a smile on his face and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Meng Ting quickly put his gun back into its holster, walked up to him, apologized, and pointed his gun at the officer. This was a crime of decapitation in the military.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand, not bothering about such a trivial matter. He simply said to follow and led the other party to the conference room. There were already two people inside.

 Xu Enzeng and Mark sat on opposite sides of the table, one looking to the left and the other to the right, vividly explaining what it means to hate each other.

“Okay, let’s sit down and talk.”

 Sit down on the main seat, Zuo Zhong said something, then took out a small paper bag from his pocket and threw it on the table. The paper bag slid far away on the smooth tabletop.

  "Don't talk yet, you should take a look at what's inside first." He closed his eyes and folded his arms, trying to keep it quiet.

Everyone was curious. Xu Enzeng rolled his eyes and first reached out to grab the paper bag and opened it, only to find that there was only a small note inside.

After reading the contents clearly, he handed it to Meng Ting nonchalantly. His fat body twisted on the chair and snorted disdainfully.

“You are just pretending to be a ghost. Isn’t this just a piece of paper that contains news that the government is negotiating peace with Japan? What’s the big deal?”

"Oh, is it so."

Zuo Zhong asked back, slowly opening his eyes and looking at the other person: "Then what if I told you that this was found on Tong Siyuan! If I hadn't seen through the murderer's trick in advance, this matter would have been known to the world by now. "

  At this point, he slammed the table and yelled: "Stand up, you still have the nerve to sit down. The commission asked you to be responsible for keeping secrets. Is that how you are responsible?"

Xu Enzeng was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He jumped up and argued.

"Slander, you are slandering! I checked the body when it was taken out and found no inclusions."

 “Hmph! Idiot!”

Zuo Zhong pointed at the other person and cursed unceremoniously: "Check P, have you seen the inside of the body? The murderer killed Tong Siyuan just to use his body as a transportation vehicle.

  Delaying the peace talks is just incidental. The ultimate goal is to spread the news. Although it is not yet known how he will inform his accomplices in the outside world, this is a huge work mistake. "

Xu Enzeng sat down, sweat breaking out on his forehead. After a moment of silence, he looked at Zuo Zhong with a sad face and a little expectancy.

"Director Zuo, since you have seen through the murderer's trick, you must have made arrangements. You can check fingerprints, handwriting and smell, right?"

At this time, he can only hope that the military commander has made complete preparations, otherwise prison will be his final destination.

Seeing that this guy had given in, Zuo Zhong put his hands on the table and bent down slightly, like a ferocious beast seeing its prey, and began to analyze with a sinister expression.

“Are you as stupid as you to be a murderer? No fingerprints were found on the note. Disguising handwriting is also a basic skill of an agent. There is no way to trace it.

It's also impossible to start with the smell. The smell of corpses has been blown everywhere in the past two days. The foot odor in your Zhongtong dormitory is even worse than the wind. Now we can only use known clues to infer.

Except for Zuo, Lao Gu, Lao Song and you, everyone else only found out about the peace talks when they arrived at the scene. The murderer was hiding among these people, otherwise there was no need for him to take the risk of killing people and delivering the message.

I have laid a dragnet at Renxin Hospital. As long as the other party's accomplices dare to come, they will never be able to escape. Then we will know who killed Tong Siyuan.

In addition, from now on, the security of the mansion will be tight on the outside and tight on the inside. I want to see who is the **** who is fornicating with dissidents and betraying the secrets of the Fruit Party. I will scratch him alive. "

 My own life was saved.

 Xu Enzeng had only one thought in his mind, but after the joy passed, he thought of another thing. He raised his hand politely and asked a question.

“What if no one goes to the hospital?”

"Easy to handle! Either the other party discovered the ambush in the hospital, or the murderer failed to pass on the information. We can't control the former, but the latter."

Zuo Zhong stopped mid-sentence, turned to look at Meng Ting and Mark who had finished passing the note, observing their reactions, and said with murderous intent.

“The latter is even simpler. In this conference room, they are the only two people who did not know about the peace talks in advance, and now they know that there is an ambush in the hospital.

If the murderer's accomplices did not go to the hospital, they would be the most suspect. Lao Xu, I am not targeting the Central Government, but there are too many moles and traitors in your bureau.

So in order to ensure that the news is not leaked, I will have people follow you 24 hours a day, Director Meng, Deputy Director Ma, do you two have any objections? "

As soon as these words came out, Xu Enzeng was speechless, Mark smiled, and Meng Ting nodded lightly.

Looking at all this, Zuo Zhong secretly calculated that in this way, even if the peace talks were exposed, no one would be able to blame him.

The person who leaked the information was a dissident. What does he, a loyal party-state official, have to do with him? The blame lies with Xu Enzeng, who is responsible for the confidentiality work. It is best to shoot this bastard!

  (padding, non-hydrology)

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