Cicada Moving

Chapter 176: Take action

Chapter 176 Take action

Song Minghao didn’t understand and asked doubtfully: “Section Chief, you said he is a lookout for the Japanese Navy?”

Zuo Zhong lowered his head: "The lookouts of the Japanese Navy take a lot of vitamins, cod liver oil and other medicines every day to improve their night vision.

This group of people can spot distant bright spots in the dark with the help of weak moonlight. They are also very good at climbing masts and have excellent night vision.

 Stop talking, stay hidden, Chunyang, I will leave it to you next, as I said again, ensure safety and catch all these Japanese in one fell swoop. "

Zuo Zhong said nothing after finishing speaking. Wu Chunyang gave instructions in a low voice. Several agents who were delivering orders lowered their bodies and pressed against the ground to convey the latest orders to the agents lying in ambush around them, preparing for action.

Hashi Fuichiro on the mountain watched the tomb robbers making preparations and couldn't help but marvel. It was amazing that the location of the ancient tomb could be determined just by relying on the terrain and stars without surveying.

He called the tomb robbers who were looking for tombs: "Did you find the locations of these ancient Chinese tombs?"

The man had a sinister look on his face and replied in not very fluent Japanese: "It was a villain who discovered these ancient Chinese tombs. I am grateful to the Viscount for being alive."

Upon hearing this, Sakamoto Yuichi immediately blocked Hayashi Fuichiro behind him, watched the tomb robbers from beginning to end, and shouted: "Baga, you are not a citizen of the Japanese Empire, you are a lowly Korean."

The tomb robber was stunned and nodded: "The villain is from Korea, but no one except me will search for graves."

These words choked Sakamoto half to death. He stared and wanted to hit someone. Hayashi Fuichiro became interested. If he could learn this technique, his trip to China would not be in vain, so he pulled Sakamoto Yuichi away.

 He asked with great interest: "Where did you learn this technology? It's really amazing."

The tomb robber answered honestly: "I learned it from a fortune teller in Northeast China."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Sakamoto Yuichi said, "That's Manchukuo now, not the Chinese Northeast, you bastard."

Having just been defeated by the Koreans, Sakamoto Yuichi was furious. Now that the other party said such politically incorrect words, he naturally wanted to seize this opportunity to teach this guy a lesson.

Hayashi Fuichiro was a little dissatisfied. He took action as a guard without giving any orders. No wonder he was dishonorably discharged from the Navy. He coughed lightly: "Sakamoto Yuichi, I have something to communicate with him. You go to the excavation site and let them hurry up." a little."

Sakamoto Yuichi knew that what he had just done was very rude and impolite, and he did not dare to defend himself. He obediently walked aside to supervise the tomb robbers. Bunta Takikawa, who was watching the show, took the opportunity to come over.

The tomb robber covered his face and continued: "That gentleman is very capable and is good at using burial scriptures and astrology to find ancient tombs. Unfortunately, he died too early, and the villain only learned half of his craft by his side."

After hearing this, Fuichiro Lin slapped his thigh with regret: "Such a strange man died so early. I am really jealous of talented people. It's a pity, it's a pity. If I see this gentleman, I will definitely ask for advice."

The tomb robber didn't know what he was thinking, so he told the truth: "He didn't die young. He lived for more than 80 years and was killed by the Kwantung Army. It is said that he was an anti-Japanese element."

Hashifu Ichiro knew why Sakamoto Yuichi had just slapped the Korean with such a big mouth. This guy was so incapable of speaking and so irritating.

"Your Excellency Lin Fu, our Chamber of Commerce has collected a lot of Chinese Feng Shui books, and I would like to dedicate them all to you." Takikawa Buntawen said solemnly.

Hayashi Fuichiro had just come out of campus. He had never seen such a naked show of kindness. He was a little hesitant and didn't know how to answer Takikawa Bunta.

Takigawa Bunta knew that the viscount was a newbie who had just entered the society and was thin-skinned, so he flattered him and said: "Your Excellency Lin Fu, those ancient books are useless in the hands of us laymen. They can only play their greatest role in the hands of scholars like you."

"Oh? Hahaha, this is really an exaggeration." Hayashi Fuichiro laughed out loud at the praise, and turned his face and said rudely: "Then I will be disrespectful, Takikawa-kun is really a good person."

Takigawa Bunta's face almost froze with laughter. A few ancient books are nothing if he can get praise from a big shot of the Chinese people. Not to mention that this viscount's father is the chairman of Manchuria Railway. If he takes a little care of himself, he can become Real rich man.

The Goryeo tomb robber glanced at the two men and took the initiative to introduce Lin Fuichiro: "Master Viscount, what we are going to excavate now is the grave of Wang Anshi's daughter. There may be a brick tomb with patterned bricks, false doors, false windows, and structural structure. It’s very complicated and the Chinese brick carving craftsmanship is very exquisite.”

 He knew how dark the Japanese people were, and he had to make this young man happy. Otherwise, after the excavation was over, their life and death would be in doubt.

Lin Fuichiro said excitedly: "Yoshi, don't forget the water you prepared. Once such cultural relics are discovered, they must be moistened with water immediately."

The tomb robber bent over and said, "I dare not forget. I have prepared everything according to your instructions. There will be no mistakes."

Takigawa Bunta looked at them with a smile. These stupid guys really thought they could survive. How could things involving big Chinese people be so simple?

Yuichi Sakamoto looked at the tomb robbers with a dark face, and the anger in his heart could not be released. He was dishonorably discharged from the navy, and now he was ordered around by a nerdy nobleman.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He kicked the passing tomb robber a few meters away. The tomb robber struggled twice and fell to the ground unresponsive. This surprised everyone, and the excavation work stopped immediately.

 Grave robbing is very about trust. Many are father-son combinations or brothers who cooperate. They cannot ignore the innocent beatings of their own people. These people are not good people. The picks and shovels in their hands can not only rob tombs, but also kill people when necessary.

Sakamoto Yuichi looked at the surrounding tomb robbers with disdain on his face, and drew his southern pistol: "You untouchables, get out of here, otherwise we will not kill you."

But the tomb robbers were not afraid when they heard this. Instead, they took a few steps closer. How many bullets could be contained in a broken pistol? This guy was bullying people too much, and he had to be taught a lesson. The scene was a little out of control. Hayashi Fuichiro came over with a sullen face and shouted at both parties.

“Sakamoto Yuichi, what are you doing? Have you forgotten who made your family join the pioneering group? After your grandfather went bankrupt, who helped the Sakamoto family escape from the pursuit of their creditors? Get away now.”

"And you criminals, if you are not afraid that your mother and sisters will become skilled women and your father and brothers will become coolies, then go ahead and do it. The Lin Fu family will make them die of exhaustion and thirst, believe me."

Listening to Hayashi Fuichiro's sinister words, the tomb robbers felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on their heads. Even if they were not afraid of punishment, what would their family members in Japan do? They slowly loosened their grip on the pickaxe.

Sakamoto Yuichi is also honest. Without the help of Count Linfu, his family will starve and freeze to death in the Northeast. This is unacceptable.

Thinking of this, he knelt down and said, "Sakamoto is willing to accept the punishment. Please forgive me, Lord Viscount."

  Lin Fuyilang walked to him, helped him up and said: "Father asked you to protect my safety. This is because he trusts you. I hope you will not let him down."

Now that we are still in Chinese territory, Hayashi Fuichiro will not do something stupid like breaking his own arm.

Takigawa Bunta lamented that a tiger will always be a tiger, even a young tiger will eat people. The Chinese people's methods of conquering people's hearts are too powerful.

Sakamoto Yuichi took advantage of the situation and acted like a king and his minister: "Yes, Sakamoto will not let you down."

  Lin Fuichiro raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said to everyone: "Hurry up and you will all get rewards after completing the task, speed up the process."

The tomb robbers remained silent and set up tripods to prepare for excavation. At their feet was the tomb with the richest burial objects. A dozen people took turns digging and were able to quickly dig through the protective layer of the ancient tomb. The soil was transported to the ground through pulleys and tripods.

As the earth master, the Korean tomb robber was the one who moved the first piece of soil according to the rules. After getting permission from Hayashi Fuichiro, he took the pickaxe high and swung it hard under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Greed flashed in Lin Fuichiro's eyes. According to the information from the navy, Wang Anshi was very fond of his daughter who died young. Not only did he write a memorial in his own hand, but he also spent a huge amount of money to build a large Sanhetu tomb. Only this kind of tomb can be used in rainy weather. The humid Jiangnan area preserves perishable cultural relics.


"what sound."

A loud noise interrupted Fuichiro Hayashi's fantasy, and then he saw a blush on the Goryeo tomb robber's chest, which slowly expanded to the entire upper body, and then his body fell down weakly.

 Someone shot?

This makes the Viscount's hands and feet go cold. A good man died like this? It's a pity that the Korean man hasn't told him the secret skill yet.

Sakamoto Yuichi roared and threw down Fuichiro Hayashi who was in a daze: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

This is nonsense. Who didn’t know they were attacked? The tomb robbers were very clever. Without saying a word, they threw away the easily reflective iron products on their hands. They took off their outer camouflage and revealed their gray night clothes. In the dark night This color is easier to hide than black, and you can escape with a tacit understanding.

Sakamoto Yuichi was still warning the people around him hoarsely, but he forgot that he was no longer a navy, and he had no teammates to support him. He was a good soldier, but not a good bodyguard.

Takigawa Bunta was a little flustered at first, but soon came to his senses. He found that everyone had remained quiet, and only the Viscount's guard was shouting. This was simply asking for death.

Thinking of the horrific consequences of Hayashi Fuichiro's death in Ningbo, he resisted the urge to urinate and crawled to Sakamoto Yuichi, covering his mouth: "Stop screaming, do you want to call those who attacked us? We need Retreat quietly."

In the darkness, Sakamoto Yuichi blushed. He was not afraid just now, but subconsciously wanted to call for support, but now was not a good time to explain this matter. He carried the silent Viscount behind his back and slowly walked into the woods. go.

As long as he can enter the woods, he can hide and escape by relying on the complex environment. Hayashi Fuichiro must not die, at least not by his side. The expression on Sakamoto Yuichi's face is firm.

 But just as he was about to step into the woods, a voice sounded: "Turn on the lights!"

Countless lights lit up, and the woods were filled with men with guns, looking with interest at Sakamoto Yuichi, Hayashi Fuichiro behind him, and Takigawa Bunta who was lying on the ground with his **** in the air.

 “Section Chief, the operation went smoothly.”

“Well, a bunch of tomb robbers, an unprofessional bodyguard, a profiteer, and a noble son can all fail. You go somewhere else.”

The next moment, Zuo Zhong watched the agents rush down the mountain like tigers and into the enemy. They subdued the tomb robbers with three punches and two kicks. He only encountered some trouble when dealing with the strong man carrying the young man on his back.

However, under the attack of more than a dozen elite agents, the other party screamed and disappeared into the crowd.

"The preliminary hearing is here. It's just nine o'clock. I just have time to go home after the trial." Zuo Zhong yawned.

 (End of this chapter)

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