Cicada Moving

Chapter 1129: Volunteer

Chapter 1129 Volunteering

The day Mr. Chen went to the official residence coincided with a regular meeting of the government. Many military and government officials gathered together and talked quietly in the conference room.

 Minister Song, sitting on the left side of the first seat, turned his head from time to time to introduce the names and positions of the officials present to Mr. Chen to help him familiarize himself with the situation.

While the two were chatting, the door to the conference room was pushed open. The guard at the door immediately saluted with a gun and shouted loudly.

 “The Chairman is here!”

After hearing this, everyone stood up and straightened their backs, their expressions became serious, and they all looked at the door where no one was still there.

Mr. Chen was shocked. He did not expect to see such a feudal scene in a mountain city.

This is different from the previous dynasty when the Locust Emperor arrived and had to kneel down to greet him. This made him very uncomfortable and even a little disgusted after living in Nanyang for a long time.

A few dozen seconds later, Mr. Chen saw a young officer wearing the uniform of a major general walk in first. The officer glanced sharply around the room, then stepped aside, and then someone appeared in front of everyone.

"sit down."

Someone came to the top, raised his hands and pressed down, and said hello to Mr. Chen with a smile. His attitude was very affectionate. After all, he was the God of Wealth.

“Mr. Chen, you are our guest today. On behalf of the government, I would like to welcome you and many of our fellow Nanyang compatriots back home. I apologize for any inconvenience in hospitality.

 The current national situation is difficult, and all ministries are short of funds. Even I, the chairman of the committee, only have a few dozen yuan for food and clothing every day. "

The famous trader and actor of the Republic of China once again started his own performance. He cried about poverty, sold miserably, and showed his integrity. His acting skills were top-notch.

Even Mr. Chen, who is well-informed, was speechless by the other party's shamelessness and had no choice but to nod to show that he heard.

 Seeing that his goal was achieved, someone sat down and ordered the heads of each department to report on their work, especially the financial difficulties. This was like trying to kill a sheep.

Zuo Zhong, who was specially transferred to be responsible for someone's safety, felt his face burning as he stood aside. No wonder he could be the chairman of the committee. Not to mention shameless, he must be a bunch of bureaucrats and politicians.

 Mr. Chen, who was beaten by the autumn wind, was sitting on pins and needles and watched the comedy for two hours. When the last person finished reporting, he thought it was finally over.

 He ​​is not worried about money. Since the war between China and Japan, overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia have donated hundreds of millions in cash and materials. What he cares about is whether the money has been used where it should be used.

If it were used on the battlefield, they would not complain even if they tried to sell it, but based on current observations, this does not seem to be the case.

 It was already noon, and everyone, like stars holding the moon, surrounded someone and Mr. Chen as they walked out of the conference room to the restaurant, ready to have lunch.

There were several plates of simple dishes on the dining table. The soup was clear and watery without any oil or water.

The officials present all looked disgusted, reluctantly picked up their chopsticks, and pretended to pick up the food without putting it in their mouths.

Mr. Chen noticed this and had deep doubts about whether the national government could lead the Republic of China to defeat the Japanese. However, he still looked normal and chatted with someone.

 “What do you think of the mountain city, sir?”

Someone who was eating the food with gusto broke the previous rule of not talking during meals and sleeping, and asked Mr. Chen a question.

Compared with the state officials present, his eating movements are natural and his expressions are real, as if he is eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, which fully demonstrates the cultivation of an actor.

Mr. Chen was blinded by this superb performance and began to wonder if he had made a mistake. In fact, the government could still be saved. At least it had an honest leader.

After pondering for a while, he slowly spoke: "I am a layman when it comes to politics, so I can't speak. I haven't had time to visit the factory yet.

However, when passing through the streets of the city, Chen and his friends saw the great construction projects, convenient transportation, and great prosperity, which was really gratifying.

 Only vehicles are very untidy, which is very different from Malaya, where the owners of any untidy vehicles must clean them up.

This not only protects vehicles, but also helps with hygiene and public viewing. I think the national government can implement the same policy in due course. "

 Someone was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately ordered Zuo Zhong behind him to get a diary and a pen, and scribbled on them, apparently recording Mr. Chen's suggestions.

This makes Mr. Chen very happy. What he saw and heard in the past few days made him think that the authorities were passive in resisting the war, the people's lives were miserable, and the officials were corrupt. He couldn't help but be disappointed and felt bleak about the future of the country.

 He ​​privately thought about the fact that those high-ranking officials of the Guo Party held important positions, but they pretended to be public and engaged in private affairs. They committed all kinds of corruption and lived a luxurious life, which was of no benefit to the country.

It just so happens that they are all in their forties or fifties. They can neither do good things nor die early. They will stay in office for at least twenty or thirty years.

 Where is the savior of the Republic of China?

Even if he is born or is still studying in school, it may take more than thirty years before he can take on important national affairs. The future of the nation is deeply worrying.

Because he was worried about causing trouble, he could only keep these words in his heart and could not say them to anyone, so he was very depressed.

 But today when I saw someone’s words and deeds, the suffocation in my chest relaxed a little, and the expression on his face became a little more sincere. In the end, I got excited and told the other party on the spot that the Nanyang Consolation Mission would raise as much funds as possible to contribute to the Anti-Japanese War.

After getting what he wanted, someone stood up excitedly and began to give an impromptu speech, starting from the Republic of China to Europe, and from military to politics. Applause resounded throughout the restaurant, and the guests and guests were enjoying themselves for a while.

However, Mr. Chen said in a private conversation after the meal that he and the condolences group wanted to go to the northwest to have a look, and the people in Nanyang wanted to know what was going on there.

After hearing this, a certain person's face darkened, and he cursed the underground party, saying "no ethnic ideology," "duplicity," and "disloyalty," and hinted that the condolence group should not go to the northwest.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Chen was slightly worried about the prospect of joint anti-Japanese resistance, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. He simply said that he had a reason to go.

As the representative of the overseas Chinese in Nanyang, his duty is to lead the overseas Chinese back to the country for condolences and inspections. He has to go to see in person any important places where transportation is not hindered to fulfill his responsibility.

 After returning overseas, he had better report the truth to the overseas Chinese, otherwise it would affect the subsequent fundraising work.

Someone had no reason to stop Mr. Chen anymore. He was afraid that if he continued to block Mr. Chen, he would offend the "God of Wealth", so he had no choice but to agree.

Before leaving, he said hypocritically: "It's okay to go, but don't be deceived by the underground party. You are a capitalist and you will not sympathize with them."

These words made Mr. Chen feel like he was being treated as a child. While he was a little dumbfounded, it also made him feel that someone had a deep prejudice against the northwest and was a little worried about the civil war.

Mr. Chen, full of thoughts, left the official residence and continued to inspect the mountain city and its southwest in the following days, and made more discoveries.

 On the day of the meeting, someone issued two orders. The first was to prohibit extravagance, and the second was to pay attention to the cleanliness of streets and vehicles.

 The response of the officials and people in the mountain city was very fast. Officials' unnecessary expenses were reduced, and their cars became much cleaner, at least that's how it seemed.

 But what is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true.

Mr. Chen accidentally saw a warehouse in the city. There were a large number of high-end cars parked inside. Thick dust accumulated on the cars.

This seems to symbolize that under the extravagance and corruption of the Fruit Party, the mountain city is only clean on the surface, but the internal corruption has been deeply rooted.

What made Mr. Chen even more angry was that a few days later, a condolence delegation visited Chengdu and saw with their own eyes that local officials were building a tomb next to the tomb of Emperor Zhaolie Liu Bei. The scale was shocking.

Afterwards, everyone was shocked to hear that the money and grain taxes from Sichuan Province had been collected in the 71st year of the Republic of China. Even the greed of these people cannot be described by knocking the bones and sucking out the marrow.

All this made Mr. Chen and the condolence group no longer interested in visiting, and decided to leave for the northwest immediately.

 “The rule of the government is incompatible with the hardships of the Anti-Japanese War!”

One member of the condolences group said something in anger, which was both an accusation and a symbol of everyone's deep concern for the future of the Republic of China.

The Central Unification agent responsible for escorting and protecting reported all these situations. After reading this, someone's face became ugly. He picked up the phone and summoned Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong to the office.

 After receiving the order, the master and apprentice rushed to the official residence as quickly as possible and stood respectfully in front of the desk, waiting for instructions.

Someone had no nonsense and angrily asked the military commander to send someone to send a condolence delegation to the northwest to closely monitor the ideological trends of its members and prevent the spread of red among overseas Chinese in Nanyang.


 Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong looked at each other. It was easy to send people. The question was who to send.

If you send ordinary agents there, if you encounter problems along the way, the authority of the other party is too low, and it will take a lot of time to ask for instructions on everything.

Therefore, we can only send high-level military commanders to accompany them to the northwest. This is a hard job and has certain risks.

Although the underground party states that it will not engage in political assassinations, who dares to guarantee this kind of thing? No one wants to gamble with their own lives.

After being silent for a long time, Zuo Zhong took the initiative to take a step forward and volunteered to lead the team to carry out this mission.

“Commissioner, the current intelligence work against the underground party has been unsatisfactory. I would like to go to the northwest to have a look in person, so as not to be at a loss when something happens.”

This is of course his excuse. If he is reborn once, if he doesn’t go there, wouldn’t his rebirth be in vain?

It is said that the northwest is a holy land where countless progressive young people gather. Luo Yongying, the girl who traveled with her younger brother Zuo Jun last time, also stayed there. Zuo Zhong was curious about what magic power there was.

On the other side, someone was very satisfied with his answer. After all, he is a kid from his hometown and can always worry about his own worries and think about what he wants.

 If such cadres are not reused, how can we use waste like Xu Enzeng? The future of the party and the country also needs those who come after us.

It's just that the northwest is too sensitive to allow the military commander to act alone. Necessary supervision is still needed, so let Xu Enzeng follow. It should be a check and balance.

Someone squinted his eyes and quickly made a decision. The military commander was still responsible for the overall work on this trip, with the central commander assisting.

Following the Northeast Operation, the top leaders of the two intelligence agencies cooperated again. What will be waiting for them? Zuo Zhong slowly fell into thought.

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