Cicada Moving

Chapter 139: Die-hard Lu Wenbao

Chapter 139 The stubborn Lu Wenbao

Zuo Zhong shouted at him: "Is this Lu Wenbao? Are any brothers injured?"

Gui Youguang said with a smile: "This is Lu Wenbao. All brothers are safe. When District Chief Yu came with us to arrest him, this kid was drinking wine with people from the Jiaxing Party Headquarters. It didn't take much effort."

 After saying that, he pushed Lu Wenbao to the ground, raised his foot and kicked him up. While kicking him, he cursed: "Aren't there people above you? MD, I'm going to make you crazy."

Lu Wenbao was gagged and couldn't speak. He could only twist his body like a caterpillar, following the sound and trying to hit Gui Youguang with his head. After all, he was the leader of the Caogang gang in Jiaxing, and he had a temper.

Zuo Zhong folded his arms at the side and sneered: "Gui Youguang, you **** girl haven't eaten yet. Our gangster seems very unconvinced. Can I teach you what to do?"

For this kind of traitor who regards a thief as his father and works as a villain, we must use merciless thunderbolt methods to make him regret living in this world, and then communicate with him calmly.

 Gui Youguang looked up and saw Zuo Zhong with a cold face, then looked at Lu Wenbao and showed a cruel smile: "No, section chief, please give me some time, I will go and help Mr. Big Brother stretch his muscles first."

 After saying that, he pulled Lu Wenbao away. In order to punish this unruly guy, Gui Youguang deliberately pulled Lu Wenbao back. The big man's face left a trail of blood on the rough cement floor.

Wu Chunyang got off another car and walked to Zuo Zhong. Zuo Zhong glanced at him, pointed at Lu Wenbao and said, "Chunyang, do you think this guy looks like a dead dog?"

Wu Chunyang lowered his head and said respectfully: "Section Chief, if you say he is a dead dog, he is a dead dog."

Zuo Zhong watched Gui Youguang and the dead dog slowly disappear into the corner, turned around and asked, "Do you have anything to report to me? Tell me."

Wu Chunyang looked at the nearby East China District agents and whispered: "When we went to arrest Lu Wenbao, District Chief Yu chatted with Lu Wenbao alone for a while, and then led his people to ransack the house."

This incident was expected by Zuo Zhong. Lu Wenbao must have evidence that Yu Xingle accepted the local specialties. If Yu Xingle wants to talk alone, he must be threatening or tricking Lu Wenbao into handing over those things.

He patted Wu Chunyang's arm: "The most important thing in life is to turn a blind eye. This matter is like the filial piety that Jinling Ma Tianchang gave us. How do you think we should handle it?"

Wu Chunyang said categorically without hesitation: "The criminal Lu Wenbao passively resisted the interrogation, and also tried to frame District Chief Yu Xingle, which is a heinous crime."

"Haha." Zuo Zhong laughed with satisfaction: "That's right, that's the truth. He's just a rogue. Who will believe his words? You should communicate this matter with District Chief Yu and sell it to him."

 “Thank you, section chief.” Wu Chunyang looked grateful.

Yu Xingle is the powerful district chief of the Secret Service. He may be promoted to the headquarters in the future. A section chief will not be able to run away by then. If he sells it to him now, the benefits in the future will not be small.

Zuo Zhong smiled calmly. As a leader, you not only need to let your subordinates contribute their efforts, but also let them show their faces. Otherwise, all the benefits will be taken by you alone. Why should they work for you? He is not a wealthy person.

“Let’s go, call Lao Gu, and let’s go to the detention room to see if Gui Youguang’s skills have improved.”

 “Yes, section chief.”

Not only are the accommodation facilities in the officers' club complete and luxurious, but even the detention rooms are equipped. It is probably to show that military law is ruthless and everyone is equal, although there are no traces of use.

Gui Youguang is treating Lu Wenbao here in the style of the Secret Service. He will first whip him for half an hour, then give him a basin of salt water for disinfection, and finally give him a manicure set with vise pliers.

Remembering Lu Wenbao's arrogant and disdainful look when they rushed into the house, Gui Youguang used all his strength, whipping the whip with a whining sound, and each whip cracked Lu Wenbao's skin and flesh.

 “Crack, snap, snap.”

Zuo Zhong sat on the stool and looked at the first customer in the detention room leisurely. Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang stood aside, ready to take over at any time. Torture is indeed a strenuous job.

It's a pity that Gui Youguang didn't give them a chance. It wasn't until the end of the procedure that he wiped the sweat from his head and reported to Zuo Zhong: "Section Chief, it's almost done. Now we can start getting serious."

At this time, Lu Wenbao's clothes were in tatters, his face and body were covered with scars from whipping, and two fingernails on his left hand were pulled out.

Zuo Zhong stood up and walked to his side, pulling off the blindfold and the cloth in his mouth. Lu Wenbao's eyes moved and he slowly opened his eyes.

“Let’s get to know each other, I am the chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service. You should know our identities and responsibilities.” Zuo Zhong threw away the garbage in his hand and said with a smile.

Lu Wenbao's reaction was unexpected. Instead of begging for mercy, he took a mouthful of **** phlegm and spit it on Zuo Zhong's body, showing that he would rather die than surrender.

Of course he knew about the Secret Service. The head of Osaka told him about this Chinese intelligence agency, which was the intelligence trump card of the Nationalist government. He heard that many imperial spies were captured, but he, Lu Wenbao, was not afraid of death or pain. After his family starved to death, he Every day is a hundred times more painful than this. Zuo Zhong looked down at the clothes on his body and then looked up at Lu Wenbao. This scene was familiar to him, but he never expected to encounter such a thing with Lu Wenbao, a Japanese spy and traitor.

The other party thought of himself as an unyielding warrior, haha. He stopped the furious Gui Youguang, carefully wiped off Lu Wenbao's spit with a handkerchief, and continued to put on a smile.

Zuo Zhong was very kind and patted Lu Wenbao's arm: "It seems that Mr. Lu has received professional training and knows that death after arrest is the most comfortable ending. Or have you heard of us? It doesn't matter if you haven't. Between us You’ll get familiar with it gradually.”

At this point, he suddenly grabbed the other person's **** that had lost their nails and squeezed them hard. The muscles on Lu Wenbao's face suddenly twitched violently, but he remained silent and even smiled.

Seeing this result, Zuo Zhong became more sure of his guess. Lu Wenbao was not instigated by the Japanese to rebel. He was simply a professional spy.

The Japanese do not have that much energy and time to train a target of rebellion. Only important moles who need to lurk for a long time are qualified to receive such professional counter-torture training.

When was Lu Wenbao absorbed into the Japanese intelligence agency? Maybe it was when he was working in the north. Even his apprenticeship with Zhang Dake, a big figure in the Cao Gang, was arranged by the Japanese.

Zuo Zhong looked at Lu Wenbao with great interest. He seemed to be a committed traitor. This was the first time he met him. Traitors in the past were all weaklings. This new toy was very interesting.

Zuo Zhong let go of his hand and raised his chin: "Then let's change the topic. Can you tell us how your family members died?"

Lu Wenbao continued to remain silent, his eyes and expressions not showing the slightest fluctuation. He had made up his mind not to say a word because he still had a big thing to accomplish.

 As long as this thing is completed, it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies. Lu Wenbao feels that he has lived a sufficient life and has enjoyed everything he should enjoy, except for one death.

From the sidelines, Gu Qi suddenly interrupted: "Section Chief, would you like to find someone to modify an electric chair? I heard that thing is not very complicated."

The others' eyes lit up. They had encountered stubborn Japanese spies. For example, Taishi Kawada and Fumio Takeuchi in the radio case were as tough-talking as Lu Wenbao when they were arrested, but they both confessed honestly during the electric chair interrogation. .

But Zuo Zhong doesn't want to take risks. He doesn't care about Lu Wenbao's espionage activities, but the factory must be found, and the drugs that have been produced must also be found. They must not be allowed to escape. In case this **** is electrocuted to death, the clues to the factory must be lost. Where to look, you can’t search door to door.

Thinking of Ding Shaolan's miserable appearance, Zuo Zhong made a decision. He stuffed the handkerchief into Lu Wenbao's mouth: "Chunyang, take the medicine you found from Xiaobailou and let you see how powerful it is.

Those gangsters are so crazy because of this stuff. It is more toxic than cigarette smoke. Once you take it, you can't live without it. The Japanese used this to make Jin Renjiu succumb."

 Lu Wenbao began to struggle after hearing the words, and his heart was full of fear. He knew very well how powerful that thing was. Jin Renjiu was tortured by the people of the Aoki Mansion for several days, and various punishments failed to make him speak.

But when Osako Tongzhen gave him a few small pills, after waiting for a few days, Jin Renjiu was like a begging dog, pulling Osako Tongzhen's thigh and crying bitterly, just asking for a pill.

There are also his men who are proficient in eating, drinking and having fun, and they will resist the temptation to grab the territory. But after taking that kind of medicine, this group of people dared to do anything to get a supply of pills.

There are too many examples like this. Lu Wenbao had veins popping out on his head and wanted to break free from the rope. He was not afraid of death or torture, but he was afraid of being controlled by drugs and leaking information.

Watching Lu Wenbao fighting the trapped beast, Zuo Zhong touched his head: "The cowhide rope soaked in water is extremely tough. Trying to escape by human power is just a dream. I know you have many secrets. Don't worry, you are very good." You’ll tell me soon.”

Wu Chunyang walked over from outside. Gui Youguang pinched the muscles on both sides of Lu Wenbao's cheeks with one hand, turned around and left the detention room, because the outcome was already determined, it was just a matter of length.

This kind of thing is like Pandora's box. Once it is opened, it is out of control, but Zuo Zhong has no choice, and doesn't Lu Wenbao like to use it very much? Then try it for yourself.

If Lu Wenbao could resist the temptation of drugs, Zuo Zhong might let him live. Ling Sanping must be very interested in this kind of experimental material that can transcend human instinct.

 Back in his room, He Yijun immediately reported to him: "Doctor Ling called back. Jin Renjiu's brain did have lesions, and the same condition also appeared in the corpse that was just sent."

Zuo Zhong had no accident. This is the result of taking medicine. When serious lesions appear in the brain and internal organs, the lives of these people will come to an end, and there is no way to reverse it.

From this point of view, even if Jin Injiu is not killed by the murderer, the Japanese will not keep him for too long. When he finds out all the information about the Koryo Restoration Organization, his ending will not be better than now.


Someone knocked on the door and came in. It was Yu Xingle who was beaming. Zuo Zhong joked: "It seems that District Chief Yu has gained a lot. Lu Wenbao's house has been searched. There must be a lot of good stuff."

 (End of this chapter)

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