Cicada Moving

Chapter 173: The twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month

Chapter 173 The 29th of the twelfth lunar month

After that night, Zuo Duo never went to school again. Zuo Duo's mother, Mei Huizhen, was so angry when she found out about the whole incident that she insisted on asking the police station to arrest her.

Zuo Xuechen and Zuo Shanwen didn't pay too much attention to it, and they had to admit their mistakes. These things were caused by Zuo Duo's own misunderstanding of people, and they couldn't blame others.

Now I was just defrauded of a sum of money. If Zuo Zhong hadn't discovered it, I might have made a bigger mistake in the future, and it would be too late to regret it by then.

As for Liu Juan, of course she did not pay back the money. After all, Zuo Duo left no evidence when he gave her the money. What Zuo Zhong said was indeed to scare her.

It's not worth paying so many favors for such a small amount of money. At worst, you don't have enough money to save your life. Liu Juan's whereabouts are under the surveillance of the Intelligence Department.

The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, and the city of Ningbo is becoming more and more lively. The markets and shops attract people from surrounding towns and villages. The Japanese tomb robbers have kept a low profile a lot, and the work of checking out the locations has also stopped. It is possible that the location of the ancient tombs has been changed. confirmed.

In addition to familiarizing himself with the intelligence on Japanese spy suspects sent from Mount Putuo every day, Zuo Zhong spent the rest of his time at Wu Chunyang's surveillance point, because several parties cooperating in tomb robberies would meet at any time.

On the twenty-ninth year of the year, until night, it was another fruitless day. Zuo Zhong cooked several large bowls of Yangchun noodles and ate at a small table with his men in the dark. Everyone was starving.

Wu Chunyang sucked in a big lump of noodles and exclaimed with satisfaction: "It's so comfortable. Section Chief, your craftsmanship is really good. Who did you learn it from?"

Of course I learned it from my previous life. He ran an office by himself and his income was very irregular. If he had money, he would go to restaurants, but if he didn't have money, he would make enough food and clothing by himself.

Zuo Zhong took a sip of the soup and wiped the sweat from his head: "I'm self-taught, let's not talk about this for now. You can rest first after eating. I will be on duty until ten o'clock and leave the rest to you. Is there any problem with the operation?" "

There were other agents. Wu Chunyang didn't say much, but simply said: "No problem. I have discussed the timing of entry, concealment plan, attack instructions, and division of labor with Song Minghao."

Zuo Zhong glanced at his subordinates who were eating, and made a gesture to Wu Chunyang. The two found a corner and talked about the specific plan. Wu Chunyang reported: "Tomorrow, a small number of people will continue to watch here, and the rest will disguise themselves." , start entering the scene in batches in advance, and hide in groups of three, with the distance from each other not exceeding 200 meters. This distance is the best distance for action and cooperation. Any further away will make it difficult to communicate. "

Zuo Zhong didn’t express any opinions. He said he would let them go and let them do it. Then he would really let them go.

At this moment, a few bright lights illuminated the dark room through the window. A car was coming. Zuo Zhong silenced everyone, walked quickly to the side of the window, opened the curtains and looked at the target.

 The agents put down their bowls gently, took out their weapons, and prepared themselves quietly.

 In the blurry night, a person called open the target's courtyard door, and then the two parties met in the courtyard. Relying on the faint light, a familiar face appeared in Zuo Zhong's eyes.

Takikawa Bunta, the president of the Japan Chamber of Commerce, ran to the slums alone and was talking to the tomb robbers. He might have mentioned something important. Takigawa Bunta excitedly pointed at him and was so powerful that the tomb robbers kept bending down. Apologize.

Zuo Zhong asked Wu Chunyang in a low voice: "Did you see it? The facial features were clearly photographed. This is evidence."

After a while, the two groups stopped talking. Takikawa Bunta walked into the big room first and disappeared from the surveillance field of view. Wu Chunyang put down the camera in his hand with a look of regret on his face.

He recalled the scene just now and frowned: "Section Chief, the brightness of the environment just now was too low and the camera couldn't take anything. How about I take someone to drive to the yard and wait until Takikawa Bunta comes out and take a clear picture?" One thing, I’m sure of it.”

“This is an ordinary residential area, and cars are still a bit too conspicuous. The Japanese can care less about other people’s attention, but we can’t.” Zuo Zhong shook his head.

 The target shouldn't be out for a while. Zuo Zhong whispered: "Everyone disarms their equipment and rest immediately. Wu Chunyang will take over after 10 o'clock."


Zuo Zhong watched his men sleeping with their clothes on. He glanced at his watch in the moonlight and turned his head to continue monitoring the target. It was already six o'clock in the evening. He didn't know how long this group of people would stay. There were also Japanese spies and mysterious middlemen. Will it come? Zuo Zhong moved a chair and sat by the window to wait.

The clock in the living room is ticking, and the agents of the Intelligence Division have fallen asleep. After so many actual combats, everyone has rich experience. They sleep more when they have the opportunity. Once the mission starts, you don’t know when you will sleep next.

Listening to the deliberately suppressed snoring, Zuo Zhong turned his attention to the streets near his target. There were a few urchins playing with bamboo fireworks. They were rubbing the red bamboo pieces with one end on the ground, and the bamboo pieces burst out. A bunch of sparks.

This little game is mostly played by children from poor families, but it is a bit dangerous and can easily ignite residential areas where garbage accumulates. If parents see this, they will inevitably get a beating.

Sure enough, just as Zuo Zhong thought of this, he saw a woman coming out of the house. She saw the children playing with bamboo fireworks and ran out with a broom. The urchins fled in fright.

 “Haha, I told you to be naughty.”

Zuo Zhong had a smile on his face and turned the telescope in other directions. There were women cooking on the honeycomb stove and men sitting on the threshold chatting. The chaos was full of the flavor of life.

Looking at the peaceful street, the clock chimed eight times. Zuo Zhong, who was a little sleepy, shook his head, took a sip of cold water, and suddenly became energetic. He opened his eyes wide and continued to observe the surrounding area. A man who came home late was walking skillfully through the streets with his briefcase under his arm. A beggar was resting in the lee of the wind. Zuo Zhong took one look and turned away, but after a while he returned his gaze to the beggar. Something seems wrong.

The light was dim, and Zuo Zhong couldn't see his face clearly. He could only roughly distinguish the other party's movements. This man was facing the intersection, leaning half of his body against the wall motionless. He looked no different from the beggars on the street, but the other party's Where's the luggage?

Beggars eat wherever they go, and the furoshiki they carry is their home. However, Zuo Zhong looked at it many times and found that the beggar only had a stick and a broken bowl with his furoshiki.

 Or just out to beg for food? The weather was so cold that it was impossible to sleep outside the house. It was reasonable to have a fixed resting place, but Zuo Zhong still kept this suspicious beggar in mind.

When the hour hand turned to nine o'clock, Wu Chunyang suddenly opened his eyes in his sleep, propped up his upper body with his left hand, grabbed the weapon with his right hand, and immediately wanted to roll towards the open space. He felt someone approaching.

"Chunyang, get up quickly, there's a situation." It was Zuo Zhong's voice that was deliberately lowered, not that of an enemy.

Wu Chunyang got excited, slowed down and slowly climbed up. By this time, Zuo Zhong had returned to the window. He rubbed his eyes and walked over quickly.

“Section Chief, what’s going on?” Wu Chunyang narrowed his eyes. Everyone was very tired during this period.

Zuo Zhong stretched out a finger and pointed at the beggar in the leeward position: "He has maintained this posture for at least an hour and a half. I suspect there is something wrong here, but the suspicious target in Putuo Mountain may have seen me, so I can only let you go. Take a look."

Wu Chunyang stared at the other party for a long time, but he didn't move. He nodded: "Yes, I can go alone. Is it reconnaissance or arrest?"

Zuo Zhong said categorically: "Only reconnaissance, no contact, not even eye contact."

Wu Chunyang rubbed the clothes on his body a little, which was in line with the tired state he had just got off work. He also had a hopeless expression on his face, and slowly walked out of the surveillance point step by step with his waist raised.

Looking at his state, Zuo Zhong nodded secretly, turned around and stared in the direction of the beggar. After a few minutes, Wu Chunyang, who had deliberately made a large circle, moved over from the intersection. There was nothing unusual.

 “This boy is really good.”

Wu Chunyang played a worker who came home late so vividly that Zuo Zhong couldn't help but praise him in a low voice.

Wu Chunyang, who was in the distance, did not look away and walked along the right side of the road towards the beggar. When he passed by, he did not make any stop and left naturally.

 After he left, the beggar raised his head slightly and then lowered it quickly. Zuo Zhong saw this move and his eyes lit up with joy.

After a while, Wu Chunyang walked back to the surveillance point from another road. As soon as he entered the door, he couldn't wait to ask: "Section Chief, there was something wrong with that person just now. His clothes were very shabby, but the soles of his shoes were very clean. Who should have set up the surveillance point?" The secret whistle.”

Zuo Zhong pointed at the target: "You made a lot of noise while walking just now. This beggar didn't react at all when you passed by. However, he secretly raised his head to observe after you passed by. It's really hard to cover up."

Wu Chunyang clenched his fists and whispered: "He should be a spy or a third party. There are grave robbers and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. It is not such a coincidence. Should the section chief capture him and bring him back for trial?"

Zuo Zhong looked at the beggar who was doing his duty in the dark and said with a sigh of relief: "No need, where are we? The big fish is still under the water. I have a hunch that this will be a big fish that is beyond our expectation."

This beggar's behavior is more amateur than that of an intelligence officer, but he is very disciplined and should have a military background. But if the Japanese military is involved, there will definitely not be just one secret sentry. Zuo Zhong is very sure that there is only such a suspicious person nearby.

Non -military personnel, non -intelligence personnel, but can support people with military backgrounds. It seems that the intermediate people are really small, but the small Japanese military is not sold for anyone.

Wu Chunyang looked at Zuo Zhong's bloodshot eyes with a worried expression: "Section Chief, it's time for you to rest. You've been staring at him all day. Don't worry, nothing will happen. I will wake you up if something happens."

Leo Dian nodded. It seemed that he would not be able to leave tonight. He would not choose to hold on. After all, humans are not machines and must have enough rest time.

"Okay, I'm going to take a nap. Everyone should wake up later. Allow them to continue to close their eyes and relax."

After saying that, he found a place to lie down in the room and fell asleep quickly. He was very tired from the surveillance these days. He was indeed very tired.

 The author's words contain spoilers. If you guess correctly, the name of the character in the book.

In his dream, he was on a cruel battlefield, with artillery fire falling like meteors. Strangely, the comrades who fought **** battles with him were not men of the Intelligence Department.

Many whites, Latins, and Asians were shouting something to themselves in various languages. Suddenly, a bomb exploded around them, deafening.



 (End of this chapter)

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