Cicada Moving

Chapter 144: Offense 1

Chapter 144 Attack 1

Gui Youguang calmed down his breathing: "There are no changes. Half of the warehouse is used to store goods and accommodation. I don't know what the four rooms are used for, but I saw that the people inside were wearing gas masks.

I counted the number of people and found that there were more than 20 people, including workers. Half of them were armed, but they were all short guns. As for whether there were other long weapons, it was not yet certain. "

Zuo Zhong pondered, those four rooms should be laboratories or production workshops, so they need to wear gas masks. Now that the situation is probably clear, we can take action.

He called Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang to his side, unfolded the drawings and laid out the plan. The focus was to control the people in the factory in a short time. No one knew whether there was heavy firepower inside.

Zuo Zhong pointed at the two entrances: "The front and back doors are attacked at the same time. One team draws firepower from the front door, and the other team is the main attacker and breaks in from the back door. The two teams cooperate with each other to support each other. The main attacking team is led by me and Gui Youguang. , the number of people is limited to less than ten people. The space in the warehouse is small, and more people may easily cause confusion and accidental injuries.

The personnel are divided into two teams. I will lead people to clean the room on the left. If there is light, you clean the right. Try not to shoot the items inside. Chemicals are likely to cause explosions. All personnel are equipped with Thompson submachine guns. Use the shortest possible time to kill all the bullets. Pour it out, don't give them time to react, and catch the other party off guard.

Chunyang, you will lead the rest of the operatives. As long as you do not give the Japanese a chance to return to the back door, you can launch an active attack when necessary. You can control the timing of the attack yourself. "

 The two of them nodded while listening, and raised some questions from time to time. There were too many unexpected situations in the battle, and they had to ask clearly to avoid failure of the operation and casualties due to coordination errors.

Wu Chunyang raised a question: "Section Chief, according to the intelligence, the warehouse door is very strong. What if it cannot be opened in time?"

Zuo Zhong picked up the grenade: "Use it, don't worry about the casualties inside. It's good to have survivors, but it doesn't matter if you don't. Remember to use flash bombs after blowing open the iron door to weaken possible resistance."

Wu Chunyang understood that in the past, the Intelligence Section's actions were all aimed at catching people alive, but this time it was different. Destroying the factory's production capacity was the primary goal. To put it simply, it was regardless of life or death.

“The time is right, be ready for action in an hour. Everyone will check the weapons and equipment and leave a suicide note if necessary.” Zuo Zhong straightened up and ordered in a low voice.

 Gui Youguang looked at the sky: "Section Chief, it will be almost light in an hour. It will be easy to be discovered by people in the factory. Half an hour is enough to prepare. I will lead the team to break into the warehouse."

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "Before dawn is the darkest time visually. Cut off the power before starting the operation. The opponent's eyes have become accustomed to the light. A sudden loss of light source will make them temporarily blind. Coupled with mental fatigue, we have an advantage. "

Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang suddenly realized that there will indeed be a period of vision loss when going from a bright place to darkness. Counting the use of flash bombs, the target will become blind. This will greatly increase the success rate of this operation. .

This is also the reason why Zuo Zhong asked the operators to gather in advance. Now the agents of the Intelligence Section have adapted to the darkness and can offset the advantage of the opponent's familiarity with the terrain. Who knows that there is no night vision device in this era, so this crude method can only be used.

 At this time, in the underground factory.

Tuozhi, the general affairs squad leader of the Aoki Mansion, had a dark face. He didn't know how he had offended the director of Osaka. Sent him from Jinmen to the dangerous city of Jiaxing. It was a disaster from heaven.

Also, if it was a field assignment, it would be fine. Maybe he could make some money, but since he came here, he has not been out and is supervising the production of these drugs in the factory 24 hours a day.

Facing a group of expressionless technicians, Tuozhi felt that he was going crazy. Don't these people feel bored? Or they have no mood at all. They are a group of pitiful guys.

But what made him even more uneasy was the arrest of Lu Wenbao. This news came from Jinmen, and he was ordered to stick to the factory and produce more medicines to provide to Jinling pharmacies.

Thinking about it, Tuozhi cursed in a low voice: "Baga."

The people at Jinmen, including the Osako chief, really stood up and talked without pain. He was now on Chinese territory, and a group of soldiers would rush in at any time and hang him on the city gate.

He also said that he should believe in Lu Wenbao's loyalty, which was really ridiculous. How can a traitor get loyalty? Tuozhi felt more and more that he couldn't stay here anymore and had to leave as soon as possible. As for the order, let it go to hell.

Tuozhi looked at the laboratory and production workshop and sneered. These technicians and workers were all members of the Kwantung Army's water supply force. Since they had to obey orders, they should stay here by themselves.

However, it was not easy to leave quietly. He had to find a helper. After thinking about it, Tuozhi thought that one of them might be able to help, and he could rely on him to return to Jinmen after leaving.

Tuozhi finally made up his mind. He walked around the room with his hands behind his back. Workers were using various chemicals and raw materials for production, and then the finished products were filled into medicine bottles one by one.

“Xingxi, very good, speed up, all raw materials must be used up as soon as possible.” Tuozhi pretended to praise the production progress.

But the workers seemed not to see him and were engrossed in what they were doing. Only the workers in the filling process saw him and quickly stood up, nodded and bowed to say hello.

"Taijun Tuozhi, you have worked really hard." "Xinxi, Mr. Fan has also worked hard. I just have something to trouble you. Let's go out and talk about it."

Tuozhi winked at the filling worker, and then Shi Shiran walked out of the room. The worker's eyes seemed to understand something, he glanced at the others, and followed him out.

As soon as the worker went out, Tuozhi mysteriously pulled him to a corner and whispered the news: "Fan Xiongjun, Lu Wenbao has been captured by the Chinese. What do you think we should do?"

When Fan Xiong, the former Jinling boss and now a bottler, heard this, he was so frightened that his hair stood up. Once Lu Wenbao was caught and confessed, he would be in danger.

Fan Xiong grabbed Tuo Zhi and said, "Mr. Tuo Zhi, my loyalty to the empire is a testament to the world. Not only was I wanted by the National Government, but the family fortune I had worked hard for all my life was also cheapened by that evil villain Ma Tianchang.

All this is for the great cause of the empire. You promised me that even if it failed, you would help me make a comeback. If I were caught, I would be dead! You can't ignore me. "

Tuozhi nodded with understanding: "I know that Fan Xiongjun has made great contributions to the Japanese Empire, but the order from Jinmen is to let us stick to it here. I am also in a dilemma now."

He was very satisfied with Fan Xiong's reaction, and a look of dilemma appeared on his face at the right time. The Chinese have a saying that the pursuit of business is not business. Fan Xiong had to say some things himself.

Fan Xiong indeed noticed it, and said nervously: "Taijun Tuozhi, I think we should retreat first. These medicines and machines are not important. We can only serve the empire if our people are alive."

Tuozhi pretended to hesitate: "Well, this is not good. After all, this is a direct order from the head of the Osako Agency. I'm afraid we will be punished after we return."

Fan Xiong stamped his feet anxiously: "My Lord Tuozhi, I'll tell you straight now, why are you so honest? If they really cared about our lives, they wouldn't have issued this stupid order."

He had long understood that he could not believe what the Japanese said. They said they wanted to help him make a comeback. But in the end, he was placed under the subordinate Lu Wenbao and had to work day and night every day.

Think about it, Fan Xiong used to be a famous figure in Jinling. Now he squats on a pony all day long and competes with medicines. He can't eat or sleep well. It's really unreasonable to not let him retreat now. Since the Japanese are unkind, then Don't blame him for being unjust. As long as you can leave here, you can go anywhere in the world. Anyway, it will be better than now.

Tuozhi was overjoyed when he heard what he said, and then slapped Fan Xiong with his backhand, and angrily scolded: "Baga, how can you say that, as a soldier of the Japanese Empire, it is my honor to devote myself to the empire, you, no conscience."

Fan Xiong didn't care at all that he was beaten, but said from the bottom of his heart: "Taijun Tuozhi, you are a kind person, and I won't hide it from you. As long as we can get out, I have a way for us to return to Jinmen or Peking safely. , nothing will happen.”

Tuozhi held back his ecstasy and looked hesitant. Finally, he said hesitantly: "But the director of the Osako Agency will definitely hold us accountable."

Fan Xiong was immediately happy when he heard that he had relented: "It doesn't matter. Then you can blame the matter on me. Chief Oso still needs my connections in Caogang, so he can only scold me a few times."

  The words are beautiful, but he has already planned to get rid of this idiot Tuozhi once he leaves this **** factory. He has not been working in vain these days, and he also has some experience in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Tuozhi felt that the performance was almost done and clapped his hands: "Okay, let's follow your plan, Mr. Fan. Without further ado, let's leave now. I still have some banknotes here, enough to get to Shanghai."

 After returning to Jinmen, I will also plead with the Osako Chief to bring your wife and children. I heard that your youngest son is very smart and will definitely become a good friend of the empire like you in the future. "

Fan Xiong's forehead was throbbing with veins. This **** was threatening him, but his wife and children were nothing. As long as he was still alive, he could still find a woman to have children, and his old Fan family would never be a heir.

After discussing the matter, the two intrigued people packed up some things at random, quietly opened the back door and ran toward the wall. There was a gatekeeper at the gate. There would be clues left there, so they had to leave quietly.

When he arrived at the wall, Fan Xiong took a look and found that there was a big dry tree vaguely outside the wall. This made his eyes light up. He took out a rope from his bag and made a loop. He flicked it and the loop became obedient. It was lassoed on a tree fork.

He said with a hint of pride: "Look, Mr. Tuozhi, I relied on my beautiful rope-throwing skills to gain a foothold in the Caobang."

Tuozhi wished he could spread his wings and leave here, and praised perfunctorily: "It's really amazing. Mr. Fan, you are so awesome. Let's leave quickly."

“Okay.” Fan Xiong tugged on the rope to make sure it was secure. He climbed up the wall without hesitation, then jumped off without hesitation, and then there was no movement at all.

Tuozhi didn't feel anything was wrong. They were running away now, and Fan Xiong should keep quiet. He pulled the rope, kicked his feet on the wall, and walked directly onto the wall. Looking at the pitch-black wall outside, his eyes flashed. Close jumped down.

 (End of this chapter)

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