Cicada Moving

Chapter 1154: Encounter the enemy

Qingjian County is located on the west bank of the Yellow River, where the Yellow River and Wuding River meet.

To the east, it faces the Japanese-occupied area of ​​Shanxi Province across the river, to the west and south is the core of the border area, and to the north it borders Suide, where the second administrative district of Guodang Shaanxi Province is located. The geographical location is very important, and the security situation is also very complicated.

Political bandits such as Fang Laoliu used the cover of the Second War Zone to run rampant in the local and surrounding areas, killing cadres and masses, robbing property, and attacking military and political agencies in the border areas from time to time, seriously affecting the security of the garrison.

As the war against Japan continued to deepen, the Japanese puppets also began to bribe these people to act as spies and break into the border areas to spy on intelligence. They no longer simply robbed property, but purposefully undermined the people's political power in the border areas.

In October 1938, a gangster who worked as a postman at Qingjian Post Office, together with his accomplices and bandits operating outside the city, intercepted military vehicles in the border area, and the leader of the underground party was almost killed.

At the end of the same year, another group of bandits robbed the county town dozens of times, taking away more than 100,000 yuan in property and more than 100 livestock.

 When a market was busy, more than 40 bandits surrounded the market town, killed businessmen and cadres, and robbed property. The people suffered a loss of 5,000 yuan.

  Thirty-nine years later, as someone blocked the border area's economy and caused friction, the bandits in Qingjian County became more rampant and more emboldened.

For example, Fang Laoliu made several sneak attacks on border area staff delivering orders and transporting supplies, and retaliated and killed people close to the border area. His methods were extremely cruel, even newborn babies were not spared.

These **** cases made the border area determined to severely suppress the other party's anti-life behavior, completely eliminate the bandits who colluded with the Japanese and the Kuomintang die-hards, and consolidate the rear area.

 However, when Fang Laoliu encountered encirclement and suppression, he led his people to Suide, which was under the control of the government. Once the encirclement and suppression troops left, he entered the border area again, so he repeatedly escaped attacks.

On the road from the station to Qingjian County, Zuo Zhong and others listened to Deputy Minister Li's introduction to the situation of suppressing bandits in the border area. Their reactions were different. The condolences group was filled with indignation, the agents were expressionless, and Xu Enzeng secretly snickered.

The soldiers of the Shanxi South Guerrilla Detachment on the side were so angry that they were itching their teeth. They wished they could fight Fang Laoliu immediately to get rid of this big bandit who had done many evil things and avenge the murdered people and comrades.

 Cui Hongyong also had an angry look on his face. When they chatted in the bathroom last time, Zuo Zhong suggested that he and the guerrillas should accompany him to protect the condolence group and government personnel who were observing the bandit suppression operations. After careful consideration, the senior officials of the border region approved this request.

Not only that, the superiors also handed over the safety of the head of the Ministry of Social Affairs to the Shannan guerrillas, which made Cui Hongyong and the soldiers feel both honor and pressure.

As for the combat troops carrying out the anti-bandit operation, they have taken the lead in entering Qingjian County, secretly controlling the main traffic lines, and cutting off Fang Laoliu's escape route to prevent the other party from escaping again.

Although there is the guarantee of "Team Leader Xu", the long-term struggle experience has made the underground party understand one thing. It is better to believe that the sun will rise from the west if the party keeps its word.

 When Vice Minister Li finished his introduction, Wu Chunyang ignored some of the content and asked a question with emotion.

"I have long heard that banditry in Shaanxi Province is quite serious. Today I heard from Chief Li that it is indeed the case. Is there any reason for this?"

 “This is not simple, they are all bandits, so naturally we should cherish each other.” Xu Enzeng muttered in a low voice.

Even at this time, we should not forget the strange yin and yang. It is true that dogs cannot change and eat shit. If the underground party had not been courageous, this guy would have died a hundred times.

Vice Minister Li glanced at him, and without sharing his general knowledge, he carefully explained the reasons for the rampant banditry in Shaanxi Province.

“This matter is related to the natural environment and historical legacy. The station is surrounded by the Loess Plateau and has little rainfall. This has resulted in low local food harvests and made the people’s lives miserable.

 Coupled with the looting by warlords and the oppression and exploitation by landlords and local tyrants, many people have to turn to bandits. In the final analysis, only by allowing the people to live a good life will the bandits disappear. "

Zuo Zhong nodded in agreement. The economic base determines the superstructure. This statement is a bit absolute, but it explains the real reason why bandits are rampant in Shaanxi Province.

Who would want to be a bandit if they have a good life? Except for old bandits like Fang Laoliu, no one wants to make a living with their heads stuck in their belts.

Even if these bandits are supported by the Kuomintang die-hards and the Japanese, they will not last long in the hands of the underground party, because their opponents are the ancestors of guerrillas.

As early as the Southwest period, the underground party's army was able to defeat the Guo army in the high mountains and ridges. Even if it was at a disadvantage in the later stage, it could still gain a local advantage.

Zuo Zhong believed that Fang Laoliu and his like would disappear soon. Then he rolled his eyes and asked Vice Minister Li about the specific policy of suppressing bandits in the border area.

Deputy Minister Li adjusted his glasses and saw that Mr. Chen and others were also curious, so he told the truth about the bandit suppression strategy in the border area.

“Based on our past experience in suppressing bandits, the basic policy is to mainly use military force to attack bandits, supplemented by political strategies of winning over, dividing, transforming, adapting, and disintegrating, to finally achieve the goal of eliminating bandits.

 After all, most of the bandits just want to have enough to eat and don't have much blood debt on their hands. We need to save these people, and the remaining die-hard elements are our real targets.

More importantly, we should expose the crimes of bandits to the masses through publicity, raise the public's alertness, mobilize everyone, and bravely stand up to protect their homes. After two years of suppressing bandits, the remaining troops have eliminated hundreds of groups of bandits, killed and wounded about 800 people, captured thousands of people, and seized countless guns and ammunition. Team Leader Xu, what else do you want to ask? . "

If the agent wants to find out information, he should tell it clearly at once to avoid the other party from making small moves behind his back.

 “No, thank you Mr. Li for your explanation.”

Zuo Zhong replied with a faint smile, and then took the initiative to chat with Cui Hongyong. Cui Hongyong didn't want to talk to the spy, so he quickly broke away from him on the pretext of exploring the road, and walked quickly in front of everyone.

 The straight-line distance from the station to Fang Laoliu's bandit's nest is 100 miles. Even if the observation team has horses available, it is already evening when they rush to the area around the bandit's nest.

Beside a small forest, Vice Minister Li ordered everyone to stop, signaled to set up camp here, and announced the specific arrangements for suppressing bandits and observing them.

“Everyone, Fang Laoliu is hiding on a hill 30 miles north of here. The hill is surrounded by water on three sides. There is only a stone bridge connecting the two sides. The terrain is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Our observation location is located in the Earth Temple not far from the stone bridge. We hope that everyone will not move around, light a fire or make loud noises during the observation, so as not to reveal their position. "

Deputy Minister Li looked down at his watch, then raised his head and continued: "It is now 5:20 in the afternoon, and the bandit suppression operation officially started at 2 in the morning. Let's take a rest first, and we will set off again at 10 in the evening.

In addition, from now on, no one is allowed to act alone. Team Leader Xu, please send one person from your side to be responsible for the security outside the camp together with Instructor Cui. Is that okay? "

Military operations focus on suddenness, and confidentiality cannot be ignored. It is necessary to block information during the current war. Zuo Zhong readily agreed to Vice Minister Li's request and asked Gui Youguang to cooperate with Cui Hongyong.

 Cui Hongyong and Gui Youguang met and decided that Cui Hongyong would be responsible for the security on the east and north sides, and Gui Youguang would naturally be responsible for the security on the west and south.

 In fact, the observation team is located inside the border area, and there are anti-bandit forces around it, so they will basically not encounter enemies. The so-called warning is more to prevent someone from tipping off the bandits. Everyone present is well aware of this.

However, neither the Shannan guerrillas nor the condolences group had any objections to this, but Xu Enzeng was cursing there, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

The moon gradually rose to the highest point in the night sky, and it was ten o'clock in the blink of an eye. Vice Minister Li got up from the ground and led everyone along a rugged mountain road to the observation point.

As we were walking, suddenly there was fierce gunfire from the direction of the Yellow River in the east. From time to time, red tracer bullets flew into the sky and fell in arcs.

Zuo Zhong stopped and looked at Vice Minister Li with a frown: "Old Li, judging from the direction of the sound and the type of weapons, is this a fight between your army and the Japanese garrison?"

Except for the overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia, the people present were all veterans of the war. It was easy to tell that in the exchange of fire there were not only the 38 guns and crooked handles, Czech guns firing, but also the shelling of the Japanese Type 92 infantry cannon.

This operation was a security war. The bandit suppression troops did not carry artillery, and the bandits were even less likely to have cannons. Therefore, the only way to fight was between the Japanese on the other side of the Yellow River and the border troops.

 “Listen to the sound, it should be.”

A trace of worry flashed across Deputy Minister Li's face. He stopped and looked at the direction of the firefight and said: "The coming ones are not good, and the good ones will not come. The Japanese must have some agenda when they open fire at this time."

Zuo Zhong didn't take it seriously and laughed: "Such a big movement can't be for the purpose of arresting me. The name "Observation Group" is not auspicious, if I had known..."

Before he finished speaking, countless figures appeared in front and behind the mountain road. One person hid behind a rock and shouted something in awkward Republican dialect.

“Raise your hands and surrender, the Japanese locust army will ensure your safety, otherwise we will kill them all!”

The sudden ambush made Xu Enzeng feel like he was struck by lightning. He cursed Zuo Zhongcrow's mouth angrily in his heart, raised his arms in a flash, and performed a French military salute on the spot.

 The military agents and guerrillas did not give up resistance. They kept scanning their surroundings, trying to find a breakthrough.

It's a pity that the mountain road is narrow and there are no bunkers on both sides. Open fire is a living target. Everyone seems to be in a desperate situation.

“I’ll give you three seconds to think about it. If you don’t surrender, we will shoot!”

The enemy issued a final warning, and the encirclement became tighter and tighter. Members of both the underground party and the fruit party were ready to fight to the death, slowly pulling the hammers and pulling the bolts of their guns one by one.

Just when the battle was about to break out, one person in the observation team stood up and spoke to the unidentified attacker in a standard Kanto accent.

 “Qiaodou Sack, don’t shoot!”

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