Cicada Moving

Chapter 1159: The border area is over

Chapter 1159 The border area is over

On the road back to the border area from Qingjian County, the morale of the Eighth Route Army commanders and soldiers was high. Mr. Chen and other members of the condolence group were all smiling. Only the government side had a gloomy face, as if their mother had died.

In this battle, Lao Liu and his men were either killed or captured. The bandits that had been raging in the border area for several years were wiped out. During this period, the Eighth Route Army displayed impressive combat qualities and command levels.

From the start of the battle to the cleaning of the battlefield, it only took less than 4 hours. Hundreds of enemies could be eliminated in such a short period of time. Even if the opponent was an irregular army, it was enough to prove the combat effectiveness of the border troops.

 The difficulty of bandit suppression or security warfare is no less difficult than positional warfare.

 How to fight in a narrow range and in a complex enemy situation while minimizing casualties is a great test of the capabilities of grassroots soldiers and commanders.

 For example, judging the enemy situation, understanding the situation of the troops, controlling the timing and location of insertion, grasping information about changes in the battle situation, the speed of decision-making and deployment, the speed of troop detours, etc.

  It can be said that a force that is not even capable of public security warfare should not be expected to be able to fight regular warfare. Although it is absolutely true, this is the fact.

Zuo Zhong thought of the contempt of some keyboard warriors in later generations for the security war, and the corner of his mouth raised unconsciously. If he really let these people command the suppression of bandits, he would still not know who was suppressing whom.



While he was wandering in his thoughts, loud slogans suddenly broke out among the Eighth Route Army troops, and the slogans became louder and louder, showing signs of gradually spreading.

The members of the Guo Party looked at each other, wondering why the underground party was so excited. It couldn't be because the Japanese surrendered or the dog P Tian Locust died, but they soon knew the reason.

Vice Minister Li rode his horse to the crowd and informed the consolation group and the special agents of the news, which was great news.

“Everyone, just a few hours ago, our troops in North China launched a large-scale attack on the Japanese. We conducted hundreds of large and small battles, killing, wounding and capturing thousands of enemy and puppet troops.

 At present, 17 strongholds such as Niangziguan have been conquered, 33 kilometers of railways, 30 kilometers of roads, 18 bridges have been destroyed, 160 long and short guns, 8 light and heavy machine guns, 5 artillery pieces of various types, and 31,000 rounds of ammunition have been seized.

 The Zhengtai Railway, which is responsible for transportation between Shanxi Province and Hebei Province, has been completely cut off. This is just the beginning. Next, we will launch a larger-scale attack and deal a heavy blow to the Japanese in North China. "

 The Zhengtai Railway was cut off?

Except for Zuo Zhong, who had expected it, everyone was in an uproar when they heard this. They knew about this railway and the impact of its destruction. The underground party was making such a big move.

Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang frowned. In just a few years, the underground party army, which had suffered heavy losses, had regained its strength. Such a rapid development speed was really unexpected.

 If the other side is allowed to continue to develop without's hard to say who will win and who will lose.

Xu Enzeng also thought of this, and his face became even uglier. The stronger his old rival, the more worrying his future would be. Others still had the chance to abandon the dark side and join the bright side. He, the deputy director of the Central Unification Committee, had no choice but to wait for death.

Vice Minister Li noticed everyone's reaction, pulled the reins to speed up, and left the government and his party to talk to Mr. Chen, and laughter immediately spread.

The dark-faced secret agents, the joyful Eighth Route Army commanders and overseas Chinese, and the overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia together formed a harmonious and contradictory picture. Zuo Chong in the corner of the picture was smiling, as if nothing had happened.

 That afternoon.

The bandit suppression team and the observation group returned to the border area. The remaining troops did not enter the city and returned directly to the camp for rest. Zuo Zhong, Mr. Chen and others also returned to their residences to rest.

 Vice Minister Li went to see a chief and reported the results of his trip, especially his inference that Zuo Zhong might be sympathetic to Gu Ming.

The chief was speechless for a long time after listening. Finally, he put out his cigarette butt, stood up, walked to the cave dwelling, and gave his opinion in a southern accent.

“When we look at a person, we don’t look at what he says, but at what he does. I think whether Zuo Zhong is a good or bad person, don’t rush to a conclusion yet.

He is a fellow countryman of the Chairman and a student of Dai Chunfeng. Even if he really has a good impression of us, he will definitely not be able to show it.

Then listen to his words and watch his actions. If he is a friend, we welcome him, but if he is an enemy, we are not even afraid of Mr. Chairman, so why should we be afraid of a spy?

Of course, if Zuo Zhong is willing to help us, it is indeed a good thing. He is a well-known big capitalist and has money in his pocket. "

 The chief made a joke, and then asked Vice Minister Li a question. The content of the question was also related to Zuo Zhong, or to the Zuo family.

“I remember that last year, an old Mr. Zuo donated a batch of medicinal materials through an organization in Nanyang. I heard that the person was Zuo Zhong’s grandfather. Is this the case?”

Vice Minister Li nodded: "Yes, according to the information we received, the other party is indeed Zuo Zhong's grandfather, Mr. Zuo Xuechen.

 Thanks to that batch of precious medicinal materials, many injured soldiers on the front line were able to recover. Otherwise, the casualties at the boss's side would have been even greater.

In addition, Zuo Zhong’s younger brother, Mr. Zuo Junzuo, and his fiancée, Ms. Cheng Danli, also donated materials in short supply in the border area through secret channels many times.

 The Cheng family is a wealthy family in Nanyang and is quite famous in the local area. They once protected our exposed comrades and escaped the pursuit of the colonial authorities. "

The chief pondered for a moment, then picked up a copy of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" from his desk. This was a collection of books discovered when troops in the southwest period attacked the home of Tan Yankai, a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. After getting it, the chief couldn't put it down, read it when he had time, and often recommended it to others.

Picked up this book again today, and he said slowly to Vice Minister Li: "The general trend of the world is that if we divide for a long time, we will unite, and if we unite for a long time, we will divide. There is also a saying that the sky can bring unpredictable winds and clouds, and people can have misfortunes and blessings.

 Wei, Shu and Wu divided the world into three parts, and the Zhuge family was also divided into three parts. No matter which family the world belongs to, the Zhuge family is still a high-ranking and famous clan. This is the speculative nature of the reactionary class.

 But the problem must be divided into two parts. For those capitalists and big landowners who are close to each other, we cannot blame them on the Fruit Party. While staying vigilant, we must fight for them.

 In matters of war, we need to talk about strategy, including weather, location, and people. In strategy, we must pay attention to time, location, and people. In tactics, we must focus on people, people, and location.

Timothy belongs to the strategic level, geographical location belongs to the tactical level, and people and people belong to both strategic and tactical levels. It can be seen that people and people are everywhere, so what is people and people? The simplest way to put it is to make more friends and fewer enemies. The work of the united front cannot be underestimated. I will write a letter to Mr. Zuo to thank him for his help.

 You must arrange this matter well and not cause any trouble to our friends. Let the comrades on the underground front tell the old gentleman that after the Japanese are driven away in the future, we welcome him to come back and take a look. "

In a few sentences, the leader strategically pointed out the importance of winning over patriotic overseas Chinese such as the Zuo family and the Cheng family, showing the magnanimity and structure of the underground party, which is completely different from the fruit party who only wants money.

Zuo Zhong, who was in the guest house in the border area, didn't know about his old man's behavior of hedging his bets, but he wouldn't be surprised even if he knew.

Every time there is a great revolution in the world, the big families always operate in this way, so that no matter who loses or wins, the inheritance of the family will not be affected. That's why there is such a saying as the Locust Emperor with flowing water and the aristocratic family with iron fist.

Zuo Zhong rested for a while in the cave dwelling and ordered the radio operator to send the relevant information about the bandit suppression and raiding war to the mountain city. Then he took his men to accompany the condolences group and followed the staff of the Border District Communication Office to an open space in the station.

A farewell party is about to be held here. The condolence team's inspection in the border area has ended. People from all walks of life in the border area gathered together to see Mr. Chen off and to celebrate the victory of the break-up battle.

In the open space, several Eighth Route Army soldiers held accordions and were playing a Red Russian-style tune. The rhythm was extremely cheerful at first, and then gradually became sad, as if they were telling a sad story.


   (Slavic Woman’s Farewell)”

Zuo Zhong, who was on the sidelines, listened to the music and spoke in Russian, then turned to introduce the origin of the song to Mr. Chen and others who were not familiar with Red Russian songs.

This piece is a patriotic march composed by Belarusian musician Agapkin, who was influenced by the First Balkan War. It tells the story of a Slavic woman bidding farewell to her lover who went to the front line. It is a household name in Red Russia.

 Vice Minister Li, who had just arrived, walked up to Zuo Zhong and took a deep look at him. From this incident alone, it could be seen that the Kuomintang agents had a deep understanding of Hong Russia.

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he saw Deputy Minister Li coming, and apologized to Mr. Chen. Then he asked Deputy Minister Li to walk around the open space, and after chatting for a few words, he talked about something.

“Old Li, this action has exposed your strength. Aren’t you afraid that the Chairman will think too much?”

Hearing this somewhat sensitive question, Vice Minister Li looked calm and looked at the cheerful crowd with his hands behind his back. He suddenly stopped and replied seriously to Zuo Zhong.

“Deputy Director Zuo, what the Shancheng government thinks is your business. All we think about is how to fight the Japanese. The rest is not important.

From the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War to the present, it is because some people think too much and do too little that the country is in chaos and the nation is in danger.

I hope you can advise Mr. Chairman to do more facts and not to be a sinner of the nation and country, otherwise one day it will be too late to regret. "

Zuo Zhong was silent, advice? it's useless.

  The person who came back from Hong Russia couldn't persuade him, let alone a small deputy director like him.

 This is determined by one’s own class position and cannot be changed by just one conversation. The two cannot coexist.

 The conversation ends here.

Vice Minister Li raised his feet and walked firmly into the distance. Zuo Zhong stopped in place and stared at each other's back. The two of them seemed to be getting farther and farther away, just like their apparent faith.

At this time, a song was played in the open space, and many Eighth Route Army soldiers danced the Red Russian Dance to the music, and the atmosphere was very lively.

 What is surprising is that Xu Enzeng was also among them and danced extremely vigorously.

He was like a fat penguin dancing gracefully, sometimes squatting on the ground, sometimes getting up and spinning. He was so ugly that Mr. Chen and others laughed.

Wu Chunyang looked at the beaming Xu Enzeng. He didn't know why there was a chill in his bones, which made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar. He couldn't help but guess that this **** would not rebel!

 “Chunyang, are you afraid?”

A voice suddenly rang in his ears. Wu Chunyang looked around when he heard the sound and found that the deputy director had walked beside him at some point. He opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

After a few seconds, Zuo Zhong moved his eyes away from a certain dancer who was dancing more and more energetically. He slowly turned his head and stared at this old subordinate who had never known what fear was. He raised his hand and patted the other person's shoulder with a look in his eyes. Gentle and deep.

“Don’t be afraid. No matter when the time comes, you must believe in your brothers. You are not fighting alone. Always remember this.”

 After saying that, Zuo Zhong turned his back to Wu Chunyang again and looked at the alert Gui Youguang and the little agent around him, as if he was asking or talking to himself.

“Chunyang, tell me, after the Japanese are driven away, should the government set up a Foreign Intelligence Service? The English abbreviation is called FIRC, which will be responsible for the government’s overseas intelligence work.

If this matter comes to pass, and all of you are transferred from the military command to help me, large-scale wars may stop in the future, but secret confrontations will never disappear. "

 He paused for a moment when he said this, as if he had made a decision in his heart. He continued to speak without waiting for Wu Chunyang's answer, and his tone became affirmative.

“You are given a mission. When you return, tell Miss Giselle Roy (section 609) whom you contacted during the mission in Germany, and ask her to use the Roy family’s connections in Europe to secretly adopt some white orphans.

Contact Zuo Jun again and ask him to find ways to find some Southeast Asian, American and black children, send them all to farms in New Zealand, and order the brothers in New Zealand to train well. This concerns all of us. "

Wu Chunyang seemed to understand the deputy director's plan, a heartfelt smile appeared on his face, he puffed up his chest and said "yes" happily.

Before he finished speaking, the accompanying telegraph operator quickly ran over from a distance and handed over a telegram. Zuo Zhong quickly read it and his face darkened, he raised his head and sighed helplessly.

“Contact the air force immediately, we will return to the mountain city tomorrow!”

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