Cicada Moving

Chapter 150: reunion

Chapter 150 Reunion

Walking outside the pier, Zuo Shanwen called a strong man: "Go to the store and ask the manager to drive out all the cars at home. Don't say anything else."

He turned around and said to Zuo Zhong: "Let's go through the back door. The house has been renovated recently. You can enter the car directly through the back door, and outsiders cannot see inside."

 Just now Zuo Zhong avoided the important points when introducing his colleagues, and was vague about the department he worked in. Zuo Shanwen didn't want to cause trouble for his son.

Zuo Zhong nodded respectfully. His father Zuo Shanwen's arrangement was very secure. Even if he was asked to arrange it, that would be it. Could it be that the Zuo family really has spy genes?

His younger brother Zuo Jun looked at the calm-looking Zuo Zhong and the man in black behind him with doubts in his eyes. The brother in his impression was still the Zuo Zhong who took him down the river to catch fish and climbed up the tree to dig out bird's nests. But short After not seeing each other for just two years, Zuo Zhong gave him a different feeling, becoming more majestic.

Seeing his younger brother Zuo Jun observing him, Zuo Zhong tapped his little head, feeling helpless. In his memory, the two brothers often fished for fish and fish, and it was absolutely impossible to let Zuo Zhong accompany him to do these things now. Otherwise, people will laugh to death.

After a while, many car lights cut through the darkness in the distance and approached here. When they got closer, everyone realized that this was actually a whole motorcade, no worse than the motorcade that greeted Sekter.

Gu Qi and others were stunned. This scene was too big. You must know that the East China District had been begging grandpa and grandma for a long time to get together a convoy. How could Zuo Shanwen be so understated.

"Section Chief, what does your family do? It's not mining, right?" Song Minghao originally thought that he was already a rich man, but now it seems that he is low-level.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him: "Do a little bit of everything, stop talking nonsense, and get in the car."

To be honest, he really didn’t know what the Zuo family’s main business was. Anyway, even those from the Ningbo Merchant Gang had borrowed money from the old man.

  Shen Dongxin who was on the side said before getting in the car: "His family really has a mine, a silver mine."

Song Minghao was so shocked that his mouth opened. It seemed that the arms dealer was no match for the mining company. Even if he sold it to death, he still couldn't afford such a large property. He felt a little discouraged for a while.

The convoy rushed towards Ningbo City in the dark night. When they arrived at Zuo Zhong's home, everyone in the intelligence department was shocked again. The driver said that the majestic dark mansion in the distance belonged to Boss Zuo.

Gui Youguang sighed and said: "If I had a family fortune like a section chief, I would have married dozens of wives and lived a good life. Why do I have to work so hard."

Wu Chunyang touched his chin: "With dozens of wives, I'm afraid your body won't be able to hold on."

Ling Sanping suddenly interjected: "With your body, you can only marry three. More is not good for your body."

 The agents in the car were holding back their laughter, and the three officers were joking. They couldn't afford to get involved.

The convoy drove directly into Zuo's Mansion from the spacious back door, closed the heavy door, and completely cut off the outside sight. Zuo Zhong felt relieved that this mission was unusual and there could be no mistakes.

Zuo Shanwen got off the car and ordered people to prepare food and accommodation. Zuo Chong brought back so many people, the temporary arrangements were really confusing. Fortunately, the Zuo family also had several restaurants, and there was always no shortage of cooks and meals.

Gu Qi is a very discerning person. He walked up to Zuo Zhong and Zuo Shanwen and said with a smile: "Let's go and settle down first, so that we won't delay your family's reunion."

Zuo Shanwen didn't say anything. He wanted to see how his son would deal with it. It was more important to be a good person than to do things while working in the public house.

Zuo Zhong flatly refused: "We are all brothers. This is our first time at home. Come with me to the front to meet the old man. The people below have their own arrangements, so you don't have to worry."

Hearing this, Gu Qi felt hot in his heart, knowing that Zuo Zhong did not treat them as outsiders. In this case, it would be inappropriate for him to refuse further.

 “Yes, section chief.”

  Section Chief? Zuo Shanwen was shocked. How could his son Zuo Zhong become the section chief just a year after graduating? He couldn't be promoted so quickly even if he spent money.

However, Zuo Zhong's handling was still very appropriate. He distinguished the closeness and showed kindness to others without losing etiquette. He invited them to the front hall to meet the old man and would not lose the dignity of the host's family.

It seems that officialdom really tempers people. The son who used to be reckless and impulsive has turned into a seasoned official and is quite proficient in the art of serving his subordinates.

 “Zuo Zhong, let’s go.”

Zuo Shanwen saw that everyone was almost there, so he and Zuo Zhong walked at the front to lead the way.

Along the way, Gu Qi and the others opened their eyes, and He Yijun also understood why Zuo Zhong looked down on the courtyard of the former minister of the imperial court in Peiping.

Although Zuo Zhong’s home is not a courtyard, it is a standard Jiangnan garden, with scenery at every step, paintings everywhere, and extravagantly installed electric lights everywhere, making it dizzying to walk around.

As Zuo Zhong walked, he thought about it. It was not easy to persuade his father and grandfather to leave. The foundation of the Zuo family was here, and moving away would be a big move. Just like this house, it took the efforts of several generations. .

How to deal with the stores, mines, and fields in various places? Those managers, shopkeepers, and clerks have served the Zuo family for so many years. It is impossible to just ignore them. These are all troublesome matters.

Zuo Zhong felt that he needed to have a showdown with his father Zuo Shanwen and the old man. If he tried to persuade him as a junior, he would only get twice the result with half the effort. He would be more convincing as the chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service.

By this time, everyone had already reached the front yard. A servant had already conveyed the news. Zuo Zhong saw his mother, Mei Huizhen, standing on the porch waiting. When he saw Zuo Zhong, this dignified man, The housewife immediately turned red. It is said that a mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles. Mei Huizhen couldn't help but shed tears when she looked at her eldest son who was thinner than he was two years ago.

Zuo Chongduan bowed solemnly: "Mother, my son is back."

Mei Huizhen quickly wiped her tears: "Hurry in, the old man is waiting for you, go and say hello to the old man first."

Zuo Zhong knew that this was the rule of the Zuo family. Even if Mei Huizhen had more to say, she would have to wait until the old man had spoken.

Zuo Shanwen walked to his wife's side, Zuo Jun also stood aside obediently, Shen Dongxin, Gu Qi and others stood further away, and Zuo Zhong walked into the front hall alone.

Sitting in the front hall was a tall old man with a long beard, wearing reading glasses and looking at the ancient book in his hand. He glanced at Zuo Zhong, and then returned his eyes to the book.

Zuo Zhong knelt down on the ground in a polite manner: "My grandson, Zuo Zhong, has met my grandfather. I wish you a long life."

He knew that the old man was angry. In such a large and well-organized family, worshiping ancestors every year was a big deal, and the eldest grandson like him couldn't be absent. But who asked him to be an instructor in the special training class at that time.

Zuo Xuechen finally put down the book in his hand and coughed softly: "Get up, you are now working for the government, and there are so many people in the government that you can't help but why don't you explain it to your family? If you don't go to school from home, Xin, I don’t know that you have gone to Jinling. You must not do this in the future.”

Zuo Zhong stood up and replied respectfully: "Zuo Zhong, remember, last year's official duties were indeed special, and I didn't take a break from top to bottom."

Zuo Xuechen nodded: "You said it in your letter. Although I don't understand what the instructor you mentioned does, I also know that the responsibility is important. You are right to lead by example. Failure to teach strictly is the laziness of a teacher."

After speaking, he looked at the Western clock and called to the butler next to him: "The young master has brought his colleagues back. You ask the kitchen to take care of the backyard. All supplies will be provided according to the best quality. There will also be a few more dishes in the front hall."

Zuo Zhong knew in his heart that it was difficult to hide the big and small matters in this courtyard from the old man. The old man had long known that he was bringing people to visit.

Sure enough, Zuo Xuechen said: "Let everyone come in. It's not good for your colleagues to wait outside the door for a long time. You can introduce them to me."

Zuo Zhong bowed slightly: "Okay, grandfather." After saying that, he walked out of the front hall and nodded to his father Zuo Shanwen.

Soon, Gu Qi and others, accompanied by Zuo Shanwen, came in and met the old man one by one. Zuo Zhong introduced him quietly beside him, and Zuo Xuechen said something from time to time.

“Shen Dongxin has met the old man. I wish you blessings like the East China Sea and longevity as long as the Southern Mountains.” Finally, Shen Dongxin knelt down and kowtowed, showing a strong desire to survive.

Zuo Zhong was a little speechless, so he told his grandfather Zuo Xuechen what happened. After hearing this, the old man didn’t say much, but just said: "It’s good to come back. Let’s take a seat first."

Zuo Zhong and his father Zuo Shanwen stepped forward to help the old man. Unexpectedly, Zuo Xuechen waved his hand and walked quickly to the restaurant. He seemed to be in good health.

The kitchen was already prepared. Seeing the host's family having a banquet, one servant after another brought various delicacies to the table. Song Minghao, who was well-informed, couldn't help but click his tongue.

“Chunyang, look at this sea cucumber, it’s estimated to be this number.” Song Minghao stretched out his hand to Wu Chunyang next to him and made a number.

He Yijun was also very nervous because she was sitting next to Zuo Zhong's mother, Mei Huizhen, and the servants looked at her strangely.

Mei Huizhen noticed the nervousness of the girl next to her, smiled slightly, and comforted her: "It's rare for servants to meet strangers, so it's a bit rude."

He Yijun quickly shook his head and said with a blush, "I'm fine, thank you madam."

At this moment, Zuo Xuechen raised his glass and said to Gu Qi and others: "Let's get started. You are all Zuo Zhong's colleagues, and I hope to support his work in the future."

The entire intelligence department stood up with a roar. Even He Yijun stood up straight with a wine glass in hand. Gu Qi said on behalf of everyone: "Junior and others thank the old man." Then everyone drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Zuo Xuechen's eyes narrowed. How could these colleagues of his grandson look like members of the military? The people in the Ningbo Police Station did not have such aura.

He calmly picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then asked with a smile: "You Jinling policemen came to Ningbo this time, do you have any official business to do?"

Gu Qi had just sat down, and when he heard the inquiry, he looked embarrassed and said vaguely: "Yes, I am coming to Ningbo this time to investigate a major case. It is not convenient to reveal the specific details. I apologize for the rudeness of this junior."

“Haha, it’s a good thing that you are loyal to your duties. Let’s take up your chopsticks quickly.” The old man laughed heartily, but looked at Zuo Zhong aside.

Section Chief Zuo was sitting between his mother and father, very well-behaved.

 (End of this chapter)

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