Cicada Moving

Chapter 142: Stalemate 3 (asking for votes)

Chapter 142: Stalemate 3 (asking for votes)

Yu Xingle looked embarrassed after thinking about it: "Jiaxing already has many rivers. There are available water sources near the places I mentioned, and there are no wastes."

It seems that although a rough range has been drawn, more clues are needed to accurately find the location of the underground factory. With Lu Wenbao, a local snake, it must be very secretive.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand and looked at his watch. It had been more than ten hours since they arrested Lu Wenbao. If the underground factory was operating at full capacity, the number of drugs accumulated would be increasing.

Lu Wenbao will definitely speak, but it will take time for him to completely fall into drug addiction. What Zuo Zhong lacks most now is time, and he has to make several plans.

Zuo Zhong said to Yu Xingle: "District Chief Yu, now you and your people should immediately monitor the docks, stations, and railway stations near Jiaxing, and the roads in and out of the city must also be controlled."

Yu Xingle understood: "You mean they might transfer the medicine first?"

Zuo Zhong nodded: "It's not a possibility but a certainty. If the factory cannot be moved for the time being, then the medicines will be transferred or even transported directly to Jinling. Intelligence operations cannot be without emergency plans."

Yu Xingle knew that the situation was urgent: "Okay, I will make arrangements now. What will you do?"

Zuo Zhong looked at the eastern sky: "As soon as it gets bright, we will go to the places you mentioned and take a look. Lu Wenbao's interrogation will also be accelerated. What I just said will not fool him for long."

Yu Xingle and his men left in a hurry. It was a matter of his own head, and he was more anxious about it than anyone else.

Zuo Zhong lit a cigarette and walked back and forth in the yard. In the dark night, he could only see the flickering of the cigarette butt. Gu Qi and others stood aside patiently. They knew that the section chief liked silence.

  It is the darkest and coldest time before dawn. Even if they are wearing coats, everyone still feels the coolness sinking into their bones bit by bit, but no one takes it to heart.

Ever since Zuo Zhong arrived at the Intelligence Division, there has been no case they can't solve or a spy they can't catch. Now that they have encountered such a difficult opponent, everyone wants to keep the golden name of the Intelligence Division.

After a long time, Zuo Zhong put out his cigarette butts and came over. He looked at the frost on everyone's clothes and said with a smile: "I want you to stay with me in the cold. Let's go in first. I think Lu Wenbao will be impatient."

Gu Qi looked forward to it: "Section Chief, have you thought of a solution?"


Zuo Zhong rubbed his hands, and without waiting for everyone to show their disappointed expressions, continued: "But we can deceive him again. I just said that Lu Wenbao must have an emergency plan for today's situation.

Then use this to test him. When you go in, pretend to be decent and don't look sad. If you want to deceive others, you must deceive yourself and make Lu Wenbao completely despair. "

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he rubbed his frozen face and slowly walked into the detention room. Gu Qi and others also walked in with smiles on their faces.

Lu Wenbao was like an ant on a hot pot at this time. His eyes lit up when he saw Zuo Zhong coming in, but when he saw the expression on his face, his heart sank. Could it be that he had really found the factory?

Zuo Zhong gave a thumbs up as soon as he came in: "Lu Wenbao, it's really yours. If we hadn't responded quickly and asked you to transport the medicine away, it seems you still don't feel any pain."

Lu Wenbao's lips trembled unconsciously. The factory was finished, and his plan went bankrupt. He invested so much money and equipment, but in the end there was no result.

Zuo Zhong saw his reaction and winked at Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang: "It's almost dawn, please help Mr. Lu wake up. As the saying goes, the best thing for a day is in the morning.

There is no need to hold back now. This kind of die-hard guy will be beaten to death. With so many people arrested, there is no shortage of his confession. Remember not to get your face smashed, and hang it on the city gate after you are done. "

Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang said with a ferocious smile: "Yes, section chief."

 The two whips were soon swung, creating new wounds on the wounds. Blood spattered everywhere. Lu Wenbao's eyes widened and he screamed. Something in his heart was slowly disappearing.

He relied on self-imagined hatred to resist drug addiction, but what was fake was just fake and could not become real. When the plot was exposed, the drug addiction that had been suppressed became even more fierce.

Lu Wenbao felt that all the bones in his body were itching, his heart was beating without frequency, his palms and soles were sweating, his lips and throat were extremely dry, but his mouth was full of saliva.

 A strong need came from the bottom of his heart. His body needed medicine. As long as he had medicine, it would be fine. With medicine, he would feel very comfortable. His remaining sanity was fighting against this need.

But gradually, reason is like a receding tide. He can forget about the Japanese and any hatred. There is only one thought left in his mind, he wants medicine!

“Give me the medicine, give me, I will say, I will say anything.” Lu Wenbao shouted in a pleading and humble voice.

 Zuo Zhong's heart jumped wildly when he heard these words. In fact, he was not sure whether he could completely break Lu Wenbao's psychological defense before, because this guy was so resistant.

 It is estimated that the Japanese would not have thought that a traitor would be so loyal to them. This is not a tragedy and irony.

Ling Sanping walked to Lu Wenbao, inspected him carefully, and turned around and nodded to Zuo Dian: "Okay, he is completely addicted now. You have to hurry up, he will fall into coma soon." Lu Wenbao heard this, He prayed: "Please, give me the medicine and I will tell you everything."

By this time, Zuo Zhong was no longer anxious. He smiled and shook his head: "But we already know everything we want to know. What can you tell us? Do you still have secrets?"

Lu Wenbao's nose ran down and he trembled even more: "Yes, I know where the people who went to train with me are. They are now all the incense masters and bosses of various Cao gangs. There are eleven people in total."

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong's face turned cold. Damn those little devils, they are trying to occupy the magpie's nest. Give them a few more years, and by then these people will be twelve Cao Gang bosses. How much damage will they cause at the critical moment? hazards.

He has always stayed away from gang members, and even Ma Tianchang is simply used. These people have no bottom line in doing things. On the surface, they shout patriotism and loyalty, but in fact they are a group of opportunists who have **** and are mothers.

There are still so many traitors with ulterior motives mixed in. I don’t know whether it is intentional or unintentional. If it is unintentional, I am afraid it is intentional. These old foxes in the world have not never done it.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, then took out a bottle of pills and waved them in front of Lu Wenbao's eyes. Lu Wenbao stared at the pill bottle with saliva, like a wild dog that saw a bone, his eyes lit up.

"Do you want it? Tell me all your secrets if you want. As long as it satisfies me, you can eat as much as you want." Zuo Zhong tempted him in a low voice, like a devil whispering.

Lu Wenbao nodded desperately: "I said, I said, in addition to the Chinese people who trained with me, in the ten years of the Republic of China, there were two great Japanese spies who worshiped my master Zhang Dake as their disciples and joined the Youth Gang together.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China, another Japanese named Nakao Itoku became a disciple of the great master Zhang Yinghua and joined the Beiping Taoist Association. In the middle of last year, the Japanese spy Shiro Kohinata changed his name to Shang Xudong and worshiped the great master of the Cao Gang in Fengtian. Wang Datong is his teacher.

In addition, there are Japanese ronin Hirano Takechichi, Washizaki Kenta, Yoshimura Tomomasa and others who have joined the Caogang. They belong to the Xingwu Sixth, Xingwu Fourth, Jiahaiwei, Jianghuai, Jiabai, Hangsan and other branches. These are just I know the information.

Just at the beginning of this year, the Cao Gang in North China was invited by the Aoki Mansion to go to Japan for inspection. I heard from other people that they had reached an agreement with Japan. I don’t know the specific situation. Give me the medicine quickly. "

The people present were frightened. Is the Caogang a Chinese gang or a Japanese gang? From south to north, from the coast to the inland, these Japanese have completely penetrated into every part of the Caogang.

Zuo Zhong was a little curious: "You are just the boss of Jiaxing, how do you know so many things."

Lu Wenbao gasped: "This is the information I collected. I want to be the boss of the entire Cao Gang. What I say is true. Give me a pill. My dear grandfather and my dear ancestor, just give me one." "

 After saying that, he actually started crying like a child. Everyone in the Intelligence Department was shocked. They looked at the medicine in Zuo Zhong's hand with fear in their eyes.

Lu Wenbao is indeed a traitor, but his willpower can be called tenacious. He didn't let go after being beaten for so long, but now he has said anything to get addicted to drugs, even saying things like his own grandfather.

Zuo Zhong unscrewed the medicine bottle and poured out one pill: "Very good, this is a reward for you, but you haven't said enough. I want to know where those medicines are sent to Jinling. If you tell me, they will be yours."

Lu Wenbao raised his head and wanted to lick the pill, but he couldn't reach it. He swore anxiously: "I don't know where, the production is handled by the Japanese in the factory, and the transportation is handed over to the Aoki Mansion. If I lie to you, I will Not a good death."

Zuo Zhong was a little disappointed, but it was not bad to get so much information. He pinched the pill and looked at Lu Wenbao: "Okay, I believe you. Now the last question is yours if you answer it correctly."

Lu Wenbao drooled and said vaguely: "I said it, I said it all."

Zuo Zhong pretended to be curious and asked: "When you arranged the underground factory, weren't you afraid of others discovering it? Jiaxing is not a wilderness."

Lu Wenbao was already drug-addled at this time: "I have bought that elementary school, and the principal is mine. The factory is in the warehouse. Even if someone finds something wrong, it will not happen."

 At this point, Lu Wenbao finally realized something was wrong. He looked up at Zuo Zhong with wide eyes, looking in disbelief.

Zuo Zhong smiled. To the east of the officers' club, there was only the fourth elementary school that Yu Xingle mentioned. This **** dared to set up a factory in an elementary school. He was not afraid of the leakage of medicines.

Lu Wenbao knew that he was being tricked, but he didn't care about it now, and then shouted: "Grandpa, Grandpa, please give it to me."

Zuo Zhong pinched the pills and then accidentally threw them on the ground. He said with regret: "Ah, the pills are stained. How can this be so good? But Mr. Lu, don't worry. When we find the factory and come back, I will definitely give you enough." drug."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Everyone in the Intelligence Department laughed. With Lu Wenbao's appearance, there was no way he could persist until they came back. However, he asked for it. It would have been better if he had confessed earlier, and he would have avoided any physical pain.

Zuo Zhong glanced at his watch: "It's time, it's three o'clock in the morning, get ready for action."

 (End of this chapter)

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