Cicada Moving

Chapter 147: End (asking for votes)

  End of Chapter 147 (asking for votes)

After communicating with Tuozhi, Zuo Zhong quickly walked out of the detention room to find He Yijun and handed her a piece of paper: "Send a report to Jinling immediately, using Class A secret code. Please make a decision on this matter and keep it confidential."

He Yijun took a look at the note and found that it was densely written with names of people, as well as the names of some Jianghu gangs. Zuo Zhong asked Dai Chunfeng to arrest or monitor these people.

 She was even more shocked when she read the full text of the telegram. These people were Japanese spies who had infiltrated the Caogang. Knowing that this matter was of great importance, He Yijun quickly turned on the radio to contact the headquarters.

Seeing He Yijun's skillful operation, Zuo Zhong felt a little regretful. Tuozhi provided more information about the Caobang than Lu Wenbao, but he didn't know where the medicine was sent to Jinling. That old devil Osako Tongzhen had to be on guard, otherwise the underground The pharmaceutical factory's case is complete.

However, it is not bad to achieve so many results through a Korean death case. Now it is time to explain to Jin Andong. Zuo Zhong called Yu Xingle. This matter must be discussed with the other party. After all, the case is in East China District. Yes, both parties need to be of the same caliber.

When Yu Xingle heard what Zuo Zhong said, he was shocked on the spot: "What, Jin Renjiu was killed by Lu Wenbao because of an emotional dispute? Lu Wenbao died of serious injuries, and there are oral confessions and fingerprints as evidence."

Zuo Zhong was a little dissatisfied when he saw such a big reaction: "Why, District Chief Yu is not satisfied with the result? Then the East China District will be responsible for the next investigation work. It's because I, Zuo Zhong, am not capable enough."

Yu Xingle quickly explained: "What are you talking about? I'm so satisfied. I didn't expect Section Chief Zuo to come up with such a clever solution. He, Jin Andong, is not my father. This reason is enough to frustrate him."

Zuo Zhong then turned from anger to joy: "That's right. Does it matter how Jin Renjiu died? Just find a reason that can be dealt with. It can also make the relationship between the Koreans and the Japanese more tense."

This is his ultimate goal. The son of the head of the Koryo Restoration Organization was killed by Japanese spies. They must do something anyway, such as go to the Japanese and throw two more big firecrackers. Then the Koryo people will follow The harder the Japanese fight, the more dependent they will be on the support of the Republic of China.

Yu Xingle understood that Zuo Zhong was setting up a plan. No one could predict the future situation. Being able to firmly hold the Korean Restoration Organization in their hands was something that everyone in the national government was happy to see. They were said to be allies for a thousand years, but it was not in the national interest. There is no friendship in front of you.

He couldn't help but admire: "Chief Zuo is really far-sighted. The Chairman and the Chairman must be very satisfied with the result. I want to learn from you."

Zuo Zhong said modestly: "District Chief Yu has given me the award. I also want to thank the East China District for their full cooperation this time. These cases were solved by both of us. I believe Jinling will take it into consideration."

Yu Xingle smiled with wrinkles all over his face. Finally, the rain has passed and the sky has cleared up. The murder of Jin Renjiu, the espionage case involving Lu Wenbao, and the underground factory pharmaceutical case. The merits of these three cases are enough for East China District to receive commendations, and he will also receive it personally. benefit.

If he knew about the Cao Gang Mole and the roster of Korean intelligence personnel, he would be even more surprised. However, Zuo Zhong did not leak these two pieces of information to him, which is related to the overall strategy of the Secret Service.

Zuo Zhong didn't wait for Yu Xingle to calm down from the ecstasy, stood up and said, "Let's go, I'm afraid Jin Andong has been waiting for a long time and will come back early to attend the celebration banquet. Today is the first day of the new year. Let's have a good time. It's a rare opportunity." "

Yu Xingle followed him outside and said proudly, "Yes, on the first day of the new year, there must be a new atmosphere. Brothers, it has been really hard during this period, and the account will be recorded in our East China District."

Zuo Zhong did not refuse and gave him such a big credit. A meal was nothing. The two of them arrived at Jin Andong's house. When the nearby agents saw the arrival of the two officers, they quickly stepped forward and opened the car door.

 As soon as he got off the car, Yu Xingle looked around at the on-duty situation and asked, "How is Jin Andong doing lately? Have you noticed anything suspicious?"

The agent immediately reported: "Report to the District Chief and Section Chief Zuo that everything is normal. Jin Andong and his wife have been at home and have not gone out. Chief Song and Chief Fu of the headquarters are always accompanying them."

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied. He had prayed all seventy-two times and was almost trembling. Don't cause any trouble at this time. He walked into Jin's house with Yu Xingle. Secret agents kept standing at attention and saluting. The two walked onto the second floor. Lou saw Jin Andong chatting with Song Minghao.

Jin Andong is having a hard time these days. His son has been killed, Korean intelligence agents have been mastered by the Chinese, and his wife is not sane. These three things have made it difficult for him to sleep and eat well. Fortunately, Song Minghao is with him every day, otherwise he really doesn’t know how to survive. past.

When he saw Zuo Zhong visiting again, Jin Andong was startled at first, and then seemed to understand something. He stood up unsteadily, his lips trembling: "Has the murderer of Ren Jiu been found?"

Zuo Zhong's answer was very formal: "Yes, the murderer of Jin Renjiu has been captured. I am here to inform Mr. Jin Andong of the situation."

Jin Andong was so excited that he almost fainted. He held on to the chair to calm down for a while, then turned to Song Minghao and said, "Mr. Song, please invite my wife here. Jin is a little dizzy, thank you."

Song Minghao looked at Zuo Zhong, saw Zuo Zhong nodded slightly, and immediately walked into a room. He and Fu Ling helped the trembling Mrs. Jin Andong out. The two sat on chairs facing Zuo Zhong.

Mrs. Jin's condition is getting worse and worse. She just sits aside and murmurs to herself, seemingly unconcerned about Zuo Zhong catching Jin Renjiu's murderer.

Zuo Zhong looked at them with a hint of sadness on his face: "Jin Renjiu's arrest and rebellion in Jinmen was related to a woman named Ding Shaolan. Your son had an affair with this woman, and she was the concubine of Lu Wenbao, the leader of the Jiaxing Cao Gang. .

Lu Wenbao was very angry when he learned about it. He was also a spy planted by the Japanese in Jiaxing. This person took advantage of the private meeting between Jin Renjiu and Ding Shaolan and killed Jin Renjiu inhumanely. This is what happened. Please forgive me. Song Minghao and Fu Ling suddenly realized that this was what happened. They did not expect that Jin Renjiu was killed because of an emotional dispute. The Japanese spy named Lu Wenbao also suffered eight bad lucks in his life. He killed someone and attracted the section chief.

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he handed the testimony of the master of Zi'an, Lu Wenbao's "confession", and Ding Shaolan's confession to Jin Andong. Jin Andong stretched out his trembling hands to take it, carefully opened the evidence, and looked at it carefully.

The content recorded above is consistent with Zuo Zhong’s statement. For example, Jin Renjiu had an impression of the time when Jin Renjiu dated Ding Shaolan. Jin Renjiu was indeed not at home during those times. It seems that the Chinese intelligence agencies did not treat him perfunctorily.

Jin Andong stood up and bowed deeply: "Thank you for your government's help. This is Renjiu's fault. It has nothing to do with anyone else, especially Mr. Yu. I concealed a lot of important information from you. Please accept my sincerity." 's apology."

"Huh." Yu Xingle snorted coldly, but thinking about the other party's pain of losing his son, his expression became slightly better, and he said some words of comfort: "It will be good to find the murderer. I hope you and your wife can express your condolences. Your Majesty doesn't want to see you either. so sad."

 Jin Andong bowed again: "Yes, please accept my apology again, Mr. Zuo, I don't know if Lu Wenbao can be handed over to us. We, the Koryo Restoration Organization, will definitely thank you."

Zuo Zhong had already thought of an excuse and did not give Jin Andong any chance to get entangled: "I'm so sorry. Lu Wenbao is a very professional intelligence officer. When we arrested him, we had no choice but to shoot him. After he confessed, Just died.

Also, we were assigned by the National Government to solve the case. You should also thank the Chairman and Director Dai. After all, we have been very busy these days for your family affairs. We searched all over Jiaxing City before we found it. clue. "

Jin Andong opened his mouth after hearing this. He could not ask the Chinese intelligence agency to hand over Lu Wenbao's body to him to vent his anger. But thinking about Lu Wenbao's fate, the resentment in his heart dissipated a lot.

Zuo Zhong looked at the time and felt it was almost time, so he said goodbye: "Mr. Jin Andong, Jin Renjiu's murder case has been solved, so we have to withdraw, but please don't worry, the people outside to protect you will not withdraw for the time being. "

 Jin Andong understood this arrangement very well and said with emotion: "Mr. Zuo is indeed the most powerful intelligence expert in your country. I hope we still have the opportunity to cooperate. We have a common enemy."

This was a hint about the roster of Korean intelligence personnel. Zuo Zhong smiled: "I will definitely do it. I hope Mr. Jin can be open and honest next time we cooperate. This is good for everyone, what do you think?"

 Jin Andong blushed after hearing this, and stood up to see Zuo Zhong and others off, especially Song Minghao. The two of them had been getting along well these days. He even gave Song Minghao a precious Korean ginseng.

Zuo Zhong was not jealous. Old Song and Old Fox had been fighting for so many days, and a lot of white hair had appeared. He really needed to use ginseng to make up for it, but another thing caught his attention.

Zuo Zhong flipped through the duty records of East China District and asked Fu Ling, who was in the same car: "Do you think there is a problem here?"

Fu Ling hesitated for a moment, turned to one of the pages, pointed to the record above and said: "Colleagues in East China District protected Jin Andong and his wife for a period of time, and the records of duty changes during this period were very detailed.

I discovered that on the day Jin Renjiu was murdered, Mrs. Jin left home. Shortly after Jin Renjiu left, she asked people in East China not to send people to follow and protect her. She did not come back until that night.

I tried to ask Mrs. Jin what she went out to do that day, but she didn’t answer, so I found the special agents on duty that day. According to them, something seemed wrong when Mrs. Jin came back.

 At the same time, Mrs. Jin’s father is a famous doctor in Korea, and it is said that he is good at treating insomnia, here.”

Zuo Zhong fell into silence and quickly said with a smile: "The case has been solved. This matter is no longer relevant. Forget it, go back to the officers' club and have a good rest. There will be a celebration party in the evening."

 Fu Ling also smiled: "Okay, section chief."

Zuo Zhong looked at Nanhu outside the car window and sighed in his heart. He seemed to see a mother humming nursery rhymes from her hometown while arranging her son's clothes and appearance on a rickety boat.

The son may have been in a coma. His mother put his head into the basin with tears in her eyes and ended his life in the least painful way, so that the son's respiratory tract was free of sediment.

In order to save her husband's reputation and prevent her son from getting deeper into trouble, this woman used the most extreme method. Was she wrong? Zuo Zhong didn't know. Maybe this is the best ending, come clean. Go clean.

“Old Song, let’s have a couple of drinks tonight.” Zuo Zhong said to Song Minghao, the co-pilot. I don’t know why, but he suddenly wanted to drink very much.

 (End of this chapter)

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