Cicada Moving

Chapter 127: Jin Andong

Chapter 127 Jin Andong

 “Jin Andong!”

Gu Qi did not expect that the person they came to see was Jin Andong. Information about this person emerged in his mind. He had mysteriously disappeared since he committed the shocking case in Shanghai.

Some people speculated that he was assassinated by the Japanese, and some speculated that he had gone overseas. Who would have thought that he was in Jiaxing, not far from Shanghai, and enjoyed all-round protection from the Secret Service.

Jin Andong looked at the young man in front of him. He was about the same age as his son Jin Renjiu. He was equally high-spirited and a captain in the Chinese army. If Renjiu had lived, they would have become good friends.

As he thought about it, Jin Andong shed tears: "Mr. Zuo, please rest assured that we are just a group of poor people who have lost their homes. We will not and do not want to cause any trouble to your government. I will leave everything in this case to you."

Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows: "I hope you can keep your word and ask Mr. Jin to introduce the specific circumstances of the case. I need to know all the details, including Jin Renjiu's living habits, hobbies, etc."

Jin Andong wiped his tears: "After we escaped from Goryeo, Injiu studied at the Goryeo School in Shanghai. After graduating from high school in the first two years, he joined the Goryeo Restoration Organization and was responsible for managing intelligence work in the Northeast."

Zuo Zhong's temples jumped suddenly. The information did not say that Jin Renjiu was also an intelligence officer. He raised his head and looked at Yu Xingle, but Yu Xingle also looked shocked. It was obviously the first time he knew this information.

Yu Xingle was feeling ashamed and angry at the same time. This **** Jin Anton, he had been with him for such a long time, and he didn't leak a single word. However, he revealed this matter as soon as Zuo Zhong came. What did Zuo Zhong think?

Zuo Zhong slapped the table hard: "Why didn't you tell District Chief Yu before that you were also the police chief of the Korean Provisional Government? Don't you know how serious this matter is? This is not a criminal case!"

This old bastard, Zuo Zhong was so angry that whether he concealed the identity of the deceased or deliberately embarrassed Yu Xingle, it all meant one thing - this Jin Andong and the Korean people regarded the owner of this land as nothing!

"Come here, notify all the members of the Korean Restoration Organization in the area controlled by the district station to take photos and register. If there is resistance, shoot and kill them!" Zuo Zhong stood up suddenly. Where did this bunch of bereaved dogs find the courage to provoke a government that has spoiled them? .


 Zuo Zhong couldn't make the decision to kill these people, but he had the right to control them. He Yijun immediately went down to set up a radio station. From there, she could contact the intelligence team members from all districts of the Secret Service.

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang drew their pistols and walked out. When they first came in, they saw a few small eyes. At that time, they were surprised that the quality of the personnel in the East China District was so low. Now it seems that they must be people from the Koryo Restoration Organization.

Jin Andong didn't expect Zuo Zhong's reaction to be so violent. In a hurry, he looked at Yu Xingle, but Yu Xingle was so angry that he didn't care about him and turned around, leaving him with a back view.

Zuo Zhong looked at the stupid Mrs. Jin Andong and sighed: "Fu Ling, please ask Mrs. Jin to go to another room. You are responsible for protecting her safety personally and there must be no problems."

 Jin Andong is a pitiful person who must be hateful. Mrs. Jin is purely pitiful. The daughter of a great doctor in Goryeo fled to the world with her husband. She originally had a son as hope, but now that her son is gone, her hope is gone.

 Fu Ling gently helped Mrs. Jin up. Mrs. Jin was taken away without any resistance, like a mindless walking zombie. Jin Andong's lips moved but he did not speak. The other party had already restrained himself and could not make the situation worse.

Several screams suddenly sounded inside and outside the villa, and Jin Andong recognized them as his bodyguards. Although these young men had received certain military training, they were too weak compared to professional intelligence personnel.

Not long after, Wu Chunyang and Wu Chunyang walked in and nodded to Zuo Zhong. Now only people from the Secret Service were left in the villa. Zuo Zhong could do whatever he wanted with Jin Andong, but Yu Xingle stood aside indifferently.

Zuo Zhong crossed his legs and put his hands on the table: "Now, please tell Mr. Jin all the information you know. If our people find out that you lied, you and your friends will have only one fate, and that is death. Please You believe me."

Jin Andong felt Zuo Zhong's sincerity and said honestly: "Renjiu is responsible for liaising with the Koryo people in the Northeast and finding out the Japanese military intelligence in Koryo and the Northeast. This work is going very smoothly. I"

“Why do you want to investigate the Northeast intelligence?” Zuo Chong interrupted him with a dark face: “The Northeast is our country’s land. Although it is currently occupied by the Japanese, it has nothing to do with you, Korea.”

Jin Andong replied helplessly: "We need to know the intelligence of the Kwantung Army, and the current headquarters of the Kwantung Army is Changchun in the northeast of your country.

Renjiu's main job is to target the Kwantung Army. I think his death has nothing to do with these things, because our intelligence agents are safe and sound. "

"Feel sorry."

Zuo Zhong interrupted him again: "You don't need to judge this. You just need to introduce his living habits, hobbies, and what happened that day."

Jin Andong was distracted and nodded: "Renjiu likes reading and photography, and loves Shanghai snacks. In addition to meeting old classmates, he spends the rest of his time doing work and accompanying us."

In his eyes, Jin Renjiu was a perfect son, filial and obedient, and he risked his life to fight for the restoration of the country. Jin Renjiu's sudden death shocked Jin Andong.

After calming down, Jin Andong tried to remain calm and said: "On the morning of the 3rd last month, Renjiu answered a phone call at my place and immediately went out. This situation is normal, because his old classmates often ask him out. Nothing happened,"

 “But, but.”

Speaking of this, Jin Andong burst into tears again: "He didn't come back all night. The next day, people from Jiaxing Police Station came to inform them that they found Renjiu's body in Nanhu. My Renjiu. He once participated in Shanghai Why did he drown in the lake during a high school swimming competition? Someone must have killed him, it must have been the Japanese. They were retaliating for what happened in Shanghai."

Looking at the sobbing old man, Zuo Zhong felt completely unmoved. No one invited them to come to the Republic of China, and they were not allowed to carry out explosions. An intelligence officer running around all day long was looking for death.

However, the key points of a murder case are the motive, the first scene, the murder weapon, and the cause of death. Now these four points are question marks. The Jiaxing Police Station only said that the fishermen fished out Jin Renjiu’s body from the lake, and did not know anything else.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and asked Jin Andong to retell the story again. If he wanted to remember the forgotten memory fragments, the best way was to recall them over and over again. The clues might be hidden in a certain sentence or word.

“Renjiu answered the phone and paused for a while and said: It turned out to be you. I don’t know what was said over there. Renjiu said: Let’s meet at the old place.”

“Other than that, Renjiu said nothing and did not carry any weapons. He just seemed very anxious and left in a hurry.”

Jin Andong recounted Jin Renjiu's conversation in detail, recalling in his mind the last meeting with his son, the phone that suddenly rang in the living room, his son on the sofa, his wife making food in the kitchen, and himself who had just come downstairs.

Zuo Zhong suddenly asked: "Why don't you carry weapons? Has this happened before?"

Jin Andong was stunned in the memory: "It has happened before. When classmates came to him, Renjiu would not carry weapons because my identity here is confidential, so he felt that he should keep a low profile."

Zuo Zhong felt something was wrong. Jin Renjiu said it was you. This meant that the caller was beyond his expectation. He was not an old classmate he was familiar with on the phone. Why didn't he carry a weapon?

The phrase "meet at the same place" also shows that the two have a fixed meeting place. There is always a sense of conflict about the relationship between the two.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, nodded to Yu Xingle, and said to Jin Andong: "That's it for today. Please ask Mr. Jin to obey our management. This is also for your safety. Now I'm going to Jiaxing Police Station to check Jin Renjiu's identity. corpse."

Jin Andong forced a smile: "Okay Mr. Zuo, I hope you can find out as soon as possible."

Zuo Zhong walked out of the room expressionlessly. Yu Xingle wanted to explain Jin Renjiu's identity, but he didn't dare to speak after seeing his expression. He could only follow behind him silently, sighing in his heart: Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, sincerity Don't bully others.

They were both instructors in the past, and Yu Xingle was slightly higher than Zuo Zhong in terms of status. After all, he was the district chief of East China at that time, and Zuo Zhong was just an ordinary operations instructor. But now Zuo Zhong is the head of the intelligence section of the headquarters, and he, the district chief, can only be obedient. Follow orders.

Yu Xingle didn’t know how Zuo Zhong would handle this matter. It would be troublesome if he reported it to Dai Chunfeng. Not only would the hard work of the East China District be in vain for so many days, he might even have to accept collective punishment.

At this time, everyone had already reached the door of the villa. Zuo Zhong stopped and let the others go first, and then he said seriously: "Old Yu, you are an expert in information science. How could you make such a low-level mistake? It's you who told me Always be skeptical."

Yu Xingle's face turned red with shame. Fortunately, there were only two of them at this time. He knew that Zuo Zhong was saving enough face for him. Otherwise, he would have been reprimanded by the headquarter commander in front of so many colleagues and subordinates. How could he be in charge of the East China Region in the future.

 While he was thankful, he said regretfully: "Seeing that the couple were in grief at that time, I casually asked some questions about the situation. Who knew that Jin Renjiu was actually an intelligence officer? I lost so unfairly."

Zuo Zhong didn't expect that he hadn't reacted yet, so his tone became stern: "Lao Yu, what does it mean to lose unfairly? His son died, so you should relax your vigilance. Can there be any luck in intelligence work?"

It’s not that Zuo Zhong doesn’t give him face. As the district chief of a large area, Yu Xingle manages many affairs, even in key cities like Shanghai. If he keeps this mentality, he will suffer a lot in the future war against Japan. Big loss.

  Is it true that staying in a local area station for a long time will make people lose their vigilance? Chen Gongshu is like this, Yu Xingle is still like this. I wonder how Tang Zong and Zhao Lijun are doing now, whether they are wandering in the beef noodles, these two people are very relaxed.

Yu Xingle had also experienced ups and downs. After being trained, he realized something and took a deep breath: "Don't worry, Section Chief Zuo, this kind of thing will never happen again. East China District will accept this lesson from top to bottom and learn from the experience." , will never do it again.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at him: "I hope Brother Xingle will really realize his mistake. It's not that I, Zuo Zhong, are harsh on you, but that our enemies will become more and more professional. When the time comes, problems will not be solved with just an apology. That's life-threatening."

After speaking, Zuo Zhong got into the car and said, "Go to Jiaxing Police Station."

Yu Xingle looked at the car driving away with a complex expression. He knew what Zuo Zhong meant, let this matter go, but if something happened in the future, he would never show mercy.

 The writer’s words have extras

(I think the character image of He Yijun is very similar to Yang Xue, who plays Jiang Yuyan. If you have any suggestions, please leave a message for discussion, thank you.)

Bai Longdu looked at the account books of Liuguo Hotel and fell into deep thought. Why did the hotel not pay dividends and instead needed him to add money?

What does it mean to improve the overall image of the hotel and hopefully turn it into a profit in the next few years?

What does it mean to judge the investment value of a hotel simply by looking at profits?

He scratched his head, took out his wallet and counted it, then opened the drawer and took out a few steel coins, and fell into deep thought again.



 (End of this chapter)

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