Cicada Moving

Chapter 146: Closing (please vote)

Chapter 146 Ending (please vote)

After waiting for a while, the gunfire stopped. Gu Qi felt that he could not wait any longer, so he asked the surrounding agents to be more vigilant. He led a team of ten people to the school to provide support.

The backbone of the Intelligence Section is Zuo Zhong, and Gu Qi understands this very well. If something happens to Zuo Zhong, the Intelligence Section will immediately fall apart. Let alone maintaining its current status, it will be very difficult not to be split up.

Yu Xingle hesitated and brought a team of East China agents to follow. Zuo Zhong had helped him several times before. It would be unkind if he stood idly by and of course there was pressure from Dai Chunfeng.

Even if something went wrong, he would have a good reason to explain. Zuo Zhong strictly ordered everyone not to enter or leave the scene. In this situation, he had done his best to disobey the order and go to the rescue.

Thinking about it, he felt a little depressed. Ever since Zuo Zhong came to Jiaxing, Yu Xingle had not encountered anything that went well for him. First, it was Jin Andong who concealed information, then it was about medicines and underground factories, and now there is such a large-scale firefight.

He had thought about it. If Zuo Zhong was fine, he would be coaxed away as soon as the case was over. He was afraid of Zuo Zhong. If he stayed like this, something big might happen to the East China District. Yu Xingle thought about it as he walked. Decide.

The two teams covered each other and walked to the wall. It was already dark. Gu Qi and Yu Xingle quickly discovered Tuozhi and Fan Xiong who were tied up, as well as the two agents responsible for guarding them.

Gu Qi asked curiously: "What's going on with these two people? Are they prisoners sent by the section chief?"

The little agent answered honestly: "As soon as we arrived at the wall, these two people jumped out of the wall one after another. One was Japanese and the other was named Fan Xiong. The section chief asked the two of us to guard here."

 Fan Xiong?

Gu Qi thought of the Jinling Cao Gang boss in the radio case. It was this old boy who had people block them in the teahouse and made a big fool of himself. Gu Qi used his feet to turn Fan Xiong's body around, showing an extremely familiar old face. appear before him.

"Haha." Gu Qi sneered: "Keep an eye on these two guys, let's go support the section chief."

After speaking, Gu Qi and Yu Xingle led the people over the wall. As soon as they landed, they took a breath of cold air. The roof of the warehouse in the distance was broken, and black smoke was pouring out. The battle was so fierce.

Gu Qi's face was heavy: "District Chief Yu, it seems that the other party's level of resistance is somewhat unexpected."

Yu Xingle didn’t know how to answer. Jiaxing was under his jurisdiction in the East China District. Now that there were so many militants and weapons hidden in the school, he, the head of the East China District, was the first responsible person.

At this time, a familiar figure walked out of the warehouse, it was the disgraced Zuo Zhong. Gu Qi and Yu Xingle breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Zuo Zhong was okay, they quickly led people over.

Zuo Zhong took off his gas mask and took a breath of fresh air. This group of Kwantung Army elites were too tenacious and difficult to deal with. Even if they were injured by several powerful grenades, they still relied on the last bunker to fight back. They didn't catch a single person alive.

At the same time, two members of the operation were seriously injured and six were slightly injured, including Wu Chunyang, who was unfortunately hit by a stray bullet again. This operation was the one with the largest casualties since the establishment of the Secret Service.

Thinking of the few Japanese soldiers who carried out a desperate counterattack and committed suicide, Zuo Zhong looked heavy. The opponent's tactical response was appropriate and their fighting will was tenacious. If the opponent's number had been a few more, the Intelligence Division would have paid a heavier price today.

“Section Chief, District Chief Yu and I heard the explosion and came to support.” Gu Qi shouted from a distance.

It's not that he was showing off his merits, but that the agents had just finished the battle, which was when their nerves were at their most tense. If they didn't reveal their identities in time, they could easily cause accidental injuries.

Zuo Zhong waved to the two of them: "Come here quickly to help, and quickly send the wounded to the Jiaxing military hospital for treatment."

Gu Qi disobeyed his order, but he had a good intention, which showed that he really regarded everyone as comrades and brothers. Zuo Zhong was very happy about this, which was better than the friendly troops staying in trouble and staying still.

With the support, the action team members could finally sit down and repair. This was the first time they had experienced such a brutal battle. In comparison, the firefight at the Six Nations Hotel was nothing.

Wu Chunyang, whose shoulder was bandaged, had a cigarette in his mouth, and next to him was the embarrassed Gui Youguang. The two of them could be considered brothers in distress. Gui Youguang was also shot in the arm when he arrested Gao Jiayi.

"Lao Gui, do you think I am guilty of Tai Sui this year? I was hit by a stray bullet at a safe spot last time, and this time I was hit by a stray bullet again." Wu Chunyang was very depressed, and what happened to him was indeed very evil.

Gui Youguang grinned: "Shit, in our line of work, you are either hit by stray bullets or bullets. You kid has been hit by two stray bullets. I think you are lucky enough to be lucky."

When Wu Chunyang thought about it, it seemed that this was really the case. The Japanese just used MP18. If he was hit directly by a bullet at such a close distance, his arm would probably be disabled.

The agents in the East China District looked at the Japanese corpses on the ground and secretly gasped. They had heard before that the people in their headquarters were so elite and powerful, but they thought it was just bragging or exaggeration. Today, their eyes were finally opened.

When Yu Xingle walked to the warehouse, he was horrified by the bullet casings and traces on the ground. He had been on the battlefield. After looking at the scene, he could roughly judge the weapons used in the exchange of fire between the two sides, such as pistols, submachine guns, and grenades. There was such a huge array. battle. Looking at the boxes of packaged medicines, Yu Xingle shuddered. The Japanese were really crazy. What on earth did they want to do? He quickly called on his subordinates to count and seal the items on site. These were all achievements, although most of them were from the Intelligence Department. But he can also drink some soup in East China.

If you want to drink soup, you must have the consciousness to drink soup. Yu Xingle called a car to take away the wounded from the Intelligence Section. East China District also took over the peripheral security work. This conscious and attentive attitude made Zuo Zhong very satisfied.

Since the Intelligence Section can be withdrawn, Zuo Chong returned to the Officers Club. The first thing he did was to check on Lu Wenbao. He needed this guy to identify the two captured survivors, especially the Japanese.

Walking into the detention room, Zuo Zhong saw Ling Sanping bandaging Lu Wenbao. In fact, it didn't matter whether he was bandaged or not. He had lost his use value. A bullet would be the end of this guy.

Lu Wenbao was already looking forward to seeing Zuo Zhong. As soon as he saw Zuo Zhong, he shouted: "Everything I said is true. Please give me a pill. In addition to factory matters, I also know other things. I am valuable to you." ”

Zuo Zhong nodded and smiled: "No hurry, no hurry, I have brought you two new friends. You tell me who they are first, and then we will talk about the medicine."

Before he finished speaking, the two rice dumplings were pushed into the detention room. Lu Wenbao endured the heart-scratching drug addiction and squinted his eyes and took a look. He immediately shouted in surprise: "One of them is Tuozhi, the general affairs squad leader of Qingmu Mansion, and the other is the former Jinling." Fan Xiong, the leader of the Cao Gang, please give me the medicine."

The two rice dumplings were desperate. They ran away just in time to catch a gun. Now that their identities were revealed, they were doomed. Fan Xiong's crotch was slowly soaked, and the detention room was filled with the smell of urine. Tuozhi disdained it. He glanced at this timid guy and thought about how to survive.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied with these two unexpected gains. The general affairs squad leader of Qingmu Mansion should know a lot of inside information, but if he wanted him to speak obediently, he needed to add more firepower. Zuo Zhong looked at the useless Lu Wenbao.

Lu Wenbao looked at his cold eyes and seemed to understand something. He struggled and shouted: "I can help you. I know the routes used by the Chuzhou Cao Gang to smuggle cigarettes. There is a family in Xuzhou who specializes in cutting and breaking, and there are people in Shanghai who smuggle weapons. , I know, I can help you find them."

“Alas.” Zuo Zhong sighed and pulled out his pistol: “Mr. Lu, if you had cooperated earlier, I could have spared your life, but you have wasted too much time and you are seeking death.”

 “Bang! Bah! Bah!”

Fan Xiong and Tuozhi listened to the gunshots. Each gunshot seemed to hit them, making the two of them tremble. Fan Xiong collapsed on the ground unbearably. Thinking that he would have the same fate, his crotch was so hot that he peed again. , there is no trace of the heroic spirit of the children of Jianghu.

Zuo Zhong retracted his pistol and looked at the two of them with a smile on his face: "Takuzhi-kun, from the moment you decided to escape from the factory, you have betrayed the Aoki Mansion. For the sake of your own life, why not betray more thoroughly? Woolen cloth?"

Tuozhi's heart returned to his stomach from Tianling Gai, and he said without hesitation: "Sir, you are right. I am willing to serve your country. I know most of the secrets of the Qingmu Mansion, and as the general affairs monitor, the expenses of the mansion and The personnel situation is in my hands and I am very valuable to you.”

Zuo Zhong laughed and helped him up from the ground: "Very good, Mr. Tuozhi, with your joining, we will know more about Aoki Mansion. Don't worry, if necessary, we can pick you up in Japan." Important relatives and friends.”

  Tuozhi shook his head: "No need, they have died during the rice turmoil. As long as your country provides me with a sufficient salary, I can work for you wholeheartedly and will never play any tricks."

oh? Zuo Zhong glanced at him. Is this true or false? If it is true, no wonder this person has not been brainwashed by ***.

Fan Xiong on the side was dumbfounded. Tuozhi Taijun, who had just been on the same front, surrendered like this. He also wanted to surrender, but Tuozhi had the capital to surrender, and as for him, Fan Xiong became more and more desperate the more he thought about it.

Zuo Zhong also noticed Fan Xiong. This man was of no use anymore. Ma Tianchang didn't need him to check and balance him now. He thought about it and said, "Leave this guy to Deputy Chief Gu. They are old acquaintances."

Fan Xiong didn't know who Deputy Chief Gu was, but after thinking about it, he knew it was not a good thing. He quickly turned over and knelt down: "Forgive me, brother, I have a bit of a weak reputation in the world. Please show me your noble hand, and I will definitely reward you generously."

Zuo Zhong walked up to him and said with regret: "I have some respect in the world, so I don't need Mr. Fan. Come and take him away."

Fan Xiong cried heartbreakingly: "Spare my life, I am really useful."

The agents were indifferent to this and dragged Fan Xiong outside. A deep mark was plowed on the ground. Listening to Fan Xiong's increasingly distant begging for mercy, Tuozhi's head was covered with cold sweat.

Zuo Zhong smiled and untied the rope on his body, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, we are friends now. Let's talk about the manpower deployed by Qingmu Mansion in Caogang. You should know it."

Tuozhi stood at attention: "Yes, I know. Sir, please listen to my detailed introduction."

 (End of this chapter)

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