Cicada Moving

Chapter 186: Act on behalf of heaven (please subscribe)

Chapter 186: Acting for Heaven (please subscribe)

The crowd, which was already full of anger, was suddenly enraged, especially the enthusiastic villagers who took a bag of rice and the charity people who wanted to get a hundred yuan bonus, and rushed towards the spy.

There were also people holding sticks they got from who knows where. One of them, a bearded man with glasses, was the most excited and rushed directly in front of Liu Juan.

He was heard shouting: "Just do justice to God, I'll beat you to death, you **** spy." Then he hit Liu Juan in the lower abdomen with a stick.

Liu Juan wanted to draw her gun, but the situation was so chaotic and she couldn't find time. She felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen and fainted, falling to the ground.

After finishing beating Liu Juan, Liu Juan grabbed another commoner and whispered: "Let everyone retreat immediately. No one can be left. This matter is serious."


While the two were talking, the agents in the party investigation room were caught off guard and failed to take out their guns. They were scattered and knocked down by the crowd.

 Among the rioting crowd, some strong villagers snatched away their guns and the property they had robbed before disappearing.

Master Shen Ku looked at all this with his mouth open. He knew that he was very respected by the people, but he never expected that these people were willing to fight against the government for him. He was moved to tears for a while.

“All good people, please stop, I am willing to go back with them, Amitabha.”

Deep suffering is unwilling to be affected, and even affects the reputation of the temple.

  When the troublemaking crowd heard this, those who had already planned it ran away quickly, while some continued to attack the agent who fell on the ground with red eyes.

However, due to the large number of people leaving, the situation at the scene quickly stabilized. Seeing that the momentum was not right, the believers immediately ran away.

Looking at the spy with a bruised nose and swollen face, he sighed deeply. The sentiments of the charity people were understandable, but the attack was too harsh. If someone was beaten to death in the temple, many things would be unclear.

He sighed and said to the young monks: "Take care of these donors and help clean up their wounds. Don't let anything happen to them."

The monks were kind-hearted and did not hate the spies because of their previous encounters. They did their best to lift them up and put them in the main hall to take care of them. Only Liu Juan was still placed where she was.

After all, men and women were not close to each other, and the monks avoided her. How could they dare to take care of her? The only way to grieve for the master was to throw a quilt over her from a distance, so that Liu Juan would not freeze to death in the yard.

 After doing all this, I sat cross-legged and waited for the people in the investigation room of the party headquarters to wake up.

Zhou Wenshan hid in a corner and watched secretly. Just now he was blocked from the periphery, and as soon as the bearded man shouted, he knew something was wrong.

Immediately greased the soles of his feet and found a place to hide. Watching helplessly as his agents were beaten and their guns taken away, he was so frightened that he dared not speak out.

Originally I thought Shen Ku would take the opportunity to escape, but not only did he take care of the injured regardless of past suspicions, he also had no intention of leaving. Zhou Wenshan was confused as to whether such a person could be a spy.

They have no evidence to prove that Shenku is related to the Japanese. Everything was said by Liu Juan. She said that she snooped the information from Zuo Zhong's study.

So everyone from Director Xu of Jinling to himself was convinced. After all, it was the spy information that Xiaomianhu personally investigated, and its credibility was very high.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no doubt that Liu Juan made this up out of thin air, or there is a problem with the intelligence. At this time, Zhou Wenshan's mind was unusually clear and he felt that something was wrong.

Liu Juan was lying on the cold ground. She had a dream. In the dream, she boarded Director Xu's ship. She wanted the rain to come and the wind to come. But while she was doing her best, someone poured cold water on her. .

She opened her eyes in shock and anger: "Who dares to insult me? I am Director Xu's thirteenth son."

There is a clear blue sky above your head, and a cloud floats slowly by. This is not a high-end hotel room in Jinling, so where on earth are you?

Liu Juan began to recall what happened before she fell into coma. By the way, she led people to arrest the monk Shen Ku of Haichao Temple, but was attacked by ignorant villagers. And then she had a ferocious beard?

She got up quickly and turned to look around her. All the agents were gone, only the deep-suffering monk with piercing eyes looked at her.

 Oops, Haichaoan is a den of thieves, all the spies were killed! Liu Juan's mind was buzzing when a monk walked out of the hall and brought out a basin of dirty water to clean the wounds.

The red "blood" once again stimulated the suspicious Liu Juan. She touched her arms to take out a gun, but she found nothing. She secretly cursed that she was a thief, and she was really going to fall into trouble this time.

 Shen Ku was a little confused as to why the female agent’s face kept changing after she woke up, but it had nothing to do with him. He decided to surrender and sacrifice himself to protect this century-old temple.

He said calmly: "This female benefactor, I am willing to go with you. I just want to spare the monks in the temple. They have nothing to do with this matter, Amitabha."

Liu Juan's teeth were almost broken. What does this mean? She killed everyone before surrendering. She was still demonstrating to herself, she said stubbornly.

“You can’t kill without a nod, but you can’t humiliate a scholar. If you want to kill me, you can kill me. Come on!”

  After saying that, she closed her eyes. Her refusal to surrender was not because of national integrity, but because she felt resentful in her heart. More than twenty agents could not defeat a group of villagers. Calling them useless was just to flatter them.

Shenku didn't know what she meant. Could it be that she wanted to frame Haichao'an for resisting the law? Just as he was about to open his mouth to explain a few words, a person appeared next to him.

Zhou Wenshan pointed at Liu Juan and cursed: "If the master hadn't thrown a quilt for you, you would have been frozen to death a long time ago. How would you have the chance to talk nonsense like this.

Brothers were all helped into the main hall for treatment by the monks in the temple. You are a woman and it is not convenient for them to help you heal. Please get up quickly. ” ˆ ˆ He felt that this was not to act according to the circumstances, but to act according to the circumstances. Shen Ku’s behavior did not look like a spy. Maybe it was a disguise, maybe it was a misunderstanding. Anyway, he could not let Liu Juan, a woman, do whatever he wanted.

Liu Juan was scolded a lot, and when she saw the secret agent helping him out, she realized that she had gone astray. At the same time, she also had doubts about whether Shen Ku was a spy, but there was no turning back.

She stood up with difficulty, grinned and said to the agents: "Hurry up and ask Master Shenku to get up. We will set off back to Ningbo immediately."

Zhou Wenshan was relieved that the woman Liu Juan had finally learned her lesson. As long as her attitude was better, no matter what the outcome, their responsibility would not be too great.

Of course this is what he thought, but Zuo Zhong thought the matter was serious. He took off the disguise on his face as soon as he got in the car, with a strange expression on his face.

Gui Youguang on the side took off his clothes and asked angrily: "Section chief, you are having fun, why do you want to retreat so quickly? What big trouble could happen?"

 Gu Qi, who was in the driver's seat, was not at the scene. Hearing that something big had happened, he became nervous and quickly asked: "Isn't it the special agents from the party investigation room inside? Are there any important people there?"

Zuo Zhong looked a little gloating: "Something big happened, but it has nothing to do with us. Have you heard of the name Wang Caiyu?"

Gui Youguang patted his head: "The great monk Shen Ku just said that he had a few encounters with layman Caiyu, and he wanted to use this to prove his innocence. Who is Caiyu? Is he very powerful?"

Colored jade?

 Gu Qi repeated it several times. This person didn't seem to appear in Ningbo's information. Maybe it was the name of a family member of a big boss in Jinling.

 He relaxed and said with a smile: "Let the other party have a headache about this, right section chief?"

Zuo Zhong did not answer him, but turned to Gui Youguang and said, "Caiyu is just an ordinary country woman. She has passed away a long time ago. She is not a powerful person, but she has a very powerful son."

It turns out that this is the case. Gui Youguang was a little absent-minded: "So what, it's just a matter of the party department's investigation office not giving Caiyu's son face. It's a trivial matter."

 “Little things?” Zuo Zhong seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

 “Of course it’s a small thing.”

Gui Youguang and Gu Qi both nodded. This kind of thing is normal. At most, Xu Enzeng and Director Chen come out to say hello, and it can be easily solved.

 “Then take your seats.”

Zuo Zhong said slowly: "Labody Caiyu had a son who first entered the Baoding Army Crash Course, and then studied at the Zhenwu School in Japan and participated in the revolution.

After returning to Wuchang, he followed the former president and went to Red Bear to inspect the military and political situation. After returning to China, he served as the principal of Huangpu Military Academy. Does this sound familiar? "

With his introduction, Gu Qi's face turned from red to white, and he began to tremble. Gui Youguang didn't react at first until he heard the words Huangpu Military Academy and pointed in the direction of Jinling in shock.

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded: "Yes, Layman Caiyu is the mother of the Chairman."

Gui Youguang almost cried after hearing this: "That Liu Juan also said that no matter which girl she has an affair with, she will definitely arrest him today."


Gu Qi almost missed it. The Party Headquarters Investigation Office is looking for death. Something big has happened!

Who doesn’t know that the Chairman of the Chairman is extremely filial to his mother, but very few people know the name of the Chairman’s mother. This incident may not extinguish the anger in the Chairman’s heart unless dozens of people are killed.

  You really can’t talk nonsense.

Zuo Zhong was not too nervous. He stroked his chin and thought for a while, then said: "Send people to spread two news on the island. One is that someone has arrested Shen Ku, and the other is that someone has insulted Layman Caiyu. Go quickly."

Gu Qi grabbed his hand and begged: "Forget it, section chief. Getting involved in this kind of thing will cost you your head. Let's go back to Jinling after we catch the spy."

Zuo Zhong patted his hand: "Our mission in Putuo was sent by the Chairman. If this matter spreads, do you think we have no responsibility?

Only by spreading the news can we catch the dissidents who are dissatisfied with the Chairman in one fell swoop. This is a huge achievement. "

 Gu Qi and Gui Youguang's eyes lit up at the same time. Their merit is greater than rescuing Jia. This matter is more meritorious than rescuing Jia. As long as it can be handled properly, then...

The child can be taught, so Zuo Zhong asked Gui Youguang again: "Do you remember what I told you?"

Gui Youguang's face turned red: "Remember, you will be arrested and executed in secret. You won't see anyone alive, and you won't see your body after death!"

"Then why don't you go make arrangements? Why are you so stupid? Remember to take care of Liu Juan for me."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong closed his eyes and leaned on the car seat, and said to Gu Qi: "Let's go too. I hope that person can be wiser and not force me to do anything."

 (End of this chapter)

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