Cicada Moving

Chapter 172: Shameless

Chapter 172 Shamelessness

When it comes to guessing people's hearts, more than a hundred mushroom heads can't compare to one Zuo Zhong. No matter how impassioned she speaks, she can't hide her purpose of using the power of the Zuo family to protect herself.

Facing Zuo Zhong’s scorn, Mushroom Tou suppressed his anger and showed a forced smile amidst the surprise of all the members: “Well, I’m sorry for bothering you.”

He Yijun was observing from the side and found that what Zuo Zhong said was really good. These students now have so many tricks up their sleeves. It was a pity that they met Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Duo seemed to see Mushroom Head clearly for the first time. Growing up in a family like the Zuo family, how could he not know that people's hearts are sinister under the influence of his ears and eyes? He used to just lie to himself, until today.

Zuo Zhong saw this scene and did not comfort her. Some things must be experienced by oneself before he can understand. His Zuo Zhong's sister cannot be so fragile. It seems that he can rest assured in the future.

Some of the female students were confused, and some saw something, but did not speak. They silently followed the pale Zuo Duo into the restaurant. The luxurious decoration inside dazzled everyone.

However, when they saw the table full of tropical fruits and chocolates, most of the female students cheered. It is not easy to eat fruits in this season, and only a few of them stayed calm.

Zuo Chong watched with cold eyes. Except for the mushroom heads, the remaining people were plainly dressed. They did not have any decorations on their hands and necks. They did not even wear the cross of the church school.

These talents are the backbone of this patriotic pioneer group. Zuo Zhong made a judgment. At this time, Gui Youguang walked into the restaurant, handed him a document bag, whispered a few words to him, and then left. This caused a stir. Attention of everyone present.

Zuo Zhong noticed that Mushroom Head glanced at him, and nodded to Zuo Duo: "I'll go to the study room, and you can entertain your classmates. I'll come back during dinner, and I'll ask Yijun to accompany you, okay?"

At this time, Zuo Duo's face looked better: "Okay, big brother, then I'll trouble Sister Yijun."

He Yijun smiled gently and said: "It's okay, it just allows me to relive my school days."

Zuo Zhong nodded to everyone, and then disappeared from everyone's eyes. The female students breathed a sigh of relief. Brother Zuo Duo's aura was so scary, and he didn't know what he did.

The happiest person after Zuo Zhong left was Mushroom Head. She always felt that she seemed to be a transparent person in front of brother Zuo Duo. Whatever she thought and did, it seemed that the other party would guess her.

 A student asked Zuo Duo: "What does your brother do? It's scary. Is he a soldier?"

He Yijun stood aside silently. Zuo Duo didn't know their identities, but some details couldn't be revealed. For example, they all had guns. Professional intelligence personnel could analyze a lot of information from this sentence, which would leak identities. possible, she was ready to interrupt Zuo Duo at any time.

Zuo Duo smiled calmly: "No way, he is just a small bureaucrat in the yamen. He is used to giving orders. Don't mind it."

The classmates were suddenly enlightened after hearing her words, and then they felt that there was something different about Zuo Duo, but they didn't realize where it was, so they focused their attention on the fruit. Only Mushroom Tou and the others could hear that Zuo Duo's tone was polite and distant.

He Yijun glanced at her. It was a very suitable reason and excuse. The information was vague and there was a hint of truth among the lies, making it difficult for people to distinguish. After this incident, Zuo Duo has grown up and is a smart child.

At this time, Zuo Zhong brought Gui Youguang back to the study. After closing the door, he opened the document bag and took out a document, which contained intelligence information on Mushroom Head and all members of the Patriotic Pioneer Group.

“My current name is Liu Juan, my original name is Liu Zhaodi? She is the child bride of a small landowner in the countryside? She defrauded her husband of a sum of money and ran away to Ningbo with a traitor from the peasant association?”

Zuo Zhong thought that this mushroom head was an old Jianghu, but he did not expect that his background was so complicated, so he asked: "She is a talent, but how did she get into a girls' school? To study there, you need a guarantor, that traitor from the Peasants Association It can’t be done.”

Gui Youguang pointed to the document bag: "Here is a record of the interrogation of underground party member Liu Juan by the party investigation room, as well as Liu Juan's confession."

Zuo Zhong was surprised. He didn't expect that Liu Juan really had an underground party background and had been arrested. She was also a traitor. No wonder she could get along well among these students. She was a professional spy.

But why is she looking for Zuo Duo as a talisman? If he were a member of the party investigation room, he would definitely operate this intelligence channel with all his strength. The leader of a progressive organization deserves great efforts to protect him.

He took out all the documents and read them one by one. When Liu Juan was still called Liu Zhaodi, she actively participated in farmers' organizations and performed well. Unfortunately, she got the wrong person and hooked up with a political opportunist. Liu Zhaodi defrauded her husband's family of a large sum of money, and after arriving in Ningbo, he sold her to the party investigation office for a declaration of surrender.

Hateful people must have pity, but she shouldn't pay attention to the Zuo family. After reading it, Zuo Zhong picked up the document and shook it: "Where did this information come from? How much did it cost? It's not cheap, right?" ?”

Gui Youguang chuckled: "I knew I couldn't hide it from the section chief. A team leader in the party investigation office specializes in reselling information. These things are very cheap. They only cost less than a hundred yuan. You have to reimburse me."

 No wonder Liu Juan wanted to hang Zuo Duo. She knew very well that those people didn't pay attention to her at all. If she was caught, she could only rely on the power of the Zuo family to escape. People in the party investigation room would not make efforts to save her.

Zuo Zhong was not too happy. The importance of an informant who can lurk into the leadership of a progressive organization cannot be measured by money. Moreover, if you can buy it with light, the Japanese can certainly buy it.

The Secret Service Headquarters and the Party Headquarters Investigation Office are all the same. They don’t do the actual business, they spend all day scheming with their teammates, and they don’t even know they have been infiltrated into a sieve. This time it’s even worse, the team leader has turned into an intelligence dealer.

Looking at the intelligence next, it turns out that Zuo Duo was entangled by the secret agents because of Liu Juan's plan. One person pretended to be a white face, and the other person pretended to be a red face. This woman was very good at coaxing Zuo Duo around and defrauded a lot of funds.

Liu Juan, Party Headquarters Investigation Office, Xu Enzeng, and maybe the Bureau. Zuo Zhong closed his eyes and thought for a while, and decided to do something. If this thing is completed, it will be enough for Director Chen's department to drink a pot.

Zuo Zhong threw the document on the table and lit a cigarette: "I need her to do one more thing. Depending on how the situation develops, you are always ready to arrest Liu Juan and execute her directly after making a record." The one who reaches out to the Zuo family is still a spy hidden in the underground party's peripheral organizations in the party investigation room. This woman cannot be kept. I hope she can be smarter in her next life. There are some people she cannot offend.

Gui Youguang didn't understand, and made a downward gesture with his hand and asked: "It's the entire Patriotic Pioneer Group. Isn't that a bit cruel?"

Zuo Zhong picked up a document and threw it at him: "You are eating from the Second Division and working for the First Division. Do you want the director to praise you?"

Gui Youguang dodged it nimbly, his eyes showed a sly expression and he said: "Okay, I understand, find a place where no one is around and knock him out directly, and arrest and execute him secretly."

Leo Dian nodded: "You take charge of it yourself. Do things in a high-profile manner and handle things in a low-key manner. Do you know the standards?"

Gui Youguang grinned: "You won't see anyone alive, and you won't see a body after death. Don't worry, I know it well."

Looking at the nightfall outside the window, Zuo Zhong felt that the time was almost up. He carefully put the documents into the safe and prepared to go to the restaurant to see what tricks this woman Liu Zhaodi would come up with.

Gui Youguang was behind him and asked curiously: "Section Chief, you just said that you asked that woman to do something. What is it specifically?"

Zuo Zhong stopped and patted his shoulder: "Curiosity killed the cat, do you know what it means? Curiosity killed the cat."

Gui Youguang shut his mouth tightly. He didn't want to become a curious dead cat. He wondered in his mind what the section chief wanted this woman for. Was he going to stab her again?

The two of them arrived outside the restaurant and heard the laughter and laughter inside. It seemed that the atmosphere was good. Zuo Zhong knocked on the door. When he walked in, the female students had regained their reserve and their postures were elegant.

Zuo Zhong smiled at them: "I'm sorry. I have something to do just now. Everyone, please take your seats. I specially asked the chef to make some snacks that girls like to eat. I hope all the students will be satisfied."

The female students sat down one by one, and the servants brought up exquisite Jiangnan snacks one after another. Looking at the exquisitely selected snacks and beautifully made snacks, the guests showed curious expressions.

Zuo Zhong focused on Liu Juan and the few backbones. Liu Juan's expression was disdainful, but there was a flash of jealousy in her eyes.

Those backbones had clear eyes. They were just curious and showed no negative emotions. This was a normal reaction.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. A true underground party must have a noble personality. A bumbling and vain opportunist like Liu Juan will never become an underground party.

At this time, Liu Juan suddenly said loudly in a disdainful tone: "No matter how beautiful these things are, they are all made of people's fat and people's paste. Sisters, don't eat them. We only need a bowl of white porridge."

These words were righteous and awe-inspiring, but there was an indescribable ferocity on her face, which startled the other female students. They didn't know whether to eat the half-eaten snack or put it down.

Zuo Chongle made a sound. He didn't want to talk to Liu Zhaodi, but she came to him. This was great, as it gave him a chance to get angry.

 He ​​slapped the table and glared angrily: "I invite you all to be my guests so that you can take care of Zuo Duo at school, but you have repeatedly provoked and insulted my Zuo family, which is really rude."

 Speaking of this, his eyes were gloomy: "I don't know where the Zuo family has offended you. You can leave at any time, but before you leave, spit out the ocean dollars that Zuo Duo gave you. You can't miss a penny."

Everyone was shocked, especially the few female students who looked at Liu Juan with doubtful eyes. They had not heard Liu Juan talk about this matter, and the Patriotic Pioneer Group had no use for the money.

Liu Juan didn't expect that Zuo Duo's brother would actually say this. What happened to her taking some money? For rich people like them, does that little money count? I'm afraid it's not enough to pay for tonight's meal.

She gritted her teeth, stared and said wildly: "You are so slanderous, who can prove that I took Zuo Duo's money? Your Zuo family has money, but it is all ill-gotten wealth obtained through exploitation.

Everyone, don’t listen to this person’s false accusations. I can swear to God that I, Liu Juan, did not take any money. If I tell a lie, I will be struck by lightning and die badly. You must believe me. "

The students looked at Liu Juan, who was so steadfast in her vows, and began to have doubts in their hearts. Only Zuo Duo bit her lip and was about to cry. She didn't expect that the leader she had always admired could be so shameless.

Zuo Zhong signaled Gui Youguang outside the door to calm down, took a sip of wine, and said slowly: "Don't you know that all the banks and businesses in Ningbo are friendly with my Zuo family, even mine.

You must have spent those US dollars. If I release your photo, do you think anyone will remember that there was a young girl who took a large sum of US dollars? Are you still complaining now? "

Liu Juan stopped chattering. She didn’t know whether she was frightened or angry, her face turned pale, and finally she said angrily: "Your Zuo family is rich and powerful, and I, a little girl, can't compete with you."

Watching her leave in a hurry, Zuo Zhong smiled and picked up his chopsticks: "Don't let inexplicable people spoil your mood. The truth will come out one day. You are still young. You should be careful when making friends and don't cause trouble to your family and friends. trouble."

The key members of the vanguard group were thoughtful.

 (End of this chapter)

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