Cicada Moving

Chapter 149: arrival

Chapter 149 Arrival

As the sun set, the sea became deeper and deeper. Zuo Zhong and Shen Dongxin looked at the stars and lights in the distance, which were the lighthouses at Sanjiangkou, Ningbo. The wanderers finally returned home.

Shen Dongxin sighed with emotion: "Zuo Zhong, you're home. It's great to be at home, but it's difficult to go out. I finally understand this."

Zuo Zhong held on to the railing: "Things are expensive when you leave your hometown, but people are cheap when you leave your hometown. What our ancestors said makes sense. You don't need to be too anxious. If you really can't go to the Central Military Academy."

Shen Dongxin did not speak. He had said it easily before, but he had wasted several years and gained nothing. Not only was he unable to explain to his parents, but it was also a serious blow to himself.

 In this turbulent era, young people always think about how to contribute to the country and the nation, and joining the army is the most direct way, such as the Huangpu students.

After a while, Shen Dongxin said frustratedly: "It's easy for you to say. Admission to the Central Army Military Academy requires the approval of the Chairman. Unfortunately, my father has nothing to do with it."

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and said nothing. The fact that Shen Dongxin was admitted to the best military school in France is enough to show his academic level and talent. Mr. Zhu Jiahua should be willing to help.

The agents from the Intelligence Section had already packed their luggage and were scattered in twos and threes around Zuo Zhong, vaguely separating the nearby people. Song Minghao and others were standing respectfully not far away. The passengers seemed to be aware of this group of people. It was unusual, they all stayed away from here, and there was a large empty space around them.

Gu Qi came over and said, "Let's get off the boat later. I've asked the captain to make arrangements."

Zuo Zhong looked at Shen Dongxin and walked to the side with Gu Qi. He warned: "Let everyone pay attention to abide by discipline and protect your carry-on luggage. We have more equipment to prevent anyone from taking advantage of us."

This is no joke. The security situation at the Republic of China Pier Station is very complicated. It doesn’t matter whether you are a spy or an officer. You can often hear about a senior official being pickpocketed at the train station.

Shen Dongxin, who was bored here, looked at the people in Chinese tunic suits nearby and became more sure that Zuo Zhong's identity was not that simple. Moreover, when they first met, he asked about Zuo Zhong's work. Zuo Zhong immediately changed the subject, presumably because he didn't want to talk about it. This question, is this old friend's job very sensitive?

Just when he was thinking wildly, Zuo Zhong suddenly turned around and said: "Dongxin, we will disembark together later. Which cabin do you live in? I will have someone help you pack your luggage, so you don't have to go back."

Shen Dongxin was stunned for a moment and replied: "The second-class cabin No. 28 lower bunk, there are only some clothes and books in it, but isn't this not good?"

Gu Qi smiled on the side: "Mr. Shen, it's okay, just leave this kind of thing to me." After saying that, he left without waiting for his reply, taking two Chinese tunic suits with him, looking very angry.

Seeing that Shen Dongxin was still a little uneasy, Zuo Zhong patted him on the shoulder: "Lao Gu is a warm-hearted person, and he is the same in the police station. He is always so eager to help others. Just thank him later."

Shen Dongxin thought about it, and turned to chat with Zuo Zhong about anecdotes from when he was studying abroad in France. There was indeed no shortage of jokes about French people, and the two of them laughed loudly from time to time when they talked about funny things.

The warm-hearted old man Zuo Zhong said was currently rummaging through boxes and cabinets in second-class cabin No. 28. Two little agents took out all Shen Dongxin's belongings and put them all on the ground for inspection one by one.

Books, clothes, a suitcase, a few foreign-style gifts, and some common toiletries. Gu Qi picked up the books first. He didn't recognize the text on them, but the illustrations inside were all about weapons and formations. They should It is a textbook from the French military academy, which is consistent with the other party's background.

 Putting the book down, he picked up the collar of a suit and touched the pockets and collar with his hands. There were no pockets or items. He also checked several other items in the same way, and found no problems.

As for the inner layer of the suitcase, toiletries and small gifts, Gu Qi opened them and looked at them. Everything was normal. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with Shen Dongxin. This was good, as it saved them the trouble of being subordinates.

Gu Qi put down the things and said to the agents: "Restore it to its original state and pack the luggage. If I know someone talks too much, be careful about military law."

 The two agents lowered their heads and said, "Yes, Deputy Chief Gu."

Soon Gu Qi came back with his luggage. After meeting, he nodded gently to Zuo Zhong. Zuo Zhong's face remained calm and he felt relieved. Shen Dongxin's words about proletarians made Gu Qi strongly suspicious. The only thing I can do is check it out. It’s better for everyone if there is no problem now.

Gu Qi handed the suitcase to Shen Dongxin and apologized: "Mr. Shen, my people are very rude and the packing is a bit messy. Please forgive me."

 After Shen Dongxin took it, he quickly waved his hand: "If so, thank you Mr. Gu."

As he spoke, the Yao Bei passenger ship slowed down and slowly approached the port waterway. More passengers carried their luggage onto the deck.

“Woooo.” The passenger ship blew its whistle to warn people on and off the ship.

Usually at night, Sanjiangkou is already dark, but with the long blast of the whistle, the silence of the night is broken, and the pier begins to come alive, gradually brightened with lights and bustling with people.

The crowd of passengers blocked by the iron gate at the exit of the pier stood on their feet, their necks stretched out, looking eagerly at the empty passage.

There was a father and son and a few strong men among them. The father was wearing a satin robe and a gentleman's hat. When he saw the ship docking at the shore, the young man beside him was very excited: "Dad, the eldest brother must be on top."

The middle-aged man looked serious. Hearing this, he reprimanded: "Zuo Jun, what did I tell you in the past? A gentleman will not change his expression if the mountain collapses in front of him."

"The elk is on the left but its eyes are not blinking, and then it can control the advantages and disadvantages and wait for the enemy. Dad, you are talking about Lao Huangli." The young man interrupted impatiently.

The middle-aged man glanced at his younger son and said nothing. As long as he could remember the words, the little guy needed to understand and apply them himself.

At this time, someone finally came out of the pier, and the waiting crowd immediately became commotion. With shouts of "Come on, come on!", the pick-up area became even more crowded. But to the disappointment of many people, a group of men in black walked out of the passenger passage. They looked like they were in the same group at first glance. They looked serious and not easy to mess with.

Zuo Zhong led his men and walked out of Yao Beilun under the unhappy eyes of all the passengers. His feelings at this time were very complicated. He was instinctively homesick and entangled. He was very appropriately described as worrying about gains and losses.

He inherited all the memories and emotions of the original Zuo Zhong. In a sense, it can be said that he is the original Zuo Zhong, but with an additional modern memory. Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterflies and butterflies dreamed of Zhuang Zhou. Who can tell the difference.

So when he saw his father and younger brother in the crowd, the faint connection in his blood made Zuo Zhong smile sincerely on his face, and his steps became a little brisker unconsciously.

Everyone in the Intelligence Department was a little surprised when they saw this. Many people said that the section chief was young, mature, sinister and sinister, and that he was a smiling tiger. In their eyes, Zuo Zhong was indeed a very dignified boss. They did not expect that there is such a side. It seems that everyone has a deep heart. There is a soft side, such as facing family.

Zuo Zhong walked quickly toward the exit, and behind him, Shen Dongxin and his men hurriedly quickened their pace to keep up.

Zuo Shanwen looked at his eldest son who was getting closer and closer, with a hint of warmth in his eyes. Zuo Zhong's character was as taciturn as his own. He didn't know if he had suffered any disadvantages in the past two years outside.

Zuo Zhong walked up to Zuo Shanwen and bowed: "Father, Zuo Zhong is back."

Zuo Shanwen helped him up and said, "Just come back. Your grandfather and mother are waiting for you at home."

The young man also pulled Zuo Zhong's sleeves, his eyes red: "Brother, you are back."

 Zuo Zhong smiled and rubbed his brother Zuo Jun's head: "You are already a big boy, why are you still crying like a little girl? A man bleeds but does not shed tears. Do you understand?"

Zuo Jun wiped his nose and said unconvinced: "I'm not crying, I just am."

After thinking for a long time, he didn't give a reason. Zuo Shanwen and Zuo Zhong looked at each other and laughed.

However, Zuo Zhong still had doubts and asked Zuo Shanwen: "Father, how did you know that I was coming back today? I am planning to give you a surprise."

Zuo Shanwen smiled and revealed: "Your teacher sent a telegram home, saying that you will take the Yao Bei back to Ningbo today. So, Zuo Jun and I will come to pick you up. It seems that your teacher thinks highly of you."

Oh, it turned out to be Dai Chunfeng's arrangement. Zuo nodded and sighed that Lao Dai's skills were really good, which made people feel grateful.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong quickly introduced his subordinates to Zuo Shanwen.

“Father, this is my colleague, Gucci, who helps me a lot at work.”

Hearing the section chief introduce himself, Gu Qi quickly said modestly: "Thank you for the award. These are what I should do, and I have benefited a lot."

Zuo Shanwen shook hands with Gu Qi with a smile on his face, but he had more questions in his heart. What on earth is his son doing? Is he really at the police station?

In the letter, Zuo Zhong just said that he would follow the teacher. They subconsciously thought he was a teacher from the police academy. Now it seems that this is not the case, because this person named Gu Qi has too much official flavor.

But there must be a reason why his son didn't tell him. Zuo Shanwen got to know Song Minghao, Wu Chunyang and others kindly. When he met He Yijun, his attitude became even more kind, which made Zuo Chong a little embarrassed.

He Yijun said hello to Zuo Shanwen and hid behind the crowd with a blushing face. Everyone in the intelligence department laughed secretly, thinking that even a hero among women can be like this.

“Uncle Zuo, please save my nephew’s life!” Shen Dongxin shouted from the side, breaking the weird atmosphere.

Zuo Shanwen had seen the boy from the Shen family a long time ago and thought he and Zuo Zhong happened to bump into each other. He didn't expect this to happen and was immediately startled.

Zuo Zhong quickly explained in a low voice, and Zuo Shanwen twisted his eyebrows: "The Japanese just deserve to be beaten. Don't be afraid, Dongxin. I'll tell your father that you have boosted my national ambitions. Well done."

Everyone thought that he was indeed the section chief's father, and he hated evil as much as he hated him. He really had a family background.

At this moment, there were more and more other passengers, and large groups of passengers came, some carrying the old and the young, carrying the old and the young, and crowded to the exit in the resounding Ningbo dialect, mixed with a few light and soft words from time to time. Nuo Shanghai dialect.

Zuo Zhong walked out of the pier and saw an extremely familiar sight.

Under the dim street lights, the familiar yellow fish car still screamed "wuah ah ah" and moved through the crowd like a snake.

 The old lady selling tea eggs and the little woman selling wonton buns are still shouting and soliciting business in the same place...

 (To all my friends who are working hard away from home)

 (End of this chapter)

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