Cicada Moving

Chapter 151: reveal

Chapter 151 Confidence

Mei Huizhen picked up a piece of pork ribs for Zuo Zhong and said with a smile in her eyes: "Zuo Chong, Duoduo went to your grandfather's house a few days ago. In two days, you can accompany me back to see your grandfather and pick up your sister by the way. return."

Zuo Zhong remembered that his sister went to a Catholic girls' school, which used the Western calendar, and classes should be in session now. Why did she go to her grandfather's house, and asked, "Is the girls' school already on vacation?"

Mei Huizhen's smile faded, and she sighed and said, "It's not that there was a big commotion in the school. Your father was afraid that something would happen to her, so he asked her to hide."

Hide for a while?

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked ugly. Is there any royal law in Ningbo? Who dares to offend even a wealthy country squire?

With his Qi nourishing his body, he is used to giving orders, and he naturally has the aura of a superior person. For example, when the young agents of the Secret Service see him, they are like a mouse seeing a cat. Previously, in front of his parents and grandfather, Zuo Zhong was He tried his best to cover it up, but when he heard that his sister was forced to leave home to avoid trouble, this cold aura could no longer be hidden.

Seeing his expression change, Gu Qi and others also stopped talking, put down their wine glasses, and the wine table suddenly became quiet. Only Zuo Xuechen didn't seem to notice, and he happily raised his glass and took a sip of wine.

Zuo Zhong twisted his eyebrows and asked: "Mom, my little sister is just a student. Who can force him? Who can force him? The Zuo family is considered a prestigious family in Ningbo. Who is so bold?"

Mei Huizhen didn't notice the change in the atmosphere, and said angrily: "Who else could it be, but the gang of spies from the Ningbo Party Headquarters Investigation Room, who insisted that Zuo Duo was suspected of being an underground party member.

Duoduo is just a child. She listens to whatever her classmates say. How can she cover other people's mouths? I think they are crazy poor and want to take the opportunity to extort money from our family. "

Zuo Shanwen also had a bad look on his face: "I asked your uncle to intercede, and finally got Zuo Duo out, but they still refused to give up, so they had to let Duo Duo go to your grandfather's house first to avoid the limelight."

Zuo Zhong had no expression on his face after hearing this. His uncle was a city councilor in Ningbo. He was very familiar with the leaders of the government and the party. Every department had to give some face, but he did not let the party investigation office take action when he came forward. Hands, it seems things are not simple.

Zuo Zhong didn't know if there was any shadow of Xu Enzeng in this. If there was, it would have touched his bottom line. If everyone had conflicts on official matters, then they would fight swords against knives and guns against guns. What was the point of threatening his family? He is looking for death.

Gui Youguang heard it from the side and understood what was going on. He slapped the table and said, "MD, the person named Xu is bullying people too much. Section Chief, I will take my brothers to clean up that **** investigation room."

Gu Qi looked angry and said in a deep voice: "They are all working for the party and the country. Who will dare to do things like this in the future? This matter cannot be easily let go. I think it would be a good idea to teach them a lesson."

As a leader, Zuo Zhong was cheated. They, the subordinates, had to express their opinions. More importantly, they all had family and friends. Xu Enzeng was playing with fire and was not afraid of burning himself.

Zuo Xuechen paused with his wine glass, section chief? His grandson really gave him a surprise.

Shen Dongxin put down his chopsticks. Zuo Zhong and his men were so murderous and had such a loud tone that even departments like the Party Headquarters Investigation Room didn't look down on them.

Zuo Zhongqiang suppressed his anger and turned to ask his father Zuo Shanwen: "Father, did Duoduo join an underground organization in school? Even if he did, it wouldn't be a big deal, but I have to know."

Zuo Shanwen shook his head: "You still don't know Duoduo's character. She likes to run to crowded places. Some of her classmates think our family is powerful and are willing to take her with them. It's just a child's play."

Zuo Jun interjected: "Those female students are not simple. They run out all day long to give speeches and distribute leaflets. They always use their little girls as cover, but when they really discuss important matters, they avoid Zuo Duo."

This was the first time Zuo Shanwen and his wife knew about this matter. Mei Huizhen glared at her younger son angrily. Zuo Jun was so frightened that he shrank his neck and sat up straight.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong made a judgment in his mind. Regardless of whether those female students were underground members or not, Zuo Duo's identity determined that she would not be easily accepted. It seemed that she was just messing around, and there was no big deal.

But he also noticed one thing. Why didn't his always tough grandfather come forward? Otherwise, let alone the investigation room of the Ningbo Party Headquarters, even the people from the Zhejiang Party Headquarters would not dare to be so presumptuous.

Although his grandfather Zuo Xuechen did not enter the officialdom, he had old friends and business partners throughout the Republic of China. Many people received his help. During the Northern Expedition, the Zuo family also donated valuable materials.

There is also my father, Zuo Shanwen, who had been involved in the revolution with the former president and had connections in various government offices in Jinling. However, this time he asked his uncle to handle it. Could it be that there was something he didn't know about?

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong's expression returned to normal, and he waved his hands to his men: "Okay, there is light, Lao Gu, today is a family banquet, so don't talk about these unhappy things. Let's eat and drink well."

Zuo Xuechen looked at Zuo Zhong's reaction and felt very satisfied. After all, he had suffered a setback in his official career. It was understandable that he suddenly changed his mind just now because of his family. However, solving problems cannot be based on a moment of courage. He must stay calm and plan carefully.

 In order to ease the atmosphere, everyone intentionally talked about some light and interesting things, especially Shen Dongxin's French jokes, which were the most popular. Zuo Shanwen also talked about something he had witnessed with his own eyes.

"Zuo Mou encountered an incident in the French Concession in Shanghai. An Englishman accidentally fell into the Huangpu River and shouted for help in English, but no one paid attention to him. He was about to drown. Someone shouted Tell him in French! The British had to shout ausecours (help), and six French gentlemen jumped down and rescued him. "Haha."

 The people at the table were laughing to the point of tears. Seeing Zuo Xuechen, who always pays attention to eating but not sleeping, they all laughed out loud. It seems that no matter where they are, the French people have such clear thinking.

 The banquet finally ended in a joyful atmosphere after twists and turns. Gu Qi and others left first. They knew that the Zuo family had something to discuss, and He Yijun was taken away by Mei Huizhen.

As everyone left, the Zuo family's ancestors and grandson walked to the study. The housekeeper stood at the door to prevent anyone from eavesdropping. Zuo Xuechen and Zuo Shanwen were silent, waiting for Zuo Zhong's explanation. They all understood now that Zuo Zhong Zuo Zhong was definitely not working in any police station, and how his section chief came to be. These all needed to be told by Zuo Zhong himself.

Zuo Zhong has also decided to tell the truth about his affairs and must persuade the Zuo family to leave Ningbo as soon as possible, not only for the sake of future wars, but also to avoid being pinched by Xu Enzeng and his like.

He first poured a cup of tea for his grandfather and father, and then said: "I met my teacher Dai Chunfeng when I was in the police academy. He is a confidant of the Chairman of the Standing Committee and serves as the director of the Secret Service. The main job of the Secret Service is to be responsible for counterintelligence, Investigation and assassination matters.

The teacher felt that I was a promising talent, so he recommended me to join the Secret Service and gave me a nickname. Then I led a team to investigate some espionage cases, and was promoted to captain of the intelligence section several times. "

Zuo Xuechen's face was solemn. It sounded like the Secret Service was the imperial guard of the former Ming Dynasty. He was familiar with history and knew that these people would not end well, such as Mao Xiang, Jiang Qi, etc. When the superiors needed them, these people were their ministers, and when they were not needed Just throw it away like worn shoes, because only the dead can keep secrets.

Zuo Shanwen even slammed the table: "Zuo Zhong, is that Dai Chunfeng using his power to force you to go to some secret service? I have a few friends who are working next to the Chairman. I will call them immediately to ask them to transfer you. Tell the truth, have you ever killed anyone or done anything bad?”

There were some things that he couldn't ask in detail. Assassinations in the Republic of China were too common. Both the south and the north liked to use this method to settle disputes. All forces except the underground party had done this.

Zuo Zhong had a clear conscience about this: "I have killed, but the people I killed were all national scum and traitors and lackeys. Father, I remember you said that a gentleman will stop doing things if he doesn't act like a villain."

For the benefit of the country and nation, someone must do these things. You cannot stop taking correct actions just because of other people's opinions. Please father understand his son's difficulties. "

Zuo Shanwen looked at him with mixed feelings. He had never seen such a Zuo Zhong. He was tough, iron-blooded, decisive, and at the same time had his own persistence. It seemed that his son had really grown up.

Zuo Xuechen listened to the conversation between father and son and said leisurely: "We will talk about these things later. Zuo Zhong, do you have anything to tell us? And does your sister have anything to do with you?"

Zuo Zhong didn't expect his grandfather to be so keen and nodded: "The Secret Service is affiliated to the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission. It is the second branch and there is also a secret service headquarters. There are some conflicts between the two sides. One branch is with Director Chen, and the Party Headquarters Investigation Office is even more... Director Chen’s direct descendant, I suspect this matter is related to one.”

Zuo Xuechen stroked his beard: "I knew this matter was not simple, so I didn't let your father get involved. Now it seems that this is a drunkard's intention and not the wine. Besides, what else do you have to say? "

Zuo Zhong suddenly realized that his grandfather had noticed something was wrong a long time ago. No wonder the family did not come forward. He couldn't help but sigh at the old man's shrewdness. In this case, he could say some things directly.

“Grandfather, father, the relationship between China and Japan is now tense. The government is retreating again and again. The Japanese people’s ambitions can no longer be restrained. It could be as short as one or two years or as long as three or four years. There will be a war between the two sides.

As the hometown of the chairman of the committee, and located on the coast, Ningbo will definitely be a priority target for the Japanese. How will my Zuo family deal with themselves then? Do we want to be obedient citizens under Japanese rule?

 In addition, I have captured many Japanese spies in the Secret Service. The Japanese are eager to get rid of me. Once they know my details, I am afraid that even my grandfather, aunts and uncles will be implicated. "

Zuo Xuechen knew the seriousness of the situation. This old man who had experienced the previous dynasty, the military government, and the Republic of China had long seen the tense situation between China and Japan. If the two countries went to war, they would definitely fight to pieces. His face showed A hint of heaviness.

After thinking for a long time, he asked Zuo Zhong: "Do you have any plans? If so, just tell me."

Zuo Zhong said categorically: "Chong'er was born outside, and Shen Sheng died inside! Let's move our family overseas and spread our branches, waiting for the situation to change!"

Zuo Xuechen and Zuo Shanwen were stunned. Did things really have to come to this point? It was hard to leave their homeland, and they were a little hesitant.

"The Abnormal Collector" is a very good book, highly recommended.



 (End of this chapter)

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