Cicada Moving

Chapter 1160: Personnel changes

Chapter 1160 Personnel Changes

On the morning of the day when the border bandit suppression troops returned to their base, No. 29, Luojiawan, a mountain city, was as busy as usual, with a constant stream of vehicles coming in and out.

Song Minghao hummed a little tune and walked from the parking lot to the headquarters building. He kept saying hello to the passing spies with a smile on his face. He didn't have the airs of a deputy director of the Second Division.

 “Hello, Director Song.”

“Well, okay, are you going to go on a mission?”

 “Yes, Director.”

“Be safe and do your job well. When the deputy chairperson comes back, I will take credit for you.”

After chatting for a while, Song Minghao wiped his thinning hair, climbed to the third floor in one breath, came to the door of Gu Qi's office, raised his hand and knocked, then opened the door and walked in.

Inside the house, Gucci was sitting at his desk, processing documents, looking a little tired. Looking at the pile of cigarette butts in the ashtray, it was obvious that he had not slept all night.

"Lao Gu, you can't do this. Your body will collapse. Don't rush for official duties. You have to take your time."

Song Minghao picked up the bamboo thermos and poured a cup of hot tea for himself and Gu Qi. Then he walked to sit opposite the other party and pushed the cup over, saying with concern on his face.

 “Take your time? Some people are just waiting to see our jokes, so we can’t slow down.”

 Gu Qi took a sip of strong tea, pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at Song Minghao: "As soon as the deputy chairperson left, Li Qiwu, a bastard, jumped up and down, and the inspection office found trouble with the first and second divisions every day.

A few days ago, several brothers were monitoring suspicious persons in a restaurant. During the mission, they just ordered a few more dishes. He just kept holding on to them, MD, holding chicken feathers as arrows or something.

Who in the whole situation doesn't know that Li Qiwu is famous for being three feet high, but now he pretends to be the Great Master Qingtian? Damn, I won't show off my virtue by taking a piss. "

When Li Qiwu was mentioned, Gu Qi suddenly became furious. He rarely said bad words, and smashed the teacup in his hand on the table, spilling hot tea everywhere.

Angry as hell, there was nothing he could do. Li Qiwu was the chief secretary and was in charge of the inspection room. He had the power to correct the atmosphere and rectify internal discipline.

On the other side, Song Minghao's expression suddenly changed, and he raised his head and lowered his voice: "Lao Gu, have you heard that Deputy Director Zhang Yifu is going to be transferred, which means there is a vacant position in the bureau, so you have to hold on tight. "

During the military unification and the Secret Service, the top management has always had a structure of one chief and three deputies. Director Dai Chunfeng, Zuo Zhong who is in charge of business work, Zheng Tingbing who is in charge of logistics, and mascot Zhang Yifu.

 Zhang Yifu is an old man from the Fuxing Society and a first-generation student in Huangpu. Since the 20th year of the Republic of China, he has served as a special agent, team leader, training director, party instructor, and director of the Nanchang Camp Investigation Section. He has a close relationship with the celebrities around him.

But success failed and Xiao He failed. When the Nanchang Airport fire broke out, Wen Yi fell out of favor. The Operation Investigation Section was immediately abolished and integrated into the Secret Service. Zhang Yifu took a ride and became the deputy director.

This person's presence in the bureau is very low. He is considered a good old man. He doesn't do anything but doesn't cause trouble. He has a good relationship with Zuo Zhong and Li Qiwu.

 After all, if you don't fight over anything, where can you find such a "good colleague"? Therefore, all parties are willing to give him a face and enshrine him as a clay statue of Bodhisattva.

However, the middle-level spies of the military command looked down upon Zhang Yifu at all, and often excluded him. When the matter reached Lao Dai, he supported Zhang Yifu on the surface, but never punished those who did wrong things.

 In such a working environment, Zhang Yifu is under great mental pressure and often cannot sleep. A man in his thirties looks like a little old man.

After enduring it for several years, the other party finally asked the summit to change jobs this year. If this continues, there will probably be more stars on the Military Command’s Memorial Wall to the Unknown Martyrs.

 Taking into account Zhang Yifu's qualifications and his contribution during the investigation class, someone announced with a stroke of a pen that Zhang Yifu was promoted from the delivery room and became a member of the attendant room.

 But a question arises, who will take over the position of deputy director?

 Intelligence work is different from other jobs. It is highly professional and not just anyone can do it. Especially now that the Sino-Japanese war is becoming more and more intense, the deputy director of the military command must be chosen carefully.

So if nothing else goes wrong, the deputy director must be promoted from within the military system. Currently, there are only two people qualified to compete for this position.

 The first one is Li Qiwu.

 One is Gucci.

 Gu Qi is also a veteran spy in the Operational Investigation Section. He has served successively as investigation section officer, deputy section chief, and section chief. Later, he entered the Secret Service through Zheng Tingbing’s relationship. He started as the deputy section chief of the Intelligence Section and worked his way up to the director of the Second Division.

It is also interesting to say that Gu Qi did not have a good relationship with his "benefactor" Zheng Tingbing, but instead became Zuo Zhong's right-hand man.

This may be because Lao Zheng has a big appetite, and Gucci cannot withstand his harm. There is only a simple financial relationship between the two.

Let’s talk about Li Qiwu. Although he is a junior and does not have much front-line work experience, he has a personal relationship with Dai Chunfeng, which is a huge advantage.

The conflict with Zuo Zhong, coupled with the competition for positions, has led Li Qiwu to have been targeting Gu Qi and the first and second divisions. Recently, he has also attracted a group of frustrated people in the bureau, planning to do something in the mountain city while Zuo Zhong is away. Gu Qi wiped the tea on the table with a handkerchief and said angrily: "Okay, if it's mine, it's mine. It's useless to **** it if it's not mine. The chairman of the committee has the right to decide this matter, and even the deputy chairperson can't interfere." Hand, you don’t have to worry about me.”

Song Minghao bared his teeth, raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm not anxious for you, but for myself. You became the deputy director, and the position of director is not the same."

They are all old brothers who know the basics and there is no need to be secretive when speaking. He readily admitted that he was eyeing the throne of the Director of the Second Division and was waiting for Gucci to move his seat.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about business first." Gu Qi waved his hand and asked seriously: "Is there any oversight in the counter-espionage work of the printing factory? There can't be any problems there, otherwise the work of the bureau will be paralyzed immediately."

When talking about business, Song Minghao also returned to seriousness, sat up straight and promised: "Don't worry, I checked several times, the printing factory's defense can be said to be impregnable.

 First of all, the printing factory is located deep in the mountains and implements closed management. There are no external telephone lines installed. There are only two high-power radio stations responsible for communication and receiving production tasks and scheduling information.

To be absolutely sure, when the operator is operating the radio station, there must be an attendant, the person in charge of the printing plant, and the person in charge of the security guard present to prevent the information from leaking.

For safety reasons, the radio station in the mountain city is also kept in a secret safe house. There are also people on duty 24 hours a day, and the entire message delivery process is manual. "

Placing the radio station outside seems a bit superfluous and even poses a security risk, giving the enemy an opportunity for a sneak attack.

 But the reality is that intelligence agencies have no secrets. If they don't do this, maybe even if they don't use it for a day, the printing house's affairs will become known to everyone.

 Therefore, Song Minghao preferred to start over again outside. After talking about communications, he continued to introduce the transportation process and personnel situation.

“In addition, the raw materials and daily necessities used by the printing factory are personally escorted to the transfer point by myself and Wu Jingzhong from the first branch, and then transported away by the printing factory itself.

The process is exactly the opposite when the goods leave the factory. The printing factory will first randomly place the goods somewhere, and then send the coordinates to Shancheng via radio, waiting for the response from the headquarters.

I also asked the technical department to monitor all the operational personnel who performed the mission. During more than a year of monitoring, they never found anyone talking about this matter to the outside world. "

Gucci nodded with satisfaction. A four-pronged approach of cutting off external communications, transferring materials, monitoring operators, and independent communications can indeed ensure that the location of the printing factory is not known to outsiders to the greatest extent, while stabilizing the production of yen.

He looked at the pile of reimbursement reports beside him and sighed: "Nowadays, no department in the government is short of money, and the attendants have to tighten their belts to get by. Only our situation is better.

 This is all thanks to the printing factory. Otherwise, the operation of the intelligence network, the procurement of weapons and equipment, and the salaries, bonuses, and pensions of the personnel would have bankrupted the bureau without the sabotage of Japanese spies. There is no way, the country is poor! "

When Song Minghao heard this, he muttered in a low voice that the country was poor, but Shangfeng was not poor, but when he saw Gu Qi glare at him, he immediately changed the subject.

"Lao Gu, the overseas intelligence station has received another telegram, especially three telegrams a day from the United States, urging the headquarters to allocate funds for this year's activities. Have you reported this to the deputy?"

 Funding, funding, and funding.

 Gu Qi had a headache when he heard these two words. He leaned back on the chair with a painful look on his face, looked at the ceiling and replied helplessly.

“No, the deputy director handed over the intelligence work of the bureau to me before he left. I can’t report everything, so what else do you want me to do?

 Forget it, just send a telegram to the printing house and ask them to print an extra batch this month. After you take over the goods, allocate them to the American station through Italian channels.

The Japanese are already pursuing this matter, and everything must be sorted out. Don't be afraid of trouble if the funds are transferred to the account of the cover company a few more times. "

The Japanese government and banking industry are not fools. The total amount of Japanese yen is calculated. Now that there is such a large amount of money circulating around the world, you will know that it is counterfeit currency.

Printing counterfeit banknotes requires huge manpower and material resources. There are not many forces capable of doing this, and the military command is definitely one of them.

Japanese intelligence agencies are definitely investigating all over the world now, and mountain cities are the key areas of investigation. If you are not careful, the military printing factory will be exposed.

Although everyone is doing this printing enemy country's banknotes, whether it spreads out well or not, it's better to just keep silent and make a fortune.

Moreover, the Chairman of the Generalissimo is a decent man. If it causes a diplomatic dispute and causes consternation to friendly countries, the entire military command will be punished.

Song Minghao knew the seriousness of the matter, so he responded and left quickly. To be on the safe side, he planned to walk around the city for half a day before going to the safe house with the radio station.

After he left, Gucci returned home and chatted with his wife for a few words, then fell tiredly on the bed and slept until the evening, until he was awakened by a dull loud noise.

Feeling the slight vibration of the bed, Gu Qi instantly jumped out of bed, grabbed the gun and pressed it against the window. His reaction was quick and his movements were flexible, unlike a middle-aged man at all.

At this time, the night sky outside the window has been dyed red by the flames soaring into the sky. Sharp air defense sirens and sirens are blaring one after another. Teams of police officers, garrison soldiers, special agents, and military police rush to the site of the incident.

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