Cicada Moving

Chapter 201: cramp

Chapter 201 Cramps

Yang Bai couldn't wait to leave. Zuo Zhong was strolling around the Sixth District and happened to encounter a theater after a performance. He decisively walked in against the flow of people.

Zuo Zhong walked into the hall and stopped for a moment to observe. At this time, most people were going out, and there were very few people coming in. It was easy to detect whether someone was following him.

The back was very clean. He walked back to the roadside at a normal speed and got directly into a car. This was Gucci. Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang were picking him up.

As soon as he got into the car, Gu Qi turned around and asked, "Section Chief, how will the next action be carried out?"

Zuo Zhong lowered his body and said the plan: "You and Gui Youguang will accompany me to make up for reconnaissance, Chunyang will lead people to guard the perimeter, and the car will circle twice more."

Gu Qi smiled and said: "Section Chief, you have promoted me. Those who can come out to supervise and inspect are the chiefs of key departments of important agencies."

Wu Chunyang interjected: "Our Secret Service is one of the most critical points. Deputy Section Chief Gu, it's not overstepping your bounds to check. Your status is very suitable."

Zuo Zhong also made a joke: "Work hard, maybe I'll leave and you'll have to support this stall, Lao Gu. Do you have your IDs with you?"

He, Bai Wenzhi and Section Chief Yang had not met anyone who wanted to check their IDs before. Now that he and his men were wearing makeup for investigation, they naturally had to be prepared.

While driving, Gui Youguang took out a stack of IDs from his arms: "I have them all ready. I have IDs from the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior and various departments of the Executive Yuan."

Gu Qi gave professional advice: "Youguang is tall and has military aura. It is best to use the ID of the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior as it is more credible."

He has rich experience in using fake documents, and he rarely carries the ID of the Secret Service. Today he is a small section chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the day after tomorrow he is the director of the Control Yuan. He is a bit paranoid about being persecuted.

Zuo Zhong took out a Ministry of Foreign Affairs ID: "Exchange and familiarize ourselves with the new identity information. From now on, we will only use false identities to call each other."

 After speaking, he took the IDs of Gu Qi and Gui Youguang and looked at them for a few times. Memory is the basic skill of intelligence work, and these dozens of words were not a problem for him.

The three of them quickly memorized the content and used the new names when they spoke again. The car turned and drove into a remote road. Gui Youguang patted Gui Youguang on the shoulder, and Gui Youguang stopped the car.

This is a small road with no residential areas on both sides and only one government office. It is not yet time to get off work, so there are very few pedestrians coming and going.

 When all the people nearby were gone, another car slowly drove up. When the two cars intersected, Wu Chunyang got in and the car quickly drove away.

 Gu Qi got out of the car and stood at the back of the car to cover Gui Youguang. After changing the new license plate, the car slowly turned around and drove towards the first reconnaissance target.

Gu Qi held the information in his hand and asked: "There are 22 large pharmacies, 43 medium-sized pharmacies, and 34 small pharmacies in the Sixth District. Where to start?"

Zuo Zhong picked up the map and studied it, pointing to a location: "Go here, the intelligence shows that this pharmacy has the best business. It dares to sell such a large number of medicines. It's not okay if the business is not good.

  When you enter, I will be in charge of the lobby, Director Liu will be in charge of the warehouse, and Sergeant Zhang will be in charge of surveillance. Please note that the enemy will be very ferocious this time. If there is anything wrong, you must wait until you leave before communicating.

If the other party dares to sell medicines in Jinling City with great fanfare, the person in charge of the mysterious pharmacy must be a bold guy. Once he senses that something is wrong, he is likely to choose to take action. "

Gu Qi and Gui Youguang nodded seriously. They did not dare to be careless when it was a matter of life and death. Gui Youguang pulled out a pistol from his calf and loaded it with one hand to check. Gu Qi even pulled out two pistols, which stunned Zuo Zhong.

But I soon felt relieved. If there was a firefight at close range, not to mention two pistols, even two submachine guns would not be safe. It was better than nothing.

The car drove onto the main road, drove along the main road for a while and stopped at the side of the road. Zuo Zhong and the others got out of the car, put on their armbands, and walked in naturally.

"Is the manager here? We are the New Life Movement Promotion Association, and we are here to check the health situation." Zuo Chong shouted, temporarily acting as his younger brother.

 The manager of the pharmacy hurriedly came up to him. He had heard in the past few days that there were several pharmacy killers going around extorting money. It seemed like this was it.

He walked outside the counter and saw a young man, a mighty middle-aged man, and a short man. Just like the legend, they were these bastards.

The next moment, a bright smile appeared on the manager's face: "Hello, sirs, please come to the back with me to talk. I have already prepared it."

These words were a bit strange. Zuo Zhong and the others winked and followed him. Gui Youguang quietly approached Zuo Zhong. He decided to cover the section chief and fight out as soon as there was danger. As for Gu Qi, wish him good luck.

 Another half hour later, the three of them walked out carrying large and small bags. Next to them was the attentive pharmacy manager. The four of them were chatting and laughing very affectionately.

 “Send it here, manager. The hygienic condition of your store is enough to set an example for the new life.” Zuo Zhong applied Deputy Director Bai’s words here.

Not to mention, these words really worked. The pharmacy manager laughed so hard that his eyes went out. He insisted on putting them in the car and watched the car drive away before leaving.

Zuo Zhong looked at the rearview mirror and asked, "Is there anything suspicious?"

Both Gu Qi and Gui Youguang shook their heads. Gui Youguang spoke first: "No, I just looked at the guy's performance and his reaction and tone are normal."

Gu Qi then said: "The area of ​​the warehouse meets the storage conditions, but there are no traces of that kind of medicine in it. Maybe I didn't find it." Zuo Zhong drew a cross on the notebook: "This company can basically be ruled out. This company has a good business. It’s because the doctor sitting in the hall is famous, not because of the medicine.”

The three of them stopped talking. The platooning was a protracted battle. It was better to save some energy. Maybe you would not find out that there was a problem until you got to the last one.

 In the next half day, Zuo Zhong and the others checked six large pharmacies in order of decreasing business status, but found nothing suspicious.

Either the warehouse does not meet the requirements, or the business conditions are normal, or the boss’s personal background is very clear, and there is no possibility of imposter.

"Section Chief, why don't you look at two or three more pharmacies? Try to see the large pharmacies in one day tomorrow, and start excluding medium-sized pharmacies the day after tomorrow." Gucci suggested.

The case has been taken on for several days, but there are no clues. The difficulty of the case is comparable to the detection of the Japanese spy radio case, and Gu Qi can't help but feel a little worried.

Zuo Zhong looked at his small notebook and said without raising his head: "Go back to the office directly and see the progress of Fu Ling and Song Minghao. There may be a pharmacy that is not on the map. We can't rush to solve the case."

After hearing this, Gui Youguang smiled on his face. After stepping on the accelerator and brake for a day, his legs were almost stiff, but soon he could no longer smile.

His legs suddenly cramped. If his left hand hadn't grasped the steering wheel quickly, the car would have rushed into the crowd. This is the downtown area of ​​District 6, where pedestrians are either rich or expensive, and a big accident would be over.

Zuo Zhong reached out from the back seat and held the steering wheel to pull the car to the side of the road. Gui Youguang endured the severe pain and shifted the gear to neutral and stepped on the brake pedal.

 Gu Qi signaled to Wu Chunyang's team behind him, and the several cars that were preparing to come to support did not stop and drove in other directions.

Soon a group of onlookers gathered nearby. Zuo Zhong walked to the driver's seat, opened the door, and took off Gui Youguang's shoes for disposal.

“I’ll massage your calves, you can break your toes, and you can wash your feet.” Zuo Zhong felt dizzy, the smell was too strong.

 Gui Youguang even burst into tears. It wasn't that he couldn't bear the pain, but the cramp was too severe this time and the muscles in his right calf were beating violently.

After a long time, his symptoms finally subsided slightly. Gui Youguang wiped the sweat from his head and said, "Thank you, section chief. Damn, this is really weird."

Zuo Zhong gave him a slap on the head: "You kid, I told you several times that Director Liu and I would drive. If you insist that you are not tired, something will happen now. Get out and wait in the back seat." "

 Gui Youguang jumped out of the car with one foot, got into the back seat with Gu Qi's support, and Zuo Zhong drove the car quickly towards a nearby hospital. It was unusual for a well-trained spy to suddenly have a cramp.

He said while driving: "I'll check this today, and we'll discuss it when we go back. Maybe Ding Shaolan and Lu Wenbao's information is wrong, or my inference is wrong, and there's something wrong with it.

Now I have the courage to go see a doctor. I heard that there is a serious disease that can cause cramps. It must be checked out. Good health is the most important thing. This is also in line with the Chairman’s expectations for a new life. "

Listening to Zuo Zhong's words, Gui Youguang's expression was uncertain, because this was not the first time he had cramps. He occasionally had symptoms of soreness and weakness in his waist and knees, as well as joint pain. It couldn't really be a terminal illness.

Zuo Zhong looked at the pale Gui Youguang in the rearview mirror and snorted coldly. He told this kid to pay attention to his hygiene but he refused to listen. He must be scared.

There was a hospital near the incident, which was quite large and well-known. Zuo Zhong drove the car directly outside the lobby. The nurse saw Gui Youguang holding his legs in the back row and quickly pushed a wheelchair.

“Director Liu, give me a hand.” Zuo Zhong shouted.

Gu Qi hurriedly put Gui Youguang's arm around his neck, and worked with Zuo Zhong to help the person into the wheelchair. Gui Youguang was immediately pushed away by the nurse.

"Please wait here, please, and pay the fee if necessary." A doctor next to him came over and asked with a smile, his attitude was very kind.

 Left nodded, drove the car to the parking lot, and returned to the hall to sit on the bench with Gu Qi, watching the patients and family members coming and going.

Maybe it’s because he is getting older, Gu Qi said with emotion: “There is really something wrong with him.”

Zuo Zhong laughed and patted his arm: "Director Liu, you are still young. If you are not so sentimental, we still have a long time to come."

The two were talking when suddenly they heard someone shouting: "Killing!"

Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi's expressions changed, and they immediately stood up and followed the sound. When they reached the scene of the incident, Zuo Zhong's heart beat suddenly.

 A young man's eyes were dull, his mouth was drooling, and he was roaring. He wandered aimlessly and attacked everyone in sight.

There was chaos in the corridor, and people fled in panic. A few doctors and nurses were lying on the ground silently, and they didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

 (End of this chapter)

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