Cicada Moving

Chapter 174: The 30th of the twelfth lunar month (please vote)

Chapter 174 The 30th of the twelfth lunar month (please vote)

Zuo Zhong was sweating profusely in his sleep. He suddenly turned over and sat up, looking frightened. Looking at Wu Chunyang who looked surprised, he asked in a hoarse voice: "What time is it now?"

Wu Chunyang looked at his watch: "It's three o'clock sharp. Everything is normal now. No one comes or goes. The beggar left at one o'clock. I didn't send anyone to follow him for fear of alerting the snake. He will always come back."

Zuo Zhong touched his head. Fortunately, he didn't have a fever. Thinking of what Wu Chunyang said, he got up and said: "Four o'clock in the morning is when the human body is most tired. It's still early, so pay attention."

 After saying that, he walked to the table and took a drink of water, feeling that his burning throat finally felt better.

 Wu Chunyang hesitated again and again and asked a question: "Section Chief, what happened to you just now?"

Zuo Zhong was dumbfounded. How could he say this? Did he tell him that he had a nightmare? He could only say perfunctorily: "It's okay, I just didn't sleep well. I always felt a little uneasy, but I'm okay now."

Wu Chunyang was not a fool, and of course he could hear the insincerity of his words. However, he thought that Zuo Zhong was worried about tonight's actions, so he went over the plan of action for tonight by himself.

Three or four o'clock in the morning is indeed the time when human beings are most easily tired. Even if the agents have undergone strict training, they will cover their mouths and yawn from time to time. It is like an infection. If one person yawns, the rest will yawn. Non-stop.

Zuo Zhong was a little dazzled by staring, so he pinched the bridge of his nose. He glanced at the agents who were dozing off from time to time, but said nothing.

 Following these gophers is indeed a tiring job. Many agents sleep for less than four hours a day. Now they all rely on the energy in their hearts. Your Majesty must pay attention to relaxation and discipline.

Zuo Zhong was thinking about this without moving his eyes away from the night outside. Suddenly, he noticed two black figures in the corner of his eyes, walking along the path.

 “Attention, a guest is coming!” Zuo Zhong woke up the agents softly and took out his pistol.

Wu Chunyang had just gone through the action plan in his mind, discovered some loopholes, and was considering specific remedial measures, when he heard Zuo Zhong's reminder, and he pounced on it silently.

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he watched two sneaky black figures approaching slowly. It was so late at night and his movements were so strange. He couldn't be a serious person, and the thief would not choose to attack on New Year's Eve when the whole family was reunited. The big fish must have taken the bait!

As expected, the black shadow walked around outside the target courtyard. After confirming that everything was normal, he walked to the door and knocked. Soon someone came out of the big house and opened the door eagerly.

There was no other light interference in the middle of the night. The light from the room in the small courtyard shone on the two black figures. The appearance of each other was extremely clear. Zuo Zhong's eyes lit up and he quickly raised the telescope.

Through the telescope, an imposing young man walked into the courtyard under the protection of a short and strong man. Then Bunta Takikawa rushed out like a pug and bowed to the young man, his head wanting to go straight. Knocked to the ground.

The young man waved lightly as if he was used to it. Takigawa Bunta stood up and said a few words with excitement on his face. Finally, everyone walked into the big house again, and darkness returned to the yard.

Seeing this scene, Wu Chunyang swallowed his saliva and said, "Section Chief, where does this kid come from? He has such great power, he can't be the prince of Japan."

Zuo Zhong frowned and shook his head: "Impossible. The little Emperor of Japan has just been married a few years ago. There are no princes in the previous generation who are so young. However, this person must have a distinguished status. I didn't see that Takikawa Bunta was almost lying on the ground. It looked like Maybe it's the Chinese in Japan, and ordinary people don't have this momentum.

It seems that our previous speculations were partly correct. The background of this mysterious third party is indeed very deep, because even the lowest baron among Japanese Chinese has a higher status than a military colonel, a local court judge, and a resident baron. The first secretary of a foreign embassy or the Japanese cabinet secretary are much higher. "

Of course Wu Chunyang knew how powerful the Chinese in Japan were, so he was a little worried despite his excitement: "Chief, if important Japanese figures are really involved, will it trigger a conflict between the two countries?"

Zuo Chong understood what he meant. Japan divided its citizens into royal family, Chinese family, gentry, and civilians. The Chinese family was the aristocratic class second only to the royal family and enjoyed many political and economic privileges. If a Chinese was arrested in the Republic of China, he would still be Being caught for tomb robbing will definitely cause huge waves.

 He looked at the target courtyard, pondered and then asked: "Do you know what the Chinese value most?"

Wu Chunyang subconsciously replied: "Fame?"

Zuo Dian nodded: "Yes, if this young man is Chinese, he will definitely not admit his identity. If this matter spreads back to Japan, not only himself, but also his family will be humiliated. Nobility is unacceptable.

Just follow your plan, but you must ensure the safety of that young man. No matter who he is, this person is of high value. There may be unexpected gains. You have to make this clear to everyone and don't make a move. It's neither light nor heavy. "

How did a suspected nobleman get involved with tomb robbers? The Japanese did not have General Faqiu. Zuo Zhong thought for a long time without any clue, so he and Wu Chunyang stood in front of the window and continued to monitor.

As the sun slowly rises, there are sounds nearby. There are many things going on on New Year's Eve. People get up early to prepare offerings to gods, and those with wealthy families are now preparing for New Year's Eve dinner.

The aroma of various meals drifted into the house along the wind, and the agents' throats twitched. There must be no big fish or meat in surveillance work. They have been making do with what they have to fill their stomachs these days, which is very hard. Zuo Zhong noticed everyone's reaction and smiled: "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements. We will have New Year's Eve dinner here in the afternoon and have a good time together. There will be good things to satisfy your cravings."

The agents were all smiles after hearing this. If they didn't eat something good on New Year's Eve, they always felt like they were missing something. In addition, they still had to perform tasks, so they couldn't help but feel a little emotional. They didn't expect the section chief to care about everyone so much.

Wu Chunyang was also very moved. Thinking of his brothers in other places, he asked in a low voice: "What arrangements did Deputy Section Chief Gu have? Will we alert the target? Or should we evacuate in batches to eat?"

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "Don't worry, all the brothers have plans for today. Besides, we only eat vegetables and don't drink alcohol. Keep your voice low so the Japanese won't notice. You will be on the first shift, and then I will replace you."

The plan was not as fast as the change. Originally, he wanted to go to a few surveillance points to visit his men and boost everyone's morale. Who knew that the tomb robbers would move so fast, so he could only let the brothers eat better.

Not only the agents wanted to have a delicious meal during the Chinese New Year, but the Japanese had also made arrangements for it. Several tomb robbers came out of the yard. The agents who were following them found that they had entered a restaurant, and soon returned with several tables of sumptuous meals. Go to the yard.

Zuo Zhong looked at the grinning tomb robber in the telescope, with a sneer on his face, "Eat. For most people here, this meal is probably the last meal in their lives."

At one o'clock in the afternoon, He Yijun brought the New Year's Eve dinner with a few spies. The reason why they arrived so late was because they walked around Ningbo city several times to repeatedly confirm that no one was following them.

After He Yijun saw Zuo Zhong, he took out a telegram: "Section Chief, this is a telegram from the Chief."

Zuo Zhong looked at his men who were clearing away the dishes, took the telegram and walked aside to read it. In the telegram, Dai Chunfeng did not ask too much about their mission, but was uncharacteristically concerned about Zuo Zhong.

He Yijun looked worried: "What does this telegram mean? Could it be that something happened in Jinling? Do you need me to contact Fu Ling to check? We still have people in Jinling."

In her memory, Dai Chunfeng rarely sent such useless messages. As the saying goes, when things go out of control, there will be monsters, and when people go out of control, there will be swords. He Yijun was worried about any changes, such as official strife.

Zuo Zhong folded the message carefully and thought about it in his mind. He couldn't know anything about what Dai Chunfeng wanted to do. The informants placed in the Operations Department and the Telecommunications Department didn't receive any news.

The only news he received was that Dai Chunfeng visited the special agent's family and was well received. Other departments of the government followed suit, and the lower-level officials benefited. Director Dai's reputation spread like wildfire.

Of course, there are people who hate this, such as the people at the secret service headquarters. They don’t want the famous live Cao Cao, Director Xu, to visit their homes to express condolences, so they all send their young women out of the city.

It should be a sign of goodwill. Zuo Zhong raised his head and smiled slightly: "It's okay. It seems that our Virgos are in a good mood, or something good happened. How is my family? Did the old man say anything?"

Seeing that Zuo Zhong had made a decision, He Yijun stopped talking and said with a smile: "I asked you to rush home tomorrow morning to pay homage to your ancestors. I didn't blame the section chief too much. He should have been prepared for it."

Zuo Zhong sighed: "Okay, I understand. You can eat a little with us here and take the garbage away when you go back. Don't leave it nearby. These bird's nests and abalones are too conspicuous and will reveal our whereabouts."

At this time, the agents had prepared tables, chairs and benches, and the tables were filled with delicacies from all over the world. Zuo Zhong and He Yijun came over, and everyone stood up to receive the lecture.

Zuo Zhong picked up a cup of tea from the table and whispered: "I won't say much else. I hope this operation is safe and goes well. All our brothers can live to see their families. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone."

The agents thought about their families far away, and thought about the uncertainty of life and death tonight. Their eyes were red, and they all picked up the tea and said in a low voice: "Thank you, section chief, for your concern. I hope you can see your family alive. Happy Chinese New Year."

After everyone drank it all, they ate the food in silence. There was only the slight sound of clattering bowls and chopsticks in the room. Wu Chunyang stood by the window and continued to monitor. There must always be someone to keep an eye on the target as the commander of this operation. He does his duty as an official.

Zuo Zhong had something on his mind. After taking a few bites, he put down his chopsticks and motioned for everyone to continue. He walked to Wu Chunyang and said, "Go and eat. I'll keep an eye on you for a while. Eat more. You have to wait until the operation is over to eat again."

Wu Chunyang handed the telescope to Zuo Zhong and nodded: "Someone just came out to collect two basins of water. There is no other situation. I think they will not set off until dark, at least until the New Year's Eve dinner."

Zuo Zhong nodded. That should be the case. No matter how early it was, it would be easy to be discovered. No matter how late it was, there wouldn't be enough time to dig. But the spy hasn't appeared yet. Is he so confident about the other two parties?

 Perhaps the master doesn't mind the treasure? Zuo Zhong had a feeling that things might be different from what he thought. It seemed that the truth would only be known after taking action at night, so just keep waiting.

 (End of this chapter)

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