Cicada Moving

Chapter 1173: All are movie stars

 25 hours before the lockdown is lifted.

The First Hospital of the Ministry of Military Affairs in Shancheng, the Central Hospital of Jinling, was directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Military Affairs after the government moved westward. It is located in Gaotanyan in the Shaci District.

The entire hospital covers an area of ​​several hundred acres and has more than 300 fixed beds. Including temporary beds, the total number of beds exceeds 1,000. It is currently the largest military hospital in the Republic of China.

The military rank of the dean has naturally increased, reaching the rank of third-class military medical supervisor in the army, which is equivalent to the rank of major general in the army.

 The ranks of technical officers in the Guo Army are divided into three levels: supervisor, chief, and assistant, which are equivalent to general, colonel, and lieutenant.

 Each level is further subdivided into first, second, and third levels, equal to upper, middle, and minor levels, and is preceded by military services and professional positions.

However, compared with Zuo Zhong’s Major General Quanxu Army, there is still a slight gap between the major general on the other side.

In troubled times, those with guns are always tougher than those with scalpels.

 So when the director of the First Hospital received the notice that the deputy director of the military command was about to visit, he immediately summoned a group of hospital senior officials to prepare for Zuo Zhong's arrival.

Not long after, an ambulance drove in from the back door, bypassed the complex hospital area and stopped slowly outside the office area.

Zuo Zhong stepped out of the car, followed by Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong, Song Minghao and Gui Youguang. They all wore casual clothes and walked quickly towards the welcoming crowd.

Facing the greetings from a group of colonels and lieutenant colonels, Zuo Zhong waved his hand and told them all to get out, leaving only the dean alone, and then led them to the other party's office.

“Deputy Director Zuo, why are you here this time?”

The dean looked at the spies in front of him and tried cautiously. He mentally recalled the bad things he had done over the years and felt a little weak at his feet.

 The director of the First Hospital is a fat man. The procurement of medicines and equipment and the recruitment of personnel are all very lucrative areas.

Apart from other things, he has only been working for more than a year, and his hometown has bought thousands of acres of fertile land, and his overseas bank account has tens of thousands of dollars in deposits.

Thinking of this, Mr. Dean broke into a cold sweat, as if he saw himself being taken away for questioning and his family property confiscated.

Zuo Zhong sat down on the dean's chair unceremoniously, looked at the other person's face again and again, and after a long time he chuckled, giving him reassurance.

“Haha, okay, Zuo is coming here this time because he has official duties that require your cooperation, and it’s not about cracking down on corruption.”

The dean took out a delicate handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He nodded and bowed and said, "Yes, yes, Deputy Director Zuo, just give me your orders. I will fully cooperate with you."


Zuo Zhong picked up an inkstone on the table and played with it carefully. He looked out the window at the hospital area and asked about the situation of the wounded soldiers who had recently returned to the mountain city from the front line, especially those injured by chemical weapons.

 Being able to become the dean of the No. 1 Hospital, the dean is greedy, but he still has two skills in professional skills. When he heard this question, he immediately blurted out.

“More than 300 soldiers have been sent to the No. 1 Hospital due to poison gas attacks and are currently receiving professional treatment. However, due to the shortage of medicines, the effect is not very good.

These people were placed in isolation areas in Area A and Area B respectively to prevent the spread of the disease and to prevent the morale of the military from being shaken. Deputy Director Zuo, I wonder what you mean? "

Zuo Zhong slowly put down the Duan Inkstone, which was worth thousands of gold, stood up and walked to the window with his hands behind his back. He looked at the doctors and nurses coming and going in the distance and gave a calm order.

"Bring the medical records of these people. Also bring the information of those patients in the general ward who cannot speak and whose faces are bandaged."

The dean was confused after hearing this, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he hurriedly went down to carry out the order.

 Gu Qi winked at the side, and Song Minghao quietly followed him out, secretly monitoring the director and other senior hospital officials to prevent anyone from leaking information.

 A few hours ago, after determining that the spy's hiding place might be a military hospital, agents from the first and second divisions quickly screened the relevant locations.

 However, investigators found no abnormalities in most hospitals. A few wounded soldiers who met the screening conditions had clear origins and reliable identities. In the end, only the First Hospital was left without investigation.

Considering that there are the most patients and the most complicated situation here, Gu Qi decisively mobilized most of his forces to the nearby area and accompanied Zuo Zhong to contact the hospital.

On the other side, the dean acted quickly and safely. He personally went to the medical department to get the cases and files. During this period, he did not come into contact with anyone. He knew the rules very well.

Looking at the thick pile of files, Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, and Wu Jingzhong began to screen them, while Gui Youguang kept an eye on the dean to prevent him from jumping over the wall.

 Half an hour has passed.

 An hour has passed.

With the efforts of Wu Chunyang and the others, hundreds of wounded soldiers were eliminated as suspects, and less than 200 people entered the scope of investigation due to various reasons.

 Among them, some of them belonged to a unit that was broken up and could not prove their origins, some had no treatment records after being admitted to the hospital, and some did not even undergo admission examinations. These are all consistent with the characteristics of Japanese spies.

 After delineating the general range of suspects, the only thing left is how to identify the spies among these people. Gu Qi had already made up his mind about this. He issued an order to Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong.

“Single out the wounded soldiers transferred to the field hospital in the ninth war zone and leave them alone in other war zones.”

According to Handa’s confession, the Japanese operators who attacked the safe house came from the 18th Independent Mixed Brigade, and the headquarters of the 18th Independent Mixed Brigade was under the jurisdiction of the Ninth War Zone.

So if the Japanese pretend to be wounded soldiers and sneak into the mountain city, they will most likely use the false identities of the troops under the jurisdiction of the Ninth War Zone. Following this clue can further narrow down the list of suspects.

With specific criteria in place, the screening work quickly yielded results, and wounded soldiers who seemed to be normal were found one after another.

“I have a gunner here, a gunner from the 2nd Regiment of the 20th Division, who was admitted to hospital six days ago due to gas poisoning.” Wu Jingzhongtong reported.

“I also have one here, sent by the 10th Army battlefield rescue team. He was also poisoned by poison gas. He was admitted to the hospital five days ago.” Wu Chunyang said almost at the same time.

 Gu Qi quickly looked through the files. When he turned to one of the files, his hands suddenly stopped, he raised his head and said in a deep voice.

"I have a person here who lives in the general ward. His identity is a temporary second lieutenant of the 2nd Army. His surname is Wang. Although he is not poisoned, his face is bandaged. He has not been examined after being admitted to the hospital, and there is no treatment record. He was admitted to the hospital seven days ago."


Zuo Zhong let out a light sigh and walked quickly to pick up the file and looked at it. He found that the words "facial trauma" were written in the injury column of the other party's medical record.

Looking at the file, Zuo Zhong felt that he had caught a big fish. The second lieutenant's behavior after being admitted to the hospital was consistent with their speculation about the Japanese spy. The admission time was similar to that of other suspects. The only difference was the injury.

 But if the other party is fluent in the Republic of China dialect, there is no need to pretend to be mute. Most of the Japanese military officers are well-educated, and some of them are very proficient in the Republic of China dialect.

 Hence the different injuries, not only cannot rule out this person’s suspicion, but it also proves this person’s special identity.

While Zuo Zhong was thinking, Gu Qi and the other three sifted through the files and found a total of 42 suspects with suspicious identities, spread across the isolation areas of wards A and B, as well as several general wards.

This number is roughly consistent with the number of Japanese operatives handed over by Handa. Gu Qi pondered for a while, then turned around and asked the dean two questions.

“Is the entry and exit management of the isolation area strict? Are there sentries or regular ward rounds?”

The dean laughed dryly and said nothing. It was obvious that the so-called isolation area was in name only, and the wounded could come and go freely.

Gu Qi suppressed his anger and looked at Zuo Zhong: "Vice-in-Chief, since the enemy has the conditions to leave the quarantine area, I think we can take action."

Zuo Zhong listened and flipped through the medical records on the table, and discovered something keenly, which made the killing intent in his eyes even more intense.

Since the enemy was admitted to the hospital, the wounded soldiers in the same ward with them have died mysteriously one after another. I can't help but wonder what happened. The enemy is using all means to eliminate the risk of exposure.

Looking coldly at the director next to him, Zuo Zhong felt that maybe it was time to change the director of the First Hospital. No, this guy should be sent to a military court.

The reason is not that the other party is greedy. No one in the government is greedy. It is a sin to be innocent when everything is muddy. It is helpless to live in harmony with others. There is no need to be too harsh.

 What he was concerned about was that the other party was occupying the manhole and not taking a shit. So many wounded soldiers died, but as the dean, he didn't notice at all. This was a serious dereliction of duty.

It is a pity that so many brothers in the army did not die on the front line, but were killed in their own hospitals.

Zuo Zhong thought to himself, and sent the dean away with a smile on the surface. Several small spies would "accompany" the other party until the end of the operation.

When the dean's fat body walked away, Zuo Zhong waved his men around and solicited everyone's opinions on how to arrest the person.

 There are many people in the hospital and the environment is complex. A strong attack is likely to cause a large number of casualties, so it is the next best option.

Song Minghao frowned and thought. Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong seemed to have some ideas, but did not speak. In the end, Gu Qi came up with a solution.

 “Vice-in-Charge, take medicine!”

As soon as he said these words, Song Minghao suddenly understood. Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong nodded in agreement. As for Gui Youguang, he continued to do nothing.

Zuo Chong is very happy. All of them are movie stars. They obviously have a way but don't say it. They obviously want to give credit to Gucci.

Gu Qi also knew this very well, and he gratefully extended his hands to the others without saying thank you for their kindness. If the brothers showed such favor to him, he would definitely be rewarded in good ways in the future.

Zuo Zhong did not interfere in the matter between them. He shook the handle of the phone and connected to the military command room.

“I am Zuo Zhong. I told Ling Sanping to send someone to deliver all the imported anesthetics to the director’s office of the First Hospital. Remember to wear plain clothes.

 Inform Secretary He of the headquarters to bring the female operatives over. I will wait for them here, and they must be quick. "

Without explaining the reason, Zuo Zhong simply said a few words. After the other party respectfully responded, he put down the microphone and continued to listen to Gu Qi and others perfect the action plan.

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