Cicada Moving

Chapter 177: Hot in pants

Chapter 177: Hot in pants

Hashi Fuichiro felt that he had a nightmare, and he was discovered by the Chinese.

It’s really ridiculous. His whereabouts were kept very secret, and the preparations were all handled by the local Japanese Chamber of Commerce. He only arrived in Ningbo from Shanghai on the day of the operation. How could the Chinese find out?

He slowly opened his eyes, and then slowly closed them again. Why were there so many people holding torches looking at him? Hayashi Fuichiro felt that he must not have woken up yet. It must be like this.

Zuo Zhong sat on the tree stump and looked at this big man who was hiding his ears with great interest. Seeing that he was still pretending to be asleep, he raised his chin and motioned to Wu Chunyang to help him wake up. This was very rude of him.

Wu Chunyang nodded, walked to Lin Fuyilang with a smile, raised his right foot and stepped on his finger hard. The red finger suddenly turned blue-white, and a huge pain hit him.

Tears flowed from the corners of the Viscount's eyes. He could not open his eyes. This was not a dream. He had really fallen into the hands of the Chinese. As the direct heir of the Lin Fu family, he could not reveal his identity.

As long as they bite the bullet, those tomb robbers and Yuichi Sakamoto will never dare to reveal his identity. Their families are all under the control of the Lin Fu family.

In the great pain, he vaguely remembered the samurai education he had received as a child. Hayashi Fuichiro hypnotized himself over and over again. Perhaps because his fingers were numb, he found that the pain was indeed reducing.

 So after being tortured for a while, Hayashi Fuichiro's body reaction stabilized, at least his trembling thighs that were in pain no longer trembled.

Zuo Zhong noticed this situation, yawned again, and asked angrily: "Wu Chunyang, have you not eaten again?"

Hearing this, Wu Chunyang did not dare to refute. He lowered his head and looked at the Japanese at his feet, ready to do something serious. Although the conditions in the field were simple, he could still find useful tools as long as he thought of a way.

“Go and make me some wooden nails. Today I will drive them into this guy’s nails one by one.” Wu Chunyang turned around and said to the agents.

Zuo Zhong shook his head. His interrogation skills were still too rough, and he didn't understand what it means to be a rare item. A rare item is a rare item if it is intact. If the item is damaged, it is worthless. It seems that he has to take action himself.

He clapped his hands and said, "Come on, hang this gentleman naked on a tree and carry him to the city during the day, so that the people of Ningbo can see the tomb robber."

Although he hasn’t interrogated other people yet, Zuo Zhong still found some clues through the items on the young man’s body. This guy is really Chinese, and the dazzling golden family crest on his wallet is particularly conspicuous.

For this so-called aristocrat, face is more important than anything else, even more important than life, so attack based on the weakest link that the other party cares about most.

Sure enough, Hayashi Fuichiro was so frightened when he heard this. If something like this happened, even if his father only had him as his legitimate son, he would not recognize an heir who had been visited by the Chinese.

"Hashido sack." He stood up suddenly and said in Japanese: "Viscount Hayashi Fuichiro of the Imperial Japanese Empire, demands to be treated in a manner consistent with his status."

Wu Chunyang's eyes widened, what? The Japanese viscount is really a big shot. According to the section chief, a baron is comparable to a military colonel, a cabinet secretary or something like that.

Then they captured a Japanese general today, and this credit is as great as heaven. He stared at Fuichiro Xianglin, as if he saw a large piece of gold, and it was still shining.

Zuo Zhong was sitting on a tree stump. When he heard that this guy was still so arrogant at this stage, he lowered his head and picked at the ground. Finally he found a stone that fit his hand. He got up and walked over slowly.

Hashi Fuichiro looked at this young man who was about the same age as himself. Although he always had a smile on his face, he felt inexplicably afraid.

 Zuo Zhong stood opposite Hayashi Fuichiro, looked at him condescendingly, and asked: "Tell me your name, age, superior, and mission."

Hashi Fuichiro licked his lips nervously and said stiffly: "I am a viscount, and I demand to be treated in line with my status. This is international practice."

Zuo Zhong asked again expressionlessly: "What is your name, age, superior, and mission?"

Lin Fuyilang was anxious: "I told you, my name is Lin Fuyilang, and I want it."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a stone. To be precise, he was interrupted by a stone hitting his head. Blood poured out instantly.

"Viscount Lin Fu, right? It has to match his status, right? It's international practice, right? Do you want me to find some Japanese Kabuki for you?" Zuo Zhong taunted while hitting his head with a stone.

 The stone hit Lin Fuyilang's head again and again, which made Wu Chunyang a little worried. It would be a pity if this guy died. In fact, Lin Fuyilang's vitality was very tenacious and he was very sober.

Zuo Zhong just wanted to give the Viscount a blow, but he wasn't really planning to kill him. His actions looked violent, but in fact he didn't use much strength.

This viscount is definitely closely related to the Japanese intelligence system. The purpose of this strange tomb robbery must be clarified.

Zuo Zhong threw away the stone, took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood on his hands, then took out his silver cigarette case and took out a cigarette. Song Minghao, who had just arrived from the outside, sped up and rushed to help Zuo Zhong light it.

Zuo Zhong took a puff of cigarette, spit out the tobacco foam in his mouth, and asked: "How many mice were caught?"

Song Minghao took back the kerosene lighter and said with a grin: "Four of them, one is dead."

Wu Chunyang thought for a while, with a relaxed look on his face: "That's it, the numbers are right." It was his first time to command such a big mission. Although his opponent was an amateur, there were many matters involved. He just found out that someone had escaped. , he was still a little worried, but fortunately the outside interception was successful.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong stubbed out the cigarette butt, put it back in his pocket, walked up to Hayashi Fuichiro who was covered in blood, and asked calmly: "Let me ask you for the last time, your name, age, superior, and mission?"

Ichiro Hayashi was really scared and kept talking: "Ichiro Hayashi, I am twenty years old and have no superior. I am a student at the Archeology Laboratory of Tokyo Imperial University. My teacher is Professor Hamada Kōsaku. I am coming to your country. Archaeological Japanese scholar.”

 He ​​consciously told the truth. These people may be the local police. As long as he made it clear, there should be no danger. After all, he was innocent.

Zuo Zhong sneered and gave him a slap in the face: "Archaeology? Do you really do archeology like this? You neither informed the National Government nor the local government. In the middle of the night, you brought a group of Japanese tomb robbers and colluded with the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. Taking advantage of the lax security on New Year’s Eve to rob my country’s ancient tombs.”

It was really not that the Yellow River was not dead. I thought it could be confused. Now I understand that the culprit of the whole thing is that the Japanese voice in front of them. The Japanese Chamber of Commerce should cooperate with the purpose of shooting, but that spy?

 Lin Fuyilang was a little stunned by the slap. He touched his teeth and found that they were a little loose, which made the Viscount a little angry.

"What I said is true. Although this archaeological operation was not approved by your country, it is a public security case. I request self-bail and ask you to abide by the laws of your country." He suddenly shouted.

Zuo Zhong, Wu Chunyang, and Song Minghao looked at each other, and then laughed happily.

“Hahahaha, Mr. Hayashi Fuichiro, you misunderstood, we are not the police.” Zuo Zhong wiped the tears from his eyes, it was so ridiculous.

Lin Fuichiro was stunned. These people were not Chinese police, but legendary bandits. Oh no, he shouldn't have revealed his identity. The other party would definitely blackmail him now.

But as long as we can leave China, it will be fine. When the time comes, let my father send people to kill all these guys, especially the young man who is the leader. Lin Fuichiro's eyes reveal murderous intent.

He adjusted his mood, forced out a smile and said: "I can spend money to redeem myself. As long as you let me go, you can get a huge fortune, enough for you to spend a lifetime."

Zuo Zhong smiled half-heartedly. This viscount was so childish and ridiculous. Which bandit had nothing to do on New Year's Eve and kidnapped a group of tomb robbers.

He put away his smile: "Okay, no time to talk in circles with you. We are the intelligence agency of the National Government. Mr. Lin Fuichiro, you were arrested for being involved in an espionage case. There is no arrest warrant, and there is no trial until the case is over. "

Lin Fuichiro's head was buzzing. Of course he knew how serious the espionage crime was, and he had even seen photos of Mantetsu's secret service executing spies. But he was just an ordinary tomb robber. How could he be related to the espionage case? .

He shouted loudly: "There must be a misunderstanding here. You are mistaken. I am really a scholar here for archaeology and have nothing to do with spies."

Zuo Zhong smacked his mouth again, held his neck to the tripod, pointed at the corpse on the ground and asked: "Then how do you know there are ancient tombs in Xiaoguan Mountain? Don't tell me, this guy also found it by observing the sky at night. of."

Hashi Fuichiro was speechless. He wanted to tell the whole story, but when he thought about the military forces behind the incident, he lost the courage to speak.

Zuo Zhong directly pushed him to the ground, turned around and ordered to Wu Chunyang: "All tomb robbers will be shot on the spot without trial and executed immediately."

Wu Chunyang originally thought of using the cell in the Ningbo Police Station for interrogation, but this time it was easier. He was almost dead, and of course there was no need for a cell.


The tomb robbers, who were either unconscious or conscious, had no time to beg for mercy, and were kicked to the ground by the wolf-like agents. After several gunshots, there was no movement.

Poor Yuichi Sakamoto, an elite Japanese navy man, had no time to leave a last word and was shot to death on Xiaoguan Mountain in a coma as a tomb robber.

 The president of the Japan Chamber of Commerce, Bunta Takikawa, was very calm and showed no expression on his face. He just felt a little warm in his pants after his bladder was loosened.

Hashifu Ichiro's face was splashed with blood from being shot, and the warm and moist feeling suddenly made him wake up. What about the military, what about the Imperial Viscount, only people's survival is the most important.

“I said, it was my father who contacted the navy’s intelligence organization, and they told us that there were ancient tombs in Xiaoguan Mountain. I didn’t know who he was.

 My teacher Kosuke Hamada is a great tomb robber. He is currently robbing tombs in Manchuria, no, in the northeast of your country. I can be a witness.

There is also a Manchurian Railway Group ship picking us up at the pier. The original plan was to meet us and go directly to Guandong Prefecture. These are all true. "

Japanese Naval Intelligence Organization?

Zuo Zhong pondered, this was similar to his judgment. The spy's mission was indeed that. It was a pity that Lin Fuichiro didn't know the identity of the other party, otherwise he could have been arrested. But who was Lin Fuichiro's father? He could actually command the naval intelligence organization. , and can also be met by Manchurian Railway Group ships.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong changed his tone and whispered softly: "Hurry up and help Mr. Viscount get up. Mr. Lin Fu and I need to talk quietly. You all should go away and don't disturb us."

Dial the number in the car and send it on time.



 (End of this chapter)

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