Cicada Moving

Chapter 1225: Visit Jinlanhui

Chapter 1225: Visiting the Jinlan Society

The car slowly drove into Dexing, which is not very spacious. The road was blocked by refugees and beggars with dull eyes, but the smell of food and the sound of music could be faintly wafted from the many villas on both sides of the road.

 A wall divides this place into two different worlds. Zhumen wine smells like meat, and there are frozen bones on the road, that's all.

Perhaps fearing to disturb the enjoyment of the nobles on the bus, several patrolmen in black police uniforms held batons and began to disperse the refugees. After a period of chaos, the originally crowded highway became empty.

He Yijun saw a child curled up on the ground being beaten by a patrolman through the car window. He frowned and called out to the driver to stop.

She opened the window and handed a few bills through the curtains to the police sergeant leading the team, and told him to let the refugees leave and stop embarrassing these poor people.

The police sergeant nodded and took the money, watched the expensive car drive away, turned around and lightly kicked the child, and led his men away from Dexingli with a smile.

After walking more than a hundred steps, the police chief let the others go first and got into an alley. When he reappeared, the pockets of his coat were much thicker.

In a small building dozens of meters away, Wu Chunyang turned around and ordered the agent: "Check this policeman and the people entering and exiting the alley, and keep their movements hidden."

The little agent took the order and left. Wu Chunyang raised his telescope and continued to observe No. 14 Dexingli in the distance. He watched He Yijun and Miss Kong Er walk into the gate of Jinlanhui and disappear behind the high wall with a solemn expression.

I don’t know whether it is a coincidence or intentional, but the location of Jinlan Club is very hidden. There are no buildings around to observe its interior. Even the phone is through the military line set up by Miss Kong Er.

After a brief thought, Wu Chunyang was more inclined to the latter. To find such a place in a mountain city with complex terrain and commanding heights everywhere, Sima Linglong must have spent a lot of effort.

Thinking of He Yijun entering the enemy's territory alone, he once again ordered his men to arrange for a good soldier to conduct reconnaissance near Jinlanhui, ready to assist He Yijun in evacuating. However, before he finished speaking, Zuo Zhong's voice came from outside the door.

 “No need, keep monitoring from a distance, no need to send people to stay close.”

Zuo Zhong walked into the house wearing a robe, casually took off the felt hat on his head and put it on the hanger. He walked to the surveillance window in a few steps and looked at the gold-lettered signboard of "Jinlan Club" from a distance.

 He will not let anyone affect the task, even if that person is He Yijun, work is work.

Wu Chunyang nodded, but still asked the action team in the surveillance point to be on standby at any time. This was the normal process of the operation. Zuo Zhong did not object anymore, and his sharp eyes were fixed on the target building.

On the other side, Miss Kong Er led He Yijun to the main room where daily gatherings were held, introducing the situation of the Jinlan Club.

“Miss Shao, the members of the Jinlan Society are quite energetic. With their help, your Shao family’s business in the Kuomintang District will be much smoother, but if you want to sit back and relax, it’s best to share some of the profits.

  After all, there are many people who have connections, and even I have to take some of them seriously. Everyone makes money by being harmonious. I think you know this truth. "

She regarded "Shao Ying" as a true friend. She spoke outspokenly and did not shy away from the chaos within the government. Her tone was as calm as if she was talking about what to eat at night. Obviously, this was an open secret.

At this time, Miss Kong Er saw Sima Linglong at the door, turned her head and said to He Yijun: "That is Sima Linglong, the president of the Jinlan Society, a fairly smart woman."

 After saying that, she showed a smile on her face, stretched out her hand to say hello to Sima Linglong, and seemed to say hello to him warmly.

The outside world says that the Second Miss of the Kong family is so arrogant and domineering, but can a brainless person, even a relative of the royal family, really be able to run rampant in the upper class for many years? Rumors are just rumors, and the Second Miss of the Kong family is not simple.

He Yijun became more vigilant. He followed Miss Kong Er and stopped at the door. He greeted Sima Linglong who came to greet her. The two sides began to test each other while talking and laughing.

"This is Miss Shao, she is really fresh and pleasant. No wonder Miss Kong thinks so highly of her. I heard that Miss Shao comes from Malaya. I wonder if she can adapt to the climate of the mountain city." Sima Linglong asked with a smile while leading the way.

He Yijun replied without hesitation: "Thank you, President Sima, for your concern. When I was a child in Zhejiang Gaoguan University, I was used to the cold and wet winters. But when I went to Malaya, I was not used to it."

Sima Linglong nodded slightly, walked to the reception area, invited Miss Kong Er and He Yijun to sit down on the sofa, and asked the maid to bring refreshments, and then curiously asked "Shao Ying" what he had seen along the way.

“Ms. Shao, the Japanese have made great moves in Southeast Asia. Were you affected by it on your way back to China?”

“Fortunately, I took a flight back to China via Annan. The scenery on the way was very beautiful, and I didn’t have much contact with the Japanese.” He Yijun shook his head gently while holding the teacup, and briefly introduced the process of his return to the Republic of China.

After hearing this, Sima Linglong looked solemn and said in a worried tone: "I heard that the British were very harsh on the Chinese in Malaya. The situation in the world has changed greatly now. It would be better to come back sooner." This topic was a bit sensitive, so He Yijun put it down. Teacup, after thinking for a moment, gave a completely different answer, and Miss Kong Er on the side also listened attentively.

"Chairman Sima was overly worried. After the British occupied Malaya, in order to stabilize their rule, they deliberately introduced many Tianzhu people, Chinese and local people to check and balance each other to prevent Malaya from becoming independent. This policy still exists today implement.

I heard from my father that although we Chinese are not the largest ethnic group in Malaya, we do have an advantage in business and economy, so the living conditions of the overseas Chinese in Malaya are pretty good, at least they are not in danger of their lives. "

Sima Linglong showed an expression like this, and then apologized, saying that she was just hearing about it and had no intention of sowing relations between overseas Chinese and the Malayan colonial authorities.

That being said, she immediately asked about the influence of the Jinling puppet government in Malaya. Miss Kong Er was very surprised to hear the topic related to Mr. Ji. He Yijun also looked embarrassed and hesitated for a long time before speaking. answer.

“Kwong Wah Daily, the largest Chinese newspaper in Malaya, once said that Siam intends to annex the four states in northern Malaya, including Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu, in order to join the Japanese side.

If so, the Chinese will suddenly become the largest ethnic group in Malaya, accounting for half of the total population. It is rumored that the Jinling puppet government intends to negotiate with the Japanese side and wants to take this part of the territory into their hands when the Japanese attack Southeast Asia.

 Hence, the upper echelons of Malayan Chinese society had a favorable impression of Jinling, especially those plantation estate owners who owned large amounts of land. They were even prepared to form pro-Japanese organizations after the war.

 The Chinese students in the school were also very excited when they heard the news. Before I returned to China, some classmates advised me that the hope of the country lies in Jinling, not in the mountain city. If we want to achieve national independence, we must rely on Ji.

Of course, I personally and the Shao family firmly support the Shancheng government's orthodoxy and will never believe the rhetoric of the puppet government. In today's Republic of China, only Captain Wei can save the country from fire and water. "

Miss Kong Er's face turned red with anger after hearing this, and she immediately denounced some people as having no king or father. Ji and others were rebellious and wanted to **** meat from the Japanese mouths, which was just a daydream.

Sima Linglong was even more indignant and stated that she would disclose the matter to various newspapers to prevent the overseas Chinese from Nanyang from being deceived by Ji, but she had another idea in mind.

She intentionally or unintentionally asked "Shao Ying" about the customs and habits of the Chinese society in Malaya, including food, festivals, beliefs and many other aspects, and she asked in very detail.

Facing Sima Linglong’s questions, He Yijun, who was well prepared, responded directly or indirectly in a local tone based on the information.

For example, the public cemetery of overseas Chinese is called "Yishan", the folk belief in the Fourth Master of Immortals, Liu Shanbang and Zheng He, and the content of performances such as the twenty-four festival drums, high pile lion dance, bell ringing, and garden parties. , as well as the dietary characteristics of Chinese people in various places.

He Yijun clearly explained the origin and taste of each dish, such as the shrimp soup noodles and fried yellow noodles from the Hokkien people, the Buddha Jumping over the Wall and Lychee Pork from the Fujianese people, and the Yong Tofu and Abacus from the Hakka people.

These information were naturally collected by the military commander at the Southeast Asian intelligence station. After several years of in-depth work, the political, military, and cultural intelligence of Southeast Asian countries have no secrets for the military commander.

 To achieve this point, we can only rely on accumulation little by little over time, there is no other way.

During the narration, He Yijun also quoted the Malayan dialect formed by a mixture of Chinese, English and indigenous languages ​​from time to time. Miss Kong Er forgot about Mr. Ji and listened to the story with relish.

Sima Linglong was slightly relieved. What this Miss Shao said was rarely heard of by the outside world or the Republic of China. Without personal experience, it would be difficult to describe it in such detail. The identity of the other party's Malayan overseas Chinese should be true.

However, there is something that must be asked clearly. With a flash of her eyes, she mentioned the competition between Miss Kong Er and He Yijun on the shooting range that day, and she was confused about "Shao Ying's" shooting skills.

“Miss Shao, there is something I don’t understand. Your Majesty, your Majesty, don’t you mind if you, a noble lady, wield swords and guns?”

He Yijun and Miss Kong Er looked at each other and smiled. They had talked about this matter before, and when they heard it again today, they naturally reacted tacitly. After laughing, He Yijun shook his head and said.

“President Sima doesn’t know that the situation in Malaya is different from that in the mainland. When surrounded by enemies, the Chinese must learn to protect themselves. In addition, the people’s customs are fierce, and most men, women, and children have the habit of shooting and practicing martial arts.”

Sima Linglong quickly apologized, and He Yijun smiled generously. After that, the three of them did not discuss any major issues, but only talked about some topics between women, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

More than two hours later, He Yijun and Miss Kong Er walked out of the Jinlan Club. Sima Linglong personally took them to the car and invited them to attend the party a few days later.

“President Sima, don’t worry, I will definitely attend on time.”

He Yijun replied, turned around and told the driver to drive. The car drove a few hundred meters away, but Sima Linglong in the mirror did not move, and stopped on the roadside for a long time.

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