Cicada Moving

Chapter 1172: flashback

 30 hours before the lockdown is lifted.


 Handian's interrogation had just ended when Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong, and Gui Youguang received the news and returned to the headquarters conference room.

The three of them met up with Gu Qi and Song Minghao, who had been waiting for a long time, and they exchanged and discussed the clues they had.

When they heard Gu Qi say that there was something missing in the confession, Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong immediately picked up the confession and read it, and then fell into thinking.

One of them is a member of the first batch of academic classes in the military system, and the other is a top student at Sun Yat-sen University. They must be capable, competent, and experienced.

The two of them were very familiar with the files and confessions, but after looking at them for a long time, they couldn't see anything wrong in them.

 In the oral confessions, the descriptions of the witnesses at each scene were clear and detailed, and the format fully complied with the military command's requirements for written records.

  Documentary work is the simplest part of intelligence work. The case handlers are all veterans and it is impossible for them to have problems in this aspect.

 Suddenly, Wu Jingzhong slapped his thigh: "No! There is no dialogue between the enemy and the enemy in the confession!"

The people present were stunned when they heard this. They looked through the information at hand and found that this was true.

 Out of all the confessions, except for Guo Yilong's, the rest were only eyewitness accounts. The enemy seemed to have remained silent throughout the whole process.

Even after the incident, three suspects observed the movements of military commanders in the restaurant. They ordered food using wooden signs hanging on the wall, as if they didn't have mouths.

Even the captured Japanese spy Handa only had a brief exchange with the leading lieutenant colonel. This situation is very abnormal.

But what does this mean?

The enemy is mute?

 Or these people can’t speak the Republic of China dialect?

 Or maybe the witnesses withheld key information from them?

Just as Wu Chunyang was about to speak, he saw Zuo Zhong walking into the conference room. Everyone quickly stood up to greet him, said hello and sat down again.

 “Have you already said it before? Tell us what you think.”

Zuo Zhong sat down and looked around and asked with a smile, wanting to see if his subordinates had made any progress. There were so many cases and he couldn't rely on him alone.

The conference room was quiet for a moment. Seeing that no one was speaking, Wu Jingzhong raised his hand to indicate that he had something to say, and took the lead in expressing his opinion.

“Deputy Commander, according to Handa’s confession, the Japanese action team was drawn from the 18th Independent Mixed Brigade. They are professional soldiers, not intelligence personnel.

These people may speak the Republic of China dialect, but not fluently. Hiding in the mountain city is a high-risk mission, and there is no room for sloppiness, which leads to their silence throughout the process.

If this inference is true, there is still a problem that needs to be solved, how can a group of people not talk for a long time without arousing suspicion from the people around them.

 In addition, the three suspects who appeared in the restaurant had fair facial skin, which is inconsistent with their background in the military, and is also a noteworthy clue.

 So, will the enemy pretend to be mute and hide in air-raid shelters? Only in this way can they remain silent throughout the whole process, and at the same time, the color of their skin will be different. "

Everyone realized that, yes, a group of young and middle-aged people were already conspicuous, and it would be even more conspicuous if they did not speak.

 In order to avoid the Japanese bombing, many air raid shelters were dug in the mountain city. They were indeed good hiding places, safe and concealed enough.

But Wu Chunyang immediately shook his head: “There are no vacant air-raid shelters around the city. Many refugees have no place to live and usually move around in air-raid shelters. There are so many people there that they are not suitable for hiding.

Besides, it is normal for one or two to be mute. There are about 40 Japanese operatives, so it is unrealistic for them all to pretend to be mute, and the brothers who searched did not find it.

I think we can start from another direction. Is there such a place where not only being silent will not arouse suspicion, but also being masked or lacking in light?

Personally, I think it is more likely to be masked. After all, the enemy dares to show up in the restaurant, which shows that they are not afraid of us tracing through simulated portraits. This is my opinion. "

 Speaking nothing and covering one's face.

 Everyone frowned. Is there such a place? It can't be a den of thieves, right?

Even if you are in a den of thieves, you don’t need to cover your face when you are alone. That is not prudent, it is a disease of the mind.


In the flash of lightning, Gu Qi thought of a place in his mind. He stood up suddenly, slammed his fist on the table in front of him and said in a deep voice.

 “Hospital! Yes! It’s the hospital!”

 After listening to what he said, if the people present could not understand it, then all these years of intelligence work would have been in vain.

Silent speech can be disguised as illness, or even use certain methods to cause temporary loss of voice. This way, not only can you deceive doctors, but you are not afraid of any form of temptation.

As for masking, facial bandaging is a common method for treating facial burns and trauma. With a bandage in the way, it’s no wonder that the enemy is not afraid of revealing your appearance.

Under normal circumstances, no one will go to the hospital to search. Even if they go to search, they will not notice the patient lying on the bed unable to move. Cunning devil!

 “Old ancient, not bad.”

Zuo Zhong said with a smile, then threw a document on the table, raised his chin to everyone, and asked another question.

"Here is the information on all the hospitals in the mountain city, including military, civilian and foreign clinics. There are 24 hospitals in total. Time is so tight, how should I check next?" "It's very simple, just check the military hospitals."

Gu Qi looked confident and stood up to explain: "If I remember correctly, many soldiers on the front line of Shacheng have been sent to the rear for treatment in the past few months, and among them there happened to be a group of people who were injured due to inhalation of poisonous gas.

These people not only had their bodies and faces bandaged, but also lost their ability to speak due to respiratory burns. The other party could use these two points to disguise their identity and hide in the mountain city! "

The Shacheng front line he mentioned was the tug-of-war between the national government and the Japanese army after the first Battle of Shacheng.

From the end of last year until this time, China and Japan competed for multiple positions around Shacheng, and the whole land of Hunan and Changzhou was on fire.

The Japanese deployed various technical weapons, including incendiary bombs, poison gas bombs, and heavy artillery, to launch an attack on the defending Guo army. For a time, the Guo army suffered heavy casualties.

In a certain battle, a battalion of fruit troops was attacked by chemical weapons. Only 7 people were seriously injured and left the battle early to survive. The remaining more than 400 people all died heroically.

Most of these wounded soldiers who were withdrawn from the front line will be sent to mountain towns for treatment. Japanese spies are mixed in, and it is difficult for hospitals to distinguish them.

 The reason is very simple. The establishment of wounded soldiers has been broken up. As long as they have documents and directions from the frontline hospital, doctors will not doubt the identity of the other party.

Both of these things are not difficult for the Japanese intelligence agencies. They can be forged, robbed, and bought with money. Never overestimate the moral bottom line of some officers in the Guo army.

It would be even easier to get through the admission examination. There were so many wounded soldiers waiting for treatment, and the Japanese spies took the initiative to give in. It was too late for others to be happy, so why would they think too much about it.


The crowd applauded. Gu Qi's inference was in line with the clues that had been identified so far. All he had to do next was to search through several military hospitals to find the remaining Japanese spies.

Zuo Zhong stood up slowly, put his hands on the table, and gave the order: "Act immediately, the first branch is responsible for investigation, and the second branch is responsible for screening. In ten hours, I want to see the person!"


Everyone responded in unison, and then a voice sounded.

“Deputy Officer, what should we do with the mole who provides the safe house keys and intelligence to the Japanese spies?”

The person asking the question was Gu Qi. There was a mole hiding beside him. He couldn't even sleep well unless he found the mole.

Zuo Zhong did not answer. He knocked on the table and asked everyone a question. Wu Chunyang had asked this question two days ago when he returned to the mountain city for a meeting. He asked it again today.

“You said, assuming that the mole who revealed the whereabouts of the Nanyang Consolation Group to the Japanese and the one who leaked the safe house information were the same person, why didn’t the other party tell the Japanese that I was also in the consolation group?”

Song Minghao, Song Minghao, and Wu Jingzhong below expressed their opinions one after another. Some said that the mole did not know, some said that the mole was not sure, and some said that he did not dare.

Wu Chunyang has always felt that this matter is a bit strange. The mole has access to the safe house information, which proves that the level is not low. It should be known that the deputy director went to the northwest.

  It’s even more impossible. The mole dares to betray the country. What else can he not dare to do? If there is a chance to capture the deputy seat, the other party will never let go of such a big "contribution".

Of course, he will only think about these words in his heart, and say them as if he is expecting something to happen to the deputy chairperson. Be careful what you say, be careful what you say.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Gui Youguang said carelessly: "It doesn't have to be so complicated. A person does things just for fame and profit. If the mole doesn't betray his deputy, it means he doesn't want profit."


Everyone looked at the big bald head in shock, and began to wonder if this guy had been taken away from him. Is this the kind of smart thing the other party should say?

But when Gu Qi heard what he said, he immediately understood why the deputy chairperson wanted to release the news to the outside world, saying that he owed a favor to the person who provided the clues to the Japanese spy. This was a bait.

 The mole betrayed the country for the sake of fame, or to be precise, fame. Naturally, he would not reveal the whereabouts of the deputy commander to the Japanese, because among the military commanders, no one was more suitable to be a backer than the deputy commander.

This mole is a double agent. He wants to get benefits from the Japanese and also wants to climb up. It is a standard hedging bet.

  Even though the other party is currently fighting fiercely with the Japanese, once he knows about the "favor" thing, he will probably turn around and sell the Japanese spy.

Having determined this, they only need to keep the operation to capture the remaining Japanese spies strictly confidential and not let the news leak out, and then the moles will jump out on their own.

Seeing that everyone understood what he meant, Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and secretly guessed who the ghost was. He actually dared to play tricks on Japanese people. He was indeed a bit brave.

The Japanese people's minds are not much bigger than the eye of a needle. If they know that they have been deceived, they will definitely not let the mole go. There is always a gun or bomb that suits the opponent.

He waved his hand and signaled his men to take action immediately. He returned to the office and changed into casual clothes, preparing to join the investigation himself.

 26 hours before the lockdown is lifted.

In the First Hospital of the Military and Political Department of Shaci District, Shancheng, nurses wearing church nurse uniforms walked back and forth carrying trays, and red cross signs could be seen everywhere.

On the outermost floor of the courtyard, two wounded soldiers with injured legs were sitting at the stone table in the courtyard playing chess. The rest of them formed a circle with flexible legs and feet, watching the chess and talking at the same time.

In the crowd, a stocky Guojun soldier with a head wrapped like a mummy watched the battle silently. He said nothing and glanced towards the door from time to time.

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