Cicada Moving

Chapter 1155: Villain, don't talk too much

Chapter 1155 Villain, don’t talk too much

 “Qiaodou Sack, don’t shoot!”

As the voice rang out in the silent night, both the government and the underground party looked at the speaker in surprise, with disbelief and a bit of confusion in their eyes. They didn't understand why the other party would do this.

Only Zuo Zhong, Gui Youguang, Wu Chunyang and Vice Minister Li had subtle expressions. They were not surprised at all and seemed to have expected it.

The enemy who was ambushing was silent for a few seconds after hearing this sentence, and then replied in Japanese: "Show your identity and military rank, do not move at will, and it is forbidden to get close."

The other party’s Japanese accent is very standard, and his speech has a strong flavor of Japanese passwords. Anyone who has not served in the Japanese army for a long time will never learn it. This indirectly proves the identity of the ambusher.


  The speaker bowed sharply in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, raised his head and said his name and mission.

“Kwantung Army Intelligence Department Captain Mitsuki Keiji has met you all. I was ordered by General Doihara to lurk the enemy troops. You should have seen the secret signals I left along the way.”

 “Sou Daisnai.”

The Japanese on the opposite side replied and explained why the fire was fired from the shore: "Your Excellency, the commander, is cooperating with the garrison to attract the firepower of the dissidents, and we will carry out the follow-up mission."

The man who called himself Keiji Sankage nodded and emphasized again in Republican dialect: "The identities of these dissidents are very important and they cannot be shot."

After speaking, he looked at the people who were either shocked or angry, and pointed at Vice Minister Li in the crowd: "This person is the head of the underground party's intelligence department, and controls all the intelligence personnel of the dissidents in the imperial-occupied areas.

The Empire's multiple intelligence failures in North and South China are inextricably related to it. What the Empire and General Doihara need is intelligence, not a dead man who is useless. "

Then he pointed his finger at Xu Enzeng: "This person is not only the deputy director of the Central Committee of the Shancheng Government, but also a relative of Minister Chen, an important figure in the Kuomintang Party.

By mastering the other party, the empire will be able to understand all the political secrets within the government. These secrets can make the top officials of the government take action and even cooperate with the empire.

Please rest assured that based on my observation, Mr. Xu is a smart man and a man who understands current affairs and will not engage in meaningless resistance. "

With a smile, Xu Enzeng said "praise", Sanjing Keiji focused his attention on Zuo Zhong, but did not introduce him directly, but asked a question.

“Gentlemen, you must have heard of the name Zuo Zhong, right?”

 “Nani? Zuo Zhong!”

 The enemy in the dark let out an exclamation and repeated Zuo Zhong's name loudly, appearing very surprised and a bit surprised.

 It can be heard that Zuo Zhong does have some reputation among the Japanese. This was earned with the lives of individual spies. The Japanese have long wanted to get rid of him.

Mikage Keiji smiled and looked at the calm Zuo Zhong and slowly said: "Yes, this person can be called the biggest enemy of the empire's intelligence agency. He destroyed the empire's intelligence network in Aurous Hill before the war started, and countless warriors were shattered as a result.

The headquarters and the General Staff Headquarters have placed bounties on this person many times. You are very lucky. The person in front of you is the famous Deputy Director of the Military Command Bureau, Zuo Chong. Mr. Zuo, why don't you come out and say hello to us? This would be too rude.

It's a pity that I can't enjoy those canned beef, but it doesn't matter. I will definitely entertain Mr. Zuo well when we get to the 1st Army Headquarters in Taiyuan. General Doihara is also there. I think you will have a lot in common. "

Mikage Keiji or Cui Hongyong revealed Zuo Zhong’s true identity with a smile on his face, his eyes filled with ecstasy.

Had it not been for the wrong occasion, he would have wanted to scream to the sky to express his inner excitement. He actually caught Zuo Zhong, and this was Zuo Zhong!

The empire's bounty for the leader of the border area is as high as one million silver dollars. The bounty for Zuo Zhong is not only a higher amount, but also a promotion in position and military rank. It is worthy of his having been lurking in the guerrillas for so long.

Following these Tubal people into the ravine, not having enough to eat or wearing warm clothes is only one aspect. The most dangerous thing is that they have to fight against the imperial warriors, and they must be ruthless, otherwise they will easily die in the hands of their own people, or be killed by others. see through.

Now that Zuozhong has been captured, he will soon become a major or even a lieutenant, return to his homeland with a large sum of money, and live the good life he dreamed of. Mikage Keiji couldn't help it anymore and showed a proud smile.

 “Instructor! You”

The young guerrilla soldier cried out in a tearful voice. He could not accept the fact that Cui Hongyong was Japanese, but as soon as he spoke, the man with the Chinese character next to him covered his mouth.

Not just the young soldiers, all the members of the Shanxi South Guerrilla Detachment were in a daze and their morale was low.

Who would have thought that the instructor who once fought alongside them and said he had a sworn hatred for the Japanese turned out to be a Japanese spy.

 But how could it be? !

In the past few years, the enemy has always been at the forefront of the fight against the Japanese. I don’t know how many enemies I have killed, I don’t know how many times I have been injured, and my life has been hanging by a thread many times. How could such a person be a spy?


Facing Keiji Sankage’s scorching gaze, Zuo Zhong chuckled and walked out from behind the little agent. As if he didn’t see the dark gun muzzles around him, he cupped his hands in admiration. “Mr. Cui, oh, no, hello, Mr. Sanjing, I didn’t expect you to be the spy. You hid it so well that even I was deceived.

Similarly, when you encountered an ambush, you were very ruthless in dealing with the Japanese. I personally saw no fewer than ten enemies die at your hands.

If I'm not wrong, the real Cui Hongyong is already dead. You pretended to be the other party's identity and sneaked into the border area as a progressive youth joining the army. Your plan is not trivial.

If you hadn't known my identity, I'm afraid you would have continued to lurk and even infiltrated the higher-ups in the border area. But there's one thing I don't understand, and I hope Mr. Sanjing can give me some advice. "

“Oh? Mr. Zuo, please tell me.”

Mikage Keiji neither denied nor refused. Anyway, the reinforcements of the 1st Army were arriving in an instant. Zuo Shige had no chance of escaping today, so it was better to let the other party know what he was doing.

Zuo Zhong took a few steps forward again and said without hesitation: "It's not a coincidence that the Shanxi South guerrilla detachment suddenly appeared on the east bank of the Yellow River.

Chasing and ambush are both scenes. The purpose is to gain my trust and allow you to enter the station and guide the bombers, right?

But why you didn’t just take action instead of adopting such a dangerous and complicated plan is beyond me. "


“Yes, Mr. Zuo guessed very accurately. He is indeed the most powerful intelligence expert in the Republic of China.”

Raising his hands and patting them a few times, Mikage Keiji said with a smile: "The advance team failed to leave the condolence group's convoy in Hancheng. General Doihara guessed that you might go from the imperial occupation area to the bandit area. So I was informed to lead people to search along the river in Daning County.

As for why he didn’t arrest people directly, the reason is very simple. The empire has sent intelligence personnel into the border area many times, but failed to obtain useful information. The general decided to go with the flow and let me use the cover of the condolences group and you to perform the guidance mission in the latent station.

This can kill three birds with one stone. First, it can destroy the financial assistance provided by the Nanyang Chinese to the government and the underground party. Second, it can take the opportunity to eliminate the high-level rebels. The 1st Army can also cross the Yellow River, completely occupy the northern part of Shaanxi Province, and go straight to Huanglong to end the war.

Of course, if the general knew that Zuo Jun was also in the condolences group, he would definitely not give such an order. He would definitely go to Daning County to greet him in person and invite Zuo Jun to the headquarters to have a drink and have a good time. I don’t know if you have anything else to ask Zuo Jun. Yes, Sanjing promises to tell you everything. "

 Sankage Keiji didn't mind chatting with Zuo Zhong for a few more words, but when they arrived in Taiyuan, it would be difficult for him to talk to such a big shot.

Zuo Zhong nodded after hearing his explanation, as if suddenly enlightened, and then curiously asked the other party what the ambush was about tonight.

Mikage Keiji was in a good mood and answered all questions: "That day I learned Zuo Jun's true identity in the bathroom. I immediately contacted other imperial agents and sent the news back to Taiyuan about Zuo Jun's identity and his upcoming visit.

After learning about it, the general ordered us to invite Mr. Zuo to the occupied area. To this end, he did not hesitate to use the last advancing team. Mr. Zuo may not know that the advancing team is the elite of the empire carefully selected by Commander Yoshio Shinozuka.

Each of them has undergone special training and is proficient in action and assassination. They are definitely not something that your side and the Eighth Route Army can resist. So Mr. Zuo no longer needs to delay, and quickly order your people to surrender. "

In order to persuade him to surrender, Zuo Zhong suddenly turned around and smiled at Vice Minister Li, then showed his white teeth and looked at Keiji Mikage who noticed something was wrong.

“Thank you Mr. Sanjing for clarifying my doubts. Zuo has no other questions. So, is the mysterious person who went to the abandoned cave dwelling to take the information your downline?”

As soon as these words came out, Mikage Keiji's expression changed drastically. Although he didn't know the reason yet, he knew that he had been exposed. In desperation, he shouted to the advancing team who was ambushing in secret to take action.

 According to the plan, if there is an accident in the operation, the advancing team will kill everyone and capture only Zuo Zhong, Deputy Minister Li and Mr. Chen, and move towards the Yellow River to join the reinforcements.

The little spies and guerrillas heard the sound and were about to raise their guns, but were stopped by Gui Youguang, Wu Chunyang and Vice Minister Li. The imaginary gunfire did not sound.

 “Shoot! Shoot!”

Mikage Keiji shouted at the top of his lungs, but received no response. A desperate suspicion arose in his heart.

At this time, the sound of gunfire on the bank of the Yellow River gradually subsided, and then the surrounding firelight brightened. A man wearing a Japanese military uniform came to the crowd holding a torch, and gave a standard Japanese military salute to Vice Minister Li. Said in blunt Republican dialect.

“Hello, Chief, the first team of the Anti-War Alliance is here to report!”

Hearing this sentence, Xu Enzeng raised his hand and gave himself a big mouth. First, the guerrilla instructor of the Eighth Route Army became a Japanese, and then the ambush Japanese shouted a report to the underground party. He suspected that he had not woken up yet.

 Xu Enzeng was confused, but Sanjing Keiji was not. As soon as the words "Anti-War Alliance" came out, he immediately pulled out his pistol and tried to kill Zuo Zhong in a last-ditch effort.

But Gui Youguang moved faster. He raised his hand and shot without looking. The bullet hit Mikake Keiji's wrist. The pistol fell to the ground, and blood flowed out from the wound.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, several spies jumped up from multiple directions and pinned Keiji Mikkei firmly to the ground. They also removed his joints from his hands, feet and jaw to prevent him from committing suicide. The whole set of actions was very skillful.

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Zuo Shige walked up to Mikage Keiji, who was still struggling with fierce eyes, squatted down, patted the other person's face, and uttered a taunt.

 “Didn’t Doihara tell you that villains shouldn’t talk too much?”

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