Cicada Moving

Chapter 181: Stealing books 1

Chapter 181 Book Stealing 1

Zuo Zhong walked out of the bedroom, stretched out while looking at the clearing sky. He had been busy all night yesterday and drank a lot when he came back in the evening. He had not been so relaxed for a long time since leaving Jinling.

 The day's plan lies in the morning. He exhaled a white breath, expanded his chest and began to exercise.

 After arriving at the Secret Service, Zuo Zhong developed this good habit and persisted for more than a year. His body flexibility and physical strength have made great progress, which is the basis of mobility skills.

The servants had cleared the snow in the yard early, and carefully spread a layer of coarse sawdust on the ground to prevent slipping. Zuo Zhong started running around the small yard, thinking in his mind.

The problem between the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and the tomb robbers has been solved. The only thing left to deal with is the unexpected Japanese spy. Gu Qi has sent people to target him. If this person retreats after hearing the news about the tomb robbers, the Intelligence Division can arrest him at any time. .

If the spy did not run away, Zuo Zhong decided not to arrest people yet, because he had to do something before closing the case, such as dealing with Zhou Wenshan and Liu Juan, directors of the Ningbo Party Headquarters Investigation Office, otherwise Director Chen's people would really think that he was Zuo Zhong. It's a soft persimmon.

The other party has provoked him again and again, and he has endured it for a long time. Now he has done his best. This time he wants to do something big. He wants to make Director Chen and Xu Enzeng frightened and call a truce.

Zuo Zhong ran for more than a dozen laps and engaged in another set of grappling. His body gradually became warmer. The heat evaporating from his body met the cold air, causing wisps of white mist to appear above his head and behind his back.

An old servant walked into the yard carrying a basin of steaming hot water and reminded in a low voice: "Young Master, it's almost time, it's time for breakfast."

He stopped then, walked to the hot water, wrung out the towel soaked in it, and slowly wiped it from his forehead to behind his ears and neck. He used the military skills taught by his big brother Ban Jun. After exercising, he used hot water to wipe the towel. Rubbing the face with water can stimulate qi and blood.

Zuo Zhong was wiping when there were a few crunching sounds of snow behind him. He did not look back, nor did he stop the movements of his hands, as he asked.

"Have things been done? If it's done, go ahead as planned and act more realistically."

"Yes, the news has been passed on. Section Chief, do you think she won't come?"

“A rat that has seen the bait cannot control its instinct, so wait patiently.”

Gui Youguang nodded after listening. Liu Juan is a very greedy woman. If she gets an opportunity, she will definitely seize it with all her strength. It just depends on when she takes the bait.

Zuo Zhong put the towel into the basin and said to the servant: "Send the breakfast to my study and tell the master and others that I will not go to the front.

You don’t need to leave the house today. I’ll ask the housekeeper to give you three times the wages. You’ve been working in my Zuo family for more than ten years, so you know the rules. "

"Yes, young master." The old servant didn't even raise his eyes and didn't ask any unnecessary questions.

Zuo Zhong took Gui Youguang to the study. The table was filled with documents and photos. In the photos, the kind-hearted old monk stood out.

Gui Youguang grinned and asked: "Section Chief, I still don't understand, how can you be sure that their target is the study room? Do you have spies somewhere?"

Zuo Zhong glanced outside the room and said with a smile: "I have been working in the study since I came back. No matter how stupid the people here are, they will find out this information."

Gui Youguang was speechless, and at the same time he felt sad for the people in the party investigation room. The fact that the section chief had been acting out for such a long time to deal with them was considered a sign of good deeds from their ancestors. At least they would die faster. No pain.

Zuo Zhong walked to the record box, picked out one and put it on the gramophone, turned on the switch, and the trendy songs from Shanghai came out.

 “Everyone loves the fragrance of roses.”

 “The roses are in bloom and everyone picks them.”

Listening to the song, Zuo Zhong burst out laughing: "It would be quite appropriate for the Secret Service Headquarters to use this song as their debut song. They are all a bunch of idiots who think below their belts."

 Gui Youguang smiled after thinking. The section chief was always humorous and his metaphors were vivid. The sweet singing continued to play on the gramophone.

 “The bright red and white colors are enchanting.”

 “I pick flowers as I like them.”

In another part of Ningbo City, Liu Juan was sitting in front of the makeup mirror, dressing up, and lying on the bed behind her was Zhou Wenshan, who had no more desires.

Zhou Wenshan leaned on the bedside with a cigarette in his mouth. He tilted his head and asked, "Liu Juan, do you remember what I told you before? Bring your mini camera and take pictures of the documents in Zuo Zhong's study."

Listening to his feeble words, Liu Juan's mouth showed a trace of ridicule, but when she turned her face it turned into a sentimental expression: "I know, you promised me that as long as this matter is done well, you will help me clear the case." , say what you say and do it.”

Zhou Wenshan patted his chest and promised: "A word once spoken is hard to follow. I, Old Zhou, keep my word." Liu Juan felt helpless. If she hadn't made a mistake and been deceived, she would have been a landowner in the countryside. How could she have done it? So embarrassed.

She twisted her waist and walked to the window, putting her head on Zhou Wenshan's chest: "Wenshan, how about you take me as your concubine? I will listen to you in everything."

Zhou Wenshan was startled when he heard this, and quickly pushed her away: "This joke is not allowed. My cousin, who calls Jinling Director Xu, if she finds out about our affairs, don't talk about you, even I will." If you are unlucky, this will definitely not work.”

The farmer's traitor, a flat -looking rural landlord, if not to let her monitor the progress organization and Zuo Duo, she would have found a reason to kill her, and wanted to be a little concubine.

Liu Juan's face darkened, she was silent for a long time and asked a question: "What exactly does Zuo Zhong do? Will it be dangerous for the Zuo family to let me go this time?"

Zhou Wenshan's eyes were wandering and he said perfunctorily, "You are the section chief of an agency in Jinling. My brothers and I will be responsible for picking you up outside the door."

Liu Juan knew that this man was not telling the truth. Why was the party investigation office interested in a section chief's documents and why it used a miniature camera? Could it be that Zuo Zhong was a senior official.

As for the response, it was even more empty talk. Zuofu was not a small family, and its restaurant alone was bigger than this courtyard. If he was in danger, even if he screamed at the top of his lungs, the outside world would not hear him.

 But she still smoothed her hair and said in a gentle tone: "Then everything depends on you. I will help you get the documents. You wait until I come back."

Zhou Wenshan bared his yellow teeth and leaned over with a stinking mouth: "If this thing comes to pass, I might be able to go to Jinling to see the world. Then you can follow me. It will be in your interest to keep it."

Liu Juan's eyes lit up. This was a new situation. Even if she couldn't be an upright official wife, she wouldn't mind being a black market wife.

But after glancing at the clock, it was almost time for an appointment with Zuo's family. Liu Juan pushed away Zhou Wenshan's dirty hands, rolled her eyes and straightened her clothes.

Her current status is that of a progressive student. Whether the Zuo family believes it or not, she must look like a student on the surface and cannot be like a half-closed door.

Zhou Wenshan was dissatisfied and told him unhappily: "You can find a rickshaw to go to Zuo's house later, smiley face. That Zuo Zhong is very cautious and can't show off his mistakes, so go quickly."

Liu Juan left with her schoolbag. Half an hour later, she appeared at the door of Zuo's house. The concierge heard that it was the young master who had made an appointment and did not dare to neglect, so he quickly asked the maid in the inner courtyard to lead her to the backyard.

Last time, she came in a hurry and left in a helter-skelter manner, with no chance to appreciate them. Now looking at the carved beams and painted buildings of the Zuo family, Liu Juan's eyes turned to envy and jealousy, and she lamented that God was unfair.

Why can the Zuo family enjoy a life like gods, and the little girl Zuo Duo, she doesn't have to worry about her livelihood since she was born, how can she know the pain of a little person like herself.

Finally, the maid stopped outside a small garden, bowed slightly and said, "Miss, my eldest young master has not seen anyone when he is doing official business. Please wait for a moment, I will go in and report first."

Liu Juan pretended to be polite and nodded, watching the maid go in and disappear around the corner. She took out a book from her bag and started reading, looking like an educated young woman who wanted to make progress.

In the attic in the distance, Song Minghao observed with a telescope and said: "This woman's disguise is very professional. She doesn't show any difference in front of others. If I hadn't read the confession, I would never have thought that she would be investigated by the party." Room people.”

Wu Chunyang closed the wooden window slightly. This woman had no professional training, but her talent was so great that even some professional spies could not match her. She would not be able to capsize in the gutter and find someone spying on her.

After handling the details, he turned to Gui Youguang and asked: "For such a powerful person, you must have spent a lot of money to buy her information, right?"

Gui Youguang shook his head and said: "A table of food and a little cash will total less than a hundred yuan."

Song Minghao and Wu Chunyang looked at each other and took a breath of cold air. Director Chen's people were such bastards. The personnel information was leaked out so brazenly. It was really chilling.

Song Minghao expressed his thoughts: "Fortunately, our Secret Service does not have such people, otherwise."

He did not continue, but everyone present knew what it meant. This information not only contained personal information, but also included information about family members and friends. If the Japanese got this kind of information, you can imagine what they would do.

Liu Juan finished reading the book on progress and frowned slightly. It was clear that Zuo Zhong had invited her to Zuo's house today, but she treated him so lightly.

But thinking of Zhou Wenshan's advice, she suppressed her anger. There must be a reason why Zhou Wenshan valued Zuo Zhong's study so much. But Zuo Zhong had just returned to Ningbo. The two people had no grievances. Why did Zhou Wenqiang ask him to steal the other party's documents? .

Liu Juan rolled her eyes, feeling that this matter might have something to do with Director Xu, Zhou Wenshan's wife's cousin, because this man and Zuo Zhong were both in Jinling, and she was afraid that the two had a grudge.

She wondered if she could get some benefit from it. Zhou Wenshan, a small sampan, could not withstand the wind and waves. It could pause but not stay for a long time. Wouldn't it be great if she could catch a ride on Director Xu's big boat?

 (End of this chapter)

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