Cicada Moving

Chapter 1128: Green hills and fish intestines

Chapter 1128 Green Mountains and Fish Intestines

Shen Dongxin and Meng Ting are both experienced underground intelligence officers. They quickly regained their composure after being excited. After all, they are in the position of the Central Commander with eyes and ears everywhere, so they must act cautiously.

 After letting go, Shen Dongxin first asked about the situation in the Bai Mansion and asked whether Meng Ting was responsible for the leak of the peace talks.

The person at No. 50 Zengjiayan came to denounce someone for making peace. This is no longer a secret in the mountain city. Everyone with some status in the government knows it.

The problem is that Northwest also doesn't know the source of the intelligence, so an order was sent asking Shen Dongxin to find out the matter and clarify the intelligence channels.

"not me."

Meng Ting shook his head and reported on how he poisoned Tong Siyuan with cyanide and tried to use his body to send information.

After hearing this, Shen Dongxin’s expression became serious. According to the discipline of underground work, assassinations of national government military and political officials were strictly prohibited. This was a red line that could not be crossed.

 He immediately asked the other party to explain. This was not unkind. Discipline is discipline, and no one can be exempted.

 When operating in a Kuomintang-controlled area where enemies are everywhere, if everyone works independently, there will be big problems. There is no room for luck in this matter.

Face the question, Meng Ting showed no resistance and talked about a past event, a past event about Tong Siyuan.

“You should have seen Tong Siyuan’s file. After graduating from the Infantry Department of the Changcheng Branch of the Central Army Military Academy, he entered the International Relations Section of the Military Commission in the 16th year of the Republic of China. He was the deputy section chief as soon as he took office.

Many people say this is because he is related to Commander Liu, the current garrison headquarters in Shancheng, but in fact, he and Commander Liu are only distant relatives, and the two sides have not been in contact for a long time.

 So, why did Tong Siyuan become the deputy chief of the unit, and was later recommended to study at the Japanese Army University? There were many people with connections in the Army Wei Association, and it was not his turn. "

 After saying so many words in one breath, Meng Ting took a breath and continued after regaining his composure.

“The reason is very simple. In the 16th year of the Republic of China, Tong Siyuan, who was still studying in the military academy, joined the organization. After the Jinling government purged the party, he immediately rebelled.

He took the initiative to provide the pursuers with the whereabouts of more than 20 comrades. These comrades were eventually brutally killed by the enemy, and their relatives were also killed.

After this incident, Tong Siyuan suddenly became a celebrity in the Military Weihui and the International Relations Section, and completely became a lackey of the reactionaries.

 That year, I happened to be on a mission in Changcheng and saw with my own eyes that **** leading people to hunt him down. We must get rid of such people. "

  Tong Siyuan turned out to be a traitor.

Shen Dongxin was very surprised. There was no mention of this incident in the other party's files. It seemed that someone had processed the files to prevent the organization from tracing them.

After pondering for a while, he patted Meng Ting on the shoulder: "Good kill, I will report this matter to my superiors and arrange personnel to verify it as soon as possible. Don't think too much, this is also discipline."

"I see."

Meng Ting is an old underground man and has also led an intelligence team, so he naturally has no other ideas.

 In fact, before he decided to get rid of Tong Siyuan, he was prepared to accept the investigation. He could not let him go just because he was worried about this.

 After learning about the traitor, Shen Dongxin asked Meng Ting how he was going to inform his superiors about intercepting the information from Tong Siyuan's body.

The military commander is in charge of the security of Bai Gongguan. It is not easy to pass the news under Zuo Zhong's nose, not to mention that the central commander is watching from the side.

Hearing this question, Meng Ting said calmly: "Originally, I planned to attack the phone room and use the emergency communication channel to send intelligence, but at the last moment I was called to the conference room by Zuo Zhong.

At that time, I realized that the other party had guessed what I was thinking and sent someone to set a trap at Renxin Hospital, so I temporarily stopped my actions. "

He spoke in a relaxed tone, but Shen Dongxin knew that once he attacked the phone room, his identity would be exposed.

 Obviously, the other party was prepared to sacrifice his life to complete the mission. Fortunately, Zuo Zhong suddenly appeared, otherwise he would have lost this comrade.

While Shen Dongxin was thinking, Meng Ting talked about what happened next in a leisurely manner. Without the ability to record an action log, everything could only be told orally.

“Later, Zuo Zhong sent people to keep an eye on me, and Xu Enzeng also had doubts about me. I looked for several opportunities but failed. Unexpectedly, Mark and the secret agent who picked him up suddenly disappeared.

It didn’t take long before news of the secret peace talks between Yamashiro and the Japanese leaked out. According to on-site inspections, the national government believed that one of the agents picked up was one of our own.

Just now, the military commander shot all the members of the peace talks preparatory group. This should be an order from the highest level of the Kuomintang Party in order to cover up the fact that they were making peace with Japan. "

Shen Dongxinyan was shocked, and he had more doubts in his heart. Who was the source of the intelligence?

If the person who delivered the information was the secret agent escorting Mark, his hometown would not know about it, let alone let him investigate.

Is there another comrade in Bai Mansion?

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. He temporarily put aside the problem and conveyed the orders and relevant information from his superiors to Meng Ting.

“From today on, I am your direct superior. My code name is Qingshan, and your code name is Yuchang.

 In the future, you will still be lurking next to Xu Enzeng. You don’t need to deliberately get close to me, and you don’t need to deliberately distance yourself from me. Just carry on as usual.

If there is information to be conveyed, open the curtains in the office halfway and write the information secretly on the back of the daily documents. I am the chief secretary, and most of the documents in the bureau will pass through my hands. This will not arouse the suspicion of others.

 As for the emergency contact information, put it in the cigarette holder I gave you. Destroy it immediately after reading it. We must try to reduce the number of connections in the future. "

Meng Ting kept this information firmly in his mind, gently peeled off the cigarette holder with his hand, took out a piece of paper, read it quickly and put the piece of paper into his mouth.

At this time, Shen Dongxin had turned around and left the rooftop quietly. He was the only one left on the rooftop.

 The breeze brought up some dust, and it quickly dissipated, as if nothing had happened.

This large-scale execution on the shore of Coral Dam only left some talk for the people in the mountain city, and was soon forgotten.

  End of June 1940.

Three civil airliners landed at Shancheng Airport. Dozens of passengers in suits and ties got off the plane. The welcoming team beside the tarmac immediately burst into warm applause and cheers.

There were hundreds of military officers and government officials among the people present, all wearing crisp suits and brand-new military woolen coats, looking very stylish.

In addition, there were hundreds of students from primary and secondary schools in the mountain city. They held flowers and shouted slogans of welcome, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

 But the "distinguished guests" on the plane were not so happy to see such a battle, but were very dissatisfied with it.

These people are composed of the "Nanyang Overseas Chinese Returning to China Inspection and Condolence Group" composed of leaders of overseas Chinese from Nanyang, Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhuang and others. The purpose of returning to the Republic of China this time is to express condolences to the soldiers and civilians during the Anti-Japanese War.

Seeing that the Guo Party officials were so well-dressed and welcomed with such great pomp, they couldn't help but have a suspicion.

—The country is in a difficult war period. Where do these funds come from?

However, they did not stretch out their hands to hit the smiling person. Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhuang suppressed their displeasure, forced a smile and walked to the welcoming team. They exchanged a few words with Minister Song who was leading the team.

 Subsequently, Mr. Chen, as a representative, explained several tasks of the condolence delegation’s return to the country to people from all walks of life in the mountain city and journalists who came to welcome them.

 The first is to pay tribute to the soldiers and civilians of the Anti-Japanese War.

 The second is to inspect the domestic situation during the war and bring it back to Nanyang to report to the overseas Chinese, which increased the patriotic enthusiasm of tens of millions of overseas Chinese and used foreign exchange and financial resources to support the motherland's war of resistance.

 The third is to reward frontline soldiers with randomly brought supplies.

In addition, I heard that there are many frictions between the northwest and the central government. If possible, he will go to the northwest to inspect in person to find out the truth and live up to the trust of the overseas Chinese.

These words made Minister Song next to him frown, but now was not the time to talk. After Mr. Chen finished speaking, he enthusiastically sent the Nanyang group into the car and headed to Jialing Hotel.

That was the residence chosen by someone for the inspection and consolation group. It is adjacent to the bank of Jialingjiang and located at the foot of Geleshan Mountain. The scenery is very good, and the transportation is convenient, which is also conducive to security work.

 That night, the government held a dinner for the guests in the hotel banquet hall.

Since Mr. Chen lives a simple life, the reception staff did not dare to show off too much. Only four or five simple foods such as bread were prepared for the banquet, and the drinks were also imported.

The next day, Minister Song found some staff to accompany the other party on the visit. The condolence group spent several days getting familiar with the situation in the mountain city, and the food and drink along the way were very ordinary.

Although the officials of the Guo Party behaved very "frugally", Mr. Chen and his party still did not escape the eyes of Mr. Chen and his party because of the excessive spending of money by the dignitaries in the mountain city, as well as the corruption of the Guo Party.

Take the Jialing Hotel where they stayed as an example. This place where the government often entertains foreign guests is actually the private property of the Executive President Kong.

Such a splendid and luxuriously decorated hotel would cost at least tens of thousands of dollars to build.

The Kong family does have money, but at a time like this, why not use the money for the country? This matter is thought-provoking.

Moreover, it is not only high-ranking officials like Kong who are corrupt, but also ordinary Party workers.

 In order to travel, the government assigned Mr. Chen a car for him to use when going out.

Within two days, Mr. Chen, who is extremely sensitive to numbers, noticed that the fuel consumption reported by the driver was wrong. After careful calculation, he found that the driver had falsely claimed fuel.

As a guest, Mr. Chen couldn’t say anything. He could only negotiate with the driver many times, but the driver still had his own way of doing things.

According to the other party, the fuel consumption is public fuel anyway. Since it can be reimbursed, why not falsely report it.

Mr. Chen couldn’t bear it anymore and dismissed the driver and asked the government to send another driver. Unexpectedly, the original driver and car were sent.

The driver showed no restraint and refused to change his greedy nature. He even asked Mr. Chen to give him tea money every day. He was really stupid and bad.

Even a driver dared to blatantly seek bribes. You can imagine what the other officials in Shancheng were like. The members of the condolence group were extremely disappointed.

Seven days after arriving in the mountain city, Mr. Chen went to someone's official residence and formally asked to see him, preparing to have a good chat with him.

The hard-earned money of overseas Chinese in Nanyang cannot be wasted like this. If the government does not change, they may have to find other ways.

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