Cicada Moving

Chapter 138: inside story

Chapter 138 Inside Story

Looking at Yu Xingle walking out, Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes and called to Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang: "This time you go, don't bring your eyes or ears. You don't want to listen, don't speak, just act. Do you understand?"

Gui Youguang's face was full of doubts. Wu Chunyang seemed to understand something and nodded to Zuo Guang. The two of them followed Yu Xingle and left.

He Yijun stood next to Zuo Zhong and asked in a low voice: "Section Chief, do you think there is something wrong with District Chief Yu?"

Zuo Chong laughed: "This is a sure thing. In our industry, who doesn't have some special eyes and ears? Just like Ma Tianchang of the Jinling Cao Gang, isn't he also acting under our banner?

Lu Wenbao can do so well in Jiaxing, and Yu Xingle can't do it without taking good care of it. But these things are not important. I just give him a chance to clean up his tail and see how he handles it. "

 Intelligence in world affairs is knowledge, and knowledge in human relations is writing. In this big dyeing vat of the Fruit Party, it would be foolish to focus on being an upright official. It is difficult to be confused as a human being.

As long as Yu Xingle has nothing to do with that drug, certain rules and regulations are not important. Otherwise, everything will be done according to the rules. He, the East China District Zhang, really can't do anything.

He Yijun was a little disappointed: "Why do our cadres always have such and such problems?"

Zuo Zhong looked at her and shook his head: "Don't say these words too much. As swordsmen, we shouldn't have such thoughts. That is what the sword wielder should consider."

Of course he would not think that He Yijun was an underground party member, but the speaker was unintentional and the listener was interested. If someone heard her discussing the rights and wrongs of the party and the country, it would always be troublesome for Dai Chunfeng to react.

The search of Xiaobailou was over. Zuo Zhong left a few agents to guard the scene and asked people from the police station to guard the outside. The Cao Gang had to guard against a counterattack and could not encounter something like Gu Qi. When Yu Xingle invited Lu Wenbao, It's much safer.

Zuo Zhong brought Ding Shaolan, the maid and the corpses of more than a dozen gangsters back to the officers' club. Gu Qi was not surprised when he saw them. It was rare for the intelligence department to dispatch undead talents in large numbers.

He looked at the **** corpse, frowned and asked for instructions: "Section Chief, what should I do with these? Should I notify the people from Jiaxing Police Station to drag them back?"

Zuo Zhong covered his nose with his hand and said with disgust on his face: "Go ahead and let Ling Sanping dissect the corpses. Tell him that these corpses have taken a drug that is a thousand times more powerful than tobacco. Let him record these carefully." The anomaly of the corpse.”

 Gu Qi was horrified that there were such terrifying drugs in the world, and hurriedly ran to call the police station.

Zuo Zhong looked at Ding Shaolan in the car. At this time, she seemed to have woken up. She was drooling and crying and yawning. This person was considered useless. Zuo Zhong shook his head.

It is very simple to interrogate such a person, as long as he provides those drugs, but he does not want to do this, not because of the so-called morality, but because of practical considerations. He needs accurate information.

Once given something like that, Ding Shaolan would inevitably make it up in order to get more. Zuo Zhong didn't have time to distinguish the truth from the lies, so he simply left her alone and waited until she collapsed. The interrogation effect would be better.

"Yijun, find a room to put her in and have someone keep an eye on her 24 hours a day. Be careful not to let her harm herself." After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he lit a cigarette and handed it to Ding Shaolan: "Miss Ding, think about it carefully when you get there. Your affairs, Lu Wenbao’s, Jin Ren’s, and the Japanese’s.”

Zuo Zhong arranged everything and found a place to sit and wait for Lu Wenbao's arrival. Just now he noticed that when he talked about Lu Wenbao and the Japanese, Ding Shaolan's eyes flashed with hatred.

And Ding Shaolan shouldn't be an important figure. No country gives spies that kind of medicine. If intelligence personnel have weaknesses, they will be uncontrollable. This is taboo in intelligence work.

This was somewhat different from his previous expectation. Ding Shaolan was probably just a chess piece that could be discarded at will. Then he contacted Jin Andong and said that Jin Renjiu took the call and left in a hurry, which gave him a bold guess.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong called Ling Sanping at the police station: "There will be more than a dozen corpses passing by. I want you to find what they have in common with Jin Renjiu, especially the brains and internal organs."

 Ling Sanping’s answer was simple: “Okay.”

  Putting down the phone, Zuo Zhong held his chin and continued thinking. If Jin Renjiu and the gangsters' corpses were similar, it would mean that he was not tortured but surrendered, but was seduced by this devilish drug.

Have the Japanese already used this kind of thing to force confessions and incite rebellion?

Zuo Zhong realized the seriousness of the problem. If they applied this method to members of the Secret Service, how many people would be able to resist it? This is not a matter of willpower unless it violates physiological reactions.

In his memory, it seems that only the underground party can do it, but if there are believers in party agents, it cannot be said that there are not, it can only be said that they are rare. Even Dai Chunfeng himself is a political speculator.

Zuo Zhong thought for a long time and felt that there were no effective countermeasures. This was a contest between national powers. As an intelligence section chief, he could not affect the overall situation. He could only take one step at a time.

“MD, the worst thing is to find a chemist to make a more powerful one and dump it all on the Japanese market. If the Japanese sell it, the Secret Service can also sell it.”

Thinking of this, his heart tightened. He felt that he was showing signs of developing into a drug dealer, but he couldn't do this. He could just remind Dai Chunfeng afterwards.

"Section Chief, Ding Shaolan wants to see you. She seems to have something to say. Her condition is not right." He Yijun suddenly walked in to report, looking anxious.

Zuo Zhong looked surprised: "So fast, I thought she had to think for a while, let's go and have a look." When Zuo Zhong saw Ding Shaolan, she was rolling on the ground, hitting her head against the ground from time to time. Five or six strong agents around her could not hold her back, which showed how much pain she was in.

When the agents saw the section chief coming, they felt embarrassed. Several grown men could not control a woman, but they still claimed to be the elite of the intelligence section.

A few people looked at each other, gritted their teeth and pressed on the target, finally controlling the crazy Ding Shaolan.

Zuo Zhong frowned: "What's going on? Wasn't she **** just now? If she were a Japanese spy, this would be enough for her to commit suicide a hundred times."

 The agents tied Ding Shaolan up again and stood in a row, lowering their heads and not daring to speak.

It was He Yijun who explained: "The target suddenly went into shock, so they released her for first aid. Who would have thought that this would happen after she woke up."

At this time, perhaps the drug addiction had temporarily passed, and Ding Shaolan regained consciousness. She gasped and said: "I told you that Jin Renjiu was my classmate. We once had a relationship, but later we had to separate due to Lu Wenbao's influence. ”

Hearing that her voice was a little hoarse, Zuo Zhong said to He Yijun: "Get her a glass of water, remember to ask for ice, and bring in a few more packs of cigarettes."

Ding Shaolan glanced at Zuo Zhong and continued: "At the beginning of the year, I accompanied Lu Wenbao to Jinmen to pay homage to Zhang Dake. One day I met Jin Renjiu by chance on the street. I was the one who harmed him. If I hadn't talked to him, he would have also You won’t be caught by the Japanese”

Ding Shaolan burst into tears as she seemed to think of some painful memories. Zuo Zhong did not urge her. He Yijun lifted her chin, fed her some ice water, and lit a cigarette for her.

 After a while, Zuo Zhong continued to ask: "Did you two get infected at that time? Why did you contact Jin Renjiu? Did you kill him?"

Ding Shaolan cried and shook his head: "In order to get him to speak, the Japanese made us get infected with that thing at the same time. Jin Ren couldn't hold on for a long time. This thing is so terrible that no one can resist it.

Later, Jin Renjiu left, and that old **** Lu Wenbao sent me to the Japanese. Only recently did he allow me to return to Jiaxing. After I came back, he asked me to contact Jin Renjiu and deliver medicine.

I didn’t kill Renjiu. He was still fine when we separated that day. Lu Wenbao must have killed him. This man is a madman. He can do anything. What I said is true. "

 This statement is consistent with the confession of the master of Sendzi Temple, but Zuo Zhong did not believe it easily.

He asked in detail about the phone call that day: "What did you say on the phone that day?"

Ding Shaolan explained: "I followed Lu Wenbao's instructions and went outside to find a phone number to call Jin Renjiu. I said the contact code. He recognized my voice and said, "It's you. Let's meet on a date before." See you in Zi'an."

Zuo Zhong nodded, that was right, but would it take half an hour to deliver the medicine? After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong gave up asking. It was nothing more than a love and hatred between a man and a woman, and it was meaningless.

 But who killed Jin Injiu? Lu Wenbao? This Japanese **** probably didn't dare to do this. He needed Jin Renjiu's information. Zuo Zhong thought about it and put the matter aside.

Looking at Ding Shaolan who was smoking desperately, he said: "Next, we will help you quit drug addiction. This process will be very painful. At the same time, we will make some records. Are you willing to cooperate?"

Ding Shaolan shook the cigarette in his hand and cried loudly: "I am willing. As long as you are infected with that drug, you can do anything for it. Jin Renjiu was tortured by the Japanese for a long time and did not surrender, but after taking the drug, he only persisted for three days.

Also, Lu Wenbao built an underground factory near Jiaxing specifically for the production of this kind of medicine. I overheard that he was preparing to send the medicine to a pharmacy in Jinling for sale. The owner of that pharmacy should also be a Japanese spy. "

Zuo Zhong's expression finally changed. If these medicines were sold on a large scale by the Japanese, future wars would be even harder to fight. At the same time, he also had questions, had the Japanese done this in the original time and space? Could it be the butterfly effect? ​​Zuo Zhong His face was solemn.

 “Do you know where his factory is?”

“I don’t know. This was revealed by Lu Wenbao when he was on the phone with his subordinates. At that time, he did not say where the factory was, but it must not be too far away.”

 “Why are you so sure?”

“Lu Wenbao said to his subordinates: I visited the factory in the morning and asked them to discharge the wastewater farther away so that no one would notice anything wrong.”

Zuo Zhong understood that if the factory was not local, there would be no way to go back and forth on the same day. After all, this is not the future, and various modes of transportation are very inconvenient.

After Ding Shaolan said that she was addicted to drugs again, she was crying on the ground. The scene was very miserable. Zuo Zhong had someone send her away. This woman's words need further confirmation, especially in the case of Jin Renjiu's arrest. Really innocent?

At this time, there were car horns and shouts outside. Zuo Zhong heard Gui Youguang's unique loud voice. He went out and took a look and found that Gui Youguang was dragging a middle-aged man out of the car. He was tied with ropes, his eyes were covered with black cloth, and a towel was stuffed in his mouth. He was very embarrassed.

 (End of this chapter)

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