Cicada Moving

Chapter 183: fishing

Chapter 183 Fishing

Director Xu had so many elites under his command, but none of them were able to take advantage of Smiling Tiger. He, Zhou, used a little trick to get Zuo Zhong's documents.

The position of Director of the Investigation Section of the District Ningbo Party Headquarters is no longer worthy of him. The secret service headquarters or the bureau headquarters is his next stop.

That is Jinling, the best place under the emperor's feet, the most fertile place in the world. If you fish a little, you will have endless food and drink in your lifetime.

The more Zhou Wenshan thought about it, the more excited he became. Seeing Liu Juan approaching slowly, he rushed out and dragged her into the alley, his greasy face full of excitement.

Liu Juan was thinking about how to get on Director Xu's ship. When she was pulled like this, she thought she had encountered a robber, and she almost screamed in fright.

Zhou Wenshan covered her mouth and asked in a trembling voice: "Did you get the picture? Did Zuo Zhong notice? Why did it take so long to come out?"

Liu Juan forcefully opened his hand, straightened her collar and rolled her eyes at him. She is no longer the Liu Zhaodi she used to be. A small character like Zhou Wenshan won't be able to carry her shoes in the future.

She held her head high and said, "No."

 “Okay, just take the photo, okay?”

Zhou Wenshan stopped talking to himself. The stone in his heart fell from his throat to his stomach, and then flew straight out of his stomach. His eyes suddenly turned blood red, and his whole body felt bad.

Liu Juan was not afraid to see him looking like he wanted to eat people, and said calmly: "I did not take any pictures, but I remembered the contents of the documents and photos, which involved a big operation of the Secret Service. It’s more about a Japanese spy.”


Zhou Wenshan shivered when he heard this. The stone that flew out flew back again, directly bringing him back to his senses. What a big move! Japanese spy!

The mission of the Party Headquarters Investigation Section is to eliminate dissidents within the party. It rarely encounters military spies and other professional agents, but this does not mean that the Party Headquarters Investigation Office cannot capture Japanese spies.

The credit is too small, and it is a case that the Smiling Tiger Master caught. The case must be of great importance, if he can stop it halfway.

Zhou Wenshan's eyes rolled wildly, and he quickly made up his mind: "Hurry up and tell me the information. When I go to Jinling, I will never forget the benefits I gave you."

Liu Juan is a woman with a certain skill. She is very suitable to be brought to Jinling as an intelligence agent. As for eliminating the case record, it is impossible. Not to mention that he, the director of the investigation room, does not have the power. Even if he had, he would not do it. There must be something to control a person. .

But to Zhou Wenshan's surprise, Liu Juan closed her mushroom head: "Zhou Wenshan, I only told Director Xu about the information. Don't try to kill me. Zuo Zhong will see me in a few days and touch me." You are just trying to get nothing, do you understand?"

As she spoke, she kept poking Zhou Wenshan's head with her slender fingers and said cruel words in a flirtatious tone, which was the only one Liu Juan could do.

Zhou Wenshan, who had a red dot on his head, was stunned. This stinky woman actually threatened him? Are you still trying to contact Director Xu at the Secret Service Headquarters?

She also didn’t urinate and look after herself. A big shot like Director Xu, not to mention him, even her own daughter-in-law and Director Xu’s cousin could not contact her at will. This woman was daydreaming.

"You are so crazy. If you are smart, hand over the information, otherwise you will be better off!" Zhou Wenshan pushed Liu Juan against the wall, pressed his thick arms **** her neck, and said viciously.

Liu Juan's neck was suppressed, and her face turned red from the suffocation. However, she did not beg for mercy or cry. Instead, a smile appeared on her face, and then she laughed louder and louder, and finally she even cried.

Zhou Wenshan thought he was well-informed, but he had never seen anyone change so much. He still remembered the first time Liu Juan was arrested. He only showed her some torture tools, and she sold the peasant association.

But now she is not only not afraid, but also dares to despise herself. Looking at Liu Juan whose face turned from red to blue, Zhou Wenshan put her down from the wall with a wave of his hand, but immediately gave her a slap in the face.

Zhou Wenshan said angrily: "Liu Zhaodi really has you. I will contact Jinling now. As for whether Director Xu is willing to contact you or not, that is not something I can decide. Are you clear?"

Liu Juan stood up holding on to the wall, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with her hand, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will explain to Director Xu that it was you who commanded the action, and I will never forget you."

Zhou Wenshan put his hands on his hips and gritted his teeth as he looked at this crazy woman. She hunted geese all day long and was pecked by her eyes. His old intelligence was defeated by the yellow-haired girl, but this is already the best result. It is better than nothing. As long as he can Just go to Jinling.

He sneered and said: "The best thing is this. If you dare to cross the river and burn the bridge, I will quit my job as director, and I will pull you to die together."

These words did not scare Liu Juan. She slowly took out a small mirror and handkerchief from her bag, and carefully treated the wounds on the corners of her mouth and face.

Seeing her arrogance, Zhou Wenshan wanted to slap her again, but he had no choice but to swallow his anger and stand aside without saying a word.

At this time, a pedestrian was walking down the street with his pocket in his pocket. As he passed through the alley, there was an inaudible clicking sound in his right pocket.

Zhou Wenshan raised his head alertly and glanced at the entrance of the alley. The pedestrian walked past without any pause, as if he passed by accidentally.

Liu Juan also finished arranging her face, and threw the miniature camera to Zhou Wenshan: "Go and take photos of all the monks at Haichao Temple in Putuo Mountain. When Director Xu is willing to contact me, come back to me." After that, he took care of himself. After walking away, leaving behind a livid Zhou Wenshan, the director of the party investigation office still couldn't hold back and punched the wall.

“Liu Zhaodi, you stinky woman, when you fall into my hands, I will make you look good.”

He spat on the ground and disappeared into the alley. The Smiling Tiger will take action at any time. He must contact Director Xu as soon as possible, otherwise this time he will really be in vain.

 The ordinary pedestrian walked around in a large circle and walked into Zuofu. Finally, he came to Zuo Zhong's study and took out the miniature camera in his pocket.

 “Section Chief, the photos of those two guys.”

Zhong Zuo held a wolf hair in his hand and was drawing something on the paper with his head lowered. He shook his head when he heard the person talking.

“Chunyang, these things are not important anymore. Keep an eye on the actions of the party headquarters investigation room. If the other party shows signs of preparing to go to sea, please notify me immediately.

 Get the boat ready, and set off as soon as the news arrives to watch a good show. This time we are fishing for Jiang Taigong - whoever wants to take the bait, come and have a look. "

 Put the brush away again, stand and admire it for a moment, then put the brush into the jade pen aside to wash it clean.

Wu Chunyang took a closer look and saw that it was a fishing picture. In the painting, it was also the twelfth lunar month of winter. A fisherman was squatting on the ice, holding a fishing rod without a hook in his hand.

He doesn't know how to draw, but he can still tell that the section chief's drawing skills are extraordinary. The young fisherman's face is quite similar to his own, and his movements are expressive, which seems to make people feel the cold weather in the painting.

Zuo Zhong took out a seal from the drawer, rubbed it on the ink pad, pressed it on the corner of the painting, and said with a smile: "Today is your birthday, and I have nothing else to give, so I will give you a painting."

Wu Chunyang's face was full of surprise, not because of Zuo Zhong's painting, but because he didn't expect the section chief to remember his birthday. Although these records were in the files, few officers paid attention to them.

He looked at the painting, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He said with joy: "Thank you, section chief. If you become a high-ranking member of the party and state in the future, this painting will be valuable. I will find someone to frame it when I get back."

Zuo Zhong laughed when he heard this: "Okay, we are making progress together. You go and make arrangements. You must keep an eye on people and make sure nothing goes wrong."

“Yes.” Wu Chunyang saluted and stepped out of the study.

Zuo Zhong looked at his back and said to himself: "Gui Youguang's birthday falls on the first day of the month, so just draw him an Orion."

Xu Enzeng, who was far away in Jinling, learned about the results of the Ningbo Party Headquarters Investigation Room and excitedly danced a waltz in the office.

As for the woman named Liu Juan, can't she support a few idlers in a dignified house? As long as she can attack Dai Chunfeng and that little **** Zuo Zhong, let alone one person, even if she can support ten or eight idlers, that's not enough. Definitely worth it.

Director Xu finished the song and waved his hand to summon his secretary: "Let me take note of it and agree to all the requirements of your department. It is planned to appoint Zhou Wenshan as the deputy chief of the training section and Liu Juan as the chief of the general affairs section of the first division."

Speaking of this, he emphasized: "Let them take action immediately. They must get ahead of Zuo Zhong and send it with a first-class secret message. The news must not be leaked!"

This telegram was quickly sent to a telecommunications room and sent to Ningbo via radio waves. Zhou Wenshan couldn't help himself with excitement when he read the contents of the telegram.

The deputy section chief of a training section, this is a key position in a critical position, and the director of the investigation room is completely incomparable. He was walking around the office holding the telegram in his hand and laughing at the same time. The fate of his yes.

Although he got an advantage over Liu Juan, the deputy section chief compared with the unit chief, it was clear that he had the advantage. Zhou Wenshan felt more balanced. He deliberately forgot that Liu Juan had no position. As a human being, it is rare to be confused. .

But why does this position sound so familiar? He thought for a long time and seemed to remember which internal email he had seen. Unfortunately, he forgot the content. But that was not important. What was important was that he was about to change from Director Zhou to Section Chief Zhou.

He shook the phone and said with a strong voice: "Hey, send someone to invite Liu Juan immediately. Yes, please, you must be polite. If you let me know that you are a talkative kid, see if I don't skin you."

When Liu Juan arrived at the investigation room, there was naturally another good show of surprises. She touched the message that seemed to be warm, and tears flowed down her eyes. From today on, she, Liu Juan, is an upright party and state cadre. .

“Chief Liu, take a look at the photo of the monk at Haichao Temple that you asked me to take. We need to take action immediately. The director is very anxious.”

"Chief Zhou, please take good care of me in the future. My little sister will identify the spy right now and go to Mount Putuo to arrest him tomorrow. Zuo Chong is definitely not that fast."


 (End of this chapter)

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