Cicada Moving

Chapter 185: Beat the dog agent to death (please subscribe)

Chapter 185 Beating the Dog Agent to Death (Please subscribe)

 Gu Qi didn't understand the meaning of murder, but it sounded cruel, and he became curious about how Zuo Zhong dealt with the people in the investigation room.

Zuo Zhong sat in the car and looked at Haichao Temple in the distance, feeling extremely curious and distressed about what the people who had been treated well by him would do if he was caught.

At this time, the action team of the Party Headquarters Investigation Office also arrived at Putuo Mountain. Before the ship docked, the spies surrounded Director Zhou and Chief Liu and occupied the disembarkation port. When they met those who blocked the way, they pushed them away without mercy, causing a lot of damage on the ship. The chicken is flying and the dog is jumping.

Zhou Wenshan had long been accustomed to this, but Liu Juan felt it was new. Seeing the expressions of the passengers who hated and feared her, she felt instantly satisfied.

 The taste of power, this is the taste of power. Liu Juan told herself over and over again that as long as she had the chance, she must climb to a higher position.

As soon as the boat docked, Liu Juan took the lead and walked in the front. Even Zhou Wenshan followed and ate the ashes. When the people around saw this scene, they all speculated who this fake man was.

Envy and jealous eyes were shining on her like searchlights. Liu Juan felt that this was the life she wanted. She just wanted to be in the spotlight. As for being infamous for thousands of years or being famous forever, does it matter?

Zhou Wenshan followed behind with an expressionless face, acting as a qualified follower. He sneered at her vanity in his heart and looked like he had never seen the world. If she saw Director Xu's majesty, he would probably pounce on him on the spot. .

Thinking of this, he felt a little sour in his heart, but then he thought about it, wouldn't he have a friendship with his uncle? This was incredible, and Zhou Wenshan felt a little proud inexplicably.

Thinking about Liu Juan's methods again, he felt that this possibility was very high. Although she was ordinary in appearance, she couldn't help but take the initiative. As the saying goes, a good girl is afraid of being pestered, and this is even more true when it comes to a good man. The same goes for Director Xu, who has been in the limelight for a long time. It seems he needs to coax this woman into a good mood.

He raised his eyebrows and scolded his agents: "You are a bunch of idiots, their eyes are just for venting your anger. Why don't you hurry up and clear the way for Chief Liu?"

His appearance not only shocked the agents' jaws, but even Liu Juan had goosebumps all over her body. What was Zhou Wenshan doing? Could it be that he was attracted by her charm again and wanted to look back? Haha, it's too late. Liu Juan looked at it. A glance at Zhou Wenshan, the once big shot in her eyes.

The group of people from the Party Headquarters Investigation Room were also assisted, but they didn't even think about cars. They rode bicycles to the target. Liu Juan was helpless and glad that she was not wearing a skirt today.

 Suddenly, several American cars passed by everyone, driving at lightning speed, and the strong wind caused the agents to stagger.

 “MD, bah, it’s great to be rich.”

“Children Mazi, I’ll kill you!”

Liu Juan and Zhou Wenshan also almost fell into a ditch and pond on the roadside. This made the two newly wealthy people furious and wanted to shoot immediately.

Before the big man finished his dream, he was woken up by two cars. Liu Juan was ashamed and angry, so she kicked the innocent bicycle off the road.

She put her hands on her hips, pointed at Zhou Wenshan's nose and cursed: "What else can you do? You are the director of the investigation office of the Ningbo Party Headquarters. You can't even arrange a few cars. I think you are really a big loser."

Zhou Wenshan was speechless. If this were in Ningbo, he could have made up ten cars, not to mention one car, but this was Mount Putuo.

He blushed and said loudly: "My aunt, you know how hard it is to send the car to Mount Putuo. This is not something ordinary people can do. Moreover, once the car needs to be transported, the Zuo family will definitely receive the news. What else can we do?" Covert operation."

Liu Juan gritted her teeth, turned around and walked towards Haichao Nunnery. The other agents had to get out of the car and follow. Fortunately, Mount Putuo was not big. After more than an hour of trekking, the investigation room team finally saw the huge gate of Haichao Nunnery.

Zhou Wenshan and the agents were almost in tears. If they didn't get to Haichao Temple again, let alone arrest people, they would almost have no energy to speak.

Liu Juan pinched her waist and panted, pointing to the tall steps and shouting: "First rush in and seal off the Haichao Temple. No one is allowed to enter or exit, and violators will be detained."

The agents' legs weakened and they almost knelt on the ground and threatened to kill themselves. They had just walked such a long way and had to climb a mountain, but looking at the faces of the two officers, they had no choice but to grit their teeth and run up.

Zhou Wenshan couldn't walk at all. When his men ran away, he simply sat down on the ground, the sweat on his head flowing down like water.

Liu Juan walked past him and glanced at him, with a mocking look on her face: "You useless man, don't forget Director Xu's words. If you fall behind Zuo Zhong, neither of us will suffer. Let's leave quickly."

Zhou Wenshan's face turned green and white, and he stood up with trembling legs. He said harshly: "I was afraid that you would be tired, so I went to control the person first. I'm warning you, you said the target was a famous monk, then you Don’t be too over the top when it comes to what you do and say.”

He is an old spy. Although he is useless, he also knows the priorities of things. It is necessary to arrest people. How to arrest and how to deal with them is another matter. Liu Juan is inexperienced and can easily do bad things.

The corners of Liu Juan's mouth were almost tilted to the sky, and she said disdainfully: "Mind yourself, I will identify the target later, and you have to prevent him from jumping over the wall."

Zhou Wenshan was so anxious that he jumped to his feet: "Stop it, you said that a senior monk is a dog. Do you want to be beaten to death by those kind people? We have agreed to pretend that the target is related to a case and politely ask the person away. , have a good attitude and be kind.”

Liu Juan wanted to slap him: "If this matter is not made known to the whole world, who will know about us two little people? Good reputation is also famous, and infamy is even more famous. Do you understand?" Zhou Wenshan He had taken back everything he said, what should he say, say he was afraid? Are you saying that his courage is not as good as Liu Juan? That he cares about face and reputation and doesn't want to enjoy this reputation?

He groaned for a long time, and finally waved his hand: "You can do whatever you want, I'm telling you, if something happens, don't say I didn't advise you, let's go, go find someone first."

The two of them stepped into the temple gate. At this time, the temple gate had been taken over by the spies. They were so tired that they stuck out their tongues, their hands were shaking like crazy, and they were shouting at the monk fiercely.

“You are not allowed to move, the investigation office of the Party Headquarters is working, and those who know the truth are squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, and they are not allowed to talk too much!”

The monks looked confused. They had never heard of what the party investigation room was. However, they recognized the pistol and thought they had encountered pirates and bandits. They squatted on the ground obediently and stared at the benevolent people kneeling on the ground. .

Liu Juan was now on the steps, puffing out her chest and looking at everyone, and said with a strong voice: "Find me all the monks in the temple. I want to look at them one by one. Anyone who dares to practice favoritism and malpractice will be killed. Hurry up." , go in and search now.”

The agents made a promise and hurriedly rushed into Haichao Temple. Unfortunately, the ancient temple, which has been favored by the imperial court in the past, was harmed by a group of gangsters today. Don't expect the quality of these people to be high. The merit box was instantly destroyed. After turning everything over, she didn't know how many masters could be hidden in such a small place. Liu Juan turned a blind eye to them.

When she was young, she walked in the poor mountains and rivers, and later she was mixed with the scum of the people. She knew very well the rules of the world. When people do things, you have to give them benefits or get benefits from them.

Soon, valuable gold and silver instruments, impressive works of calligraphy and painting, and even a bed made of red sandalwood were dismantled and divided. The bandits could not do this. After the agents left, except for Buddhist scriptures, all valuable objects They all disappeared, it was even cleaner than moving.

Zhou Wenshan watched on the sidelines and his head exploded. He saw with his own eyes an exquisite gold medal with an imperial gift stuffed into the crotch of his trousers, and a cassock with a brocaded moire pattern being stepped on. He knew that the situation was complicated. Controlled.

Regardless of the possible friendship with Director Xu, he rushed to Liu Juan, grabbed her collar and shouted: "Liu Juan, are you really crazy? Where is this place? What are you doing?" Those who commit plunder will be beheaded!"

Liu Juan still had no expression on her face. Zhou Wenshan raised his hand angrily and wanted to slap her, but he failed and was held tightly by someone.

Zhou Wenshan turned around to see who was so bold, but what surprised him was that it was his driver. He was an old subordinate who had been with him for several years. Why should he stop him?

 The driver held his hand, lowered his head and whispered: "I'm sorry, director."

Liu Juan took advantage of Zhou Wenshan being grabbed, shook his hand away, and snorted: "Just remember to get the benefits for yourself, they are so poor that they are poor as pants."

One sentence made it clear why the driver dared to resist. Liu Juan ignored the pale Zhou Wenshan and slowly walked among the monks.

 She stopped in front of an old monk with a confident smile on her face: "Master Shen Ku, or I should call you a Japanese spy, right?"

With a bitter look on his face, he was very angry at the spies who looted the temple. Before he could stop him, he was inexplicably accused of being a Japanese spy. What a joke.

He chanted the Buddha's name: "I am not a Japanese spy. I had a few encounters with Lay Buddhist Caiyu back then. The female donor must have misunderstood."

Colored jade? What colored jade?

Liu Juan snorted coldly: "I don't care what kind of affair you have with any girl. Anyway, you can't run away this time. Come with us, otherwise my aunt's pistol will not recognize anyone. Come and take it away!"

Zhou Wenshan, who was stopped at the periphery, heard something about Caiyu Layman. He always felt that it was familiar and seemed to be quite important, but he couldn't remember it.

The surrounding monks and believers were all shocked. Master Shenku was a Japanese spy. It was a big joke. Who didn’t know that Master Shenku was the best to the poor people? He was a real eminent monk.

With such people being unjustly accused, is there any truth in the Republic of China? I don’t know who among the crowd shouted: “Kill the dog spy and rescue Master Shen Ku! Don’t be afraid, there are many of us!”

   Sincerely solicit opinions from all genuine readers and need your help

1. Two-thirds of the subscriptions have been dropped. If you have any comments, you can remind the author. After all, this is the first time to write a novel on the shelves.

2. Is it appropriate to write the anti-theft chapter between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.? Will it affect your normal reading time?

3. Anti-theft is the last resort. It is not necessarily done. At least it will not be done before it drops to a quarter. If you are not willing, then I will follow your opinions and write this book carefully. I will never have diarrhea. .

The birthday update on 4.9.12 is almost ready, and the book club group has been registered, and it will be displayed on the homepage.



 (End of this chapter)

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