Cicada Moving

Chapter 1226: "good thing"

Chapter 1226 "Good thing"

At the surveillance point near Jinlanhui, Wu Chunyang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw He Yijun escaped safely, and said to Zuo Zhong with a smile.

“Deputy Officer, it seems that Miss He has gained the initial trust of the target. We have made the right move.”

Zuo Zhong observed Sima Linglong with his peripheral vision, but he was not as optimistic as Wu Chunyang. There were various signs that there must be a well-organized spy group behind the Jinlan Society.

The middle-aged man who went to the red shop opposite Zhongfu to investigate, the suspicious person who appeared at the door of He Yijun's residence earlier, and the police chief just now, these people are all members of this organization or their informants.

The other party was able to develop to such a scale under the nose of their military commander, so one can imagine their vigilance. He Yijun's visit this time was only a meeting, and he was still far from gaining trust.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong asked Wu Chunyang: "Chunyang, are the person who appeared in the red shop and the suspicious person who appeared at the door of He Yijun's residence the same person?"

"They are not the same person. I asked the brothers in Hongdian to identify them. They are different in age, height and appearance."

After Wu Chunyang answered, he took out a photo, which showed an ordinary-looking young man with nothing special about him. He was the kind who could not be found in a crowd.

This photo taken with the latest German camera is very clear. I can see this person standing in front of the store, his eyes slightly squinting. It is the person watching He Yijun on the roadside when he is driving to Jinlanhui.

Zuo Zhong took the photo and flicked it twice with his fingers. He raised his head and said calmly: "Our opponents have a lot of people. Have you found out the personnel situation within the Jinlan Society? How many staff members are there? It's not clean at all."

Although it is impossible to rely on investigation, the military commander has roughly determined some circumstances by secretly reviewing the household registration information of the police station and asking reliable insiders.

Wu Chunyang answered directly without reading the information: "Except for Sima Linglong, there are 9 staff members in the Jinlan Association, all of whom are women, aged between 18 and 28, with different origins.

Their information is being transferred externally, but since some places are Japanese-occupied areas, I am worried that the brothers have fallen into a Japanese trap, so I did not ask for a time for processing. It will still take some time to find out.

We also found the military technicians who installed telephones for the Jinlan Club, and drew a schematic diagram of the Jinlan Club's buildings based on their instructions. We have now discovered a suspicious sign. "

 “What suspicious signs?” Zuo Zhong asked.

“The walls of the Jinlanhui building have been specially treated and are much thicker than daily needs. Moreover, Sima Linglong hired several batches of workers during the construction and replaced them every once in a while.”

Wu Chunyang had a serious expression. From these two points alone, he could actually conclude that Jinlan would have problems. Without special needs, who would build the wall so thickly and change workers many times.

Especially the second point, which was a common method used by wealthy families in the Republic of China to build secret rooms and secret passages. There is likely to be a secret space in the Jinlan Society.

“Who ordered the military personnel to install the phone?” Zuo Zhong asked again.

 “Commander Liu of the Garrison Headquarters.”

Wu Chunyang answered in a low voice. If that one was related to the leak case, I don't know how much shock it would cause. This is the head of the "Five Tiger Generals" of the Guo Army.

Zuo Zhong twitched the corner of his mouth. The pig general is really getting better and better. He was just incompetent before, but now he is involved in espionage.

 Recalling the classic episode of "The Chief's Brilliance" in his mind, Zuo Zhong ordered: "Order the operatives in the Japanese-occupied areas to give up external deployment. This time we have to retract our fists first."

Wu Chunyang agreed. He also had the same concern. If there was a problem with the staff of Jinlan Society, there must be a surveillance post in his hometown.

“By the way, is He Yijun’s false identity confirmed?”

“Don’t worry, Deputy, from Malaya to Annan to the mountain city, from files to witnesses, I have made proper arrangements.”

“Well, you have to work carefully and tell the local brothers to pay attention to suspicious persons, but they are not allowed to pursue them without authorization.”


With a few words of dialogue, Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang ended their conversation. The recording equipment in the surveillance point continued to make a slight running sound. As long as it was a phone, it could be monitored, as well as internal calls.

 Inside Jinlan Club.

Sima Linglong sat on a Victorian-style carved chair and lit a lady's cigarette. A maid stood beside her with her head lowered, reporting something to her.

“Our people checked and found that the house Shao Ying lives in was purchased a few days ago. The funds came from overseas and were eventually traced to a British bank in Malaya. The account name is the same as Shao Ying’s and the account was opened two years ago.

Malayan intelligence agents also confirmed the existence of the Shao family. They found photos of Shao Ying from the archives of the local girls' school. The photos were being shipped by airmail and would be delivered the day after tomorrow.

In addition, no suspicious persons were found at Shao Ying’s residence or on the way to the salon. There have been no recent changes in the households and shops in Dexingli. However, we have only a small number of people and cannot completely rule out the risk. "

 After speaking a standard Shu dialect, the maid lowered her head and waited for Sima Linglong's order.

Obviously, as the military commander had speculated, Sima Linglong was indeed an intelligence agent for a certain party, but it was still impossible to tell which force she belonged to from these words.

The only thing that is certain is that the power behind Sima Linglong is very powerful. It is impossible for ordinary organizations to find the account opening name and account opening time of a British bank from the house purchase record in such a short period of time. Whenever the military commander makes any mistakes in the preparation of information, the identity of "Shao Ying" will be exposed. Zuo Zhong has always attached great importance to the construction of overseas intelligence organizations, and at this moment he received a huge reward.

After hearing the report from her subordinates, Sima Linglong held a cigarette between her slender fingers and knocked it. The ashes fell on the smooth bluestone ground, and her voice rang out.

“Let’s just leave it like that. We’ll see how Shao Ying performs at the party in two days. If she’s reliable, it’s worth developing. The party officials say they’re going to die, but deep down they still like young ladies from wealthy families.”

Sima Linglong's words revealed some sarcasm. The maid next to her did not dare to say anything, so she quietly excused herself and left the room. Jinlan would become silent again.

Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

He Yijun and Miss Kong Er walked into No. 14 Dexingli again. In the past few days, the two of them went shooting and riding horses every day. Their relationship became closer and their conversations became more straightforward.

“Shao Ying, you visited my home yesterday. Didn’t my father say that he would do his best to help the Shao family’s business in the country? Why do you need to come here again?”

Miss Kong Er was holding a cigar in her mouth and looked arrogant when she spoke. Indeed, with the support of Minister Kong, even a fool can make a fortune.

He Yijun smiled slightly and did not answer. He quickly observed the architectural layout and personnel positions of the Jinlan Club. He quickly memorized it in his mind and walked quickly into the main room without stopping at all.

As soon as they entered the door, they heard a burst of noise. When they heard the sound, they found that it was a group of women surrounding one person in the middle. They didn't know what they were talking about, and everyone burst into exaggerated laughter from time to time.

"Ms. Zhong, my nephew is an assistant manager of the Central Bank. He has just returned from studying in France. He is a perfect match for you."

A fat lady was bragging about how great her nephew was. Her ten thick fingers were covered with gold rings, and there was a pair of two-finger-wide bracelets on her wrists.

"Yes, the one from Mrs. Li's family has joined the Central Executive Committee. She is the youngest member of the Wei Dynasty besides the left commander of the military command. Her nephew is just as good."

"That's not certain. What if Miss Zhong is interested in Commander Zuo? Oh, I heard that Commander Zuo has to kill people every night before going to bed. Is that true?"

The other two official wives, who were also surrounded by beading, choked next to them. The conversation also involved Zuo Zhong. Miss Kong Er touched "Shao Ying" on the shoulder and introduced it with a wink.

“Deputy Director Zuo is a well-known young talent in the government. He is from Zhejiang Province and comes from a well-known family. He is my uncle’s confidant and has a bright future.

If I didn't like pretty girls, my aunt would have introduced them to me long ago. Do you need me to set up a connection for you and take care not to disappoint you? "

He Yijun couldn't laugh or cry, he vaguely dealt with Miss Kong Er, and scanned Zhong Xiao in the crowd with a pair of bright eyes, wondering in his heart, don't the people in Jinlan Club know about the relationship between Zhong Xiao and Bian Jichao?

Zhong Xiao, who was at the center of the topic, blushed and hid behind her after saying a few words, which caused even greater laughter.

While talking and laughing, Sima Linglong raised the curtain and walked in from the side room. She first said hello to Miss Kong Er, then introduced "Shao Ying" to everyone, and finally announced the start of the party, and the members each found a place to sit down. .

At this gathering, Sima Linglong, who had doubts, did not talk about any sensitive topics. She only talked about popular cosmetics and clothes from abroad, and told members that they could purchase them through the Jinlan Association if necessary.

He Yijun sat next to Miss Kong Er and watched quietly. He was unusually low-key throughout the whole process. He also followed the trend and ordered a few tubes of lipstick, but this did not mean that she did not notice it.

One of the young members of the Jinlan Club looked at Sima Linglong anxiously. He wanted to speak several times but was interrupted by Sima Linglong.

 The communication between the two was very hidden and short, and it would be difficult to detect it without careful observation.

He Yijun went through the personnel information of the Jinlan Society and quickly remembered the name and information of this young member.

Xiang Fang.

The sister of a main division commander in the Guo Army is a student like Zhong Xiao, with a clean background and clear past experience. What does such a person have to say to Sima Linglong?

He Yijun stopped looking at each other and concentrated on participating in the salon topic. When the party was over, he left hand in hand with Miss Kong Er. He seemed not to see Xiang Fang and Sima Linglong walking to another room.

 Back at her temporary residence, she walked down the stairs into the study, checked the marks, took out the radio from under a raised floor, and sent a telegram.

More than ten minutes later, Zuo Zhong in the military command headquarters looked at the telegram and thought for a long time, then smiled and picked up the phone.

“Hello, I’m Zuo Zhong. I asked Team Leader Gui Youguanggui to come to my place.”

“Tell him something good is going on, let him wear a new uniform and get a new haircut.”

“Oh, I have a bald head and no hairstyle, so I can polish it to make it look brighter.”

 “Yes, immediately!”

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