Cicada Moving

Chapter 182: Stealing books 2

Chapter 182 Book Stealing 2

"Miss, my eldest young master invites you to come in. Just walk down this path and you'll be there."

The maid from before came back at some point and pointed to the courtyard and whispered to Liu Juan.

Liu Juan was refreshed. Whether it was Zhou Wenshan or Director Xu, if she wanted to gain their trust, she had to take pictures of the documents in Zuo Zhong's study.

"Thank you very much." She thanked the maid with a smile and walked into the small garden.

Liu Juan no longer had the intention to look at the magnificent buildings around her. She was thinking about how to lure Zuo Zhong away later. However, she thought of several ways but was rejected by herself. She was afraid that it would not work.

 Relying on beauty is very unreliable. Not to mention Zuo Zhong's bad attitude towards her that day, Miss He beside her is not comparable to her.

 Relying on talent, she is the section chief of Jinling Yamen. What kind of celebrities have she never seen? Zuo Zhong would not take a poor student like her seriously.

But before she could think of a way, Liu Juan found that she had reached the deepest part of the yard. Zuo Zhong was standing in the yard looking at her with his hands behind his back. His eyes were extremely sharp, which frightened Liu Juan.

Before she could speak, Zuo Zhong smiled and joked: "Miss Liu, right? Why are you frowning? Did you finally remember the money you owe my Zuo family?"

Liu Juan was not angry when she heard this. Instead, she smiled sweetly and said, "If a big shot like Mr. Zuo calls a little girl here, he can't ask for an account."

Zuo Zhong gave a thumbs up: "You are really not simple. No wonder you can run from the countryside to Ningbo. It's a pity that your idiot husband is here."

Liu Juan's expression remained unchanged. Poor people have no secrets in front of rich people. It would be easy for the Zuo family to investigate her past, as long as her secret identity in the party investigation room is not exposed.

 She came slightly closer to Zuo Zhong, her body stood slightly sideways, showing her most gentle side calmly, and said in a coquettish tone: "Mr. Zuo, as long as you give your orders, Liu Juan will obey you in everything."

"Haha." Zuo Zhong sneered: "Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. My sister is still a little unwilling to give up. You can find an opportunity to disband that vanguard group, and you can count it."

Liu Juan immediately shook her head: "This is really impossible. Although I am the leader, I have no power to disband this organization, unless Mr. Zuo can let people from the Ningbo Police Station arrest everyone in the group."

"Okay, I guarantee that all members except you will be at the police station within three days. If you finish this matter, I will give you one thousand." Zuo Zhong made a decision directly and stretched out a finger.

Liu Juan's expression changed. One thousand is not a small amount. The Zuo family is really willing to give up for Zuo Duo's future. Can she ask for more? Anyway, she has decided to board Director Xu's ship. Even if she deceived the Zuo family, What can the Zuo family do?

Thinking of this, she pretended to hesitate and glanced at Zuo Zhong, who seemed impatient. The lion said loudly: "For three thousand yuan, I promise to disband the Patriotic Pioneer Group and destroy all the written records left by Zuo Duo in the organization. No future trouble will be left behind.”

Zuo Zhong didn’t hesitate: “Deal.”

Liu Juan, who was about to bargain, didn't expect that it would happen. She would earn three thousand yuan?

The next moment, she was filled with regret and wanted to give herself a slap in the face. For a rich man like the Zuo family, what was the difference between one thousand and three thousand? She should be more cruel.

Seeing Liu Juan's hesitant expression, Zuo Zhong was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly warned: "The human heart is like a snake swallowing an elephant. Be careful if you lose your life."

He sneered secretly, let alone three thousand, thirty million can be burned to this stupid woman.

Liu Juan felt a shiver in her heart. The Zuo family is not someone to be trifled with, so she should just accept it as soon as she can. A bright smile appeared on her face: "As for Mr. Zuo, three thousand is enough. I will definitely help you handle it."

Zuo Zhong nodded arrogantly, and just as he was about to continue speaking, he was interrupted by a shout.

 “Section Chief!”

  A bald man hurriedly ran in from outside the yard. In such a cold weather, his head was covered with sweat, which showed the visitor's anxious mood.

Liu Juan looked on coldly and saw the bald man whispering something to Zuo Zhong. Zuo Zhong's expression changed from dull to surprise, and then turned into uncontrollable ecstasy. What happened?

After listening to this, Zuo Zhong was about to say something, but he thought there was another guest here, so he hesitated and said to Liu Juan: "Just wait here and don't move around. You will be paid later, but remember that the Zuo family's money is not easy to get. You must do what you promised.”

 After saying that, regardless of Liu Juan's reaction, she hurried away with the big bald head.

Liu Juan was pleasantly surprised at first, and then became confused. What a coincidence, she just wanted to go to the study to secretly take photos, and Zuo Zhong happened to leave for something. Could it be a trap?

 But will Zuo Zhong know his identity? Liu Juan was not sure. At least Zhou Wenshan said that her identity was top secret information. Only a few people in the entire Ningbo Party Headquarters Investigation Room knew her details.

Moreover, even if Zuo Zhong knew her true identity, how could he know that his target was the study room? He was not a magician who could figure things out. Liu Juan thought about it and felt that the problem was not serious, so she could take action.

Looking at the deserted courtyard, Liu Juan swallowed nervously and raised her ears to listen to the movement around her. It was very quiet. It seemed that there were no servants from the Zuo family cleaning here, so it was a rare opportunity.

She walked lightly to the house in the courtyard and looked inside through the glass. These houses had bedrooms and living rooms. One of them was filled with books and a large desk.

This should be Zuo Zhong's study. Liu Juan did not move rashly. She carefully observed the direction of the courtyard door and made sure that no one was there. Then she carefully opened the study door and walked in quietly. After entering, she ran directly to the desk. She had to complete the task before Zuo Zhong came back. If she was blocked in the room, it would be a luxury for her to even go to the police station. How ruthless are the methods of such rich people in dealing with opponents? She heard too much.

In order to save time, Liu Juan took out a miniature camera from her small schoolbag as she walked. But when she walked closer, she felt cold. There were no documents on the desk, only common pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

After all, she was not a professional spy. She immediately panicked when encountering such an unexpected situation. Zhou Wenshan clearly said that Zuo Zhong was working in the study. Did he put the documents away every time he went out?

Liu Juan gritted her teeth and forced herself to calm down. She stood on the spot and looked around. The study room on the left side was quite large but the furnishings were simple. In addition to the desk and bookshelf, there were only a few low cabinets.

Her eyes lit up, she quickly walked to the low cabinet and squatted down, opened the cabinet door directly, and then she turned pale and fell to the ground.

There is a small safe in the low cabinet. The German sign on it is very conspicuous. This is not something that a half-hearted spy can open.

Liu Juan gasped for breath and forced herself to sit up. Still not giving up, she looked at the safe carefully and turned the handle with her hand to confirm again that the thing was very solid and could not be opened at all.

She closed the cabinet door gently and stood up. She turned back to the paper basket next to the desk. She just seemed to see some messy garbage inside, hoping to find some clues from it.

In the attic in the distance, Zuo Zhong laughed as he watched Liu Juan sneaking into the study.

“Did you see it? This little mouse took the bait. It looks like one of its claws is very long. They even have their eyes on me in my house.”

Wu Chunyang and Song Minghao didn't say anything. These people were always busy doing business, and they were all good at plotting and plotting.

 Gui Youguang's face showed a fierce look: "It must be Zhou Wenshan's fault. I should have killed this **** directly on the way to Taibai Mountain."

He has always been worried about letting go of the party headquarters investigation room that day. With his temper, he would just blame the bandits after killing him.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him and said calmly: "Bandits appeared in the leader's hometown in broad daylight. This incident will slap someone in the face. I know you have good intentions, but can you use your brain more?"

Gui Youguang scratched his head and stopped talking. Only when Zuo Zhong said this did he realize that there were so many doorways in the middle, so Zhou Wenshan was lucky.

Wu Chunyang was worried and asked: "Section Chief, can that woman find information? After all, she has not received professional intelligence search training."

“Don’t worry, she’s smarter than you think.” Zuo Zhong glanced at the time: “The time is almost up, too much is too late, let’s go as soon as there is light.”

After saying that, he and Gui Youguang walked downstairs, but when they arrived outside the courtyard where Zuo Zhong lived, the pace of the two of them became faster and faster and seemed extremely urgent. The heavy footsteps could be heard far away.

Zuo Zhong calculated the time in his mind and controlled his speed as he turned into the small courtyard. As expected, Liu Juan did not disappoint him, and she was standing there with a slim figure.

Liu Juan grasped the handle of her small schoolbag tightly and wiped the sweat from her palms. She had just finished reading the information and walked out of the study when she heard the movement outside.

When Zuo Zhong saw her, his face showed a hint of relaxation and suspicion at the right time, and he pretended to wink at Gui Youguang. Gui Youguang walked towards the study with a sullen face, as if he was going to kill someone.

Liu Juan gave a wink: "Mr. Zuo is really a noble man and has many things to do. It is not a gentleman's behavior to make a lady wait for you for such a long time."

Zuo Zhong said nothing, staring at her intently. It wasn't until Gui Youguang came out of the study and nodded that he said coldly: "I won't stay with Miss Liu much today. There is something urgent at home. You can come over in a few days." Withdraw money and remember to get things done.”

There was something going on at home. Liu Juan knew the reason for his anxiety. If she hadn't seen those torn documents and photos in the wastebasket, no one would have thought that the eldest young master of the Zuo family was actually a spy, and a member of the legendary Secret Service. Section Chief, no wonder you act so cautiously, but it’s a pity that you met yourself.

She put aside what she was thinking and said gently: "Since Mr. Zuo doesn't have time, let's see you another day."

 “Send Miss Liu out.”


Zuo Zhong watched Liu Juan and Gui Youguang disappear from sight and clapped his hands.

“You two, come out, let’s see when that idiot Zhou Wenshan takes action.”

Wu Chunyang and Song Minghao walked out of the side door with smiles on their faces. They really wanted to see the excitement when the time came. The show must be exciting.

Outside the Zuofu Gate, Zhou Wenshan hid in an alley, looking in the direction of the door and looking at his watch from time to time. Just when he thought the mission had failed, Liu Juan was sent out of Zuofu.

Zhou Wenshan recognized that the bald man who gave her away was the Secret Service agent he met in Taibai Mountain. Seeing Liu Juan walking slowly, he felt happy. This was a great achievement!

 (End of this chapter)

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