Cicada Moving

Chapter 1125: The war is still going on

Chapter 1125 The war is still going on

By the side of Jialing.

In the temperature of more than ten degrees, the two teams of small agents took off their shirts, shouted one, two, one two, and pulled back hard with a thick hemp rope in their hands.

The other end of the hemp rope stretched straight into the water, as if it was tied to something heavy. The water splashed during the drag turned into clouds of mist in the sun.

There are several traffic boats parked nearby. A diver sat on the side of the boat and took off his brass diving helmet, talking to the people beside him with a pale face.

 At this time, 24 hours had passed since the crime scene was discovered.

After receiving the request for help, the Navy Water Ghost Team immediately dispatched its most elite personnel and new equipment to assist the military commander in searching the suspicious waters. The speed of its actions was not at all like the slow-moving Guo Army.

This matter is easy to understand. After several wars, the Republic of China Navy has long been reduced to a paper force. All its warships were destroyed, and what it did most in Pingshi was transportation.

 This opportunity to give full play to my professional advantages is naturally a dream.

 Besides, who in the government didn’t know that Mr. Dai was very wealthy and would get a lot of benefits from working for military commanders. In order to compete for this task, there was almost a fight within the navy.

Zuo Zhong stood on the shore and slowly put down the telescope, turned to ask Song Minghao: "How is the investigation going?"

  “There are some discoveries.”

Song Minghao nodded and gloated: "There are currently more than a thousand public and private trucks in the mountain city. We arranged for the police station to check them one by one and found that a truck was stolen yesterday. Who do you think it belongs to?"

 He did not answer directly, but kept it secret. It was obvious that the owner of the truck was not a simple person.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows. Looking at the strange expression of the other party, an idea flashed in his mind, and he raised his chin towards Xu Enzeng who was squatting on the ground.

"It can't be from Zhongtong, right? If it really happens, the person named Xu may not be able to clean himself up even if he jumps into the Yellow River."

 “It’s from Zhongtong.”

Song Minghao confirmed Zuo Zhong’s guess, glanced at Xu Enzeng, and reported the investigation results in a low voice.

“According to investigation, the Zhongtong convoy was carrying out a grain transportation mission the day before yesterday. During this period, an American-made truck was stolen and the truck had sufficient fuel.

The driver said that he parked the truck on the side of the road and went to the toilet. When he came out, he found that the truck was missing.

After the incident, the other party reported to the General Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, and the Shancheng Police Department also sent people to the scene, but nothing was found.

  But we found out that this person had a large deposit in his secret account at HSBC. With Zhongtong’s salary, he would never be able to earn it in his lifetime. "

Zhongtong is really "proud of talented people". Not only intelligence, but also vehicles that the government spent a lot of money to buy have the courage to resell. It is really getting more and more promising.

After listening to Song Minghao's report, Zuo Zhong laughed angrily, took a deep breath, and asked again.

“The driver takes control. Has he seen the buyer’s face? If so, immediately draw a simulated portrait and place a wanted order on this person.”


Song Minghao, who was opposite him, suddenly hesitated, and finally said helplessly: "Vice-seat officer, that driver is not simple. He is related to your old principal Zhu Liuxian, so he did not arrest him directly because of his humble position.

 We conducted a confidential inquiry on him. The buyer never showed up from beginning to end. Both parties communicated through letters. The letters have been destroyed. It is unlikely to trace the suspect through this method. "

He carefully observed Zuo Zhong's expression, and his voice became smaller and smaller. There was no way, who let the case be brought to that person's head.

If the military commander arrests someone, the outside world will definitely say that the deputy commander will do whatever it takes to get credit for his teacher. This reputation is not good.

 As a subordinate, he must avoid this happening.

Zuo Zhong's face darkened, and after being silent for a long time, he ordered that this matter should not be recorded. This was indeed a violation of discipline, but he couldn't really kill his relatives out of justice.

 Politics without human feelings is short-lived and dangerous.

Song Minghao knew that he had made the right bet this time. The deputy director was indeed not the kind of ungrateful person. He went on to talk about the investigation results of water tankers and fire trucks.

 Compared with trucks, the number of these two special vehicles is smaller and easier to check, but the problem is also not small.

Shancheng Fire Brigade did have a fire truck missing, but it was not stolen, but was robbed by a group of masked men when they went out after receiving a fire alarm.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, the firefighters on the vehicle had no other choice but to raise their hands and surrender. There was no need to risk their lives for that little salary.

 The way to find people by car is basically discontinued.

The tracking of the two suspect vehicles did not yield much results. We could only find that the starting point of each other was at an intersection, and could not find anything further down.

From this point it can be seen that the attacker acted very cautiously and handled his actions very cleanly.

 After quickly reporting the situation, Song Minghao saw that Zuo Zhong was not angry, so he changed the subject and told him a piece of good news.

“We re-examined the files of the four Marks and found that a relative of one of them was missing, and the time of disappearance was the day of the incident.

The brother who called outside asked the neighbor. The neighbor said that he had heard unusual noises, but when he went out, he didn't see anything and didn't pay attention to it. "

 That’s it, Zuo Zhong nodded slightly.

Whether it is the central government or the military commander, the internal screening lasts for half a year. No wonder the previous preliminary investigation did not find this matter.

 The disappearance of family members is almost synonymous with defection in the intelligence industry.

  Intelligence officers are also human beings, and their families are one of the few weak spots. That’s why Dai Chunfeng centralized the management of the family members of headquarters personnel to prevent unexpected events.

 “Come up! Come up!”

Just when Zuo Zhong was about to ask about the whereabouts of the suspect's family, the little spies beside him shouted, and everyone present heard the sound and looked around.

Hunted by a hemp rope, a black car was slowly dragged ashore from the water. The car body was seriously damaged and covered with mud.

Song Minghao stepped forward quickly and walked to the rear of the car, which was still intact. He bent down and wiped the license plate, then turned around and nodded at Zuo Zhong and Xu Enzeng who were approaching. “The license plates matched and it was definitely the missing vehicle.”

Xu Enzeng's body shook. Everything before was just speculation. It was different when he found the car. His men found out the mole.

Zuo Zhong had no time to pay attention to him. He stood by the car and looked inside the car. He found a corpse in the driver's seat and a corpse in the passenger seat, with traces of fish eating on their faces.

There were four people in the missing vehicle, which means there are still two people missing. Could they have been washed away by the current?

Looking at the basically intact car door and narrow car window, he quickly ruled out this possibility, and then ordered to check the identity of the deceased to determine which two people were missing.

After hearing the order, the technicians immediately cleaned the face of the deceased, and used the files to compare the appearance and fingerprints. After a few minutes, they came to a preliminary conclusion.

 The two missing people, one is Mark, and the other is a Central Unification agent whose family members are missing.

In addition, the agents responsible for the investigation also found stab marks behind the driver's seat and the passenger seat. The two deceased people also had fatal wounds on their backs. It seemed that someone had attacked the front-seat occupants from the back row with very brutal means.

At this point, the truth is about to come out. Just as Zuo Zhong said, someone in the Central Government colluded with others inside and outside to kidnap Mark, who had a lot of information.

“Director Zuo, Brother Zuo, you can’t just wait until death without saving me!”

Xu Enzeng tugged on Zuo Zhong's sleeve and begged pitifully. From the friendship he had during his trip to the Northeast to the golden Buddha, he only meant one thing.

As long as Zuo Zhong can show his dignity and write a better report, he will definitely have a generous report in the future, and it will be a very thick one.

How could Zuo Zhong be affected by these arrogant things? He immediately raised his hand to throw the opponent away, scolded him righteously, and ordered someone to drag the guy with a guillotine and chop off the guy's head.

 Xu Enzeng was so scolded that he kept begging for mercy, and the prices were getting higher and higher. There were hundreds of souvenirs alone.

Seeing that he had "profoundly" realized his mistake, Liangxiu Qingfengzuo relented and expressed his willingness to give him a chance to change his ways.

After all, he is a hero of the party and the country, so he cannot be beaten to death with a stick, but the premise is that the news of the peace talks is not leaked on a large scale.

Xu Enzeng, who felt he had narrowly escaped death, repeatedly promised that the Central Unification Committee would step up efforts to hunt down the moles and Mark, closely monitor the newspapers and radio stations in the Kuomintang-controlled areas, and would never make it difficult for Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong casually dealt with the other party, took Song Minghao back to the Bai Mansion, and reported the case to Teacher Bianyi.

After hearing this, Lao Dai followed his usual practice and personally attacked Xu Enzeng and ordered him to continue to be responsible for matters related to the peace talks and not to worry about other matters.

Let the Central Commander be responsible for the troubles caused by the Central Commander, and the military commanders can just wait and watch the show.

Hang up the phone, Zuo Chong returned to the office and sat down to play with his gun. His eyes drifted towards the direction of Renxin Hospital, silently thinking about something in his heart.

He was calm and relaxed, but Xu Enzeng was so busy that he hit the back of his head with his feet.

 After leaving the scene, the Central Unification agents were like a group of mad dogs, searching everywhere inside and outside the mountain city, trying to find Mark.

Amidst the chaos, Ling Sanping, the director of Renxin Hospital, appeared in an alley in the city. He slightly turned his head and looked around, then stepped into a shop with the sign of Huang's Goods Store. .

“Here we go, Dean Ling, please sit upstairs.”


Seeing him come in, Francois Huang, who was doing the counting, greeted him warmly and winked at the clerk, who immediately stood by the door and carefully monitored the outside.

François Huang and Ling Sanping went up the stairs to the second floor and sat down at a table respectively. They exchanged pleasantries and then started talking in a lowered voice.

“Thumbtack, the two targets and the scene have been dealt with. Those families must be properly handled. We are not a fruit party and cannot engage in implicated behavior.”

“After it was taken care of, the person was buried in the mountain, traces were forged on the seat, and the family members were sent to the northwest. They only thought that the target was our people, and the others didn’t know.”

 “Very good, have the operators been exposed?”

 “No, it has entered a latent state, and everything is normal now.”

 Hearing Francois Huang's answer, Ling Sanping felt relieved.

This operation was too hasty and could easily lead to problems, but there was no way around it. He knew too little information.

That mysterious piece of paper only contained two pieces of information: the peace talks and the possibility that the Central Command would transport Mark away, as well as a rough action plan. Neither the time nor the route was specified.

Fortunately, Zhongtong acted as amateurish as ever and did not counter-track at all, and just took the high road with such swagger, otherwise the operation would not have been so smooth.

Now as long as the information is not leaked, the purpose of using the escorts and Mark as scapegoats to cover up the intelligence channels has been achieved.

Ling Sanping thought about the note and guessed the identity of the writer before speaking again.

“Thumbtack, please inform your hometown to publish a commendation message in a newspaper in the border area. The content is a bit vague, and it is necessary to confirm that the Central Unification agent is one of our personnel.

Although we don’t know who the comrades in Bai Gongguan are, we must protect each other. Let Xu Enzeng take the blame. Anyway, this guy is used to it.

As for why the other party wanted to pass the news to Renxin Hospital, it is probably due to other arrangements of the organization. According to discipline, we cannot ask, let alone investigate. "

 When it comes to discipline, Francois Huang will naturally not object. The two then handed over some information and ended the meeting.

Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

On the day Wu Chunyang successfully destroyed the evidence of the peace talks in Haojiang, a middle-aged man with a serious expression and a heroic look on his face came to someone's official residence from No. 50 Zengjiayan. Huangpu alumni in the official residence saluted him when they saw him.

No one knows what the other person said after seeing the person. They only know that after the middle-aged man left, the person smashed his favorite inkstone into pieces and greeted Xu Enzeng's family loudly in dialect.

Minister Song, who had just arrived in Hanoi, also received an encrypted telegram that day.

 After reading the telegram, Minister Song directly denied Japan’s false accusation that the government murdered Japanese diplomats, decisively interrupted negotiations with Japan, and the so-called peace talks collapsed.

This means that someone’s dream of seizing peace from outside the country has completely failed, and China and Japan will eventually have to fight it out on the battlefield.

At the same time, on the other side of the world, the two imperialist groups ended their "fierce" sit-in war, and the international situation underwent tremendous changes.

 The war is still going on.

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