Cicada Moving

Chapter 1127: "farewell"

 Chapter 1127 “Farewell”

 In the office of the Bai Gongguan peace talks preparatory group, some members of each group were playing poker, some were playing chess, but no one was working.

 This situation has been going on for nearly more than a month.

Although it was a bit boring, the salary was not small, and there was a supply of delicious food and drinks. Everyone was patiently waiting for the order to go up to the peak, and there was no rush at all.

They are all elites who have seen the world. They know that with the current international situation, the peace talks between the national government and Japan will probably not be fruitful, and there is no point in rushing.

 In one of the offices, several people were touching mahjong with their hands and discussing the matter.

“France and the UK are indeed powerful, but the main forces are in Europe. In my opinion, if they really want to fight the Japanese, the outcome will be unpredictable.”

"Yes, I have been to Nanyang and observed the Western garrisons in Java, Gangcheng, Luzon, Siam, and Cochin. Their disciplines are lax and their equipment is old. They are no different from the Japanese army."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter, we can't come out on top this time, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

“Yes, once Japan begins to conquer Nanyang, there will be no possibility of resistance by the imperialist troops there, and peace talks will be restarted by then.”

I have to say that these people's speculations are very accurate. It's just that they are obviously talented, but they want to compete with the Japanese for their dogs. It's really hard to understand.

While everyone was talking, they heard someone shouting to gather outside, so they put down what they were doing and came to the courtyard.

Facing the members of the preparatory team who looked puzzled, Zuo Zhong clapped his hands with a smile on his face and informed them of a piece of good news.

—This mission has been successfully completed and the blockade has been lifted.

However, in order to ensure that the news is not leaked, the members of the preparatory team will be moved to another place and will stay for a few more days before going home, and the rewards they deserve will be paid soon.

 Hearing that he could go home and get benefits, everyone was very happy and immediately expressed their gratitude to Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong shook his head with a smile and motioned for everyone to pack their luggage. Then he whispered a few words to Gu Qi, Song Ming, and Gui Youguang, and the three of them whispered yes.

Meng Ting, who was responsible for keeping secrets, watched with cold eyes. He had received the order and fully cooperated with the military commander's work.

Xu Enzeng even called and asked him not to ask anything, not to read anything, and to completely forget about the incident.

Looking at the figures returning to the dormitory and the stern-looking military agents, Meng Ting guessed something, but it had nothing to do with him.

after an hour.

The documents stored in the basement of the two-story building and the peace negotiation documents in the interrogation room were moved to a corner of the yard by military reunification agents and poured with several barrels of gasoline.

Members of the preparatory team carrying large and small bags didn't pay attention. They just regarded it as a normal destruction operation. They boarded several trucks with smiles on their faces and discussed with each other the arrangements for returning home.

After counting the number of people and confirming that everyone was here, Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi got into a car and drove at the front, leading the convoy out of Bai Mansion.

The convoy traveled quickly through the mountain city's complex road network, turning left and right toward the south of the mountain city's urban area. After dozens of minutes of driving, it finally stopped on the embankment near the coral dam.

This was the execution ground where Zhongtong shot underground party prisoners to identify Meng Ting.

The mountain city in June is in the rainy season. It is rare that the wind is sunny today, the sky is blue, and the wind that is neither cold nor hot blows on the body, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Jitan, which used to be bustling with tourists, was deserted except for a large number of heavily armed garrison soldiers standing with guns in hand and serious expressions.

Zuo Zhong stretched out after getting out of the car and nodded slightly towards Gui Youguang. It was time to send some people back to their hometown.

“Sir, why did you bring me here? Are you going to take a boat to the south bank?”

 “Where’s the boat? Why didn’t I see the boat?”

The members of the peace talks preparatory team jumped out of the car and found themselves at the edge of the river. They all asked the secret agents in various directions, but they were answered with cold eyes.

Not only that, the little spies worked in pairs, quickly controlled their respective targets, and took out handcuffs to handcuff the other person behind his back. Now all the fools knew that something was wrong.

 Kill people and silence them!

Members of the preparatory team still don’t understand that the government is no longer negotiating with the Japanese and is afraid that they will leak the news, so they are ready to kill them.

Knowing that they were about to die soon, everyone's reaction was different. Some people's legs felt weak, and if the agents hadn't held them up, they would have almost collapsed on the ground.

Some people struggled desperately, shouting grievances or emphasizing their background, and at the same time getting close to Zuo Zhong, trying to survive.

“Deputy Director Zuo, Director Bai of the National Police Agency and I are classmates, and he is a close friend of you. Just let me go!”

“Vice-seat Zuo, Zuo Zhong! My uncle is a lieutenant general. If you kill me, he will definitely avenge me.”

Harse shouts kept ringing out, ruining Zuo Zhong's mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Seeing the deputy director frown slightly, Gui Youguang took the soldier's rifle and walked up to one of them, holding up the **** of the rifle and hitting the other person's face hard.

 According to the Western scientific community's classification of hardness, the hardness of walnut wood used to make gun stocks is 1,000, while the hardness of human facial bones is no more than 200.

 What is the result of the collision between the two? The answer is obvious.

Blood immediately spurted out from the man's mouth and nose, and a few teeth flew far away. Then he drooped his head like a dead fish and let the little agent drag him toward Qiaotan.

 “MD, the noise made me dizzy, bah.”

Gui Youguang put down the **** rifle and spat on the ground angrily.

Other members of the preparatory team witnessed his brutal behavior and were so frightened that they were dragged to Changtan. They knelt down in order with a sharp pain in their popliteal fossa.

Stimulated by the cold ground, everyone came back to their senses and struggled even more fiercely. Soon the hard pebbles made their knees bloody.

When they were placed on the ground, these people were already crying in pain, but no one cared at this moment. They were about to die, so this small injury was nothing.

 In the past, the high-ranking elites begged for mercy, threatened, yelled, cried, and grabbed the ground with their heads. There were all kinds of ugly things.

Zuo Zhong leaned against the hood of the engine with his back to the execution ground, took out a harmonica from his pocket, and gently blew the reed, causing the sound of music to float. The music lingers in everyone's ears, with a gentle rhythm and a hint of desolation and generosity, as if it is describing the melancholy of parting.

The agents listened carefully and found that the deputy director was playing "Farewell". This song was widely circulated in the Republic of China and was played on the radio station from time to time.

Gu Qi couldn't help but hummed softly along with the beat. Gui Youguang shouted the command just at this moment. With the cold light shining from the muzzle of the gun, the solemn execution ground was filled with some unspeakable emotions.

 “Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road”


 “The grass is green and the sky is green”

 “Raise the gun~”


 “Bang bang bang”

 “Half acquaintances are scattered”

The sound of gunfire and the sound of harmonica mingled, and the members of the preparatory team threw themselves down one after another, falling on the soil covered with the blood of the martyrs, like a belated memorial ceremony.

The Changshui River not far away flows eastward in mighty force, seemingly taking away all the sins and the past, never to return.

On a hill a few hundred meters away from the coral dam, Xu Enzeng looked far away in the direction of Changtan, heard the distant sound of the piano, and cursed.

“Executioner! Butcher! A cat cries over a mouse! Hypocrisy!”

Beside him, Meng Ting was stunned, wondering how you could have the nerve to say such things. These four words would be more appropriate to put on your head.

Of course, Meng Ting only dared to slander these words in his heart. On the surface, he nodded vigorously and accused Zuo Zhong of cruelty together with his immediate boss.

  When the military commander packed up the bodies and evacuated from the execution ground, the two of them also returned to the headquarters of the Central Military Commission by car. Xu Enzeng ran away without knowing where he was in the blink of an eye. Meng Ting climbed to the rooftop alone, facing the direction of the coral dam and was speechless for a long time.

“Director Meng, you are so leisurely. Is the mission of Bai Gongguan over?”

Suddenly, a voice came from behind. Meng Ting turned around and saw that it was Shen Dongxin, the chief secretary of the Central Unification Committee.

He knew something about this person. Fa Xiao was a top student at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy in France and a confidant of Director Zhu Liuxian.

 Within the Central Unification Committee, the other party has a lot of power. It is rumored that he will be promoted to deputy director in the near future, and he is very difficult to deal with Xu Enzeng.

Thinking of the consequences if someone saw him meeting Shen Dongxin, Meng Ting calmly took two steps to the side, turned back and continued to look into the distance, and responded with a faint expression of gratitude, without any intention of talking in depth.

Shen Dongxin didn't take it seriously when he saw this. He stood side by side with Meng Ting, took out a cigarette and handed one to the other, lit the lighter, took a puff, and said calmly.

“I want to buy two kilograms of Shanlihong. Can Director Meng recommend a place?”

In just a word, it was like a heavy hammer in Meng Ting's ears, stunned the old information and lost God on the spot.

He quickly regained his composure, checked the surrounding situation covertly, pretended to be nonchalant, and replied in a low voice.

“I heard that there is a store in the No. 1 Model Market that sells good Shanlihong. The owner’s surname is Wang. Director Shen can go and have a look.”

 “Your surname is Wang? It’s Huang, right?”

  Hearing the last sentence of "Huang," Meng Ting, who was originally expressionless, took a deep breath, slowly extended his right hand to Shen Dongxin, and said solemnly while holding back his excitement.


These two words were not long, but he seemed to have spent all his energy. After finishing speaking, his eyes filled with tears and his body trembled slightly.

 Fighting alone in the heart of the enemy, the most unbearable thing is not the danger, but the loneliness with no end in sight.

 Now, he finally has a comrade who can fight alongside him.

 Obviously, Meng Ting's arrest was a well-planned fake surrender, with the purpose of infiltrating the Central Unification Committee and obtaining intelligence about the Kuomintang.

 After repeated tests, he completed this task perfectly, and neither Xu Enzeng nor someone else now has any doubts about his surrender.


Shen Dongxin held Meng Ting's hand tightly and replied with the same excitement. He had been fighting alone for almost six years since he returned to China in the 23rd year of the Republic of China.

As an insider lurking in the military and central government, this position determines that his identity is top secret. Even the traffic officer receives information from the dead mail box and has no idea who the contact person is.

It feels really good to be able to cooperate with my comrades now.

Who would have thought that the chief secretary of the Central Unification Committee, who came from a wealthy family and studied in France, would turn out to be a dissident.

With Shen Dongxin’s position, he has access to most of Zhongtong’s latent personnel files, intelligence activity plans, traffic station locations, secret codes and many other top-secret information.

This means that Xu Enzeng is no different from running naked in front of the underground party. When Meng Ting thought of this, he was pleasantly surprised and felt a pain in his heart.

 In a daze, he seemed to see the comrades who had sacrificed their lives in front of him, slowly walking away with the sound of "Farewell".

For the common ideal, countless people abandoned their homes and careers, gave up their comfort and comfort, and threw themselves into the torrent of life under the red flag without hesitation until death.

Farewell, comrades.

 Our cause will surely prevail.


 (There will be an underground party plot next)

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