Cicada Moving

Chapter 171: Zuo Duo (last day to vote)

Chapter 171 Zuo Duo (last day to vote)

As soon as Zuo Zhong walked into the house, he heard a cry and saw that his sister Zuo Duo was being chased by his grandfather all over the yard. What was going on?

Zuo Duo saw his elder brother coming back, and ran up behind Zuo Chong, pulled his clothes, stretched out his head and secretly looked at the angry grandfather.

Zuo Xuechen held a ruler in his hand and was panting from exhaustion. He put his hands on his knees, pointed at Zuo Duo who was making a face, and said sadly.

“What is the family motto of our Zuo family? We don’t listen to what is going on outside the window, we only read books by saints, we don’t study hard at school, and we read books about the underground party all day long. You are going to **** me off!”

  Oh, so that’s what happened. Zuo Zhong understood. The police station was warned by the Jinling Police Department and stopped. The old man is now settling accounts after the fall, but Zuo Duo really should educate him.

It doesn’t matter whether she has read the banned books of the underground party. What is important is that she should learn to protect herself and her family and not be so willful.

Zuo Zhong turned around, wanting to reprimand him, but looking at the playful Zuo Duo, Smiling Tiger finally felt soft in his heart. His sister had loved to pester him since she was a child. The relationship between the three siblings was very good, so he let Zuo Zhong Gui Youguang protects her.

He had no choice but to pretend to be angry, turned his back to Zuo Xuechen and winked at his sister: "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you go over and help grandfather."

Zuo Duo knew that her elder brother was acting to plead for her, so she obediently walked to Zuo Xuechen and helped the old man obediently, her eyes watery.

Zuo Xuechen looked at the double act between the brother and sister and snorted coldly: "Just protect her. If you can protect her for a while, you can protect her for the rest of her life. Isn't she a student who can take care of national affairs? If she doesn't study hard, the whole life will be ruined." If you hang out with those unscrupulous people, you will get into trouble sooner or later."

Zuo Zhong understood what Zuo Xuechen said made sense. A simple child like Zuo Duo could easily be taken advantage of, and the whole family might be affected.

 But adolescent children are impulsive and stubborn. Punishment alone is of no use. She must be made to understand the seriousness of the matter.

Zuo Zhong walked to the other side of the old man, supported him, and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, I'll talk to Zuo Duo later, and you can calm down."

Zuo Xuechen saw Zuo Zhong's firm eyes and sighed. He was so concerned about this matter, wasn't it because of Zuo Zhong's consideration, as his official career was dangerous.

He lowered his head, looked at the silent Zuo Duo, and said earnestly: "In the future, if you want to read a book, read it at home and don't take it to school. If this matter gets serious, it will affect your elder brother. His current position is very important. There are a lot of opponents watching him."

Zuo Chong was happy and persuaded with a smile: "Zuo Duo is still a child. She won't understand if you tell her this. I will handle it well."

After finishing speaking, he asked Zuo Duo: "Little sister, do you have any thoughts after reading those books, or do you have any plans of your own? Say it boldly and safely."

His words confirmed that Zuo Duo had read those books, which was a cliché technique, but Zuo Duo didn't realize it and started talking excitedly.

“I read Das Kapital, the Manifesto, and some articles about the French Revolution. Do you know Mr. De and Mr. Sai?”

Zuo Zhong smiled and said nothing. Of course he knew, but it was a bit sensitive for him to say these words in his capacity, so he motioned for Zuo Duo to continue.

Zuo Duo said with admiration: "If you want to save the nation and the country from the fire, you must hold high these two flags and enlighten the wisdom of your compatriots."

Zuo Xuechen couldn't help but get angry again after hearing this. Zuo Duo's words were exactly what he said, save. These two words are easier said than done. He has heard countless people say this, but in the end, the Republic of China is still the Republic of China. , no changes.

Zuo Dian nodded and asked again: "Did someone give you these books? You can invite them to our house. Big brother wants to meet them."

Zuo Duo glanced at Zuo Zhong suspiciously, and then said in frustration: "They said that our family is exploiters and they are unwilling to study with me. The books I bought with money were lent to my classmates."

Zuo Xuechen had veins popping up on his forehead and said: "Exploiters, how could I have exploited you? No one in Ningbo knows that our Zuo family is the most kind owner.

Without our family’s property, where would you have the money to buy books for others to read? From today on, all your monthly money will be stopped. Do you hear me? "

"I know, grandpa." Zuo Duo couldn't help but grimace when he thought that he was going to become a pauper.

Zuo Zhong helped Zuo Xuechen into the house and patted his back. There was something wrong with what the old man said. The exploiters were class. Even if the Zuo family treated their employees well, they could not change this.

The doctrines Zuo Duo heard from hearsay also cannot represent the true attitude of the underground party. Patriotic national capitalists are still very welcome there. It seems that we need to make it clear to Zuo Duo.

Helping Zuo Xuechen sit down, Zuo Zhong waved his hand for Zuo Duo to sit down as well. After thinking for a while, he said: "You are free to read any books and believe in any ideas, no matter whether they are deviant or not in the eyes of others. Grandfather, please don’t worry.”

Hearing what Zuo Zhong said, Zuo Xuechen was about to blow his beard and glare again, but was stopped by Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong saw that Zuo Duo was listening carefully and continued: "As for whether the two gentlemen you mentioned can change everything, I don't know, but I believe history will give us an answer, and you can start from yourself and become a People who are useful to the nation-state, such as scientists and engineers.

No matter when, construction and development will be the mainstream, because our country is too far behind the European and American powers. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and you cannot reach a thousand miles without taking small steps. Do you know what this sentence means? What do you think the elder brother said? Whether it makes sense or not, we can discuss it. "

Zuo Duo thought about it for a long time and felt that what his elder brother said seemed to make sense, but when he thought about what those classmates said, his mind was a little confused for a while.

Zuo Zhong touched her head when he saw this: "Stop thinking about it. You can go to school now and invite those classmates to our home. I have something to ask them."

Zuo Duo thought about it for a moment, decided to trust his elder brother, and nodded: "Okay, I'll go now. Brother, you must not arrest them."


"Ha ha ha ha."

The one who snorted coldly was Zuo Xuechen, and the one who laughed was Zuo Zhong. The little guy looked down on him too much. If he wanted to arrest someone, there was no point in asking Zuo Duo to come forward.

Zuo Zhong had a smile on his face: "Okay, brother, I promise you that I will never embarrass your classmates. I will ask you, brother Gui, to bring a few people to invite them." Zuo Duo followed Gui Youguang and Zuo Zhong had a slow smile on his face. He slowly disappeared and looked at Zuo Xuechen: "Grandpa, I think someone is trying to tease Zuo Duo. This trick of playing hard to get is quite good. It seems that there are more than one group of people targeting our family. I will entertain those students later. By the way, where is my father?”

Zuo Xuechen felt more and more that it was right to leave. The current situation was chaotic, monsters and ghosts appeared, and the family's relocation had to be accelerated.

He sighed and said, "I went to your grandfather's house with your mother to discuss the relocation. Please pay attention to your temper later and don't hurt the harmony."

Of course Zuo Zhong will not take action at home. Students who can go to a girls' school are more or less connected. In addition, the folks in the hometown will be pointed at and scolded if they really want to take action.

More than an hour later, Zuo Zhong, who was chatting with He Yijun, heard the sound of a car. He stood up and looked outside. Several cars were slowly parking in the courtyard. Before the car could stop, a group of chirping female students got out of the car. After getting out of the car, he pointed at Zuo's house and said something with different expressions on his face.

He Yijun walked up to him and said, "Are these Duoduo's classmates? They are so young and innocent."

Zuo Zhong sneered: "You are indeed young, if you are innocent, then you can't say for sure, haha."

After saying that, he walked out of the room directly, with a sunny smile on his face. He waved to Zuo Duo, who had just got off the car: "Duoduo, these are your classmates, right? Come on, the servants have already prepared the meals. You Take your classmates to the restaurant first."

“Mr. Zuo, no need, you asked Zuo Duo to invite us members of the Patriotic Pioneer Corps, didn’t you just treat us to dinner?” A girl with a mushroom head suddenly stood up, her tone aggressive.

Zuo Zhong ignored her, and the smile on his face became even warmer. He said to the girls behind the mushroom head: "You are welcome, I asked someone to prepare French chocolates, they are really delicious."

The female students swallowed, chocolate was a rare luxury, but the group leader didn't say anything, so they didn't dare to act without authorization.

Seeing that he was being ignored, Mushroom Head flushed with anger: "Mr. Zuo, why don't you answer my question? If you are unwilling to communicate with me, then let's just leave and say goodbye."

After saying that, they wanted to lead people away from Zuo's house. The female students looked at each other and had to raise their feet to follow the leader and leave, but they felt a little unhappy.

“Zuo Duo, take your classmates in quickly and bring out those tropical fruits. Don’t be polite, classmates. I let you come this time simply because I want to meet Duo Duo’s good friends.

I have long heard from my sister that her friends are all talented and beautiful. I didn’t believe it at the time, but today I saw that it is indeed the case. We in Ningbo are full of outstanding people. Please have a good time today. "

Zuo Zhong did not stop Mushroom Tou, but instead flattered the female students. When they were young, they were very concerned about the attention of others, especially the praise from the opposite sex.

Zuo Zhongyin's tailor-made black cashmere coat, with the aura of having been in a high position for a long time, is naturally pleasing to the eyes of the female students. Being praised by such a member of the opposite sex, they all blushed.

Mushroom Head took two steps and found that there were fewer people following her. When she looked back, she almost got angry to death. Most of the people stopped again. She immediately screamed: "Are you leaving or not? If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave." Then he is a member of the Patriotic Pioneers."

  The female students hesitated again after being threatened by her. They still cared about this status. This status represented advanced thinking and was very respectable among their classmates.

“If the Patriotic Pioneer Group is this kind of group that forces others to do so, I don’t want to join. Zuo Duo, please invite the students who are willing to stay to the restaurant.

 It doesn't matter if you don't want to. Now is the Republic of China, and everything is about freedom and democracy. It's just that you are not allowed to use the name of the Zuo family anymore. "

Hearing this, Mushroom Tou's face was filled with uncertainty. If the Zuo family's reputation was gone, the police station would definitely not be merciful, and she would be in danger.

Zuo Zhong observed all this, the smile on his face became brighter, it was interesting.

 There are extra words from the author.

It doesn’t matter if you have monthly votes, but if you don’t have one, it doesn’t matter. I’m being chased for more than a thousand votes in one day, and I can’t stand it anymore. For the sake of the party and the country, help my brothers.

Shen Dongxin thought about what he just said: "Then how did you deal with it and report it to the school?"

Brother Jianchu said matter-of-factly: "I expressed my opposition on the spot. Everything cannot be absolute."

Shen Dongxin covered his face. With the pride of the French, this nerd will suffer a big loss.

Sure enough, Brother Jianchu said in a low mood: "Now I have been temporarily suspended from classes until the instructor deems it appropriate to resume classes."

Shen Dongxin was helpless. He was not the principal, so all he could do was comfort this big brother.

He patted the other party on the shoulder: "You are a publicly funded international student appointed by the chairman of the committee. The school should save some face."

Brother Jianchu smiled bitterly: "A weak country has no face. It is said that because of the war situation in North China, the school will reduce the credits of Chinese students."

Shen Dongxin's heart skipped a beat and his face turned pale: "Brother, it doesn't matter that you are the number one in your major, but I should be persuaded to quit."

Brother Jianchu didn’t take it seriously and said, “Who asked you to attend other professional courses all day long? If it doesn’t work, go find a Japanese student and fight.”

Shen Dongxin didn’t understand what this had to do with fighting.

Brother Jianchu also made a joke: "It's better to be expelled than to persuade someone to quit. If word spreads, you are being punished for the sake of national integrity. You are not shabby."

This time it was Shen Dongxin who was thoughtful, his eyes shining.



 (End of this chapter)

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