Cicada Moving

Chapter 143: 1934(asking for votes)

Chapter 143 1934 (asking for votes)

“Wu Chunyang, I don’t care who you ask for it. Find the design drawings of the Fourth Elementary School immediately. I want to know all the details of that school.”

“Gui Youguang, gather all the operatives immediately. There may be chemicals in the factory. Please bring the gas masks we collected at the Six Nations Hotel.”

“Lao Gu, you lead others to guard the perimeter of the primary school. No one is allowed in or out. I mean no one, including you and Yu Xingle.”

After Zuo Zhong announced the order, he added: "These must be completed before four o'clock. We must launch and complete the attack before the elementary school starts. The children must not be put in danger."


The officers' club was bustling with activity. The agents didn't know what was happening yet, but when they saw the serious-looking section chiefs and unit chiefs, they knew there was another big operation, and big operations meant great achievements.

As for risks, there is no risk in anything you do these days. In places like the Secret Service, where salaries are paid on time and there are occasional bonuses to be earned, if you don’t want to do it, there are plenty of people who are willing to do it.

Wu Chunyang set out first. After hearing Zuo Zhong's order, he knew that there was only one person who could help him, and that was the director of Jiaxing Police Station.

 Design drawings were not very popular in the Republic of China. Many houses were designed by brick and tile masters themselves and there were no design drawings at all.

So if you want to know the structure, it is better to find the design drawings than to find someone who is familiar with the school. A local coward like the director must know who to go to.

Cars were speeding through the city of Jiaxing in the early morning. The beggar on the roadside was awakened, cursed and turned over, but he saw a continuous stream of black cars passing by and decisively shut his mouth.

He could see that the people in those cars were wearing black Chinese tunic suits and had guns in their hands. They looked like they were either going to kill people or arrest people. No, he didn't see anything.

Wu Chunyang didn't know all this. The car screeched to a stop in front of the director's house. He quickly ran to the door and banged it. It was already 3:10, and time was too tight.

Perhaps the director was too sleepy. After waiting for several minutes, the door of the director's house was still closed and there was no movement inside. Wu Chunyang became anxious and whispered: "Climb over the wall!"

A few little spies skillfully climbed up the ladder and climbed into the courtyard of the police chief's house. They quickly opened the door from the inside. Wu Chunyang waved and a group of people rushed in aggressively.

The neighbor next to him had been awakened a long time ago. When he saw this scene, he sighed with his wife: "Look, how majestic it used to be, but this house has been ransacked, and I don't know how greedy that guy is."

Police Commissioner slept very comfortably tonight. During these days, he was tortured to death by the people from the Secret Service. Fortunately, they seemed to have discovered something and they all evacuated to the officers' club.

This made Mr. Director feel very relieved. Although these kings of **** looked very polite, who knew what these people were thinking, and with their dark hands, they could be killed if they were not careful.

In the dream, the director himself became the section chief of the Secret Service. He hugged him from left to right, and felt very unhappy about being corrupt and perverting the law. But in the blink of an eye, a few black and white people came, talking about corrupt officials and corrupt officials, and tried to drag him away. Go to the eighteenth level of hell.

 “Ah, no, I’m not corrupt, I’m innocent.”

The director was so frightened that he opened his eyes. Before he could wipe away the cold sweat, he saw several people standing in the dark room, seemingly looking at him. He rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

Wu Chunyang didn't know what the director was dreaming about. When they came in, the guy shouted about corruption or something, but now was not the time to think about that. He pulled the light cord and turned on the light.

“Get up quickly, I have something to do with you.” Wu Chunyang shouted to the panicked director.

This sound brought the director's spirit back, and he recognized that the person was from the Secret Service. His heart suddenly tightened. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse to come to him so late.

No matter how scared he was, he could only comfort his old wife, put on his clothes and walked to Wu Chunyang outside the door, and asked tentatively: "Chief Wu, what are you doing so early?"

Wu Chunyang didn't have time to chat with him and asked directly: "Do you know the Fourth Elementary School? Who knows the layout and structure of it best? Take us to him."

The director was confused. The Secret Service came to find him in the middle of the night. Why did he want to find someone who knew the structure of the primary school?

But he quickly figured it out, no matter what they wanted to do, he just had to coax these people, and immediately said: "There is an old craftsman not far away. I remember that the fourth primary school was built by him and his people. ”

Wu Chunyang was overjoyed. He really came to the right place. If he foolishly went to the government department to find the design drawings, it would be in vain. This school was indeed built by the craftsmen themselves.

“Follow us quickly, we have coats in the car.” Wu Chunyang was still very reasonable and did not let the director, who was wearing single clothes, get cold.

Under the leadership of the director, Wu Chunyang quickly found the old craftsman. As soon as the old craftsman heard that it was related to the safety of the children, he drew a drawing without saying a word, and even more enthusiastically wanted to follow him.

Wu Chunyang didn't have time to sigh, so he led the old craftsmen to the meeting point. It was already three forty, and no one dared to ignore Zuo Zhong's military order, but he felt as if he had forgotten something.

The director stood on the street in the biting cold wind, watching the headlights disappear, his mouth wide open.

At this time, the large team of the Intelligence Department has arrived one mile away from the Fourth Elementary School. There is a small forest there, which can just block the surrounding observation. Everyone is waiting for Wu Chunyang's arrival. Gu Qi and Gui Youguang looked at the unsmiling Zuo Zhong and were secretly worried. Wu Chunyang was usually very smart, but why was he so slow this time? If he failed to complete the task, the section chief would definitely take military action.

Just when the hour hand of the watch was about to jump to four o'clock, Wu Chunyang finally arrived. He introduced with sweat on his head: "Section Chief, this is the craftsman who built the school. He knows the details inside."

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. Military law has no mercy. If Wu Chunyang really loses time, even if he is following his old brother, he will not be merciful.

Turning around and looking at the old master, Zuo Zhong said with a smile: "I'm sorry to trouble you, master. You built the warehouse in the school, right? Do you remember the specific layout inside?"

The craftsman had already heard Wu Chunyang introduce some information on the road, and took out a piece of paper from his arms: "That warehouse was originally used to store desks and chairs. The school was bought and renovated.

I felt a little strange at the time, because not only were the doors and windows reinforced, but there was also an unnecessary sewer connecting directly to the nearby ditch, but they paid for it, so we just did it.

Half of the warehouse has not been modified, only the cement floor has been paved, and four rooms have been built in the remaining half, using blue bricks as partitions, with exits at the front and rear, and iron doors. "

The old craftsman was talking and drawing on the drawings. Zuo Zhong and others roughly knew the layout inside, but that was before. No one knows whether the Japanese have renovated it now.

Zuo Zhong looked at Gui Youguang: "Take people to reconnoiter and see if there are any changes inside. Be careful of the hidden whistle. Fortunately, it is the darkest time now, but you must be quick. It will be troublesome at dawn."

Gui Youguang nodded and ran to the elementary school with the two of them. Relying on the cover of trees and rocks along the way, they quietly approached the target until they encountered the wall.

"Take a ladder, I'll go in and take a look. You guys wait outside and support me as soon as the gun fires." Gui Youguang said solemnly.

 “Yes, Chief.” The two agents whispered back.

The agents held each other's hands and put their palms on their knees. Gui Youguang stepped on their hands and stretched out his head to look at the wall. On the drawing, this was the garden of a primary school, and no one usually came here.

 Although it is already winter, there are still some evergreen trees growing vigorously, which is a good hiding place for penetration. There is light to slow down your breathing, observe carefully, and move your nose from time to time.

If someone is on duty in such a cold night, there is a high probability that they will drink or smoke. Otherwise, long-term surveillance will be too difficult. After all, this is not a battlefield, and few people are so stubborn.

After confirming again and again that there was no hidden whistle, he climbed over the wall with one leap. After landing, he rolled a few times to relieve his strength without making any sound. Looking at the warehouse in the distance, Gui Youguang moved over with his waist down.

 At the gathering place a mile away, Zuo Zhong was leaning against a tree, playing with a bunch of pine needles in his hand, surrounded by agents with nervous faces.

Time passed slowly, and it was almost five o'clock. In this season, Jiaxing would get dawn at around six o'clock. Time was running out, and the people present began to get anxious.

Gu Qi lost his temper and said, "Section Chief, do you want to send two more people to check on the situation?"

Zuo Zhong didn't answer him. He pulled out a pine needle, lowered his head and sighed: "Old Gu, it's so fast. Today is the 23rd year of the Republic of China."

 Gu Qi was stunned. He was so busy these days that he really hadn't noticed it. But who in the intelligence work would care about this? He had to live his life.

Only Zuo Zhong knew that the war was getting closer and closer. The Secret Service seemed to have achieved great results this year. Doesn't this mean that the Japanese were taking more and more actions and getting bigger and bigger.

You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days. Now the spies are passively defending everywhere, but there will always be omissions. If you want to take the lead, you must move the battlefield.

I don’t know how the canned plan is being implemented. Everything there is top secret. Only Dai Chunfeng in the entire Secret Service knows the details. Zuo Zhong thinks he should go there after the New Year.

Putting the last pine root in his mouth, Zuo Zhong suddenly said: "Lao Gu, let's have a dinner together after the operation is over. Let's have a fun time with the brothers from East China District. You can make the specific arrangements."

Gu Qi also smiled: "Okay, leave it to me. Everyone has done a good job these days and deserves to be rewarded."

Zuo Zhong was about to speak when he heard footsteps. He immediately hid behind a tree with vigilance. The other agents also raised their guns.

The footsteps got closer and closer, and then a voice came softly: "Section Chief, it's me.

Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. When Gui Youguang and the two foreign agents came into view, he ducked out from behind the tree and asked in a low voice: "How is it? Has the layout inside changed?"

 (End of this chapter)

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