Cicada Moving

Chapter 1124: vehicle missing

 “What! Mark and all the escorts are missing?”

  In the early morning of the day when Wu Chunyang and Minister Song discussed retrieving the evidence of the peace talks, Xu Enzeng received an urgent call from the Central Unification Committee. He immediately let out an exclamation and his face became extremely ugly.

On the phone, the other party said that the special agent who went to pick up the person and Mark were supposed to arrive at the safe house an hour ago, but they have not shown up until now.

 After realizing something was wrong, the operators immediately conducted a preliminary search from Renxin Hospital to the safe house. No trace of crossfire was found. The vehicle and the four living people mysteriously disappeared.

Xu Enzeng’s right hand holding the microphone trembled slightly. He didn’t care if Mark died. What he was afraid of was that news of the peace talks would be leaked.

Mark is responsible for the confidentiality of the Bai Mansion and knows too many secrets. If they fall into the hands of the underground party, things will be in trouble.

 Before Xu Enzeng could speak, Zuo Zhong, who got the news, put on his coat and walked into the phone room accompanied by Gu Qi, Song Minghao and Gui Youguang, cursing loudly.

“Xu, why didn’t you report such a big thing to me? Send people to block all roads out of the city, the telegraph office, and monitor all phone calls.

If the outside world knew that the government was negotiating with the Japanese, you wouldn't have enough heads to cut off, so why are you still standing there, making a phone call? The person must be found. "

 “Okay, okay, okay, I’ll fight right now.”

Xu Enzeng, who had lost his mind, nodded, tremblingly answered the Zhongtong duty phone, and issued an order to blockade the mountain city.

It’s not that he is timid, it’s that the consequences of this matter are so serious that just thinking about it makes his legs weak.

After he put down the phone, Zuo Zhong pushed the other person away, informed Dai Chunfeng and the attendant room of the relevant situation, and then quietly waited for the next order.

Not long after, Dai Chunfeng called back. His tone was quite good, and he even sounded like he was in a good mood.

  After all, the secrecy of Bai Gongguan is the responsibility of the Central Commander-in-Chief and has little to do with the Military Commander-in-Chief.

According to what Lao Dai said, someone was furious when he found out that Mark was missing. After talking to Niang Xipi, he asked to find out the whole story in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, the ban on Zuo Zhong and others was immediately lifted, and they cooperated with Xu Enzeng to participate in the investigation of the case.

In the case of investigating a case, a person does not trust others but only his fellow villagers. After all, he is capable and "reliable".

Hang up Dai Chunfeng's call, Zuo Zhong nodded to Meng Ting who hurried into the house, discussed in low voices with Gu Qi and others for a while, and made corresponding arrangements.

 First, let Gu Qi manage Bai Gongguan on his behalf to prevent the enemy from moving the tiger away from the mountain. Gui Youguang's duties remain unchanged and the guard cannot be relaxed.

 Second, Xu Enzeng left with him, leaving confidentiality and supervision to Meng Ting.

Third, Song Minghao led the two departments outside the mansion to conduct a thorough search along the route from Renxin Hospital to the Zhongtong safe house.

 Xu Enzeng had no objection after hearing this. Zuo Zhong’s arrangement was very reasonable and did not target him and Zhongtong.

Even if the third point is suspected of being a slap in the face, we have to admit that in terms of professional capabilities, the military commander is indeed much better than the central commander.

 To put it bluntly, if someone else's ambition destroys one's own prestige, the on-site investigation showed that the conclusion of the military commander was more credible than that of the central commander.

Meng Ting shrugged indifferently, but his eyes were a little confused, as if he didn't understand why Mark was missing.

 Ten minutes later, several cars set off from Bai Gongguan to the city.

Zuo Zhong and Xu Enzeng were sitting in the back seat of one of the cars. The two people, who had different thoughts, did not speak. They arrived at Renxin Hospital in silence.

At this time, the entrance of Renxin Hospital was already crowded, and the agents from the Second Division automatically divided into several groups. Following Song Minghao's order, everyone immediately began to trace the trajectory of the missing vehicle.

This is easy. For such a big target like a car, someone will always hear something or see something.

The banging of the door kept ringing, and countless people were woken up from their beds to answer questions from the military special agents one by one.

 “Did you hear the engine sound?”

"heard it."

 “Approximate time.”

Facing the inquiries from this gang of spies, the citizens of the mountain city did not dare to hide anything, and countless clues gathered together.

 At dawn, the route of the missing vehicle will be determined.

Unsurprisingly, the Central Unification agents who picked him up did not implement anti-tracking procedures at all. They did not detour or cover up, and just followed the shortest route. Their performance was very amateurish.

 The reason is nothing more than laziness and underestimation of the enemy. They believe that nothing can happen on their own territory and lose the vigilance that intelligence personnel should have.

Zuo Zhong, who had been up all night, glared at Xu Enzeng and led him to follow the technical staff to walk along the route to investigate, looking for possible clues.

  Visiting is the most important and basic component of frontline work. As a commander, you can't just give guidance from behind, but you must also join in personally, so that you can have a more comprehensive grasp of the progress of the investigation.

To ensure that nothing was missed, all traffic along the route was cut off. The agents walked side by side on the road, searching the road and surrounding areas like a net.

Many people stood on the roadside and watched the excitement, whispering about what happened. The police officers who maintained order did not bother to care. They also curiously looked at the rows of agents who were searching with their heads down.

  Professionally trained technicians quickly discovered many suspicious items, but they were ultimately confirmed to have nothing to do with the missing vehicle.

Xu Enzeng was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and wanted to lie down on the ground and walk over the ground inch by inch. At this time, he became dedicated, but it was too late.

Zuo Zhong sneered and looked up at the road. His eyes stopped at a bend not far away. A strange color flashed in his eyes, calling Song Minghao to walk over.

This is an uphill road, about 500 meters long. There are no households nearby. There is a steep mountain on the right, and a steep **** of more than ten meters long is on the left. The fast-flowing Jialingjiang River rushes under the steep slope. If he wants to rob the missing vehicle, this is the best place to do it, both in terms of concealment and suddenness.

  Walking quickly to the corner, Zuo Zhong quickly scanned the roadside. It was very clean, and it was a bit unusual for it to be clean.

Today's mountain cities have a population of more than one million, and are full of refugees and beggars. These people wander around the city, either begging or doing odd jobs.

It is unrealistic to expect the quality of these people to be high, so all kinds of garbage and excrement can be seen everywhere along their migration routes.

 Except for a few areas, the sanitary conditions of roads in mountain cities and towns are worrying.

However, the stretch of road in front of Zuo Zhong cannot be said to be spotless, but it is similar to the road in front of the national government headquarters. It definitely meets the requirements of the New Life Movement.

After looking around for a long time, he slowly bent down, stretched out his hand to touch the ground and rubbed it, then stood up suddenly and said to Song Minghao.

“Lao Song, conduct a detailed survey of this section of the road, focusing on the steep slopes and edges.”

Song Minghao knew that the deputy director had made a discovery, so he immediately turned around and executed the order without asking any questions, and mobilized a large number of manpower to investigate the two locations.

Not to be outdone, Xu Enzeng also sent out personnel to search. With the joint efforts of both parties, it didn't take long to find many items and traces that should not have appeared.

  “Discover the iron sheet.”

“There are tire tracks on the steep slope.”

Hearing the continuous reports, Zuo Zhong had a real expression on his face. He kept walking towards the little agent who found the iron sheet, put on his gloves, took the things in the other's hands and looked at them.

This is an iron product about ten centimeters square, with an irregular shape. If you gently wipe off the soil on it, you can see a layer of black paint on the surface.

There are obvious traces of distortion on its edge, as if it has experienced a violent impact, and the cross-section is also very new. It must not have been dropped here for a long time.

“Passenger seat, this is the skin of the missing vehicle.”

Song Minghao, who was next to him, immediately recognized that the iron sheet should come from a black car, and the car that Zhongtong picked up happened to be black.

There is no such coincidence in the world. Just as they were about to find the missing car, parts of the same color appeared at the suspicious location.

You must know that cars were a standard luxury product in the Republic of China. If anyone left the car in a place like this, the crime scene would be confirmed.

 After saying that, he looked at Zuo Zhong, rolled his eyes, and calmly picked up the bowl.

“Vice-in-Chief, is this where the four Marks disappeared?”


Zuo Chongen sighed, pointed to the uphill curve and expressed his guess: "It is impossible for a car and four living people to disappear silently, let alone these four people are professional agents, so There are two possibilities.

 Either they all defected or they were attacked. The former is unlikely. No matter how many insiders there are in Zhongtong, four people cannot have problems at the same time.

As for the latter, nearby residents did not hear gunshots last night, which shows that there was no exchange of fire at the scene. This was also confirmed by the small number of passing vehicles before and after the incident.

So how to control four agents in a short period of time without shooting? Combining the existing clues, the answer is obvious, that is a premeditated car accident! "

Song Minghao suddenly realized, yes, the underground party had used this trick when they were in Jinling. These dissidents were really ruthless.

As he was thinking about it, Zuo Zhong continued: "That night, when the missing vehicle was driving here, it was hit by an unknown vehicle heading uphill. It was a large vehicle such as a truck. The four people in the car immediately lost their ability to resist.

Immediately afterwards, the murderer took advantage of the body and horsepower to directly push the missing vehicle from the steep **** into the ditch, so car parts and wheel marks appeared nearby.

 Finally, the other party had two vehicles, one used to commit the crime and the other used to clear traces of the scene, trying to interfere with our detection.

I just took a look, and there are traces of water on the ground. The second vehicle should be a water tanker or a fire truck. It discharged water from a high place to clean the traces.

 The most important thing is that this is a major case of internal and external collusion. After all, escorting Mark is a temporary task, and outsiders have no way of knowing.

It is easy to find out who the mole is. As long as we find the missing vehicle and the body and see who is missing, we will know the answer.

 Lao Song, I won’t care about the following work. Everyone will obey your command. I will investigate the case within two days. Is that okay? "

 “No problem, deputy seat!”

Song Minghao's eyes were shining. He had grasped so many clues. If he didn't know what to do next, all his years of intelligence work would have been in vain.

 After thinking briefly, he called his men to assign four tasks and decided to investigate the case from multiple directions.

 1. Contact the Navy’s Water Ghost Team to dive and explore the waters near the crime scene to find missing vehicles and bodies.

 Second, whether it is trucks, water tanks, or fire trucks, they are not widely available in mountain cities. You can use your truck to find people.

 Three, reversely trace the trajectories of the two suspect vehicles.

 Fourth, re-examine the files of the four Marks. It is indeed impossible for all four of them to have problems, but one of them must be a mole.

Listening to the exchange between Zuo Zhong and the two, Xu Enzeng found that he could not get a word in at all, so he had no choice but to bitterly step on a piece of celluloid headlight fragment into the soil.

 (End of this chapter)

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