Cicada Moving

Chapter 128: A flavorful section

 Chapter 128 A flavorful section

As the car was driving in Jiaxing city, Zuo Zhong felt that Yu Xingle had really gone back in time. The handling methods of criminal cases and intelligence cases were very different, especially in terms of confidentiality.

If he knew that Jin Renjiu was a Korean intelligence officer, he would definitely choose to quietly enter Jiaxing instead of coming with such a big fanfare, which would definitely alert the enemy.

Zuo Zhong said to Gu Qi beside him: "Lao Gu, take Chunyang to the Jiaxing telephone office. There shouldn't be many telephones here. See if you can find out the number to dial Jin An's home phone number."

 Actually, he knew there was little hope. After all, it was not a call from an important agency, and there would be no connection records. He could only rely on the operator's memory. But it had been so long since the incident, so he could only give it a try.

 Gu Qi got into Wu Chunyang's car and went to the telephone exchange. The others followed Zuo Zhong to the Jiaxing Police Station. After hearing the news, the director hurriedly ran out. The intelligence section chief of the Secret Service was so scary.

Zuo Zhong didn't say much after meeting, and directly asked him to lead him to the morgue to check Jin Renjiu's body. The director quickly nodded and led the way, feeling his calves spinning, for fear of angering these kings of hell.

When he arrived at the door of a building in the police station, the director smiled flatteringly and said: "Sir Zuo, here we are, the smell inside is not very good. Are you sure you want to go in?"

This captain is young and scary, and he is a relative of the royal family. It is the most troublesome thing to meet such a young master, because this kind of person has neither money nor power, and is too difficult to serve. The director has to be careful.

He was also wondering how the death of a mere Korean businessman could attract this giant Buddha. He was even more secretly glad that the dead ghost's body was still intact. If Xia Tian had suffered the same thing, he would have been unable to see it.

Zuo Zhong knew that he had good intentions. Most young officers like him were the children of high-ranking officials. They might not have even seen a corpse, let alone such a waste, so he shook his head: "It's okay, we can bear it."

The director had no choice but to push open the iron-clad wooden door of the morgue. Everyone in the Intelligence Department immediately smelled a fishy smell, but it was not strong. However, the further you walked along the corridor, the stronger the smell became.

Zuo Zhong's expression remained normal. The several battle scenes at the Liuguo Hotel were filled with blood and flesh, and the smell was much worse than here. But for some reason, Zuo Zhong thought of Gao Jiayi and the smelly mandarin fish.

He Yijun, Gui Youguang and Ling Sanping didn't react much. Only Song Minghao's throat moved and he seemed a little nauseous. After all, his specialty was to flatter others and follow others' influence.

The director stopped outside a room: "Sir Zuo, inside is Jin Renjiu's body. Fortunately, the temperature is not high these days, and the ice has been replaced many times, otherwise it would have rotted long ago."

 “Open the door.”


As the door opened, a strong stench and coolness hit him. Zuo Zhong covered his nose and looked in. There was an iron cart in the dark room, covered with a white cloth.

Zuo Zhong walked in without changing his expression. The director behind him quickly turned on the light. The pale light shone on the white cloth, which looked a bit strange, and the huge outline under the white cloth caught his attention.

Zuo Zhong had an ugly expression on his face: "MD, Giant View."

Most people in the room have never seen this phenomenon. The police chief looked horrified. He clearly remembered that everything was normal when changing the ice cubes a few days ago, but now Jin Renjiu has gained weight.

Gui Youguang asked in a daze: "Section Chief, doesn't Jin Renjiu's information say that he has a normal body shape? Why does he look fatter than Chief Song? Is it the wrong body?"

"Bah, bah, bah!" Song Minghao jumped up anxiously, clasped his hands and shouted to the sky: "Tongyanwuji, God, don't listen to this bastard's nonsense. I will sacrifice three animals with pig heads in the future. Please bless me."

Others also looked at Gui Youguang unhappily. This kind of thing should not be said nonsense. People like them who wear their heads in their belts are more superstitious. Even He Yijun gave him a blank look.

Zuo Zhong frowned: "Gui Youguang, what are you talking about? I taught forensic medicine in the police academy. What did you do at that time? Dr. Ling, please explain to everyone. Old Song, don't blame ghosts and gods at every turn. We are not afraid of being honest." The shadow is slanted.”

Ling Sanping, who looked normal, walked to the cart and pulled away the white cloth. The scene below was horrifying. The appearance of the corpse was not the same as the photo in the document, only ugly and ferocious.

Gui Youguang murmured to himself again: "This man must have a deep hatred for Jin Renjiu. His eyeballs are about to pop out. You can see that even his lips are swollen. It's so miserable."

Ling Sanping glanced at him with disgust: "After a person dies, the putrefactive bacteria in the body multiply wildly. These bacteria can produce a large amount of putrefactive gases. When these gases fill the human body, they form this giant state."

“Oh~” Everyone suddenly realized that this was the case. He Yijun also knew why Zuo Zhong brought Ling Sanping here.

Zuo Zhong took a closer look at the body, ignoring the terrifying appearance. There seemed to be no wounds on Jin Renjiu’s exposed skin, and there was no blood on his body. It seemed that he was not killed by gunshots or sharp weapons.

This sign made Zuo Zhong even more vigilant. People cannot die for no reason. The more difficult to detect the cause of death, the greater the problems behind it, especially when it involves the death of an intelligence officer.

And this is not consistent with Jin Andong’s guess of Japanese revenge. If the Japanese would choose a more violent way to retaliate, they would not need to cover up the cause of death, and they might even publicize it.

Zuo Zhong wanted to see the details of the corpse, but considering the mucus and bacteria on Jin Renjiu's body, he turned to look at Gui Youguang's chest, and then raised his head. Gui Youguang didn't understand what he meant.

 “Section Chief, what do you see me doing?”

 “The pen on your chest.”

Gui Youguang's face suddenly dropped. Many people laughed at him for being a reckless man, so after asking Wu Chunyang for advice, he went out to buy a pen. This was a powerful tool for him to pretend to be a cultured person.

Seeing that he didn't move, Zuo Zhong glared: "Hurry up, you don't look like a cashier even if you have an abacus on you." Gui Youguang reluctantly handed the pen to Zuo Zhong: "This pen cost me It’s more than ten yuan, section chief, you have to reimburse me.”

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to pay attention to him, covered his nose, and used a pen to spread Jin Renjiu's palm. The skin on it was amber, without any scars, and there was no dirt in his nails.

 No fighting? Or was he controlled instantly? Jin Renjiu is a half-baked agent. Zuo Zhong doesn't know what his fighting ability is, but when it comes to life and death, even ordinary people will fight hard to resist.

 Could he be poisoned or knocked unconscious? This will only be known after dissection.

 Continuing to examine the body, Zuo Zhong checked Jin Renjiu's wrists, ankles and head, and found no signs of binding or beating, which ruled out the possibility that he had been controlled and detained.

Zuo Zhong straightened up and fell into deep thought. After a while, his eyes rested on Jin Renjiu's clothes. It was already autumn and winter, and the thin suit on the corpse looked even more awkward.

Zuo Zhong asked the police chief: "What were the temperatures on the 3rd and 4th last month? Do you have a department that stores weather records? Find them for me."

The director recalled: "No need to ask, I remember that the temperature started to drop on the 1st of last month, and the mother of the child on the 2nd bought thick cotton coats for several little ones at home, and the water tank outside the house was covered with ice."

 If there is ice ballast, then it is at least zero degrees? The zero degree in the Gangnam area may seem like nothing, but the temperature is very uncomfortable to the body. Even if Kim In-goo is a Korean, he is not so resistant to freezing.

Zuo Zhong judged that there were several possibilities for him to go out wearing only one piece. Either the meeting place was very close and warm, or he was very anxious to meet that person, or both.

Zuo Zhong suddenly thought of a question: "How did you confirm the identity of the deceased? I have read the records. He had no other belongings except his wallet. Does anyone in the police station know him?"

The director said: "A lot of people came to watch the fun. One of the people in the crowd was a neighbor of the Jin family. We found his parents accordingly. After investigation, the neighbor was not suspicious."

Zuo Zhong picked up a water plant on Jin Renjiu's body and held it up to the light. While observing, he continued to ask: "Where exactly was the body fished out? Is it near the shore or in the center of the lake?"

The director took off his hat and showed a bitter look on his face: "The fisherman returned to the shore to report the case. He can't remember exactly where he was. It probably wasn't on the shore. According to what he said, he rowed for ten minutes."

In ten minutes, we have reached the depths of the South Lake. If the fishermen hadn't discovered it, Jin Renjiu would have disappeared soon, and his body would slowly disappear in the lake water, becoming a link in the ecological chain.

 But how did he get to the depths of the lake and be swept away by the current after drowning? Where is the first scene? Or was his body dumped after death?

This case is becoming more and more interesting. Zuo Zhong said to Ling Sanping: "You are responsible for dissecting the body. I will ask Gui Youguang to accompany you here and try to find out the cause of Jin Renjiu's death or any other clues. Pay special attention to whether there are any Poisoned."

Ling Sanping nodded happily. This is his job, and it is also the benefit of working in the Secret Service. He can regularly dissect corpses. Chinese people pay attention to the body and skin, which is inherited from their parents. It is not easy to do this in other places.

 Gui Youguang was almost in tears, not because he was aggrieved, but because he was stimulated by the smell of Giant View. He would rather fight the Japanese for 300 rounds than stay here, but who said that he just spoke nonsense.

Song Minghao in the corner chuckled and felt a lot of anger in his heart. The section chief did a great job and wanted to clean up this guy Gui Youguang.

Zuo Zhong walked out of the morgue and told the director: "Send a few reliable people to guard here day and night until my people leave, and you call the fisherman who found the body at the time. I want to see him now. "

"Yes, I will arrange it immediately." The director stood at attention and then asked in a low voice: "Sir, do you want to take a shower? The smell is too strong. There is a bathhouse in the police station. I asked you to prepare some coriander."

Zuo Zhong sniffed his sleeves. Good guy, the smell was so strong. The cold wind blew through them and the smell spread. The agents waiting outside took a few steps back.

Glancing at the director, Zuo showed a satisfied smile: "Very good, go ahead and arrange it, but we have lesbians here, so prepare some coriander."

The director thought to himself that he finally saw the officer smiling: "Don't worry, Sir Zuo, my home is not far from here, and the only child is here. I'll have someone send this female officer there."

Zuo Chongle was happy. He was a well-informed and knowledgeable person. He also specifically explained that there was no man in the family. Fortunately, everyone had not settled in Jiaxing yet, and their luggage and clothes were all in the car.

 There is a side story about collecting souvenirs with a smile

Wen Jiangang wiped his mouth and winked at Bai Wenzhi as they drank and drank in Dehe Tower. Deputy Director Bai reluctantly took out a small exquisite mahogany box from under the table.

Zuo Chong looked on coldly and said nothing. Maybe there were mooncakes filled with lentil fillings. He had to see if he was sincere.

Wen Jiangang put his right hand on the box, patted it, and smiled: "I heard that Section Chief Zuo just came to Jinling and doesn't have his own house yet. How can this be done? After all, we have a country and a country. We must have a home first.

There are some local specialties here. Section Chief Zuo will go back and appreciate them. It will be easy to get rid of them when he gets tired of them. Buying a house by then should not be a problem. This is not a bribe, but a relationship of wealth. "After that, he pushed the box over.

Zuo Zhong didn't say anything. He opened the box a little and looked at it, then his eyes shrank.

He thought for a while, with a warm smile on his face: "I don't know where Elder Baitang lives. This local product is very good, really."

Bai Wenzhi replied with a dark face: "Yantai."

Zuo Zhong smiled and praised: "What a great place, what a great place."



 (End of this chapter)

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