Cicada Moving

Chapter 199: Looking for traces (sixth update)

Chapter 199 Looking for Traces (sixth update)

In the evening, Zuo Zhong and Yang Bai separated. He drove back to the Secret Service Office alone and finished processing the documents for the day. He sat on the sofa and thought about a question: What kind of person Zhang Anren was.

He was certain that there was something wrong with Zhang Anren's identity. Although the other party and Jishi Pharmacy looked very normal, there was nothing wrong with the staff's behavior, reactions, or the layout of the store's furnishings.

Everything is perfect, except that the location of the pharmacy is suitable for intelligence work, and a good lurking location is not inconsistent with a good business location.

What really aroused Zuo Zhong's suspicion was a small thing. At that time, the waiter had a sign saying that medicines would be collected today. Before they came, he was going to hang it at the door. As soon as they came, the waiter was driven away by Zhang Anren. The sign Finally failed to hang up.

The other party did it so naturally that no one except Zuo Zhong noticed it. Even the boy who posted the sign didn't care about it.

  Today's delivery, whether these four words are safe or have other meanings, Zuo Zhong feels that there is no need to go into details. The key is to identify and confirm the identity. If Zhang Anren is a Japanese spy, just delete it without saying anything. If not, it will be dealt with according to the situation.

However, based on his speculation, it is unlikely that Zhang Anren is Japanese. Including Zhang Anren, the accents of the staff at Jishi Pharmacy are complicated, and many of them have southern accents. This is very important.

At this time, the sun had set. Zuo Zhong lit another cigarette, turned on the floor lamp in the room, and began to analyze the situation based on the intelligence and today's situation.

 First of all, selling medicines in large quantities cannot be hidden from the people in the store, unless it is a small number of people selling the goods. Judging from the current information, it is more likely that all employees of the mysterious pharmacy will participate.

The Japanese sphere of influence is mainly in Northeast China, North China and Shandong Province, and the accents of intelligence personnel are mainly from these three places. It is unrealistic for the Japanese to recruit so many intelligence personnel with southern accents.

As for whether the clerk in the pharmacy is a traitor, it is unlikely. It is not a few years from now. There are not so many committed traitors, and the Japanese will not trust Chinese people to participate in selling medicines.

If you are not Japanese, will you be an underground party? Unfortunately, there is no evidence. If you want to confirm this, you have to monitor Zhang Anren around the clock, but this is too risky, just in case the other party is really an underground party.


 “Please come in.”

Fu Ling came in with Gui Youguang, and the two of them saluted. Fu Ling said, "Section Chief, we have checked about Jiren Pharmacy. It has been open for seven or eight years, and its reputation and business are usually good.

The owner, Zhang Anren, is 47 years old this year. He is a senior Hunan official of the Sharen family. His specific experience is unknown. It is known from the side that he does not smoke or drink. A family member once came to Jinling to look for him. It is said that he is his son. "


“February of the 17th year of the Republic of China.”

"Then what?"

 “I returned to my hometown after staying for less than a week.”

Zuo Zhong pondered that after the 16th year of the Republic of China, underground party organizations in various places had lost contact with their hometowns, and the southwest urgently needed to establish new communication channels.

If Zhang Anren is an underground party, the so-called son should be the traffic officer who came to meet him. Considering today's situation, this possibility is very high.

Zuo Zhong picked up the document and read it. It seemed that he wanted to temporarily divert the Secret Service's attention away from the other party. He thought a lot in that moment and found a good excuse in the document.

Looking up, he saw Fu Ling and Gui Youguang looking at him. He shook his head and said, "I have read the information about this Jishi Pharmacy. Most of the drugs sold are low-end commonly used drugs, and the customers are poor people."

Fu Ling and the two knew that if the Japanese were to sell that kind of medicine, with their virtues of sucking their hands even when they touch their buttocks, the price would never be lower than that of high-end cigarettes.

Jishi Pharmacy's customers did not match the customer conditions of the medicines, so they could be basically ruled out. Fu Ling and Gui Youguang were not disappointed. This was a normal investigation and the smooth handling of the case.

Zuo Zhong looked at his watch, stood up and said, "Let's go first, go to the canteen. I have a new idea to discuss with you. Let's brainstorm."

  What is the section chief’s new idea? There was a thought in the minds of these two people. Are they going to make new moves?

Zuo Zhong took the two absent-minded people to the canteen of the Secret Service. It was dinner time. There were many people inside but it was not noisy. The little secret agents lined up neatly with their mouths closed.

Seeing Section Chief Zuo coming to the cafeteria, the surrounding agents saluted one after another, and some wanted to be seated, but Zuo Chong refused with a smile. Fu Ling went to get a few lunch boxes, and the three of them stood at the back of the team.

When the cook saw this scene, he quickly shouted to the kitchen: "Hurry up and take out the braised pork. Chief Zuo of the Intelligence Department is here to eat."

When the chef heard this, he panicked and brought out the warm pork. The agents in the queue were accustomed to this. The richness of the food in the canteen was directly related to whether important officials came to the canteen.

Zuo Zhong frowned when he saw it. Dai Chunfeng valued food very much. The Secret Service was not short of money. According to regulations, each person could eat two taels of meat per day, but how could the canteen bring the meat up after seeing him coming?

Gui Youguang on the side explained in a low voice: "Many brothers have difficult financial conditions at home, so they secretly take meat home, and then go to the canteen to ask for a piece of meat."

Oh, Zuo Zhong understands, the spies are trying to steal the wool of the party-state. He can also understand when he thinks of the soaring prices in Jinling, the golden decade, haha.

“That means our Intelligence Department is doing better, but the lower-level brothers in other departments are having a hard time. It is said that some people are eating out under the guise of eating Overlord meals.” Fu Ling also told some gossip, with a sighing expression.

It has nothing to do with Zuo Zhong if he is not in his position or seeking political affairs. This is Dai Chunfeng's responsibility. However, it is said that he has gone to Nanchang to camp in the past two days. It seems that he still refuses to give up and wants to fight with Wen Yi.

While thinking, it was Zuo Zhong's turn to prepare the meal. The chef had a flower-like smile on his face and almost stuffed a whole pot of braised pork into his lunch box.

Zuo Zhong's taste was light, so he was a little annoyed by this, but the other party meant well and it was inconvenient for him to say anything, so he gave away all the meat to Gui Youguang. The three of them were discussing in low voices while eating. The tables and chairs around them were largely empty. Some agents did not dare to get close to Zuo Zhong even if they were standing in the corner.


The door of the cafeteria was pushed open, and Gu Qi, Song Minghao, and Wu Chunyang led people in. Zuo Zhong looked up and waved for them to come over.

 Gu Qi asked the little agent to get food, and he led the people to Zuo Zhong: "Section chief."

  Left and heavy, he patted the seat next to him: "Sit down, you guys have just come back. It's been really hard work."

Gu Qi sat down and smiled bitterly: "Who knew there were so many pharmacies in Jinling? We were busy from morning to dusk today, but we only checked more than twenty."

Song Minghao complained even more: "It cannot be investigated through the police station. The data verification work this time is too difficult. Sometimes we have to spend money to buy information."

Wu Chunyang didn't complain, but looking at the dusty leather shoes on his feet, you knew that he was very tired today and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

Zuo Zhong smiled, held a piece of tofu in his hand and said, "Don't worry, we have a meeting after dinner, and the rest of the work can be easier."

Gu Qi and others didn't ask any more questions, just picked up the food brought by the little agent and ate it. Feng Zhuan Canyun finished the dinner and everyone returned to the conference room together.

Gui Youguang was the most anxious. Before he could sit down, he asked: "Section Chief, what do you mean by the new idea you just mentioned? Are there any new clues to be announced?"

Zuo Zhong did not directly answer Gui Youguang, but asked a question: "Everyone is seated. I want to ask you what your impressions are of people who eat tobacco. You can speak freely."

 Everyone discussed in a low voice for a while, and took turns expressing their opinions, starting with Gucci.

He recalled: “In the early years, several relatives who were not happy with the food ate it, and they felt groggy all day long, yawning and shedding tears at every turn.

Later, the elders of the clan were ruthless and tied them up in the ancestral hall. They were not given food or drink unless they could get rid of their tobacco addiction, but they all died of starvation. "

After Gu Qi finished speaking, everyone said something, many of which were human tragedies they had witnessed with their own eyes, and summarized these actions.


 “Have a bad temper.”

 “Steal, cheat, gamble.”

As Zuo Zhong listened, he wrote on the blackboard in the conference room, and finally dusted it off: "What do you think of when you see these? Just tell me your first reaction, and don't mix in any intelligence or information."

The subordinates stared at the words on the blackboard with wide eyes. Zuo Zhong stood aside with a tea cup and waited for another ten minutes before walking back to the main station.

He looked around and said, "How about it? Tell me what you think. I'm all ears."

The conference room became lively now, and everyone expressed their thoughts, but Zuo Zhong kept shaking his head, obviously not satisfied with the answers.

In the end, Gui Youguang became anxious: "These **** are not human beings. Apart from doing bad things everywhere, what else can they do? Chief, just tell me."

Zuo Zhong put the teacup on the conference table and clapped. This confused everyone, especially Gui Youguang. Did he say something just now?

Seeing that they haven't reacted yet, Zuo Zhong stopped talking in circles and said with a smile: "Only Gui Youguang got to the point just now, that is, these people who eat cigarettes have no sense. As long as they get addicted to cigarettes, what will happen?" Can do it all.

This is still tobacco. What if it is a new type of pill from the Japanese? Have you seen what the gangsters in Xiaobailou in Jiaxing look like? They are so aggressive when using drugs. If they take drugs, they will only become crazier. Isn’t that true? "

 Gu Qi and others are even more confused. What Zuo Zhong said makes sense, but Jinling is so big, you can't just look for crazy people everywhere. This is more difficult than trying to find a platoon.

Zuo Zhong sighed and threw a map on the table: "You guys, you should use more divergent thinking. If they do bad things, no one will call the police. These records are in the police station.

 might with an inspection of pharmacies and the security situation in Jinling can no longer be conducted publicly? Go to the police station and get back the security records for half a year, focusing on cases of unprovoked attacks and cases where the perpetrator is insane. "

Now everyone understood. Gu Qi slapped the table in annoyance. Since he couldn't find the owner, he should check from the signs. Why didn't he think of such a simple truth? He had to ask the section chief to remind him.

Seeing that they understood, Zuo Chong said decisively: "Find the drug-related cases, mark out the high-incidence area, take the high-incidence area as the center, and inventory all pharmacies within a three-kilometer radius.

The initial customers of the mysterious pharmacy must be nearby residents. No one will go far away to buy ordinary medicines. Considering the high price of medicines, you should be particularly careful around wealthy areas. "

Happy birthday, myself.



 (End of this chapter)

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