Cicada Moving

Chapter 200: District 6

Chapter 200 District Six

Jinling City’s police stations, large and small, have been having a headache recently. The Secret Service went crazy and took back all the police records for the past six months.

Everyone has something to say about this. Some people think that the Secret Service is going to go on a killing spree. Even Bai Wenzhi asked Zuo Zhong in a circumstantial way several times.

As a police officer in the Republic of China, some people could not be touched, and some could not be asked. In the end, the case was settled, and they had no choice.

If we were to pursue the case, at least half of the Jinling police would have to die. The entire police station system was in panic. In order to quickly make up for their mistakes, the gangsters were in bad luck and were arrested by the gangsters.

Zuo Zhong followed Section Chief Yang and Bai Wenzhi every day to extort money and extort money from pharmacies in the city. For this, the three of them earned a reputation as drugstore killers.

The party-state elites in other groups followed suit, causing the entire city of Jinling to be in a smoky atmosphere. Many shops simply closed down if they could not show their respect.

However, this group of people is very particular. There is nothing wrong with a group of people each responsible for an industry. For example, the pharmacy industry is tacitly assigned to inspection and supervision by Zuo Zhong and others.

These days, Zuo Zhong's hands are weak when it comes to collecting money. He is not going to touch the money, and is prepared to hand it over to the underground party people when they have the opportunity, just like these businessmen crowdfunding for the future of New China.

Although the money was not lost, there were no clues about the suspicious Japanese drugstore, and there were no problems with the drugstores checked. It seems that we have to wait for news from the police station.

 The drugstore killers came out of a store again. Deputy Director Bai smiled and put a wad of money into his coat pocket, which was another income of several hundred yuan.

 Bai Wenzhi sincerely hopes that this new life movement will continue, preferably for decades, and by then his Bai family will have no worries about food and drink.

Chief Yang’s smile didn’t stop: “The Chairman is so considerate. He knew that we people were having a hard time, so he gave us this opportunity.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and agreed, ready to praise the bald head a few words, and refresh his loyal character from time to time, so that others would believe him.

But at this moment, someone across the street made a secret gesture to him. Zuo Zhong pretended to have abdominal pain and said, "You two, Zuo needs to go to the toilet first."

Bai Wenzhi and Section Chief Yang were settling accounts. Without raising their heads, they waved their hands and walked into the alley beside the road, finding a dead end that was convenient for observation.

There is no time to do complicated anti-tracking actions now, and we are in Jinling, the home of the Secret Service. We just need to make sure that no one is following us behind us.

Gui Youguang followed him into the alley. He did not report the situation immediately. Instead, he stood at the entrance of the alley and waited for a while, listening carefully to what was going on outside.

Until it was confirmed that it was safe, he whispered: "Section Chief, according to your order, we found only one place where such cases are prone to occur."


“District Six.”

 District Six, Zuo Zhong understood a little bit. It was a high-end residential area provided by the Republic of China government for government officials to live. According to the Kuomintang's capital plan, the largest residential demonstration area was also to be implemented.

Last year, a large-scale construction project began in District 6. Many independent garden houses were built. In addition, many embassies and consulates from many countries are also located here. The residents are either rich or expensive, which is very suitable for the customer group of pharmaceuticals.

For this reason, Zuo Zhong and the others did not go there to supervise. Who knows who is behind those pharmacies? Now we must go and see.

Zuo Zhong immediately made a decision: "Leave one-third of the manpower to continue improving basic intelligence, and two-thirds of the manpower will be concentrated in the Sixth District for reconnaissance."

"Yes, what should you do, section chief?" Gui Youguang felt that there was no need to proceed here.

Zuo Zhong said in an official tone: "What should I do? Naturally, I will strictly supervise the implementation of the New Life Movement in accordance with the chairman's requirements."

Chasing the Sixth District is not a trivial matter. He had better not come forward in this matter. He needs to find a scapegoat. Yang Ke is cunning and difficult to fool, and Bai Wenzhi has a bad temper and is a good person to take the blame.

Even if he had to make the proposal in the end, these two enemies would not be in vain. If something happens, there will still be two people who block the gun. It will depend on whose teacher, whose principal, or whose fellow villager is more powerful.

Zuo Zhong separated from Gui Youguang, with an angry look on his face, and hurried out of the alley to find Bai Wenzhi and Section Chief Yang, and scolded them on the spot.

“TMD, these unruly people really don’t know what’s good and what’s good. The New Life Movement is the chairman’s century-old plan. How can it be discussed by these idiots?”

His words were so confusing that Bai Wenzhi and Section Chief Yang felt baffled, but it sounded like the common people were scolding them, which was okay.

Bai Wenzhi held the banknotes in his hand and said majestically: "Chief Zuo, where are those gangsters? I'll ask my men to arrest them all.

Is it easy for us to make some money? We can earn hundreds of dollars of hard-earned money by walking so much every day. It is simply unreasonable to even scold us for this. "

Zuo Zhong was furious and said: "I heard someone talking outside the toilet. When I go out, I won't see people anywhere. They will have disappeared."

He also said in a weird way why he didn't go to the Sixth District to check, and he only dared to attack small people like them, calling us weak and cowardly. "

Bai Wenzhi had been in the army for several years. After arriving at the police station, everything went smoothly. He had a very bad temper. How could he bear being so insulted by the people?

He put the banknotes in his pocket and said, "Damn it, I don't believe it anymore. Today I'm going to the Sixth District to stroke the tiger's beard and see who dares to be bold."

Only Section Chief Yang felt that Lao Bai might have gone crazy, so he quickly persuaded him: "Brother Bai, calm down, we are just looking for money, we don't want to offend those big shots."

As for you, Zuo Zhong was afraid of getting into trouble, so he quickly added fuel to the fire: "Lao Yang, don't be afraid, we are executing the instructions of the Chairman. Whoever disobeys the Chairman is contemptuous of the Chairman, and contempt of the Chairman is contempt of the government. Anyone who defies the government is suspected of being an underground party member and should be punished.”

These words were well-founded. Section Chief Yang was speechless, but just thinking about the officers who lived in the Sixth District, he felt a cold sweat break out on his back.

He laughed dryly and said: "Oh, I forgot that there are some things to deal with in the ministry, and I can't delay it. Why don't you two go, and I will go back first."

Zuo Zhong has a strong background, Bai Wenzhi has the support of his old friends in the army, and Yang Wei only has a director as a back-up, so he must not interfere with this kind of thing.

How could Zuo Zhong let him run away? We all share the blessings and the hardships. He grabbed him and said, "Old Yang, the three of us are in this together. If you don't go, others will misunderstand that you, Old Yang, are greedy for life and afraid of death."

 After saying that, he put his arm around Section Chief Yang's shoulders and carried him towards the car. In front of him was the aggressive Bai Wenzhi, who kept calling the two of them to hurry up.

The kidnapped Section Chief Yang was on the verge of crying. What a misunderstanding. He was really greedy for life and afraid of death. No wonder no one wanted to be friends with these spies.

Who can bear it if the black pot falls on his head if he is not careful? But now, if he leaves by force, he will offend Zuo Zhong and Bai Wenzhi.

The three of them got into the car, Bai Wenzhi stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away. Zuo Zhongsheng dragged Section Chief Yang. Now they were grasshoppers on a vine.

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Section Chief Yang didn't want to be buried with these two bastards, so he had to work hard and finally came up with a good idea.

“You two, let’s investigate, but firstly, we must not find faults, secondly, we must not take the initiative to collect money, and thirdly, we must have a good attitude, and we must not just check the kitchen.

Maybe take a look and leave. As for the comments from outside, let’s let it out and say that every drug store in the Sixth District has given a lot of contribution.

These pharmacies will not come out to deny it. After all, one more thing is worse than one less thing. When other unscrupulous people hear the news, they will naturally pay the money. "

Zuo Zhong looked at Section Chief Yang with admiration and said with emotion: "You are really a **** talent. Okay, this is a good idea. What do you think, Lao Bai?"

He just wanted to check the Sixth District. It didn't matter how he checked. Lao Yang was a good person. He had no enmity or enmity with him, so there was no need to push him into a trap.

Bai Wenzhi, who was driving, waved his hand: "No problem."

Section Chief Yang breathed a sigh of relief. If he offended the Sixth District Pharmacy all the time, today would probably be his last day in Jinling.

The main road in Jinling is in good condition, and it is not a rush hour. The car quickly reaches District 6. The scenery here is completely different from other districts in Jinling.

There are sycamore trees, small western-style buildings, and shadows dancing on the quiet streets. A girl with long hair is riding a bicycle, and the jingling bells are ringing.

Zuo Zhong looked at this scene through the car window and felt that the scene here was in line with the imagination of fans of the Republic of China. But when he looked up, he saw either arrogant foreigners or potbellied officials of the Republic of China.

As for the ordinary people, haha, the black skins patrolling the streets will teach them how to behave. Anyway, Zuo Zhong didn't see the beggars everywhere in Jinling City.

The car stopped in front of a drugstore called Hendry Pharmacy. This is the largest drugstore in District 6. It is a partnership between a foreign shareholder and several young men.

Bai Wenzhi said he was arrogant before, but as soon as he saw this luxurious door, his legs began to weaken, and he thought why did he listen to Zuo Zhong's words.

Zuo Zhong looked at Deputy Director Bai who was in a daze and pretended to persuade him: "If Director Bai is afraid, then our brothers can go back. It's okay."


Bai Wenzhi coughed and said, "It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy. Let's go in and have a look first. I think what Section Chief Yang said is very good. We really need to have a better attitude to avoid others saying we are unreasonable."

 After saying that, he walked in first, with Zuo Zhong and Section Chief Yang following behind him, like two little followers. Zuo Zhong also looked helpless, as if he was being forced to come.

Half an hour later, the three of them came out with smiles on their faces, especially Yang and Bai. The folds on their faces could kill a fly. They were so excited.

Hengdeli’s manager was very polite. Not only did he cooperate with the work, but he was even more polite. Before leaving, he gave each of them a large Northeastern ginseng.

 Bai Wenzhi had a big belly and said in a loud voice: "Did you see it? This is the difference between a big shot and a bad person. What's the matter with a few dollars? I don't need to pay when I come to Hengdeli to get ginseng."

Zuo Zhong agreed with his face and removed Hendry from the suspect list in his mind. There was nothing suspicious here. Now he could get rid of these two people and go it alone.

In fact, without Zuo Zhong opening his mouth, Section Chief Yang, who was half frightened to death, spoke: "Director Bai, Section Chief Zuo, it's not that we don't want to show you face. I really have to go back to the ministry. Let's talk about supervision later."

"Yes, I'm going back to the police station too. We are so far apart, so we can supervise separately in the future." Bai Wenzhi said what was in his heart.

Since you can make money in the name of a supervisor, everyone should find their own way. How much you earn depends on your own ability, so that no one can take advantage of him.

Zuo Zhong was naturally eager. He mentioned the ginseng and said with a smile: "Okay, let's do our own thing. This can also improve work efficiency."

 “Hahaha, yes.” Bai Wenzhi and Section Chief Yang were satisfied.

 (End of this chapter)

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