Cicada Moving

Chapter 1161: bloody handprint

Chapter 1161 Bloody Handprint

Gu Qi held the gun in his right hand against the window, and waved his left hand vigorously at the wife and children who came after hearing the sound, signaling them to lie down on the ground, and then slowly looked out the window.


Another bright light flashed, and the sound of an explosion was heard in the distance a few seconds later. The streets outside became even more chaotic, and there were still many Muddy Water Robbers taking advantage of the fire.

 Gu Qi counted silently in his mind. The interval between the bright light and the sound was 4 seconds, and the propagation speed of sound was about 340 meters per second, which meant that the explosion location was at least 1.5 kilometers away from him.

Moreover, observing the scale of the flames generated by the explosion, it should be caused by the explosion of military explosives. Civilian explosives are not so powerful.

 This was not an accident, it was a planned sabotage.

A map of the mountain city appeared in his mind. Using the direction and the distance he had just judged, he quickly located the approximate location of the explosion, and then his expression suddenly changed.

The safe house of the radio station that communicates with the printing factory is near the explosion site. Song Minghao went to deliver the order in the afternoon. If the other party did not leave when the explosion occurred,

Thinking of this, Gucci didn't even bother to put on shoes. He walked barefoot to the phone and shook the handle, picked up the phone and shouted loudly to the operator.

“I’m Gu Qi, pick me up at the residence of Deputy Director Song Minghao.”

 “Can’t get through?”

 “Keep answering until I get through!”

Gu Qi waited anxiously, but after a long time the operator still reported that no one answered the call. This made his heart skip a beat and his face became increasingly ugly.

Song Minghao is an old subordinate of the deputy director and the deputy director of the second division. He does not want to see anything happen to this old brother. The military commander has never sacrificed such a high-level intelligence personnel.

What’s even more frightening is that if the other party is captured, the military’s counterintelligence system will be completely exposed to the enemy’s eyes.

Just when Gu Qi was about to order all personnel from the two departments to go out to look for Song Minghao, the door downstairs was suddenly knocked from the outside, and a familiar voice sounded.

“Lao Gu, Lao Gu, I am Lao Song. Are you and your sister-in-law okay?”

Gu Qi let out a long sigh of relief when he heard the shouting. He walked downstairs in three steps and opened the door. He immediately saw Song Minghao, who was under heavy protection from secret agents.

The matter was so important that he didn't have time to exchange greetings, so he directly told the other party his conclusion: "Old Song, as long as you have nothing to do, go to the safe house of the radio station quickly. The explosion may be coming from here."

 After saying that, Gucci reached for the coat on the hanger by the door, and walked out while waving to the little spies around him.

Cars and trucks started to move immediately. The spies in the dormitory area quickly gathered, jumped into the cars and drove towards the outbreak site at high speed. Vehicles continued to merge along the way, and the convoy became longer and longer.

In the back seat of one of the cars, Song Minghao looked pale and had not yet recovered from the news given by Gu Qi.

He just went to the safe house today, and there was an explosion in the safe house. No matter how you look at it, he is the number one suspect.

Li Qiwu was worried about not being able to catch them. Once this incident came out, the other party would definitely not miss the opportunity to criticize.

As for not letting Li Qiwu know, it was impossible to hide something as big as the attack on the safe house from the inspection room. Again, there are no secrets in the intelligence agency.

 Gu Qi also realized that he and Lao Song were in serious trouble, and even the passenger seat would be implicated, so he quietly looked out the window and didn't speak for a long time.

The convoy drove for more than ten minutes, struggled through the crowded streets, and was stopped by a group of soldiers in front of a guard post.

It seems that the area near the incident has entered a state of martial law, and unrelated personnel and vehicles are prohibited from entering. This time, the garrison headquarters finally did not lose its chain.

The military signboard still worked. When the soldiers saw the certificate handed over by the driver of the lead car, they immediately ordered the barbed wire fences and horses to be removed and the road cleared.

 Learning from the experience of Zuo Zhong being followed in Jinling a few years ago, Gu Qi and Song Minghao did not expose their identities throughout the process to avoid being surrounded by Japanese spies who could reversely track or assassinate them.

 After the convoy passed the checkpoint, it drove into a quiet street. After driving a few dozen meters, a bombed-out shop caught everyone's attention.

Song Minghao saw the whole person slumped on the car seat and muttered to himself: "It's over, this is the surveillance point of the safe house."

The motorcade slowly stopped on the side of the road. Gu Qi's eyes fell on half of the shops that were still smoking, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Even the surveillance point was occupied. There must be a traitor in the bureau.

According to the military commander's field service habits, there will be secret surveillance points near important places, one for protection and the other for early warning.

In order to maintain confidentiality, the surveillance point has no connection with the target location, and the level of confidentiality is very high.

But as a result, the surveillance point that was supposed to be highly confidential was attacked, which made people suspect that there was a mole within the military system.

Leaving a team of people to guard the scene, Gu Qi and Song Minghao took the remaining people in a car and drove straight to the safe house. The convoy turned two intersections, and a former two-story building came into view.

The reason why I say "once" is because only half of the building is left at this time. The whole building seems to have been cut in the middle, and the internal structure on one side is completely exposed to the air.

“This is the safe house?” Gucci’s face was expressionless, and the fists in his pockets were slightly clenched.

Song Minghao nodded and replied in a hoarse voice: "Yes, this place was originally the residence of a regiment commander of the Sichuan Army. It was requisitioned by the bureau when the government moved westward. After the last safe house expired, this place was set as a new safe house. Room.

There are a total of 8 brothers inside, two operators, one operator, and five guards. The operators and operators hold short guns, and the guards are equipped with Thompsons and grenades. As long as there is no large-scale attack, it is enough to ensure the safety of the radio station. ” ˆ ˆ “Enough to ensure the safety of the radio station? "

Gu Qi repeated the sentence, pointed at the disemboweled building and asked sternly: "Then what is this? I ask you what is this?"

Since he was transferred from the Camp Investigation Section to the Secret Service, Gu Qi has always been a good gentleman and rarely conflicts with others, let alone with these old colleagues.

 But everything that happened today made it difficult for him to suppress the anger in his heart, so much so that he got angry at his old partner in front of so many people.

Facing Gu Qi’s rebuke, Song Minghao was speechless. The fact was before his eyes. The guards failed to protect the safe house and the radio station might have been destroyed.

"get off."

With a cold word, Gu Qi opened the car door and walked to the scene. The little agents spread out to occupy the commanding heights and key positions to prevent the enemy from sneak attacks.

  Due to air defense regulations and explosions, the power supply to the safe house had long been cut off. Under the pitch-black night, the dark door looked like a monster with a gaping mouth.

Without stopping at all, Gu Qi led his men to turn on the flashlight and walked into the building. He immediately found two prone bodies at the door.

Song Minghao quickly squatted down and turned one of the corpses over to reveal his face. A familiar face looked extremely ferocious under the light.

 “He is our brother.”

His tone was heavy. Looking at the dense bullet holes on the wall and Thomson who never let go of the agent's hand until his death, his eyes gradually became moist and he clenched his hands tightly.

 The situation at the scene showed that after the safe house was attacked, the guards launched a counterattack immediately. Unfortunately, the enemy's firepower was so fierce that even two submachine guns fired at the same time failed to stop the opponent's steps.

 Gu Qi looked around with cold eyes and asked Song Minghao where the telegraph room and archives room were. That was the focus of the safe house.

There is a code book in the telegraph room, and there are secret telegram files used to contact the printing house in the archives. If these two things fall into the hands of the enemy, the other party can find out the location of the printing house by analyzing the telegrams.

 Although the printing factory can be relocated when necessary, unlike other factories, the machines required for printing are very heavy and relocation is very troublesome.

Relocation will also disrupt the printing plan and reduce production. Now all departments in the bureau are waiting for money. This result is unacceptable, so the printing factory will not move if it is not possible.

Song Minghao heard Gu Qi's question, forced himself to calm down, got up and walked through the indoor stairs to the second floor, and stopped outside a room with an iron door. This was the archive room where the safe house stored the secret files.

The two little spies walked in first and carefully checked whether there were any booby traps in the room. After confirming that there were no problems, Gucci and the two slowly stepped inside, and a strong smell of gunpowder smoke suddenly poured into their nostrils.

Looking around, I saw a **** body of a guard leaning against the wall next to the door. The innermost iron bookshelf was twisted into a twist. The telegram files on it were missing, and only a few scraps of paper were scattered around the room. every corner.

 There was an explosion in the house!

The experienced Gucci was thoughtful, and his sharp eyes seemed to see everything that happened at the scene through time.

At that time, the guards were stationed in the archives room and used the cover of the iron gate to shoot at the enemy. However, the enemy was well prepared and directly used grenades to break through the defense.

The other party was very calm and acted very cautiously. Not only did he take away all the bottom files, he also carefully collected the fragments of the bottom files produced by the explosion.

“Old Song, are there any undeciphered messages in the archives?”

Judging that the bottom file had been taken away, Gu Qi thought of a more terrifying result. If there were clear telegrams in those files, the enemy might already be on the way to the printing house, so he quickly asked.

Song Minghao slowly lowered the sacrificed guard to the ground and gave a negative reply: "No, according to regulations, after the deciphered message is reported, the original must be destroyed, leaving only the bottom file of the secret message for later verification.

I came to deliver the order in the afternoon, and also made a special inspection of the archives room. There was no problem. In fact, if the safe house was not in the mountain city and there were so many guards, there wouldn't even be a secret electronic bottom. "

Song Minghao felt very uncomfortable when he thought that the subordinates who were chatting and laughing with him a few hours ago had turned into corpses in such a short time. He could no longer conceal the murderous aura on his body and walked quickly into the telegraph room diagonally opposite. .

 Compared to the archives room, the battle here was more fierce. As soon as everyone entered the door, they saw four bodies, lying or leaning behind the bunker. They were all shot in the head and chest.

The telegraph machine on the table not far away was also destroyed. Judging from the shooting angle, it should be the work of the guards. The military commander's operation manual requires that the equipment must be destroyed at the last moment to avoid being captured by the enemy.

Song Minghao quickly checked the room and the corpse, raised his head and reported to Gu Qi: "The dead are all our people, but the number is wrong. There is one female operator missing, and the code book is gone."

 Everyone looked solemn. There was one missing person. Did he run away or was he captured?

 The former is not a big problem, if it is the latter.

No matter which country they are in, radio operators are extremely important intelligence targets and hold a lot of secrets. If they are captured, they will have very serious consequences.

The code book is even more terrible. The code book and the code base file mean that the messages sent here will completely fall into the enemy's hands.

Although the function of this safe house is not yet clear, the agents all held their breath and raised their guns, waiting for the director's order.

At this time, Gu Qi made a new discovery. The window on the north side of the room was half open. The night wind blew the curtains loudly, and there was a bright red **** handprint on them.

 (End of this chapter)

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