Cicada Moving

Chapter 145: Offense 2

Chapter 145 Attack 2

 Fortunately, there are no rocks or tree stumps as expected on the ground, just a little uneven.

Tuozhi rubbed his sore calf, looked around, and whispered: "Fan Jun, where are you? Let's leave quickly."

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response at all. Tuozhi felt nervous, Fan Xiong wouldn't have run away first. He was not familiar with the place in Jiaxing, so he had to rely on Fan Xiong if he wanted to leave here.

He thought for a moment and shouted with a slight threat: "Fan Xiongjun, where are you? If you run away, the Japanese Empire will not let you go."

 After a while, Tuozhi finally heard a heavy breathing approaching, and a smile appeared on his face. Fan Xiong was indeed a coward, and he must have been frightened back by what he just said.

The sound of breathing was getting closer and closer, and Tuozhi moved closer to him. He wanted to teach Fan Xiong a lesson, but before he could speak, a sound of wind came. Tuozhi had no time to react, and his vision went dark and he fainted.

Zuo Zhong retracted his right foot and looked at the two people on the ground with a puzzled expression on his face.

As soon as the intelligence team arrived at the wall, they saw a rope thrown out. Before they could figure out what happened, two sneaky people jumped out of the wall.

And I heard that the second person was a Japanese. As for Fan Xiongjun in the other party's mouth, it reminded Zuo Zhong of a person, the runaway Cao Gang boss in the radio case.

After the incident, this man fled in fear of crime and disappeared without a trace. Zuo Zhong originally thought that he had been silenced by the Japanese or fled abroad, but he did not expect that he was hiding in Jiaxing. What a fate.

He and the Japanese should be from the underground factory, but why did they sneak over the wall? Could it be that they got the news and were preparing to escape?

Zuo Zhong thought for a while: "Tie them both up and leave two people to watch. After the operation is over, I want to have a chat with these two extraterrestrial visitors."

 After handling the unexpected situation, in the darkness before dawn, the action team members climbed over the wall one by one, divided into two teams and approached the warehouse. When they were fifty meters away from the target, the team stopped.

The team members were half-kneeling on the ground, raising their weapons on guard. The people in the warehouse did not notice anything unusual, and could vaguely hear the conversation inside, and it was in Japanese.

Zuo Zhong knelt down on one knee, patted Wu Chunyang's shoulder lightly, and gestured to him. Wu Chunyang nodded slightly, and moved covertly towards the front door of the warehouse with the action team members behind him.

There are some abandoned construction debris there, which can be used as bunkers and are also a good starting point for attacks. Wu Chunyang and his team members arrived successfully and covered Zuo Zhong and others with their guns.

Zuo Zhong waved, and the eight main attackers behind him were divided into two groups, standing behind him and Gui Youguang respectively. One team member put his arm on Zuo Zhong's shoulder, and the rest did the same.

The two groups formed a two-character column and used the open space on the left side of the warehouse to go around the back door. As the distance got closer, Zuo Zhong pricked his ears and finally heard clearly what the people in the warehouse were saying.

It seems that one of their important people has run away, and the remaining people are discussing whether to leave or stay. It seems that the Japanese just now is not simple, Zuo Zhong thought as he tiptoed forward.

There was no bunker at the back door of the warehouse, so Zuo Zhong and the others had no choice but to stick to the side wall and wait patiently for the time to take action. At this time, the conversations in the warehouse became more and more intense, and even a quarrel broke out.

Zuo Zhong suddenly heard a familiar unit number, the Kwantung Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Troops!

This name represents a tragic history, and it is a permanent shame. No wonder Lu Wenbao wanted experimental data. It turned out that it was provided to these demons. Zuo Zhong could not hide the murderous intent in his eyes.

"Section Chief, the time is almost up." Gui Youguang reminded in a low voice, interrupting Zuo Zhong's memories.

“Action.” Zuo Zhong put on the 87-style gas mask he snatched from the Liuguo Hotel.

Gui Youguang threw Thomson behind him, took out a grenade from his waist, and unscrewed the metal cover at the bottom. This was a powerful grenade with a delay time of ten seconds and needed to be thrown.

The second hand on the watch kept beating, and Gui Youguang counted down silently until there were only ten seconds left before the action time. He pulled the match cord and threw the grenade out, and the grenade rolled to the back door.

At the same time, a team member cut off the power supply to the warehouse. The brightly lit warehouse suddenly fell into darkness. The Japanese inside yelled. It seemed that they also realized that something was wrong.

Zuo Zhong pulled Gui Youguang back. Three seconds later, he heard two violent explosions, and the attack on the front door also started. But why did the ten-second delay become five seconds.

The latest product of Jinling Arsenal almost killed them. Zuo Zhong rushed to the back door before he could complain. At this time, a big hole had been blown out of the back door. The original iron door flew to nowhere, and the sound in the warehouse became clearer.

Zuo Zhong jumped into the warehouse first. Before he landed, he found several white coats lying on the ground. They were people from the Kwantung Army's epidemic prevention and water supply unit. He fired a few short bursts without mercy. The white coats struggled twice. There was no sound immediately.

The four action team members behind him rushed to the first room from his left side while firing heavily. An agent leaned against the wall, kicked open the wooden partition door with his heel, and threw a flash grenade in with his backhand. Very quickly.


The moment the flash bomb exploded, Zuo Zhong had already put Thomson on his shoulder. He ducked at the door and took a look. There were some messy chemical test tubes, pharmaceuticals and other items in the room.

There are still a few people in white coats hiding in the corner holding southern pistols. They are covering their eyes and screaming. These dogs really want to fight to the end. They pull the trigger hard and shoot out a string of tongues of fire. “Da da da da da.”

Blood was splattered all over the white coats. Of the remaining four team members, two stayed at the door to guard, while the other two rushed into the room to check for safety. They actually found an enemy behind a pile of furniture.

Although this man wore glasses and had no weapons in his hands, and did not look threatening, the agents did not choose to let him go. After a few crisp gunshots, the first room was cleared.

Zuo Zhong turned around and nodded to the team members on guard outside. The three of them walked to the second room on the left together, but before they reached the door, they were forced back by fierce gunfire. They had long weapons!

The sound sounded like a German-made MP18. The 9mm Luger pistol bullet easily penetrated the blue bricks and door panels. If they had not retreated in time, Zuo Zhong and the four team members would have been beaten into pieces.

“MD, bah.” Zuo Zhong spit out the dust in his mouth and shouted: “Prepare flash bombs.”

Two team members who were equally embarrassed lay directly on the ground, took out two flash grenades and threw them into the broken wooden door. Two loud noises were heard in the room soon, but the gunfire of MP18 did not stop.

Zuo Zhong heard it. There were at least two MP18s inside that were covering fire, that is, one was loading and the other was firing, forming a continuous fire suppression. Now he met his opponent.

There must be non-Japanese technical personnel inside. This kind of combat method can only be achieved by elite front-line combat troops, and it also requires a long period of training. They are the Kwantung Army combat troops.

At the Liuguo Hotel, Zuo Zhong caught them off guard. The opponent was restrained at every turn, and their combat effectiveness was only at one level. Now this performance is the true strength of this elite force.

“The muzzle of the gun is one meter above the ground, shoot directly at the wall!” Zuo Zhong decided not to talk about martial ethics.

The MP18 does not have as much ammunition capacity as the Thompson submachine gun, and the 11.43mm Colt automatic pistol ammunition is also more powerful. The opponent only has two, while our own side has five. The probability of being fooled is much higher than that of the Japanese.

Hunter replaced a new 100-round drum with a new 100-round drum, held the **** of the gun with his arm, and pulled the trigger against the wall tiles. The bullet casings flowed to the ground like running water, and the seemingly solid wall was turned into a hornet's nest.

The other four agents in the team also followed suit. The clear sound of the typewriter resounded throughout the warehouse, startling Gui Youguang who was cleaning up on the right. When he turned around, he saw only five tongues of fire licking a room.

Among the five, Zuo Zhong finished shooting the drum first. Regardless of the already red barrel, he replaced it with a new drum. The firepower must not be interrupted to prevent the opponent from rushing out or the Japanese in front of the warehouse to return for reinforcements.

 But after the four men stopped shooting, Zuo Zhong found that there was silence in the second room. Could it be that they were all dead? He gestured, and an agent took out a flashbang and threw it into the room again, with another loud bang.

There was still no movement. Four agents rushed into the room before the section chief. The scene inside shocked them, but they were sure that no one would resist. Looking at the unused Japanese grenades on the ground, everyone's backs felt cold.

Zuo Zhong also saw it, but when he heard the gunshots in front of the warehouse, he quickly shouted: "Leave one person to check the results and support the front door."

Gui Youguang's side had better luck. There were only a few scientific researchers in both rooms, and the resistance was very weak. The battle was quickly ended, and now he is leading people to sneak attack the Japanese from the rear.

However, the Japanese used medicine packaging boxes as bunkers to block their attacks from behind. This group of people was very powerful in fighting, and they fought very calmly and arrogantly when being attacked from the front and back.

A Japanese jumped out of the bunker with an MP18 in his hand, and almost hit Gui Youguang's head with a few precise bursts. In such a dark environment, I don't know how he could distinguish the commander.

Zuo Zhong brought people to support him, and he happened to see this scene, and his lungs almost exploded. It was always the Intelligence Department who suppressed others and beat them. When did it become someone who suppressed and beat them? It was so embarrassing.

"Gui Youguang, can you **** do it? Attack with grenades, leave no one alive!" Zuo Zhong shouted in Hangzhou dialect, his voice a little strange under the influence of the gas mask.

He and Gui Youguang both graduated from the Hangzhou Police School and are very familiar with the Hangzhou dialect. In such a chaotic situation, it is useless for any code words and it is impossible for the Japanese to understand them.

Gui Youguang took a hard look at the enemy and took out a grenade. Each of his four team members also took out one. While shooting, the five men quietly pulled off the match rope, and the grenade hissed.


 “Swish, swish, swish.”

  Five grenades that had passed through the tactics, flying through the darkness with green smoke, flew towards the bunker guarded by the Japanese. The Japanese, who had been very relaxed just now, shouted in despair: "Grenade~"

In the woods one mile away from the battlefield, listening to the distant gunshots like fried beans, Gu Qi was restless. Why was the battle so fierce? Nothing would happen to the section chief and the others.

Yu Xingle on the side comforted him: "Don't worry, there are so many of them and they are fully armed. The Japanese don't have that."


Before he finished speaking, he heard several huge explosions. Yu Xingle's mouth suddenly closed, praying in his heart that nothing would happen. If something happened to Zuo Zhong, Dai Chunfeng would be able to chop him alive.

 (End of this chapter)

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